Imágenes de páginas

231. Can there be a general over-production of commodities? 232. Is there any real danger of over-population?

233. Do our institutions demand profound statesmen?

234. Can any government be kept from oppression?

235. Ought the man who kills his antagonist in a duel to be punished as a murderer?

236. Can a knowledge of human nature, in general, and of individual character in particular, be best derived from the study of history? 237. Are the United States under deeper obligations to her warriors than to her statesmen?

238. Is prosperity favorable to the morals of a nation?

239. Which afford the better opportunities for personal advancement, politics or literature ?

240. Which has proved the more useful to mankind, the invention of the mariner's compass or the application of steam to navigation? 241. Which is the most powerful stimulant to exertion, emulation, patronage, or personal necessity?

242. Would a division of the Union be beneficial?

243. Is labor a blessing or a curse?

244. Ought anonymous publications to be suppressed by law?

245. Ought the surplus revenues to be distributed by Congress for the prosecution of internal improvements?

246. Were the revolutions which took place in France, between the execution of Louis XVI. and the final restoration of Louis XVIII., beneficial to that country?

247. Do the signs of the times indicate a subversion of our government?

248. Ought a military spirit to be encouraged in a country?

249. Were the principles of the Jeffersonian administration beneficial to the country?

250. Ought the rate of interest on money to be regulated by law? 251. Are national celebrations beneficial?

252. Ought there to be in this country an order of men devoted exclusively to literature?

253. Are voluntary associations for the promotion of moral principles beneficial?

254. Is a State Legislature justifiable in violating its contracts? 255. Have the administrations of our country pursued a correct policy in relation to the Indians?

256. Is man accountable for his opinions?

257. Ought a militiary chieftain to be the chief civil magistrate of a

free people?

258. Ought infidels to be admitted to public office?

259. Is direct taxation preferable to indirect?

260. Ought Parliament to interfere with the revenues of the English Church?

261. Which was the more acute and profound thinker, John C. Calhoun or Daniel Webster ?

262. Ought juries to be judges of the law as well as of the fact? 263. Ought clergymen to be excluded from civil offices by law? 264. Is the system of paper currency safe?

265. Ought a President of the United States to be eligible a second time to office?

266. Is difference of talent owing chiefly to nature or circumstances? 267. Are the rights of women duly regarded in the present constitution of society?

268. Is expediency the foundation of right?

269. Which has the greater influence in the foundation of national character, physical or moral causes ?

270. Ought government to indemnify individuals for damages done by mobs?

271. Ought an infidel to be allowed to testify in a court of justice? 272. Ought a horse, or other beast of burden, when unable, by age or otherwise, to labor, to be killed, or turned out to die?

273. Is the maxim, "Better that ten guilty persons should escape than that one innocent man should suffer," on the whole just and true? 274. Is there more of happiness than misery in human life? 275. Are tea and coffee, as beverages, injurious?

276. Ought the reading of the Bible, as a religious exercise, to be forbidden or neglected in our common schools?

277. Which is the more desirable, a state of liberty without property, or a state of property without liberty?

278. Is not the giving of military command to persons who have never seen service, a discouragement to the army?

279. Is the law of primogeniture just and expedient?

280. Is mere refinement of manners conducive to virtue?

281. Which is the more likely to procure general estimation, the

reality of virtue or the appearance of it?

282. Ought foreign emigration to be encouraged?

283. Does the mind always think?

284. Is the glory of a victory, as a general thing, due more to the skill of the commander than to the bravery of the soldiers?

285. Is a lie ever justifiable?

286. Is animal magnetism altogether supernatural in its nature and operation, or is it a science founded upon natural laws?

287. Ought religious tests to be required of civil officers?

288. Ought the education of males and females to be similar in degree and kind ?

289. Ought females to learn and practice the art of public speaking?

290. Ought the Bible to be employed as an ordinary reading book in schools?

291. Had the celebrated apologue, entitled "REYNARD, THE FOX," an exclusively political aim.*

292. Were the ancient oracles due to supernatural agency?

293. Is homeopathy worthy of confidence?

294. Ought eloquence to be studied as an art?

295. Is the doctrine of non-resistance sound?

296. Would the extinction of the Ottoman empire result in benefit

to Europe?

297. Was the Roman conquest beneficial to Britain?

298. Were the institutions of chivalry beneficial to mankind?

299. Were the first settlers of this country justifiable in taking forcible possession of the country?

300. Which furnishes the most interesting subjects of investigation, the mineral, the animal, or the vegetable kingdom?

301. Are differences of character attributable more to physical than to moral causes?

302. Is the preservation of the balance of power in Europe a justifiable cause of war?

303. Does the present aspect of affairs in Europe give pledge or prospect of the speedy establishment of genuine liberty in that quarter of the world?

304. Is the charge of ingratitude, so often brought against Republics, founded in truth?

305. Which did the greater service to mankind, Columbus or Sir Isaac Newton?

306. Would a general European war be beneficial to the interests of this country?

* See, on this question, the "Foreign Quarterly Review," No. XXXIV., Art. III.

307. Has the restoration of Greece to political independence been on the whole beneficial?

308. Has the introduction of machinery been, on the whole, beneficial to the laboring classes?

309. Is transportation a justifiable mode of punishment?

310. Was the ostracism, practiced in ancient Athens, justifiable ? 311. Which is the more pernicious character, the slanderer or the flatterer?

312. Is the system of hydropathy, or water-cure, entitled to confidence? 313. Is the attention paid to politics by all classes favorable to patriotism?

314. Is not refinement, according to the notions of the present day, unfavorable to happiness?

315. Does nature teach the doctrine or notion of a plurality of Deities?

316. Does the existence of different religious denominations tend to advance or to retard the cause of Christ?

317. Should a man ever praise his own work?

318. Is the doctrine of innate ideas founded in truth?

319. Should the truth always be spoken?

320. Which gives the better insight into human nature, reading or observation?

321. Which afford the better field for the display of originality, the Fine or the Useful Arts ?

322. Which is the more interesting and instructive, Grecian or Roman history?

323. Which is the more valuable, physical or moral courage?

324 Ought secret societies to be tolerated?

325. Would any further extension of the Union be politic?

326. Has Christianity been a temporal as well as a spiritual blessing to the world?

327. Is the temporal essential to the spiritual jurisdiction of the Pope? 328. Ought a man to marry his deceased wife's sister?

329. Can the immortality of the soul be proved from the light of nature?

330. Ought a representative always to be an inhabitant of the town or district represented?

331. Which is preferable, city or country life?

332. Is resistance to the constituted authorities in the State ever justifiable?

333. Ought emulation in schools to be encouraged?

334. Which is the more conducive to the cultivation of literature, a monarchical or a republican form of government?

335. Has a man a right to expatriate himself?

336. Is teaching a profession in the same sense, that law, medicine and theology are professions?

337. Is Madison more deserving our estimation than Hamilton? 338. Is dueling ever justifiable?

339. Ought theatres to be abolished?

340. Which is preferable, anarchy or despotism?

341. Is the American Colonization Society worthy of national support? 342. Can the North Pole be reached by navigation?

343. Would the acquisition of Cuba by the United States be beneficial to the latter ?

344. Is it possible to determine the true nature and origin of meteors ? 345. Is the natural state of man, as asserted by Hobbes, a state of war?

346. Was Cicero greater as an orator than as a philosopher?

347. Is the habitual use of tobacco for chewing and smoking injurious to health?

348. Is the doctrine of endless punishment taught in the Bible? 349. Has Junius ever been identified?

350. Have we anything to fear from the spread of Popery?

351. Was the Atlantis of the ancients identical with the continent of America?

352. Is corporal punishment necessary in the schools?

353. Should a boy be taught those things only which he is likely to need in practical life when a man?

354. Ought not Sunday-schools, in which the Bible is taught without reference to sectarian differences, to be supported by the public funds?

355. Are the ideas of the mind separate from the mind itself?

356. Is it wise in a parent to labor to amass money in order to leave a rich inheritance to his children?

357. Is there sufficient ground for the belief, that the career of Joan of Arc was due to supernatural agency?

358. Is the character of Aaron Burr justly estimated?

359. Can utility be considered as a safe moral guide?

360. Do modern biographies generally give a fair insight into human character ?

361. Was Warren Hastings' conduct in India justifiable?

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