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electrical appearance excited by the inches high, shut at the top and open air striking against the objects: we below, is attached to the connecting must therefore consider it as caused tube and burner of the lamp, the not by any change which the con- tube ascending to the required height densed air undergoes, but merely by of the light, and descending to the attrition, and therefore similar to bottom of the cylinder, which is placed what occurs in common cases of fric- in the cavity containing the mercury, tion.

the tube moving up and down on the iron rod on points or pins, to prevent

friction or capillary attraction. The The recent electro magnetic ex- oil vessel being filled with oil, and periments of Sir Humphry Davy, the space between the cylinder with have been made with an apparatus mercury, it is evident that when the constructed by Mr. Pepys. This ap- plunging vessel enters the mercury paratus we understand is composed and the tube attached to the oil in the of a single coil of copper and zinc manner of a gasometer, the air conplate, consisting of two sheets of the tained cannot escape, and being metals, having a surface of 200 pressed by the weight of the vessel, square feet. They are wound round forces by its elasticity the oil up the a wooden centre, and kept apart by tube to the requisite height, by which pieces of hair line, interposed at in- the combustion is kept up till the tervals between the plates. The whole of it is consumed. The prinwhole is suspended by a rope, and cipal advantages of this lamp are, counterpoised over a tub of dilute acid that there is no shadow; and indeinto which it is plunged when used. pendent of being cheaper, it is in When in action it does not give the other respects more economical, as slightest electrical indication to an there is no waste of light. In the. electrometer ; indeed its electricity is French lamps, though the shadow of such low intensity that well-burned projected from the reservoir is overcharcoal acts as an insulator to it, come by rays from other parts of the and the quantity is so trifling, that it flame, yet those that fall on the rewith difficulty ignites one inch of servoir are entirely obstructed, where« platinum wire of 1-30th of an inch in as in the lamp of Mr. Parker, as the diameter—when, however, the poles oil cavity is below, there is no loss of are connected by a copper wire 1-8th light. It is also not liable to be out of of an inch in diameter, and eight in- repair, and it is much more cleanly. ches long, it becomes hot, and is rendered most powerfully magnetic, so Thomas Hall, Engine man to the that the apparatus is admirably a. Glasgow Water Company, having dapted for electro-magnetic experi- remarked the waste of fire, when a ments, from which it is proposed to steam engine stops working, has, incall it a magnetometor.

stead of letting in a constant supply

of water into the boiler to compen-, Mr. Parker, of London, has just sate for the loss, recommended that, constructed a very ingenious lamp, at each time the engine is stopped, the oil in which is raised to the burn- water to the depth of 18 inches ing height without springs, valves, above its usual level be poured in, or screws, and in a manner not lia- by which, when the working is reble to get out of repair. A cylindrical sumed, there is a sufficient supply of vessel three inches high, and open at hot water, the steam is ready the motop, contains, the oil; in its centre is ment it is required, and no increase fixed a strong iron rod, on which the of fuel to heat recently introduced upper part of the lamp is placed. fluid is necessary. He has himself Another vessel seven inches high is put this method into practice, and, put round this and soldered to its however simple, it promises to be bottom, leaving a space between the means of a very great saving: In them of 2-12ths of an inch, which is his trials the saving of fuel was about filled with mercury. A third cylin- 2 per cent. der, called the plunging vessel, three



SKETCH OF FOREIGN LITERATURE. Germany. The increasing ardour cabuli Dengi et de Bulariæ Urbis oriwith which the study of Oriental li- gine. At St. Petersburg Mr. Charterature is pursued in Germany, has moy, professor of the Persian lanencouraged Mr. G. W. Freytag to guage, is employed on a history of announce the speedy publication of Mongols and Tartars, in Persian and an Arabic dictionary, which, without French. The sources from which he being too extensive, may suffice for has drawn are, Raschid Eddin, Mirgeneral use. He will suppress wbat schoud Chondemir and Abd-ur-Rasis useless in the Lexicon of Golius, sak. Mr. Schmidt is also writing a hisarrange the rest more methodically, tory of the same people, but he takes and correct what is inaccurate. He Mongol authorities for the basis of will endeavour to unite, in the small- his work. Mr. Frähn has been enest compass possible, all that is ne- gaged upon an important work upon cessary for the understanding of the the Mahometan coins, in the RusArabic authors; but he will not sian-Asiatic museum. The two fol enter into the explanation of difficult lowing works have also appeared passages.

from the same indefatigable pen: A question which has long been a Schem Eddin Muhamedis Demasceni subject of great interest in Germany Mirabilia Mundi selecta e Codd. Petrop. is, the piracy of literary property, &c. and Ahmed-Ibn-Foslans, that is, which is even encouraged in some of A Picture of Manners and Customs of the states by letters patent. Numer- the Russians at the Commencement ous writers have declaimed against of the Tenth Century. The translathis violation of the rights of proper- tion is opposite to the text, and crity, but no satisfactory remedy has tical and literary remarks by the auyet been proposed: though it has thor are added in the Russian. been repeatedly discussed in the Ger- Spain.The literary intercourse man diet, that assembly has not yet with Spain is so uncertain, that it is agreed on any means, to prevent long before books published in that works published in one of the states country become known here; among of the confederation, from being im- the latest are the following: Floresta mediately pirated in another. Now, de Rimas antiguas Castellanas, &c. by however, a Mr. L. F. Griesinger has J. N. Böhl-de-Tabro, 2 vols. 8vo. published, a pamphlet, in which he This collection will, doubtless, have maintains the very singular opinion, numerous readers. Flora Peruana, that all kinds of literary piracy ought with Latin and Spanish text, orna, to be permitted. He considers the mented with 37 copper-plates, relaws which prohibit it as remains of presenting 133 new species of plants, the feudal system; and literary pro- 137 already known, but more accuperty is, in his eyes, a monopoly. rately described than before, and 14 He particularly supports his opinion likewise known, but the description by the fact, that the Greeks and Ro- of which has undergone some modimans never hindered any body from fication. 2 vols. large folio. Ciencia copying books when they had once de la Legislation, from the Italian of been made public by the author. Filangieri, 10 vols. 8vo. The first Russia.

Many of the literati of the volumes of this work were published Russian empire are now much en- some years ago, but the reading of gaged with the history of the Mon- them was prohibited by the Inquisigols and Tartars. Count Romanzof tion. Since the abolition of that is printing Abulghasi Bachdurchans, formidable tribunal, the remainder of that is, a genealogy of the Turks in the work was translated, and all the Kasan; a book hitherto known only ten volumes are now in the hands of in some very indifferent German, the public. Russian, and French translations. France.—The French public is as Mr. Chalfin, at Kasan, is preparing eager after the productions of Sir an edition of Gengis Chan and Tan Walter Scott as the English, and merlane, two works of which no part means are taken to publish them at has yet been published, except some Paris almost as soon as at Edinburgh. fragments in an essay: De origine vo- The Parisian critics say, that i: placing the scene of his latest pro- Ladies ; first published in the Mon duction in France, he has only paid moirs of the Academy of Inscripa debt of gratitude to the French, tions. The 19th Livraison of the chefs who are his ardent admirers.

d'oeuvres of the foreign Stage is taken - Among the literary enterprises of up with the Portuguese theatre. the respectable bookseller, M. Pane The volume contains Înez de Castro, coucke; we have not hitherto menti- by Gomes; the conquest of Peru, by oned the Chefs d'œuvre of the French Pimenta de Aguiar; the Character bar, which has met with great and of the Lusitanians, a national tragedy, merited encouragement. M. Viller- by the same author; and the life main, author of a History of Crom- of the great Don Quixotte, by Antowell, and of a translation of Cicero nio Jozé. de Republica, has now published a Messrs. Say and Jouy, who have volume of miscellanies, some of which been imprisoned in St. Pelagie, have have never before been printed, employed the leisure so kindly afothers are much enlarged and im- forded them, in composing a work proved. Of the fine edition of the which contains, it is reported, a very works of Cervantes, which we have piquant and varied picture of the sem once before noticed, another volume veral parts of that prison, which is has just appeared, being the first of divided into four distinct sections, Persiles and Sigismunda, or the Pil- viz. Corridor de la Dette, de la Poligrims of the North. It is remark- tique, de la Detention, et des Enable that this novel or romance, fans. The title is Les Ermites en though hardly known even by name, Prison, ou Consolations de S. Pelais placed, by many Spanish writers, on gie ; it is said to be full of interesta level with Don Quixotte, and that ing details and curious anecdotes, Cervantes himself is even said to 2 vols, one of which is published. have preferred it. The rage for col- Count Forbin's Souvenirs de la lections seems to continue : thus we Sicile are now published in one voare to have a Collection of the Let- lume, 8vo. It cannot be expected ters of the celebrated Women of the that a traveller in our days should age of Louis XIV. as a sequel to be able, during a short visit to Sicily, those of Mesdames de Sevigné, Main- to find much that is new and intertenon, &c. The 33d and 34th volumes esting; the present is, however, a of the Universal Biography contain very agreeable volume, for the elesome of the most interesting articles gance of the style, the clearness and of the collection, such as that of simplicity of the descriptions, and Petrarch, by M. Foisset, and that of the occasional comparisons of ancient Pascal, by M. Raynouard; those of and modern Sicily. A short conW. Pitt, Earl of Chatham, and his cluding chapter gives an account of great son, &c.

the events that took place in Sicily in We mentioned an intended history 1820. The volume contains also an of Spain. We now learn that it is to Indian Tale, The Rajah of Bednoure, be a General History of Spain, after which, however, has no manner of Mariana and other Spanish histo- connexion with the work itself. rians, compiled and published by M. M. Champollion, Jun. well known Raoul Rochette, and M. Saint Mar- by his discoveries relative to the tin, of the Academy of Inscriptions, Egyptian hieroglyphic writing, has and M. Desprès, Counsellor of the announced his intention of publishUniversity.

ing a work, to be called the Egyptian The French journals speak in Pantheon, consisting of 200 plates, high terms of a Dictionary of the and about 450 pages of letter-press, Language of Oratory and Poetry, by in 4to. to be divided into about thirty Mr. J. Planche. M. Solvet, a young or thirty-five numbers. author, has translated from the Ger- The Twelfth Livraison of the Meman of the celebrated Professor moirs relative to the Revolution, conMeiners, of Gottingen, the History of tains the Memoirs of the Marchioness Luxury amongst the Athenians, from de Bonchamps, edited by Madame the most ancient Times to the Death de Genlis, and the Memoirs of Maof Philip of Macedon. He has an- dame de la Rochejacquelin, with nexed to it a treatise, by the Abbé very curious historical illustrations. Nadal, on the Luxury of the Roman


DURING the past month the benefits have been raging violently, and, of course, each night has offered some new enticing wonder,-some splendid foolish novelty to those theatrical patrons, who will, upon a strong inducement, put down their money, but who like to have enough for it in return. If the performer, whose name tops the bill for the night, do not promise some very rash folly in the course of the evening, he may as well keep his tickets to himself, and spare the butcher, the baker, and the shoemaker, those little annual packs of cards, by which they are made play people against their will. The bill of fare must be ample-three main dishes at least, besides side-dainties, and little extraordinary kickshaws, made to tempt the coyest of appetites. Mrs. Liston must swallow a sword-or Miss Paton jump into a quart bottle. Mr. Farley must sing "La ci darem" with Mrs. Gibbs, or Mr. Young dance a hornpipe in fetters, and balance a tobacco-pipe on his chin. The player is privileged to overstep discretion at a season like this-and criticism looks with a mild eye upon the tragedian who is beside himself, or the comedian who takes to the black wig, the dagger, the bowl, and the lofty port, for one night only. No one can, for a moment, be angry with Mr. Macready for playing Shylock before all his friends, because they are assembled with him on one night for mutual indulgencies: neither can any liberal person be angry with Mr. Terry for yoking six horses to a car, in which only Mr. Kean was to be dragged about the stage for he knew that six horses would draw much better than two; and the public adore a profusion of horseflesh. Nay, if Mr. Terry had advertised that Mr. Simpson would be drawn in a real cabriolet up Mincing Lane, to the accompaniment of a full orchestra, the scheme would only have been more extravagant, and therefore more profitable. Miss Paton crammed the house with songs and friends, till there was no room to squeeze a critic into. She sang delightfully, but the linked sweetness of music was a little too long drawn JULY, 1823.

out. Miss F. H. Kelly played Belvidera for her benefit-cleverly—but not as she played Juliet. We rather fear she is a harp with but one string yet, in that string, there is much excellent music.

Mr. Elliston took a benefit-as though he were not the great lessee, whose benefit nights fall upon six nights in the week. Mr. Young summoned his friends together to his "At Home," (for which he sent round his cards freely) and he and Kean, the two great champions, like Spring and Cribb at Astley's, displayed the grand art of self-defence to the delight of hundreds. competition of talent is not much to the advantage of the drama; for, instead of each giving a loose to his powers, we see only guarded attitudes, and cold caution, lest either party should make a successful hit.


At this season, when follies for the day only are conjured up, we seldom meet with a piece that will bear an encore. A farce, however, from the pen of Lord Glengall, as we understand, has survived its birth-night, and threatens still to haunt the lamps occasionally. The title it bears is, Cent per Cent. The plot turns upon the wife of a miser sending him to sleep by the aid of an Irish physician, and then giving a masquerade, at which the perversely wakeful husband appears. The idea, which is good, is not Lord Glengall's,-but the property of some French author. His Lordship has managed his material clumsily-for instead of bringing the Old Miser in his natural character in among the revellers-he makes the old man disguise himself, and go in an assumed character. The dialogue is meagre, beyond what we should have expected from what is called a Noble Author. Farren acted so well and so closely, however, that his miserly habits, among other savings, saved the piece. Covent Garden has been lucky in its farces this season; although all the comic force is said to be at Drury-lane. The Duel is still acted-and Cent per Cent raises a more legal interest in the town than 87. 10s. 1d.-which was the usurious charge for a farce at Drury-lane.



This house has opened with one or two good performers, who seem disposed to read one of Æsop's fables nightly to the town, viz. to show how the house may be kept together by a bundle of sticks. Liston has faced the audience on these boardsand Terry plays in his own hard grinding treadmill style. Mrs. Chatterley and Miss Chester supply the stage with ladies-and walking gentlemen are thick as the leaves that strew old Mr. Milton's celebrated Vale. A new farce in one act (a very long one) has been produced, under the uncommon name of "Mrs. Smith,"and with Liston for a jealous, simple, mawkish husband-a Mr. Smith, it produces a good deal of that best of pleasures, unmeaning laughter. Mr. Smith has married a lady of a fashionable but kindly turn, and at her request has harnessed himself fit for town. He has taken lodgings at a house where a young volatile widow, a Mrs. Smith, comes also to reside. The widow of course bas a lover-and this lover complains to Mr. Smith of his rejected addresses -unnaturally enough, as all readers must well know. The widow's uncle comes to see his niece, and also stumbles upon Mr. Smith, and much astonishes him with a sudden and unexpected fit of relationship, and with the awkward intelligence of Mrs. Smith being a widow. The confusion works well to the lastand then Mrs. Smith the widow, being confronted with Mrs. Smith the wife-the Smiths' work in the theatre is finished-and Mr. Smith's green eye drops out of his head. The piece was extremely well acted by all parties. Liston is greater than ever on a small stage. Vining is as lively as Jones, and less of a mannerist. Mrs. Chatterley made a charming widow-but she has played the part before. All the performers, in


SINCE our last, the Duke D'Angoulême advanced upon Madrid, which city he occupied, as might have been expected, without any opposition. Before the French army arrived, however, an attempt to pre

deed, down to the Country Servant Maid, were lively and at home.


We have been to Davis's :-(Astleys are phantoms now!)—and we think that the old spirit is not so strong as it was in the Philip's reign. But there is much to amuse both the sportsman, the townsman,and the wise man. Cribb and Spring make a beautiful exhibition-the latter is a revival of the Roman gladiator. The horses, of very pretty patterns, frisk, dance, run, and die, like reasonable creatures. There is the life of the High Mettled Racer to the life. He runs over the course like a secondhand Emilius. The fox-chase through the ring too is a hunt to the very back-bone;-for not only does the fox sneak through the sawdust in the full glory of his odour, but the dogs are driven along by the huntsmen, and give tongue (in exchange for thong) nearly as natural as though they really sniffed the dewy grass. The vaulting and riding are also brilliant and astonishing. Mr. Kemp jumps over nine flaring candles on a wide board, with 232 spangles on his breast, with the most sparkling ease -to use a modern phrase. Then there is a Monsieur Longuemare on the tight-rope, as much at home as though he were born to it. All the chalk and all the poles in the universe would never keep us on the cord-and yet Monsieur Longuemare walks about and turns without a stick in his hand!-To those who love dangerous pleasures, we must say Davis's Amphitheatre holds out a rich treat. One man or other is playing at hazard with his neck, for three hours without intermission We tried during our walk home to trip along one line on the pavement, and did not succeed. The rope therefore, thank heaven, is not for us: we must be content to stand upon our heads on our inkstand!

occupy the capital was made by Bessieres, the Royalist chief, on the 20th of May. It seems it had been decided by an arrangement, that the place should be surrendered to the French; Bessieres, however, wished

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