Imágenes de páginas

98. Should an author rest his fame on few or on many books?

99. Ought public opinion to be regarded as the standard of right? 100. Was Bonaparte greater in the field than in the cabinet?

101. Is the savage state preferable to the civilized?

102. Are lawyers beneficial?

103. Ought the Judiciary to be independent?

104. Does temptation lessen the baseness of crime?

105. Can the existence and attributes of the Deity be proved by the light of nature ?

106. Are Negroes inferior to white people in mental capacity?

107. Is a promise to a highwayman, not to take measures for his detection on the condition of sparing one's life, binding?

108. Are women more revengeful than men?

109. Is a mind of acute sensibility, on the whole, desirable?

110. Which is the more conducive to the best interests of the State, commerce or agriculture?

111. Ought persons differing in religious sentiment to be united in marriage?

112. Ought a Christian to unite in marriage with an unbeliever? 113. Is immersion essential to the validity of Christian baptism? 114. Is the maxim, "No church without a bishop," true?

115. Are the moderns superior to the ancients in poetry and eloquence?

116. Ought theological seminaries to be encouraged?

117. Is the assertion in the Declaration of Independence,

men are created equal," true?

"that all

118. Has the moral influence of the United States, on the whole, been salutary to the world?

119. Ought a man to pledge himself to total abstinence? 120. Has a man a right to kill another in self-defense? 121. Was the fate of Sir Walter Raleigh a deserved one? 122. Is the sentiment,

"For forms of government let fools contest;
What's best administered, is best,"


123. Which exhibits the greater wonders, the land or the sea?

124. Óught human physiology to be a regular study in our common schools?

125 Is the doctrine of original sin taught in the Bible?

126. Has the Smithsonian Fund been employed in a manner accordant with the intention of the donor?

127. Would the universal prevalence of Socialism advance the interests of humanity?

128. Is morality separable from religion?

129. Ought normal schools to be supported by the State?

130. Is there Scripture authority for a belief in the Second Advent, and personal reign of Christ on the earth?

131. Ought not a bank of the United States to be reëstablished? 132. Is not the practice of auricular confession enjoined in Scripture, and conducive to morality?

133. Was the execution of the Duc D'Enghien justifiable?

134. What were the origin and nature of the Eleusinian mysteries? 135. Has any State of this Union a right of secession?

136. Is intervention by one nation in the affairs of another expedient?

137. Ought a parent, who can avoid it, ever to intrust the education of his child to persons not directly responsible to himself?

138. Does morality keep pace with the progress of civilization? 139. Is sporting justifiable?

140. Ought the United States Government to establish a national system of education?

141. Is genius innate ?

142. Which has done the greater service to the cause of truth, philosophy or poetry?

143. Is there ground to believe that the atrocity of Richard III. has been greatly overstated?

144. Which was superior, Matilda, wife of William the Conqueror, or Katharine, wife of Henry VIII.?

145. Are the confessions made by the Earl of Bothwell immediately before his death, relative to Lord Darnley's death, to be regarded as true?

146. What country at the present time is under the best government?

147. Was the execution of the Earl of Essex justifiable?

148. Which is the greater discovery, that of the magnetic needle or the electric telegraph?

149. Did the writings of Junius exercise a beneficial influence upon the political condition of England?

150. Did the reign of George IV. prove beneficial to England?

151. Ought the celebration of the birthdays of great men to be enencouraged?

152. Which was the greater man, considered as a reformer, Peter, the Great, of Russia, or Henry VIII. of England ?

153. Which is the most civilized and enlightened country of the present time?

154. Were the American Indians the aborigines of this continent? 155. Is Mnemotechny beneficial?

156. Is the story of the Trojan war credible?

157. Is the cultivation of the Fine Arts always conducive to virtuous principle?

158. Have savages a full right to the soil?

159. Are political improvements better effected by rulers than by the people?

160. Is the character of a nation affected by its climate?

161. Ought representatives to be bound by the will of their constituents?

162. Is crime prevented or produced by our present system of prison discipline?

163. Which is the superior historian, Thucydides or Tacitus?

164. Ought witnesses to be held as prisoners?

165. Ought any portion of the earnings of a prisoner, during his confinement, to be allowed him upon his release?

166. Ought jurors to be paid?

167. Ought the sale of ardent spirits, for use as a beverage, to be prohibited by law?

168. Was the action of the United States government in affording protection to Martin Koszta justifiable and expedient?

169. Is it not equally the interest of the poor and the rich to prevent exorbitant taxation?

170. Who is the hero of Paradise Lost?

171. Is card-playing a safe and justifiable amusement?

172. Ought suicide to be taken as evidence of courage, or of cowardice?

173. Was the execution of Major André justifiable?

174. Which is the better guaranty of success in the world, tact or talent?

175. Has more good than evil resulted to the world from the life and religion of Mahomet?

176. Which is the more advantageous to a country, coal mines or gold mines?

177. Has the favor shown to great statesmen in this country been such as to encourage young men of talent to qualify themselves thoroughly for high political position?

178. Has sectarianism done more to advance than to retard the interests of Christianity?

179. Which is the more useful in society, the farmer or the mechanic? 180. Are the masses governed more by fashion than by reason? 181. Is the sentiment, "Whatever is, is right," a just one?

182. Will the Know Nothings exert a favorable influence upon the institutions of our country?

183. Is it a wise policy to deal with our friends as though they might become our enemies?

184. Is there such a quality as disinterestedness?

185. Is the maxim, "Our country, right or wrong," a justifiable one?

186. Do present appearances indicate the overthrow of the British empire?

187. Ought not flagrant ingratitude to be a penal offense?

188. Ought Patent-Rights to be granted?

189. Does the present state of society in Europe portend the establishment of republican forms of government?

190. Ought parochial schools to be encouraged?

191. Does virtue always insure happiness?

192. Is the assertion, "A little learning is a dangerous thing," true? 193. Which do men naturally prefer, truth or error?

194. Was the last war of the United States with England justifiable? 195. Which does society most injury, the slanderer, the robber, or the murderer?

196. Did the career of Napoleon Bonaparte produce more good than evil results?

197. Is it ever advisable to act from policy rather than from principle? 198. Does wealth exert more influence than knowledge?

199. Ought circumstantial evidence to be admitted in criminal cases? 200. Is a Republican form of government favorable to the cultivation of literature and science?

201. Which yields the higher mental enjoyment, fact or fiction? 202. Is the English language likely ever to be universally prevalent? 203. Ought there to be a property qualification to entitle one to hold a political office?

204. Ought the right of suffrage to be dependent upon any property qualification?

205. May an oath, taken under circumstances of stress or deception, be violated without guilt?

206. Ought man to be confined to an exclusively vegetable diet? 207. Does the Bible prohibit judicial oaths?

208. Is pride commendable?

209. Ought the Missouri Compromise to have been abrogated? 210. Which is worse, a bad education, or no education?

211. Is any government as important and sacred as the principles which it is established to protect?

212. Are banks more beneficial than injurious to a community? 213. Which is preferable, genius without application, or application without genius?

214. Ought military schools to be encouraged?

215. Does not a written political constitution serve rather to hinder than to aid in securing the objects contemplated in its formation? 216. Have Byron's works an immoral tendency?

217. Did the French Revolution aid the cause of liberty in Europe? 218. Ought the private property of stockholders to be holden for the debts of a bank?

219. Would the peaceful cession of the Canadas to the United States be mutually beneficial to our own government and Great Britain ?

220. Ought a judge to be influenced by the former character of a criminal?

221. Has Spain received any material benefit from her colonies ? 222. Were the Olympic and other ancient games beneficial?

223. Ought public men, on retiring from office, in this country, to be pensioned?

224. Is the present general mode of celebrating the Fourth of July beneficial to the country?

225. Are different grades, or classes in society, inseparable from the present social system?

226. Would it be a wise policy for the United States to establish a large and powerful navy?

227. Should Universities be under the control of the State?

228. Is English aristocracy of birth likely to continue a political force? 229. Are rents the causes of the high price of produce?

230. Must the price of agricultural products rise with increase of wealth and population?

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