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-Spaniards; but the answer which from Seville to Cadiz.
they received from the pre-purchased
traitor was, "that the Spaniards
were able to fight their own cause!"
Our readers may rely on it, that this
statement rests on no light authority,
and the very humblest of them will
not be at a loss to conceive what the
consequences of such a defection
might have proved, at such a time,
to the Duke d'Angoulême. As to
Ferdinand's rejection of these men
after having profited by their treason,
it is quite consistent with his whole
conduct he cannot be grateful even
to the base. We now come, in the
course of our melancholy duty, to
record the fate of the unfortunate
Riego, if, indeed, we can call him
unfortunate, who has died in the ful-
ness of his fame, and in the service
of his country. Death has only
placed his name beyond the reach of
every human vicissitude—it now
must be immortal. After his incar-
ceration in one of Ferdinand's dun-
geons, he was consigned to the care,
it seems, of a personal enemy, and
treated with every indignity which
individual malice and political bigotry
could devise. On his trial, a trial
where his most infuriate enemies
constituted his tribunal, the Spanish
Attorney-General, in the true spirit
of his employer, demanded, not
merely his death, but that his body
should be divided into four quarters,
and distributed in different parts of
Spain. The sentence pronounced on
him by the Second Chamber of the
Senores Alcaldes of the Royal House-
hold and Court was, however, mere
ly a condemnation to the gibbet, and
that he should be conducted to the
place of execution, passing through
the most frequented streets of the
metropolis. That this sentence lost
nothing of its bitterness from any
compunction of humanity on the part
of the Christian band who officiated
on the occasion, we may learn from
the fact, that he was placed on a
hurdle and drawn by an ass to the
scaffold! The windows of Madrid
were crowded with Monks to witness
the spectacle; and these worthy Mi-
nisters of a God of mercy are repre-
sented as having enthusiastically
cheered the work of murder! The
nominal accusation under which
Riego was tried, was his having been
a party to the removal of the King

We have

been able to glean from French papers, and from private letters the following particulars of his death. Our readers will not fail to remark the hyæna ferocity with which these monsters of the Faith violated even the habitations of the dead, to inflict a posthumous revenge upon their enemies. At ten o'clock on the morning of the 5th, Riego was led into the burning chapel, a room lighted up and filled with funeral emblems. Here he remained during two nights and a day, during which awful time his firmness never forsook him for a moment. The only expression in reference to his fate which escaped him was, " may God grant that my death may conduce to the happiness and tranquillity of Spain!" On the 7th he was led forth to execution in the humiliating manner to which we have before alluded; yet all produced no further effect than to prove still more the serenity with which virtue can suffer; a murmur never escaped him. Amongst the mob of savages whose demeanour was marked by particular ferocity, were many who not very long before had hailed him in these very streets as el heros de las cabezas? On mounting the scaffold his legs appeared feeble, they were swelled from previous illness and the weight of his irons. He died with characteristic intrepidity, and on his death being announced, the Priests and Monks who crowded round the gibbet set up a loud " viva." No doubt heaven heard its ministers. The French Commander had filled the streets with numerous detachments, a precaution which appeared very necessary, as many of the rabble were observed with arms under their cloaks. On All-saints day, crowds of the Royalists rushed to the churchyards, and after erasing with their sabres the epitaphs of the Constitutionalists, they dragged the dead bodies of Sievra, Pamblei, and Laudaburu out of their graves and tore them in pieces!! The unfortunate widow and brother of Riego are in London. The brother had long since solicited a personal interview of the Prince de Polignac, which was refused on the plea of unavoidable absence from London. The unhappy relatives then drew up a petition to

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the King of France, on the 17th of hien. Savary has in consequence October, to which no answer was been excluded from the Thuiseries, returned; and on the 14th of No- and Talleyrand is welcomed quite as vember, they had forwarded to Mr. warmly as in the times of the ReCanning, a memorial to Chateau- public and the Empire. Surely this briand, supplicating his interference, man's clubbed foot was intended as but just as it was about to be dis- symbolic it should be no more ex patched, the news of the victim's pede Herculem, but ex pede Talleydeath arrived at the Foreign Office! rand. We mistake much, however, Riego was only in his 38th year. It if there is not a document now in will be seen that Louis did not even London, which may throw more deign an answer to this afflicted lady, light upon this matter than his reThe following accountof his own state, verence the Prince of Benevento proves that the feelings of Chris- wishes--we allude to the will of Natianity ought to be nearer his heart. poleon. After all, the public may It is admitted as correct even by our yet peruse this curious document, as Ministerial journals. “ There are it seems the causes of its suppression probably few instances of a patient hitherto, namely the hopes of certain living so long as his Majesty, in a legatees, are likely to vanish. We state so deplorable, His chest is have heard on pretty good authority entirely filled with water ; his body that General Montholon, who lately is a mass of corruption; and the flow set out on his travels to Vienna, was from his lower extremities is so great, stopped by an imperial mandate at that it penetrates, in a quarter of an Genoa, and that the Emperor hour, a double covering of flannel, Francis has followed this measure besides a wrapping of bark and cots up by a demand of all Napoleon's ton, and passes to the footstool on property, in the name of his widow which he rests them. When left alone and son, alleging that he had no for a few minutes, he is found in a right to make a will at the time of lethargic slumber—he even sleeps his decease. This we have every in his carriage when he takes an air- reason to give the fullest credit to, ing. He can scarcely move his legs, and, if it be true, is not unlikely to and has lost the usual energy of his lead to some unexpected discloarms - his head reclines on his sures. shoulder as if he had lost the power There is nothing new on the subof voluntary motion. In the mean ject of the Greeks since our last. while, the smell arising from his legs There was a report on the authority and body, in a state of approaching of an article from Leghorn, that dissolution, is painful to himself, and Mavrocordato had been torn to pieces sometimes overpowering to his ate in a popular commotion which origina tendants. His servants and ministers ated in a proposal on his part, to cannot remain long in the room or place Greece under the protection of Cabinet where he receives them.” England. The story was not very Such is the state of a man who is probable, and has since been consaid to have refused an answer to a tradicted. There is, however, anopetition for mercy! We should have ther report by the way of Venice, thought, perhaps, he was too busy stating that the Greek fleet had been in intercessions for himself, were we defeated by the Algerines; this is not told that he is occupied in are not very probable either, but we give ranging measures for the public entry it as it has reached us. Accounts of the Duke d’Angoulême into Paris from the West Indies state that DeIt is far from improbable, that the merara had resumed its former echo of the joy bells may not cease tranquillity, and preparations were ere the sound of the death bell making for the trial of some misbegins. Even were the laurels of sionaries, with wbom the late insurvictory such as those which bloomed rection is said to have originated. so thickly on the brow of Napoleon, The late motions, however, in the the very name of Riego would wither House of Commons on the subject them. We find, also, that Louis is of the Slave Trade, have excited busy in deciding between the respec- such a spirit amongst all the islands, tive merits of Savary and Talley- that Government is about to send rand, in the affair of the Duke d’Eng- large military reinforcements thither

Our military establishment is in con- they may be said already to have sequence to be increased by an ad been pre-judged and convicted. It dition of ten thousand men.

is, indeed, almost impossible for a Great preparations are making in jury, even with the very best intenAmerica for the election of a Presi- tions, to come to the consideration of dent. Amongst the candidates we this charge with minds so perfectly unobserve the name of their celebrated biassed as their heavy responsibility General, Jackson. Some, however, would demand of them. The odious of the more violent of the democratic desire of gain has gone so far upon party, are averse to the election of a this occasion, as to induce the mamilitary governor. Their last papers nagers of one of the minor theatres mention a fact of considerable com- to make the minutiæ of the murder mercial importance, namely, the the subject of a dramatic represenopening of the great canal which tation. A rule has been granted connects the Hudson river with lake for a criminal information against Erie, thus establishing a safe water them in the King's Bench, and the communication between the line of Magists ates have very properly proAmerican Jakes and the Atlantic, hibited the future exhibition of this through the state of New York. The spectacle. Under such circumstandebt incurred by the state of New ces, our readers will, we are sure, York, in the progress of this great give us credit for the motive which undertaking, is to be repaid by the prohibits our publication till the proproceeds of the canal itself, the over- per time arrives, feeling, as we do, plus of which is subsequently to be that human beings so heavily accused applied to the education of youth, ought at least to be allowed that and to internal improvements. impartial trial which has ever dis

Our domestic news for this month tinguished our criminal tribunals. It is very limited. The public mind is rather a singular coincidence, that has been much agitated, and indeed at the very same period, a trial for almost totally absorbed by the details murder should have been proceeding of a very barbarous murder, com- in Paris, which seems, in an almost mitted in Hertfordshire, on a person equal degree, to have interested that of the name of Weare. This unfor- metropolis. The accused was a phy, tunate man had it seems been invited sician of the name of Castaing, and together with one John Thurtell, and he was charged with poisoning two a public singer of the name of Hunt, brothers called Ballet, and of subto take a day's shooting at the cottage tracting a testamentary document. of a Mr. Probert, in that county, and The poison used, was called acetate on his way thither was murdered, as de morphine, and though the bodies is suspected, by Hunt or Thurtell. were carefully examined, not a trace There are some circumstances of of it could be found. The most peculiar atrocity connected with this eminent scientific professors in France event, but considering the proximity were examined, and their evidence of the trial, and the exasperated went strongly to exculpate the acstate of the public mind, we do not cused. He was, however, found think it proper to add to the preju- guilty of poisoning one of the brodice already excited by their publi- thers, by a majority of seven to five cation. Next month the trial will of the jury, and condemned to death. most likely have taken place, and The more humane spirit of English we may then, without detriment to law requires an unanimous verdict. any party, communicate more full Castaing has appealed to the Court of particulars. While on this subject Cassation, but with no great chance we cannot avoid reverting to, and of success. reprobating the conduct of the public The news from Ireland represents press, with respect to the unhappy that country as comparatively tranmen accused of this atrocity. Every quil—the tranquillity of exhaustion. detail of their previous lives has been Parliament has been prorogued to over and over again reiterated, every the 3d of February, when it meets anecdote which can tend to their pre- for the dispatch of business. judice has been repeated, and prac- Mr. Daniel Whittle Harvey, the tices at which humanity revolts so late member for Colchester, has been positively imputed to them, that sentenced to three months' imprison

ment, and 2001. fine, for a libel on his Majesty.


Nov. 24.

Nov. 24.

WE have lately inspected a series of correspondence relative to the crop of this year, containing facts of the utmost importance, for these letters convey certain information of the deficiency of the late harvest, both as to quality and quantity. They are from gentlemen largely engaged in agriculture and the corn-trade, and who have spared neither trouble nor expense in obtaining the most correct intelligence. They include accurate reports irom the northern, western, some of the midland, and some of the eastern counties of England, Scotland, Ireland, and Wales, and, by their agreement, give strong confirmation of the truth of their statements. The deficiency appears in some districts to be a fifth, and, in others, a third, as compared with the crop of last year. The quantity of really fine wheat harvested is, according to these reports, very inconsiderable, while the general character is rough, inferior, ordinary, and in some counties even shrivelled and lean. A proportion is stated to be got up very damp, and will require a considerable time ere it be in a fit state to bring to market. The only counties supposed to have an average crop are Norfolk, Essex, and Lincolnshire. The general opinion held by these merchants, appears to be that the price will rise considerably, and they draw this inference from the probability of a deficient supply -from the increased consumption as to bulk, arising from the inferiority of the corn producing less flour-from the increased consumption of wheaten flour, occasioned by its cheapness- from the shortness of the hay crop-from the unusually bare state of the London markets, and from the failure of the potatoe crop. To our minds, however, any considerable rise is by no means certain. The harvest of this year being full a month later than that of the preceding, caused a demand for at least the supply of that period, beyond that of 1822. Even after this unusual consumption, a considerable quantity of old wheat still remained on hand in some places, and from the constant supply of water to the mills, as well as from the blowing winds which have prevailed, during the spring and summer, a large quantity of flour was thrown upon the market. If also the harvest of next year should take place at the usual period, the time will be shortened from a month to six weeks, and the demand consequently will be so much the


The failure of the potatoe crop is in some measure met by the abundant crop of barley and oats, and the failure in the hay

and turnips, by the luxuriant growth of clover among the barley straw.

But it may be said, that the power the farmer possesses to hold his stock must be considered, and the assistance which the country banker, in consequence of the abundance of money, and of better pros pects, may be induced to lend him. These circumstances will operate, in some degree, to produce a rise.

It is extraordinary, that during the eleven weeks following the harvest of 1822, when the importation coastwise into the London market was much greater than the importation of this year, the prices (even in the face of an acknowledged crop) should rise from 30s. 11d. to 42s. 3d. per quarter, while in the eleven weeks succeeding the harvest of this year (although the harvest is


stated to have failed both in point of quantity and quality) the prices have decreased from 59s. 11d. to 52s. 10d. It should seem, therefore, from these facts, that at present there appears to be no general belief in the market of the probability of a deficiency of supply. however, the opinion of a rise should become general, joined to the recollection of what the farmers who sold early last year suffered, the supply will be lessened, and, in this case, the quantity of corn thrown upon the market in the early part of the year will be greatly increased, which will tend to equalize the supply.

According to the various reports for this month, the wheat sowing appears to have gone on very favourably, and those wheats which are up have a very healthy appear


The importations during the month have averaged weekly: wheat, 6670; barley, 3565; oats, 7077; peas, 1595; flour, 8236.

There has been an importation of foreign flour of 2525 sacks; of foreign wheat, about 500 quarters; and of Irish oats, 7230 quarters; wheat has advanced about 48. for prime samples; barley is up 3s. for good malting samples; oats scarcely any alteration, but rather on the decline; peas have risen about 38.


At Winchester Michaelmas Fair there was a large show of sheep, which were sold at the same prices as those at Weyhill. There was an abundant supply of cheese, and the horse fair was well attended. Salisbury, although the usual quantity of cheese was pitched, half remained unsold, while at Gainsborough, full a hundred tons of cheese were brought to market, and not 10 were unsold; it fetched good prices. At Warminster, the fair was well attended, both by buyers and sellers, and both sheep and cheese sold readily; a great deal of business was transacted.

The prices in the Smithfield market have improved, and fine beasts fetch a good

price, but inferior sorts find good buyers. Beef averages about 3s. a stone. Mutton and veal from 38. 6d. to 48.


London, Nov. 25.

Notwithstanding the fears that some persons have entertained, that the French having re-established King Ferdinand in the possession of absolute power, would immediately afford powerful assistance to enable Spain to recover her lost colonies, it is pretty certain that the English government entertains no fears of any such interference: for not only are Consuls, Vice-Consuls, and Commissioners to the new governments appointed, but a Deputation of Merchants interested in the trade to South America having waited on Mr. Canning and Mr. Huskisson, have received, it is said, the most satisfactory answers to their inquiries, respecting the presumed intentions of France, with the assurance that the French naval force in the West Indies was not considerable, and was on the point of being diminished, and that the armament fitting out at Brest was on a very small scale, calculated merely to carry out a few hundred men to reinforce the garrisons; and the deputation having represented, that many valuable ships were ready to sail for South America, which it would be better to keep at home, if there were any cause of alarm, the Ministers are stated to have replied, that they saw no reason for suspending the departure of those vessels. We trust that a new and

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extensive field for British commerce will be

opened in that part of the world; and have only to repeat what we have said on former occasions, that it is to be hoped a too great eagerness of competition may not frustrate the well grounded expectations that may be reasonably conceived, if the quantity and quality of the consignments are duly regulated according to the probable demand.

Cotton. The demand for Cotton continued to be very fair for two or three weeks after our last report, and at prices rather below those of the August sale, the holders being induced to submit to a reduction as the prompt approached, so that pretty large quantities of East India were taken, both for home consumption and by speculators; the quantity sold in the fortnight ending the 11th of November was about 8000 bags. Though the holders must have been relieved by those sales, they continued in the following week to bring forward further quantities, at a reduction of d. per lb. on Surat, which was sold d. per lb. below the August sale, and Bengals, d. In the week ending to-day, the sales have been

2,600 bags, but without any alteration of prices. The East India Company have declared a sale of 441 Bengals for the 12th December :-At Liverpool in five weeks, October 18 to November 22, the sales were about 40,000 bags, the arrivals 25,500.

Sugar. The state of the market has been on the whole very satisfatory to the holders. Extensive sales have been made, and at an advance, at the end of last month, of 1s. to 2s. which has been since maintained; though the demand afterwards slackened, which might be expected after the large sales, no reduction took place, and it is presumed that prices will keep up for a time, because on comparing the stock in hand, with that of the same time last year, there appears to be a deficiency of 12,000 casks, which is likely to amount to 18,000 by Christmas, as no importation of any consequence can be expected. In this last week, though prices have been steady, there has been more disposition in the holders to sell. It is remarkable that refined sugars have in general been much too low, in proportion to the prices of Muscovades. Yesterday and to-day, however, there has been a considerable improvement, scarcely any lumps to be had under 798. The accounts from the continent are more favourable, and the advances since last week are 18. to 2s. per cwt. Molasses 28s.

Coffee. The demand has been considerable and prices rather higher. Last week the market was brisk and prices advancing, and the holders continue sanguine, expecting a further improvement.

Tallow, with a trifling advance at the beginning of the month, has been heavy of sale; the price to-day is about 36s. 6d.

Rum has been in a very depressed state for a length of time, the unexpected declaration of a government contract for 100,000 gallons, at the beginning of this month, excited hopes of an advance: it was taken at 1s. 34d. During this last week considerable purchases have been made of strong Jamaica, and at higher prices: the demand for low qualities and Leewards has been more limited, but on the whole the market is firm and improving. Brandy on the quay 28. 11d. with expectations of an advance, as the demand and prices are improving in France. Best pale Geneva 2s. 4d.

Tobacco is improving in demand and price; 500 hogsheads of Kentucky have been sold within this week, at an advance of nearly d. per lb.

Oils. Fish oils have fluctuated but little, having been 19., 197. 10s. and 197. They have not varied this week.-Seed oils are in demand at higher prices.

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