Imágenes de páginas

Laches: What constitutes
blameworthy delay by plaintiff,
322n., 342, 354. Definitions of
delay, laches, and acquiescence,
368. Connivance, 356. Estoppel,
344, 346n.; various kinds of injury
to defendant by the delay, 353n.;
active encouragement by plaintiff,
347n.; plaintiff need not assume
wrongful action by defendant,
346n.; plaintiff's knowledge of
tort, 347n.; effect of defend-
ant's good or bad faith, 355.
362n. Whether delay less than
the period of Statute of Limita-
tions is a bar without estoppel.
342, 344, 348, 351, 352n., 368.
369; continuous wrongs, 355; dis-
tinction between protection of
legal and equitable rights, 342
and n., 359; between executory
and executed interests, 369; delay
barring some wrongful conduct,
not other, 346n.; as bar to ac-
counting, 348, but not injunction,
346n. Delay by plaintiff's prede-
cessor, 352n.; effect at law, 347n.

Laches in suits against public
service cos., 336, 343n.; in nui-
sances, 344, 347n.; unfair compe-
tition, 343n., 346n., 347n.;
reclaiming chattel, 351; patent
suits, 354; waters, 344, 347n.;
equitable servitudes, 347n.; against
ticket-scalpers, 355; in public nui-
sances, 450n.

Temporary injunctions, 203n.,
347n.; mandatory, 347n., 352n.
Raising laches by demurrer, 56n.,


Statute of Limitations: Against
reversioners and remaindermen,
193n. Whether Statute is binding
in equity, 368. Continuous wrongs,
341n., 342n.; permanent structure
of public service co., 336; build-
ing increasingly encroaching
plaintiff's land, 362; cloud on
title, 341n. Suit in equity when
Statute has run against legal relief,
353n. State Statutes of Limita-
tion in U. S. courts, 342, 354.
Contempt, 498n. See Prescription.
long leases, 10, 14n.; obligation to
repair and permissive waste, 15;
neglect of tenant to care for crops,
execute crop mortgages, etc., 169;

injunctions by landlord or tenant
against third party, 191, 192n.,
334, 335n.; prescription and ad-
verse possession against landlord
or tenant, 193n.; whether rever-
sioner must join tenant as CO-
plaintiff, 192n.; injunction by
landlord to prevent liability to
tenant under lease, arising from
acts of defendant, 191n.
LAW, inadequacy of remedy. See
Inadequacy of other Remedies;
absence of remedy at. See Equity
Follows the Law. Equitable rem-
edies and principles in legal
actions. See Common Law Courts,

LEAVE TO APPLY, 210, 216n.
LEGAL RIGHT, determination of, by
jury. See Establishment of the


LEGISLATION, Compared with judicial

law-making, 141; authorization of
injury by public service com-
panies, and constitutionality of
want of compensation, 318, 321n.,
328, 330n.. 416n. See Comparative

Statutory alterations of equi-
table jurisdiction over torts; Note,
420. Curtailment, 414-437; legal-
izing small nuisances, 414, 419n.;
limiting use of injunction in labor
disputes, 421, 437n. Extension:
fire-limit and spite fence cases,
420 and n.; public aesthetics,
446n.; public nuisances, 456, 461n.,
462n.; suits by private citizens
against, 456, 461n.; criminal
syndicalism, 479n.

Statutes regulating circumstances
under which contempt may be
punished, 480; requiring jury trial
in contempt proceedings, 505,
and Statute of Limitations.
LITERARY PROPERTY, injunctions to
protect, 81, 84n., 140n., 370; in
dramatic compositions, 81, 84n.;
history and relation to copyright,
84n.; duration, 84n.; particular
forms, books, paintings and
drawings, lectures, abstracts of
title, 84n.; forms of legal docu-
ments, 86n.; exclusive right to
photograph, 128, 130n.; news, 130,
143n. Denial of relief for im-

[blocks in formation]

MANDAMUS, as adequate remedy at
law, 200n.; unclean hands as bar
to, 413n.

MAILS, wrongful exclusion from, in-
junction against, 242.


Secrets; Labor Law; Agent.
MEDICINE, injunctions against illegal
practise of, 455n.

MINES, 9n., 35, 37 and n., 38, 39,
43, 166, 174n., 206n.; injunction
against occupation by state troops,
244n.; possible jurisdiction of
equity over, 247n.; doctrine of
comparative injury, 304n., 313,
smelters, 314, hydraulic mine
debris, 314, 393.

MONOPOLIES. See Restraint of
Trade; Patents; Copyrights; Fran-

MORTGAGES, waste by mortgagor and
mortgagee, 29 and n.; priority of
damages against public service
company for indirect injuries,
328n. See Specific Performance of

MOTIVE, plaintiff's and defendant's,
See Clean Hands.
MOVING-PICTURES, distribution con-
tracts, 95, 99n.; employment, 396.
Inadequacy of Other Remedies.
against torts by, 181n.; 344n.;
abatement by, of public nuisance,
198, 454n.; municipal water supply
unauthorized by state board of
health, 450n.; injunction against
removal of officer, 485; against
passage of ordinance, 498.

NOTICE. See Procedure; Enforce-
ment of Specific Relief.
NUISANCES, history in equity, 2, 55–
57; general references, 66n.; pos-
sibility of nuisance without plain-
tiff's owning land, 65n.; relation
to repeated trespasses, 36, 175-
178; to easements, 54n. Moving
up to 60, and n., 393. Absence
of injury to plaintiff's personal
enjoyment. 60-65. See Enjoyment
of Land. Acquisition of prescrip-

tive right by defendants, 6ln., 62,
64n. Attracting crowds, 205n.
Interference with water rights,
See Waters.

Injunctions against, 2, 55-66, 156,
180, 198, 201, 217, 233, 270, 272,
288-303, 315-343, 344, 414; en-
croachments above and below sur-
face, 175, 178; temporary and oc-
casional, 180, 181n.; interstate,
447, 449n.; illegal saloon, 455n.
Determination of existence of
tort, 57, 66n.; necessity of trial
at law to establish tort, 55, 66n.,
154n.; guiding decrees, 232n., 233,
235n. Effect of statute allowing
specific relief in action at law,
270. Doctrine of comparative in-
juries, 288-303, 315-343, 393.
Laches, 344, 347n. Contributory
negligence, 362. Effect of plain-
tiff's speculative purchase, 393;
of his tortious conduct, 412n.,

Accounting for profits and
damages, 250n., 251, 253, 257n.
Legalizing small nuisances, 414,
419n., 420.
Public Interests.

OIL. See Gas and Oil.

PARTIES, in equity, See Procedure;
Enforcement of Specific Relief.
PARTNERSHIP, injunctions against
sale of partnership goods on exe-
cution by separate creditor, 184n.;
Statute of Limitations and ac-
counting, 350n.; illegal partner-
ships, 392n.

PATENTS, history in equity,


U. S. statutes, 67; injunctions, 68-
70; temporary injunctions, 205n.;
need of jury trial of legal right.
68, 70; desirability of technical
judges, 70; exclusive contract to
supply material to licensee, 100n.
Accounting of profits and damages,
68, 249n., 250n., 255, 258n., 265n.;
against executor, 250n. Bond
from defendant, 206n. Sur-
render or destruction of infringing
articles, 210n. Doctrine of com-
parative injuries, 294n., 299n..
314; infringement in manufacture
of articles for use by state or
U. S., 323n.; laches, 354. Effect

of restraint of trade by plaintiff,
383n.; of use for gambling, and
other misusers and non-utility,
384, 391n.; of non-user, 387n.
POLICE, injunctions against surveil-
lance by, 392n.; forcible ejection
by, as adequate remedy, 193,

POLITICAL SUITS, doctrine of com-
parative injuries, 299n.; enforce-
ment of contempt proceedings for
disobedience of injunction, 485,

PRECEDENTS, equity decisions as, 53.
PRESCRIPTION, by interference with

water rights, 61n.; by noise and
vibration, 62, 64n.; danger of, as
ground for injunction, 167, 189,
191n., 193n.; against reversioner
or tenant, 193n. See Laches and
Statute of Limitations.
PRIZE-FIGHTS. See Social and Public

PROCEDURE, need of subpoena before
injunction, 47.2, 205n.; notice
(telegraphic) without service, 498,
500n.; binding unnamed persons,
See Enforcement of Specific Re-
lief; necessary and indispensable
parties, 55n.; whether reversioner
must be a co-defendant with
tenant, 18n.1, or a co-plaintiff,

Pleading inadequacy of legal
remedy and apprehension of in-
jury in bill, 163; pleading ade-
quacy of legal remedy as defense,
56n., 165n.; pleading unclean
hands, 378n.; demurrer to raise
necessity or adequacy of trial at
law, 56n., 154n., 165n., or to raise
laches, 56n., 352n.

Disposal of whole case on mo-
tion for dissolution of temporary
injunction, 47n.3; bond from de-
fendant, 205n.; from plaintiff as
condition of relief, 509n.; receiver,
206n.; leave to apply, 210, 216n.;
issue or dissolution of injunction
without regard to the merits
because of misconduct, 222, 223n.

Suspension of injunctions pend-
ing appeals (supersedeas), 205n.,
210n., 245n., 509n.; decision on the
merits on appeal from temporary
injunction, 509n.; bill of review,

Code Procedure: disputed

legal right, 154n.; adequacy of
legal remedy, 165n.; injunction in
action at law, 44; jury trial for
damages, 257n., 272, 276n.; Code
provisions, 258 ff. See Profits and

Federal Equity Practice: trans-
fers from equity to law and vice
versa, 263; state Statutes of Limi-
tations, 342n.; Federal Equity
Rules on process and enforcement
of decrees, 483, 484.

See Injunctions; Jury trial;
Profits and Damages; Enforce-
ment of Specific Relief; United
States Judicial Code; Jurisdiction,

to injunctions, 246, 249, 250n., 251,
257n., 258n. Damages as dis-
tinguished from profits, 250, 251,
252n., 257n.; exemplary damages,
257n.; under statutes, 257n.;
measure of damages for use of
land, 268, 270n.; jury trial, 257n.

In lieu of injunctions, 246, 313,
247n., 248, 249n., 286, 287n.; of
specific performance, 249n. Under
statutes, 263-268, 272-280; in lieu
of mandatory injunctions, 263,
265n., 333n., 334n.; of prohibitory
injunctions, 265n., 266, 267n., 272,
276n.; in anticipation of future
tort, 266, 267n., 332, 333n.; con-
tinuous torts, 267n., 333n., 334n.;
specific performance, 265n.; need
of jury trial, 272, 276n.

Statutes authorizing specific re-
lief and substitutional redress in
same proceeding, 258-263; judicial
construction, 257n., 261n., 263-
280; as bar to equitable proceed-
ings, 270, 272n.; 200n., jury trial
under, 272-280; proceedings for
recovery of land under, 276, 280n.,
action for specific relief as bar to
later action for damages, 178n,

Profits and damages for waste,
246, 247n., 250n.; equitable waste,
22, 207n., 247n.; trespass, 250n.,
257n.; nuisance, 250n., 257n.;
patents. 68, 249n., 250n.,
copyrights, 249n., 250n., 258n.;
reasonable royalty rule, 250n.; un-
fair competition, 250n., 251, 256n.;
trade-marks, 106n., 249, 250n.,
258n.; trade secrets, 87n.; inter-

ference with contracts, 257n.;
obstruction of easement, 257n.

Accounting against executor for
proceeds of injury to land, 38,
207n., 247n., 270n.; against same
for profits of patent, 250n.; be-
tween co-tenants, 34n.

Measure of damages for " pro-
spective" injury to land: in Eng-
land, 331n., 333n.; in New York,
and generally in U. S., 338n.
Laches, 346n., 348.

Paying fine to pltff. in contempt,
494 and n.


waste in early law, 6, 7n.; to pre-
vent contempt proceedings for
violation of void injunctions,
222n., 491n. Of intoxicating
liquors, See Social and Public

Public Interests.

PUBLIC UTILITIES, resort to Public
Service Commission as adequate
remedy, 200n.; mandatory injunc-
tions against carriers, 218n., 223n.;
form of injunction under Inter-
state Commerce Act, 237; seizure
of shipper's coal by R. R., 307,

See Franchises; Eminent
Domain; Comparative Injuries;
Laches and Statute of Limita-
tions; Administrative Law.

RECEIVER, to make repairs, 15n.; as
substitute for temporary injunc-
tion, 206n.; Judicature Act, 260.
REMEDIAL DEVICES. See Injunctions.
Form and Scope of Decrees.
RES ADJUDICATA. See Judgments.
RESTRAINT OF TRADE, exclusive fran-
chises, 80n.; contracts imposing
geographical or price restrictions,
88n., 99.; form of injunction under
Sherman Act, 236; by plaintiff,
whether bar to relief, 381, 383n.

See Landlord and

ROLT'S ACT, SIR JOHN, 154n., 259n.,

SEQUESTRATION, 482, 484 and n.
SERVITUDES, in chattels, 88n., 99n.; in
land, doctrine of comparative in-
jury, 307n.; laches, 347n.; effect of
plaintiff's obstruction, 412n.

TABLE PROTECTION OF, 438-479; dis-
tinction between public and social,
438n., 444n.; history, 438-440, 441,
442n., 444n. Chancery as a court
of state, 438. Social interests in
equitable waste, 18, 19. Problem
cases, 455n. Miscellaneous cases,


Purprestures: On tide-flowed
lands, 441, 444n.; injunctions
against purpresture if no public nui-
sance, 444n.; nuisance injuring
government land, 444n.

Aesthetic interests, 446n. In-
junction to restrict height of build-
ing, 445.

Suit by sovereign in another's
courts to enjoin tort to subjects:
interstate nuisance, 447, 449n.;
issue of money for revolutionary
govt., 449n.; conversion of public
chattels, 449n.; abatement of inter-
national nuisance, 449n.

Public Nuisances: Alternative
methods for abatement, 440. In-
junctions against obstruction of
navigation, 441, 444n., and of high-
ways, 77, 205n., 327n., 444n.,;
annoying businesses, 444n., 449.

Prize-fights, disorderly houses,
illegal saloons, etc., 450-461; equi-
table jurisdiction without statute,
450, 453n.; with statute, 456, 461n.,
462n., 503.; injunction as preroga-
tive writ, 453n. Suits by private
citizens, see infra. National Pro-
hibition Act, 462n. Abatement
against subsequent owner of build-
ing, without notice of decree, 502n.
503, 505n.

Waste of natural gas, 455n.; re-
marriage in violation of divorce
decree, 455n.; illegal practise of
medicine, 455n.; illegal sales of in-
toxicating liquor, 453n., 454n., 455n..
461n., 462n.; violation of fire-limit
ordinances, 420n., 454n.

Large strikes, 462-479; injunc-
tions under federal jurisdiction over
mails and interstate commerce, 462,
472n.; war strikes, 473n.; violation
of Kansas Industrial Court Act,
473, 478n.

Criminal syndicalism, 479n.

Adequacy of criminal prosecu-
tion and other legal remedies as bar
to relief, 77, 198, 200n., 453n.; doc-

trine of comparative injuries, 447,
449, 450n.; war needs as bar to in-
junction, 449, 450n.; as basis for
injunction, 473n.; laches, 449n.

Suits by private persons to en-
join public wrongs: Without statu-
tory authorization, obstruction of
streets by jitneys, 77; factory nui-
sance, 198, 200n.; fire-limit cases,
420n.; unauthorized water supply,
450n.; illegal practise of medicine,
455n.; fraudulent assay offices,
455n.; in general, 420n., 454n.;
problem cases, 455n. With statu-
tory authority, 456, 461n. Illegal
saloons, 455n., 461n., 462n.

Suits by municipal corporations,

Illegality as bar to equitable re-
lief. See Clean Hands.
adequacy of other Remedies.
jurisdiction over torts compared,
9n.; long leases, 10n.; contracts to
repair, 15n.; contract by tenant to
care for land and execute crop
mortgages, 169; remedial devices as
condition of relief, 235n.; damages
in equity when specific perform-
ance is impossible, 249n.; under
English statutes, 265n.; as incident
to injunction against tort, 257n.
STATUTES. See Patents; Copyrights;

Laches and Statute of Limitations;
Legislation; and names of various

[blocks in formation]

tions, 205n.
100, 107n., 111n.; registration,
101n.; use of same mark or name
in different business, 103n.; history,
107n.; requirements of validity,
107n.; foreign, 107n.; union labels,
107n.; relation to unfair competi-
tion, 107n.; transfer apart from
business, 107, 111n.; name of car-
toon figures, 148n. Accounting of
profits, 106n., 249, 250n., 258n.
Misrepresentation by plaintiff, 372-
380; illegal conduct of plaintiff,

Geographical scope,

TRADE SECRETS: Injunctions to pro-
tect, 85, 87n., 107, 401; temporary
injunctions, 205n. Distinction from
trade experience, 86n.; history in
equity, 87n.; theories of protection,
87n.; bona fide purchaser of, 88n.,
107; safeguarding during trial, 88n.,
294n.; actions at law, 88n.; gen-
eral references, 88n.; ideas for
organization, 87, 91n.; solicitation
of former employer's customers,
88n.; assets in bankruptcy, 88n.
Accounting, 87n. Plaintiff's re-
straint of trade. 383n.; plaintiff's
wrongful acquisition of secret, 401,

TRADING STAMPS. See Contracts, In-
terference with.

TRESPASS, definition in equity, 35n.;
history, 35-42.


Injunctions against, to land,
35-46. 152, 166, 168, 169, 170, 171.
195, 208, 210, 219, 244n., 248, 268,
276, 281, 286, 299, 362, 500. Efect
of possession and defendant's daim
of title, 40, 42n., 44, 174n.. 260;
under Codes, 276, 280.
ment at law of legal right, 35-44,
152, 154n. Continuous and re-
peated trespasses, 171–178; relation
to nuisances, 36, 175, 178n.; by
fowls and animals, 174n. Encroach-
ments below and above surface of
land, 166, 171-178; at surface, 276
(jury trial), 286, 287n. (comparative
injuries); compensation to bona
fide occupant, 287n.; increasing en-
croachment, 362.

Trespasses to chattels by sale.
asportation, etc., 35, 182, 184n.,
259n., 455n.; seizure of coal by R.
R., 307, 313n.; laches in reclaiming,

Accounting, 250n., 257n.; against

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