Imágenes de páginas
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UNITED STATES.-The Ku-Klux Bill, 150. Report

of the San Domingo Commission, 151. Adjournment,

151. Elections: in Connecticut, Michigan, and Rhode

Island, 151; in North Carolina and Kentucky, 793;

in Wyoming Territory, California, and Maine, 945.

Riot in Scranton, 151. Meeting of Pacific Railroad

Corporators, 151. German Peace Demonstration, 151.

Disasters, 152, 313, 471, 633, 793, 946. Obituary: J. M.

Howard, Father Taylor, T. F. Marshall, A. Russell,

152; J. M. Mason, Rev. D. W. Clark, 313; T. J. Rod-

man, J. Tatnall, C. L. Vallandigham, 472; A. Robins,

S. J. May, T. Lincoln, 634; C. Scribner, D. H. Ma-

han, 946. Special Session of the Senate, and the

Washington Treaty, 311. Political State Conven-

tions: Kentucky (Republican), 312; Pennsylvania

(Republican and Democratic), 312; Ohio (Demo-

cratic and Republican), 471; Maine (Democratic),

633; Louisiana (Republican), 793; New Jersey (Dem-

ocratic and Republican), 945; Mississippi (Republic-

an), 945; Minnesota (Democratic and Republican),

945; Massachusetts (Democratic), 945; Illinois (Re-

publican), 945. S. B. Ruggles's Report on Statistics of

Population, 312. Indian Troubles, 313. The Civil Serv-

ice Reform Commission, 471. Reduction of the Army,

471. National Insurance Congress, 471. Orange Riots

in New York, 632. Selfridge's Darien Expedition

633. Suspension of Internal Revenue Commissionel

Pleasonton, 793. Financial Corruption in New York

City, 945.


Spain and the South American Republics, 152. The
Mexican Presidential Campaign, 152, 313, 634, 794.
Strife between Liberals and Conservatives in Porto
Rico, 152. Defeat of Cabral in San Domingo, 152,
634. War between Honduras and San Salvador, 152,
313. Inundation in Peru, 152. Revolution in Pana-
ma, 313. Earthquake in Valparaiso, 313. Yellow
Fever at Buenos Ayres, 313. Conflagration at Point-
a-Pitre, Guadeloupe, 794. Hurricane in the West

Deaths of Robert Chambers, Sampson Low, Jun.,

and Professors De Morgan and Gervinus, 137, 138.

Burr's Ad Fidem, 138. Hanna's Life of Christ, 138.

Conant's Revision of the Psalms, 138. Emily C.

Pearson's Gutenberg and the Art of Printing, 139.

Brodhead's History of New York, 139. Curtius's

History of Greece

Riddell's A Life's Assize, 139.

ASIA.-The Corean Expedition, 154, 473, 634.
Measures of the Chinese Government against Mis-
sionaries, 314. The Famine in Persia, 314, 634, 794.
Volcanic Eruption on the Island of Rua, 473. Earth-
quakes at Bathang, 473. Burning of a Cooly Ship off
Hong-Kong, 473. Typhoons in Japan, 634, 794.
Earthquake in the Philippine Islands, 794. Earth-
quake in the Malay Archipelago, 794.

Black's The Monarch of Mincing Lane, 140. Three
Successful Girls, 140. One Year, 140. M. or N., 140.
Sand's The Miller of Angibault, 140. Naphegyi's
Ghardaia, 140. The Fight at Dame Europa's School,
140. Smith's English-Latin Dictionary, 141. Alli-
bone's Dictionary of Authors, 141. Local Taxation,
142. The Diary of a besieged Resident in Paris, 142.


Andersen's The Story of my Life, 142. Life and

Times of Lord Brougham, written by Himself, 298.

Bayne's Hugh Miller's Life and Letters, 299. Ander-

sen's Story of my Life, 299. M'Cosh's Christianity

and Positivism, 299. Hawes's New Testament Hand-

Book, 300. Smith's Smaller Scripture History, 300.

Williams's God's Rescues, 300. Barnes's Notes on

the Epistle to the Romans, 300. Miss Phelps's Silent

Partner, 300. Anteros, 301. Porter's Foundations;

or, Castles in the Air, 301. The Sister of Orleans,

301. John Woolman's Journal, 301. Miscellaneous,

301. Obituary: Grote and Count de Gasparin, 455.

Paine's Institutes of Medicine, 456. Tyndall's Scien-

tific Addresses and Fragments of Science, 456. Dr.

Hope's Till the Doctor Comes, 456. Abbott's Light,

457. The Wonders of the Heavens, 457. Guild's

Over the Ocean, 457. Hunnewell's The Lands of

Scott, 457. Fairbanks's History of Florida, 457.

Bill's Climate for Invalids, 457. Trollope's Ralph

the Heir, 458. Miss Alcott's Little Men, 458. Ina,

458. The American Cardinal, 458. Mills of Tuxbury,

459. Mrs. Porter's Married for Both Worlds, 459.

Bickersteth's The Two Brothers, 459. Hay's Ballads,

459. A Woman's Poems, 460. Mrs. Hooper's Poems,

460. Hamerton's Thoughts about Art, 460. Soule's

English Synonyms, 461. Munsell's Psychology, 461.

Holy Bible with Commentary, 620. Collyer's The

Life that Now Is, 621. Weiss's American Religion,

621. Shedd's Sermons to the Natural Man, 621.

Stroud's Physical Cause of the Death of Christ, 621.

Clarke's Ten Great Religions, 621. Presbyterian Re-

union Memorial Volume, 621. Beecher's Life of

Jesus, the Christ, 621. Stockbridge's Memoir of the

Life and Correspondence of Rev. Baron Stow, D.D.,

622. Hughes's Alfred the Great, 622. Parker's His-

toric Americans, 622. Bush's Reindeer, Dogs, and

Snow-Shoes, 622. Andersen's Poet's Bazaar, 623.


Summary of Scientific Progress since the Begin-

ning of the Year, 142. Cure of St. Vitus's Dance,

143. Rain-producing Disturbance of the Atmos-

phere, 144. Supposed new Brachiopod, 144. Spongy

fron as a Deodorizer, 144. Breeding of Ostriches in

Captivity, 144. Distinguishing Dextrine from Gum-

Arabic, 144. Putting up preserved Fruits, 144. Syn-

thesis of Conlin, 144. Potassium in Tobacco-Smoke,

144. Prescribed Dyes for Candies, 144. Green Color

in Pickles, 144. Stolba Process of Tinning, 145.

Exter Locomotive or Wagon Regulator, 145. Safra

nin, 145. Development of the Lamprey, 145. Action

of Light on the Tissues of Plants, 145. Transpira-

tion of Water by Leaves, 146. Utilization of Iron

Slag, 146. Is the Brain a Galvanic Battery? 146.

Maxima and Minima of Thunder-Storms, 146. Influ-

ence of Trees on Climate, 147. Physiological Action

of Quinine, 147. Rusting of Iron, 147. Small-Pox

in England, 147. Is the Aurora visible in Daylight?

148. Lithofracteur for bursting Guns, 148. Sewage

Water, 148. Haeckel on Abiogenesis, 148. Climate

of Peru, 149. Wollaston Gold Medal, 149. New-born

Hippopotamus, 149. Catalogue of Fishes in the Brit-

ish Museum, 149. Peculiarities of Salmon Kelts,

149. Summary of Scientific Progress, 302. Tyndall

on the Purity of Water, 303. Heaton Steel, 303. Re-

storing Faded Photographs, 303. Treatment of

Croup by Inhalation of Glycerine, 304. Geology of

South African Diamond-Fields, 304. Habits of the

Narwhal, 304. Meteoric Shower in Sweden, 304.

Eucalyptus in California, 304. Salmon-fishing in

Loch Tay, 304. Geology of Missouri, 305. Death of

Sir John Herschel, 305. Darwin on the "Descent of

Man," 305. Preparation of White Lead from Galena,

307. Soluble Glass for Floors, 307. Use of soluble

Glass in Painting, 307. Preparation of Zinc Paint,

307. Effects of Alcohol, 307. Improved Test-Paper,

307. Rapidity of Mental Transmissions in a Nerve,

308. Origin of Coal from Sea-Weeds, 308. A new

Remedy for Intermittent Fever, 308. Removing Iron-

Mould from Fabrics, 308. Insertion of Screws in

Wood, 308. Cycles of Temperature, 308. Dualin

and Dynamite, 308. Movement of Temperature

Waves, 309. Improved Mortar, 309. The Mboundou

Poison, 309. Zinc-water Paint, 309. Concrete for

Building Purposes, 309. Prevention of Moisture in

Tunnels, 310. Platinized Mirrors, 310. Sponge Pa-

per, 310. Edwards's Improvement of the Albert-type

Process, 310. Dyeing with Acids in Brass Kettles,

311. Uses of the Ground-Nut, 311. Summary of

Scientific Progress, 461. Communications to the So-

clety of Physics and Natural History of Geneva, 462.

Respighi on Solar Protuberances, 462. Carbolic Acid

as a Preservative, 463. Effect of Exercise and Diet

on Elimination of Nitrogen, 463. Cement from Fur-

Won-Not Wooed, 623. Chesebro's The Foe in the

Household, 623. Stowe's Pink and White Tyranny,

623. Blackwell's The Island Neighbors, 623. Droz's

Around a Spring, 624. Marryat's Her Lord and Mas-

ter, 624. My Discontented Cousin, 624. Optic's

Young America Abroad, 624. Burroughs's Wake-

Robin, 624. Butler's Lawyer and Client, 624. Heard's

Curiosities of the Law Reporters, 624. Spillan's Livy

Literally Translated, 625. Abbott's Frederick the

Great, 781. Randolph's Domestic Life of Thomas

Jefferson, 782. The Life and Times of Lord Brough-

am, Volume II., 782. Tyndall's Hours and Exercises

in the Alps, 783. Mount Washington in Winter, 783.

Harper's Hand-Book for Travelers in Europe, Tenth

Year, 783. Anne Furness, 783. Walworth's Dela-

plaine; or, the Sacrifice of Irene, 784. Gibbon's For

Lack of Gold, 784. Tom Pippin's Wedding, 784.

Mrs. Prosser's The Clackitts of Inglebrook Hall, 784.

Corson's Hand-Book of Anglo-Saxon and Early En-

glish, 785. Wonders of European Art, 785. The

Young Mechanic, 785. Mrs. Harland's Common-

Sense in the Household, 785. Deaths of Phoebe Cary

and Dean H. L. Mansel, 785. Gillett's Federal Gov-

ernment; its Officers and their Duties, 934. Works

of Charles Sumner, 934. Dowling's History of Ro-

manism, 935. Smith's The Impending Conflict, 936.

Townsend's Sword and Garment, 936. Newton's

Nature's Wonders, 936. George Sand's Cesarine

Dietrich, 937. My Heroine, 937. Black's A Daugh-

ter of Heth, 937. Mrs. Spofford's New England Le-

gends, 937. Mrs. Ames's Eirene; or, a Woman's

Right, 937. Lyell's Student's Elements of Geology,

938. Underwood's Hand-Book of English Literature,

938. Lytton's King Arthur, 38. Lucille, and other

Poems, 938. Waddell's Latin Grammar for Begin-

ners, 938.

nace Slag, 463. The late Solar Eclipse, 463. The

Determination of the Mass of the Moon by Tidal Ob-

servation, 464. Structure of Mosasaurus, 465. Coin-

cidence of Thermometric and Sun-spot Curves, 465.

Fishes of Cuba, 465. Aqueous Solvent for Sulphur,

465. Sprinkled Fabrics, 465. New Fossil Land

Lizards, 465. Monstrosity in a Horse's Hoof, 465.

Fossil Cetaceans in Holland, 465. Cundurango-a

reputed Specific for Cancer, 465. "Landlocked Sal-

mon," 466. Marey's Apparatus for recording the

Flight of Birds, 466. Action of Bromide of Potas-

sium, 467. British Museum Fishes, 467. Cholera,

467. Character of Sun Spots, 468. Turtles of North-

ern and Southern America, 468. Antiquity of the

Cat, 468. Antiquity of the Pig, 468. Fayrer on Snake

Bites, 468. Gourami Fish, 469. Peculiarities of

Madeiran Entomology, 469. Theory of Atmospheric

Germs, 469. Proctor on the Solar Corona, 470. Car-

penter on Mediterranean Currents, 470. Blyth on

Zoological Provinces, 625. Carbolic Acid for pre-

serving Meat, 625. Direct Condensation of Watery

Vapor, 625. Simple Method of copying Drawings,

etc., 626. Artificial Porphyry, 626. Sorby on Tints

of Autumnal Foliage, 626. Fastening Parchment

Papers, 626. Improved Electric Amalgam, 626. Re-

moval of Freckles, 626. Poisoning by Charcoal

Fumes, 627. Adulteration of Aniline with Coal, 627.

Effect of a continued Bread Diet on Men and Dogs,

627. Absorption of Gas by Charcoal under increased

Pressure, 627. Fucus Serratus in North America,

627. Borax for exterminating Cockroaches, etc., 627.

Feet in a Trilobite, 627. Carpenter on Ocean Cur-

rents, 628. Bendering Walls Water-tight, 628. Pe-

louze Process of preserving Meat, 628. The Move-

ment of Chlorophyl Grains, 629. Eozoon not of Or-

ganic Character, 629. Bryozoa and Parasitic Crus

facea, 629. Rare Echinus, 629. Method of preparing

Fruit Sirups, 629. Fungus Theory of Disease, 630.

Habit of Reduvius, 630. Illustration of Fluores-

cence, 630. Preventing Mould in Mucilage, 630.

Tapioca Paper in Photography, 630. Lütkin on Ga-

noid Fishes, 631. Influence of salt and fresh Water

on Crustacea, etc., 631. Tree-planting on the Prai-

ries, 631. Influence of Alcoholism on the Sight, 631.

Summary of Scientific Progress, 786. Faunal Pecul-

iarities of the Azores, 787. Pelobius, a new Fresh-

water Rhizopod, 787. Principle of "Least Action in

Nature," 788. Selection of Insects for Food by Birds,

788. Influence of Climate on Animal Economy, 788.

Permanence of Bone, 788. New Affection of the

Nervous System, 789. New Invertebrate Fossils, 789.

Bone-Black as an Antidote, 789. Preparation of Bar

Iron from Phosphureted Cast Iron, 789. Cure of

Bone-Felon, 789. Glass for Photographing, 789.

Removal of Spots and Stains from Clothing, etc.,

789. Ratio of the Spinal Marrow to the Brain, 790.
Tyndall's Respirators, 790. Theory of Boiled Oils,
790. Hydrate of Chloral for reducing Metals, 791.
Sign of Hysteria, 791. Improved Treatment of In-
digo for Dyeing, 791. Scott's Selenitic Mortar, 791.
Cleaning Straw Matting and Oil-Cloth, 791. Clean
ing soiled Marble Slabs, 791. No Distinction be-
tween Animals and Plants, 792. Atmospheric Germs,
792. Spectrum Analysis of Blood, 792. Contraction
in Rigor Mortis, 792. Coating Zinc with Iron, 792.
Water-proof Glue, 793. Summary of Scientific Prog-
ress, 939.
Destructibility of Human Bones, 940.
Deciduous Nature of the Rhinoceros's Horn, 940.
Substances for sizing Fabrics, 941. Absorbent Pow-
ers of Charcoal, 941. New Parasite on the Elephant,

Snuffing out Boney.
Corsican Blood-Hound.
Reception at Elba..



941. Ammonia Injection in Chloroform Poisoning,
941. Diffusion of Light by Fuchsine, 941. Separa-
tion of Indigotine, 941. Styptic Cotton, 942. Trans-
missibility of Intellectual Qualities in England, 942.
Preservation of Wine by Tannin, 942. Red Color on
Touraco, 942. Rattray on Change of Climate, 942.
Xanthophyllite a Matrix of Diamond, 943. Water-
proof Cloth, 943. Improved Method of Vaccination,
943. Injection of Crinoids with Silica, 943. Oppo-
sition to Tyndall's Theory of Disease, 943. Compo-
sition of Ultramarine, 943. Galvanoplastic Copies
from organic Matrices, 944. Piratical Habits of South
American Gull, 944. Sorel Cement, 944. Reduction
of Ores by Chloride of Iron, 945. Preparation of
Carmine-Purple, 945.
.....Benson J. Lossing 258

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Harry's Experiment..


M. D. Conway 610


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MOUNT CENIS RAILWAY AND TUNNEL, THE.......................................................................A. H. Guernsey 161

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POSTAGE STAMPS AND THEIR ORIGIN (With 99 Illustrations)....James M. Chute 741

Postmaster's Office

Delivering Letters



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Eugene Lawrence 559

....W. C. Prime 129
Benson J. Lossing 258
Mrs. Nellie Eyster 254-'

.M. D. Conway 610
.........Jacob Abbott 877

.Annie Thomas 584
Mrs. Mary T. Waggaman 690
..Professor T. B. Maury 398


Glen Mountain House..

Entrance to Watkins Glen

Frank Lee Benedict 107

Miss Laura Sunderland 238

Rev. G. S. Plumley 893

Augusta Larned 381
Kate P. Osgood 106
..E. H. Tullidge 602

.Mrs. Annie Chambers Ketchum 589

..Porte Crayon 37

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