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given, being found too heating, and instead of the beans, a small addition is made to the quantity of oats. Half a pound of salt is giv en to each horse, divided into two portions; one given on Saturday night, and the other on Sunday, which so given, purges moderately.

Dr. Sully, of Wivellscomb, Somersetshire, England, has been very successful in feeding horses. He has adopted the following mode of treatment and has persevered in it for 30 years. His horses work hard, and are always in good condition. In his stables there are no racks to hold hay, as he considers it a wasteful method of feeding; and that the horses when they have command of their heads, pull the hay out of the racks and throw considerable portions of it under their feet, and that 30 lbs. of hay, and upwards are often consumed in this way, and spoiled in the 24 hours; whereas when it is cut and mixed with a due proportion of cut straw and bruised grain 10 lbs. will be sufficient.

In the loft above the stable proportional quantities of food, sufficient for the daily con sumption of each horse are prepared; a pipe passes from the loft to each manger, and close by the top of the pipe is placed a tube capable of containing sufficient food for a horse for 24 hours. To prevent the horse from tossing the mixed food out of the manger, cross bars are nailed on the top of it, at 12 inches a part. The cut hay and straw, and also the grain, are

lbs. of chopped straw, and two lbs. of maltdust.

It will be seen from the foregoing paragraph that each horse receives 30 lbs. of food in 24 hours; a quantity which in all cases will be found amply sufficient; the addition of two ounces of salt is necessary to assist digestion. It is known that all herbivorous animals in their wild state resort to salt, wherever it is met with. Of the four classes into which Dr. Sully divides the ingredients of his food for horses, those which contain the boiled or steamed potatoes are most recommended.

It will be then apparent, that, although in the methods for the feeding of horses here described, some difference exists in the articles made use of as food, yet that they all agree in certain essential points, namely; of invariably bruising, or coarsely grinding the grain and beans, in cutting down the hay or straw-in giving no hay in the rack-in giving salt, and in weighing each article separately before mixture, instead of adopting the fallacious guide of admeasurement.—Ex.

Butter and Cheese.

Butter and cheese factories are located in

New York near the centre of each radius of three or four miles wherein grass and cows abound-usually but one in a township as yet, though they are being rapidly multiplied. A mill-stream and water-power often determine the site, though we believe a small engine and boiler (four to ten-horse) are preferred to a regularly weighed out, and when the ingredi-water-power. A cold and copious spring is ents are prepared, the portions for each horse well nigh indispensable; a good stock of ice, are allotted. For the sake of variety the in-well stored and saved, is desirable. A large gredients of the food are divided into four classes, they consist of farinaceous substances such as bruised beans, peas, wheat, barley or oats; bran fine or coarse; potatoes boiled or

steamed; boiled barley; hay cut into chaff; straw cut into chaff; meal-dust or ground oilcake with two ounces of salt in each 30 lbs. of


The ingredients of the daily ration (30 lbs.) in class 1, consist of five lbs. of bruised oats, or beans, etc.; five lbs. of boiled potatoes six lbs. of boiled barley, seven lbs. of chopped hay. The ingredients of class 2, consist of five lbs. of bruised grain; five lbs. of boiled or steamed potatoes; eight lbs. of chopped hay; ten lbs. of chopped straw; two lbs. of meal-dust. Class 3-ten lbs. of bruised grains; ten lbs. chopped hay; ten lbs. chopped straw. Class 4-five lbs. of bruised grain; seven lbs. of beans; eight

reservoir (like a cellar) is dug in the ground and tightly walled with planks; board platforms extend into this, floating on two or three spring. In this reservoir, deep pails or cans feet of water, constantly renewed from the

are set and filled three fourths full of milk

they sinking and floating in a like depth of water. The milk remains here twenty-four to thirty-six hours, when the cream is taken off and churned by steam or water-power-six to with no draft on human muscle. The butter twenty-four churns being operated at once, thus made each day, from cream in the very highest condition, is of such uniform and superior quality as to bring from five to ten cents per pound more than fair farm dairies is then made into cheese, rather mild in flavor, will command; and the milk, thus skimmed, but palatable, and of very fair quality.-New | York Tribune.

In a contribution to the Revue des Deux Mondes, M. de Laveleye discusses the history and present state of Prussian agriculture. Until 1833 Prussian farmers were not very good cultivators, nor were their farms very profitable. By a tradition, which can be traced back to Charlemagne's time, they let their lands lie every third year in fallow. Those who planted potatoes and made hay were in an insignificant minority. But Stein and his coadjutors have changed all this. Since 1833 the two year system of cereals, alternated with roots or seeds, has become universal in North Germany. As a result there has been an enormous increase of live stock. The farms are more thoroughly manured now than ever, and the area of unproductive fallow has fallen from one-third to one-seventh of the arable land.

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FERTILIZERS.-Peruvian Guano, $80; California $70 Rodunda Island $30; Patapsco Co's $60; Reese & Co's Soluble Pacific Guano, $65; Flour of Bone, $to; G. Ober's (Kettlewells) AA Manipulated, $70; A do. $60; Ammoniated Alkaline Phosphate, $55; Alkaline Phos. $45; Baltimore City Company's Fertilizer, $40; do., Flour of Bone, $60; do., Ground Bone, $45; do., Poudrette, $20; Baugh's Raw-bone Phosphate, $56; Maryland Powder of Bone, $50; Rhodes' Super Phosphate, $55; Lister's Bone Cuper-Phosphate $55; Berger & Butz's Super-Phosphate of Lime, $56; Andrew Coe's Super-Phosphate of Lime, $60;-all per ton of 2,000 lbs.; Pure Ground Plaster, $13.50a$14.00 per ton, or $2.50 per bbl. Shell Lime slaked, 6c., unslaked, 10c per bushel, at kilns.

FLOUR.-Howard Street Super and Cut Extra, $9.50a 10 00; Family, $12.50a13.00; City Mills Super, $9.50a 10 50; Baltimore Family, $14.50a15.00.

Rye Flour and Corn Meal.-Rye Flour, $7.75a8.25; Corn Meal, $8 25.

GRAIN.Wheat.-Good to prime Red, $2 50a2.80; White, $2.70a2.80.

Rye.-$1.65a1.70 per bushel.

Cats.-Heavy to light-ranging as to character from 70 a76c. per bushel.

Corn.-White, $1 23a1.25; Yellow, $1 25a1.28 per


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The Flower Garden................................ 193
The Greenhouse ..........

The Sugar Cane..........

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On the use of Chloroform and Sulphuric Ether in
Veterinary Practice..........

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HAY AND STRAW.-Timothy $21a23, and Rye Straw $19 Storing Celery..... aş21 per ton.

PROVISIONS.-Bacon.-Shoulders, 11a12 cts.; Sides,
13a13 cts.; Hams, sugar cured, 17a18 cts. per lb.
SALT.-Liverpool Ground Alum, $2.15a2 20; Fine, $2 80
a$3.10; Turk's Island, 55a60 cts. per bushel.

SEEDS. Timothy $2 50a2.75; Clover $8.00; Flax 2.40.
TOBACCO. We give the range of prices as follows:

Silk Plant discovered in Peru.....
Labor Contracts............

Exhibition of American Poultry Society....
Our Agricultural Progress

Culture of Broom Corn.............................

Economy in Feeding Horses.................
Butter and Cheese......

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"For thou to northern lands again

The glad and glorious sun dost bring," And thou hast joined the gentle train, And wear'st the gentle name of Spring.

"And in thy reign of blast and storm,

Shines many a long, bright, sunny day, When the changed winds are soft and warm, And heaven puts on the blue of May."

Work for the Month.


The horses that are to do the heavy work of the farm need now especial attention to bring them into the best possible order. Food of the most nutritious kind should be given with regularity. Their grain should be ground and mixed with cut-straw of good quality, and well-cured corn blades, or timothy hay, should accompany it. Salt should be given regularly once a week, mixed in equal quantity with clean hickory ashes. Clean, dry bedding should be furnished them, and the curry-comb and brush used once a day at least. Very laborious work should be avoided until they have become gradually accustomed to the change from the rest of winter. Oxen having work to do should be treated with the same

about having young, need the greatest care during this month. The early spring is especially trying to the animal system, and there is always hazard to the life both of the dam and her young, which must be guarded against by the utmost watchfulness.


If the sowing of oats be made the first work for the ploughs, the comparatively light labor will suit better the condition of the team. It is of very great advantage to have the crop sown early, and the earliest time should be taken for it that the ground may be found dry enough to work. A bushel and a half to two bushels of seed should be sown on ground prepared by last year's cultivation, and put in with a light furrow. If grass seed is to be sown, sow on the fresh turned ground, and unless it be in very good heart, sow with it a hundred weight per acre of some good superphosphate, and follow with the roller.


Barley needs very much the same treatment as oat, and succeeds best on a rich, light loam. If the ground be not rich, it must be well manured with some good fertilizers.— There is no danger to this crop of over-manuring, as the grain fills out well, even when the straw falls. It is a better crop to sow grass seeds with than oats.

CLOVER SEED ON WHEAT. If clover seed have not been sown in Feb

regularity and care as horses, though they do ruary wait now until frost is out of the ground, not demand such expensive feeding.


and it is dry enough for the roller to operate. Sow when the ground is cracked upon the

Milch cows, and all animals having, or surface, and before it is dried too much with

the March winds, and follow immediately weather. The corn field should be well turned, with the roller.


Timothy should be sown in the fall, but may be put in in spring, if necessary. Orchard grass is best sown in spring with the clover seeds, and should never be sown without. Nor should it be sown except on land quite fertile enough to make a good crop. The seed is expensve, and it makes a poor return from poor land. On land of good quality it is most valuable, making a hay crop nearly as valuable as timothy, and a great deal of early and late pasturage. It is most valuable when closely cropped, and makes a firm and perennial sod. Two bushels of seeds are necessary to insure a closely-set turf. It should be sown only when permanent grass is wanted.


Let no time now be lost in getting tobacco seeds sown whenever the ground may be dry enough. After preparing and sowing, as heretofore directed, have the ground very firmly trod, and covered with oak or other open brush, which may remain until it becomes necessary to pick the grass from the beds.


The bulks of tobacco in the house will now need to be frequently examined, that they be not allowed to get warm. Whenever they are found to be getting very soft in the middle of the bulk, every bundle should be shaken out and hung upon sticks in the house until thoroughly dried, or laid lightly in bulks of two courses. When it has been, in this way, well dried, it should be laid again in large bulks, packed very closely, covered and weighed down to exclude the air effectually. It is then in condition to go into the hogsheads. A moist season must be taken for this purpose, when the leaves are soft, but before the stems

become soft.


The great work of the season is ploughing, and much of the success of the whole year's operations will depend on the thoroughness and completeness with which it is executed. The tobacco land should be first broken, and should be so well turned that the turf may be thrown down where it will not be reached again during the season. This rotting turf will be a source of moisture as well as nourishment for the crop during the driest summer

and immediate preparation of the surface follow, just preceding the planting. This matter of thorough preparation in advance of planting, should not be overlooked.

The continual deepening of the surface mould should be kept constantly in mind in our regular ploughings, as the object of every one should be the permanent improvement of his land. We should not be satisfied in an ordinary soil with less than seven inches, and should aim to approximate twelve. Soils which would make an exception to the rule of deep ploughing at once should at any rate be gradually deepened. This exception is only in case of some deleterious principle, which needs exposure to the influence of the atmosphere, and in this case fall ploughing is to be preferred.

We cannot overestimate the value of a good depth of soil, for our summer crops especially. In the case of the all important corn crop, the firing and burning which so shortens the crop in a season of protracted drought would cease almost to harm it in a sufficient depth of mould.

Any well turfed land, except of the very lightest kind, will need a three-horse team to break it well, and provision should be at once made for sufficient strength of team for doing the work effectually and in good time. Ploughs, gearing, and every other requisite should be renewed or repaired, that the season's work be not delayed unnecessarily.


the attention of the farmer. Composts that Manures of every description will command have been unmoved a long time should be well turned. Carting out manures and spreading ried on at all convenient seasons. upon the ground where needed should be carCommercial fertilizers that may be needed, including lime, plaster and ashes, should be procured and safely stored until needed. We need not urge the importance of the amplest supply that circumstances will allow.

The London Globe says a man named Charlier thinks the notion that horses need shoes entirely wrong. He himself does not cut a horse's hoof. He merly protects it against violent blows and accidents, and against the wear and tear of the city pavements, by inclosing it in a thin circle of iron, which wards it from danger without compressing it.

The Vegetable Garden.

CAULIFLOWER.-Plant out the young plants upon a warm border or moderate hot-bed, and

Prepared for the American Farmer, by DANIEL BARKER, protect by mats, &c., during cold days and Maryland Agricultural College.


The thorough preparation of the soil destined for the various crops should be persevered in whenever the weather is favourable, and the soil dry enough to admit of being trodden upon without being too much consolidated. This is of great importance in the case of heavy soils; and those who have to manage such should take advantage of every dry day. On retentive soils it is advisable to defer sowing the main crops for ten or even more days, but on warm, dry soils, the earlier the main crops can be sown the better; as such soils are liable to suffer from drought, should it occur, and therefore the sooner the crops can be well established, the better they will be able to resist its effects; and if, on the contrary, the season should be a wet one, they will be in the best possible condition to profit by it. To take the best care of the amount of rain which falls upon the earth, and to prevent the soil from retaining more than is required by the plants cultivated therein, is of great importance in all gardening operations. This is done by deep ploughing and trenching and by draining tenacious soils and keeping the surface well stirred as often as it becomes hardened. This continued stirring and pulverizing the soil should be better understood than it appears to be at the present day. The advantages and benefits thereof were known previous to the time of Jethro Tull

Give every attention to the making of hot beds for raising tomatoes, egg-plants, early squash, cucumbers, melons, &c.

ASPARAGUS.-Continue to make new beds, fork over lightly, and dress the old beds with salt at the rate of about one pound to the square yard.

BEANS.-Towards the end of the month a small sowing should be made of the early six weeks or any other kind of the early string varieties.

BEETS.-Sow upon a warm, sheltered border as early as the ground is in a favourable condition.

CABBAGE.-Plant out from the autumn sown beds and make sowings of the early and true drumhead varieties for late summer and autumn use.

nights. Make plantation of those which have been kept in frames during the winter.

CARROTS.-About the middle of the month sowing of the early horn, and towards the end, the long orange and Attringham may be made.

CELERY.-Sowings of the early white and red solid should now be made upon slight hot-beds.

HORSE RADISH.-Plantations of this most useful and neglected plant may now be made.

LETTUCE.-Sow for succession the early kinds, and plant out those which have stood the winter, for use in April and May.

ONIONS.-The main crop should be sown as soon as the condition of the soil, &c., will admit--and as it is a crop of some importance, we offer a few words of advice. The ground having been ploughed or trenched during the autumn or winter, is allowed to remain in that state until in a good condition to work, when it is leveled down and marked out into beds 3 or 4 feet wide, with spaces 18 inches wide. Before the seed is sown, the beds are raised somewhat above the ordinary level by the soil from the 18 inch spaces, and when the surface has become perfectly dry, the seed is sown and the beds rolled or trodden down until they appear as hard as a gravel walk. A thin coating of soil is then strewn evenly over the whole, and the roller passed over the beds. The beds being narrow, enables the operator to weed, hoe and clean with facility and without injury to the plants. The advantages of the above method of raising onions are: the plants having a greater depth of soil than usual, they grow with greater sturdiness than those highly manured upon low ground, while the elevation of the beds enables the sun to penetrate a considerable depth into the earth, thereby slightly checking late growth, and of course inducing early maturity.

PEAS.-Early in the month sow Dickson's first and best early Daniel O'Rourke or other early kinds, and towards the end, champion of England, advancer, &c.

PARSNIPS should be sown as early as practicable.

PARSLEY.-Sow very early.

POTATOES.-Plant for the principal crop not later than the end of the month.

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