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Sec. 2. Six members shall be necessary to constitute a quorum.

Sec. 3. At the request of six members the President shall call a special meeting of the Society. In case of absence from any special meeting, a member shall be fined in accordance with Article 5th, Section 1st, of these By-Laws.


At the inauguration of each Officer, he shall be required to make the following affirmation :

"I do hereby solemnly promise, that I will faithfully discharge the duties of my office to the best of my knowledge and ability."


The following affirmation shall be required of each person becoming a member:

"I do hereby solemnly promise, that I will observe and strictly obey all the laws, rules and regulations set down in the Constitution of this Society, and do further declare, that I entertain no ill-will toward any member."


Sec. 1. The two Orders of Business hereunto prefixed, shall occupy alternate meetings of the Society. On the Debating evening, there shall be a general debate, which shall be opened on either side, by a member previously appointed. On the Miscellaneous evening, half of the members shall alternately perform

duties, either in Essay or Recitation, as the President may have previously designated.

Sec. 2. The following questions, or such part as time will permit, shall be asked at every Miscellaneous meeting of the Society, commencing where they were left off at the previous meeting:

1st. Have you lately met with any thing calculated to interest or improve the Society, either in History, Travels, Sciences, the Arts, or other branches of useful knowledge?

2d. Do you know of any amusing story proper to relate in conversation?

3d. Have you any questions for debate to submit for the consideration of this Board?

Sec. 3. The leaders in debate shall be allowed to speak fifteen minutes each time; all others shall be limited to ten minutes.

Sec. 4. All communications intended for insertion in the "Addisonian Review," must be original, and written by members of the Society, and handed to the Editor at least three days before publication.


Sec. 1. The Fines shall be as follows, viz.: for late attendance, non-performance of duty, disorderly conduct, and for calling to order without substantiating the point, each, five cents; for absence, (except of leaders on debate, which shall be fifteen cents,) ten cents; and for leaving the room without permission of the President, twenty-five cents.

Sec. 2. Every person on taking his seat, as a mem

ber, shall pay to the Treasurer an initiation fee of fifty cents. The monthly dues shall be thirty cents, payable in advance.

Sec. 3. In case any officer neglects a duty, he shall, upon motion of a member, and with the consent of the Society, be fined ten cents; and should he still persist in neglecting such duty, he may be removed from his office by a two-third vote of the members present.

Sec. 4. If any member calls another to order and fails to substantiate his point, he shall be fined in accordance with Section first of this Article.

Sec. 5. Any member who shall make use of improper language, or refuse to obey when called to order, shall be fined in accordance with Section first of this Article; and, if he repeat the offense, he may be expelled from the Association by a two-third vote of the members present.

Sec. 6. If any member neglects to pay his fines or dues within two weeks after becoming payable, he shall be notified thereof by the Treasurer, and, if he still neglects payment, he shall, at the next regular meeting after receiving said notice, be suspended for two weeks; and if then in arrears, shall be considered as no longer a member.


Sec. 1. An Appeal may, in all cases, be made from any decision of the President; a two-third vote of the members present shall be necessary to sustain the appeal.

Sec. 2. Any member having made an appeal from

a decision of the President, may sustain such appeal, and the President may give his reasons for his decision, before the question is put, which being passed upon, the matter shall be considered as settled.


All Committees shall make their reports in writing.


1. The President, or in his absence the Vice President, shall take the Chair at the hour named in Article I., Section 1, of the By-Laws. In the absence of those officers, a President pro tem. shall be chosen by the Society.

2. The President shall be privileged to debate upon all subjects, on calling the Vice President, or any other member willing, to the Chair.

3. After the meeting has been called to order, each member shall take a seat, which he shall be required to occupy during the evening, and shall not interrupt the proceedings by reading or conversation, without permission of the President.

4. No member shall speak on any motion (except the mover thereof) more than twice, nor more than once until all wishing to speak have spoken; neither shall he make or debate an amendment, having spoken twice on the original motion, without permission of the Society.

5. When two or more members rise at the same time, the President shall name the person to speak.

6. When a member shall be called to order by the President or any member, he shall at once take his seat, and every question of order shall be decided by the President without debate.

7. No motion shall be debatable until seconded. 8. Appeals, and motions to reconsider or adjourn, are not debatable.

9. When a question is under debate, no motion shall be received but to lay on the table, to postpone, to commit, or to amend.

10. No member shall interrupt another while speaking, except in accordance with Rule of Order, No. 6.

11. A motion to adjourn shall always be in order, except when another motion is before the Society.

12. When a motion or amendment shall be made and seconded, the mover thereof may be called upon by the President or any member to reduce the same to writing, and hand it in at the table, from which it shall be read before open to the Society for debate.

13. The mover of a motion shall be at liberty to accept any amendment thereto; but if an amendment be offered and not accepted, yet duly seconded, the Association shall pass upon it before voting upon the original motion.

14. Any member may criticise Essays or Recitations delivered before the Society, provided he do not occupy more than five minutes.

15. Before taking the vote on any question, the President shall ask: "Are you ready for the ques

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