Imágenes de páginas

Brock. Ay, Colonel Reichel.

Eud. That is not my olonel Reichel, Sir!

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Brock. No! Well, I must say, I did think my Eudy had an uncommonly queer taste. But he called himself Colonel Reichel, at any rate.

Mud. Oh indeed! Take notice of that, clerk travelling under an assumed name! You have a military air, friend! May I ask if you are in his majesty's service? Charles. I am not in his majesty's service. Mud. But you have been?

Charles. Formerly, till my father died.
Mud. (Aside.) As I suspected!

The very man!

I thought he could not escape my vigilance! (Aloud.) Know, all men, (Pulling out papers.) that I, Triptolemus Muddlewerk, burgomaster of Circow, am instructed' by these papers to seize the person of a notorious traitor, who is lurking disguised amongst the loyal inhabitants of Rugen. I think I need not go far to put my finger upon the culprit. Let me see. (Looking alternately at his papers and Charles.) The said Charles Vanberg is about five feet ten inches in height - forehead high very little hair. Take off your hat, friend. (Charles takes off his hat.) There's very little there. Aged forty-five. (Aside.) He doesn't look quite forty-five. (Aloud.) What is your age, friend?

Charles. Thirty-three.

Mud. (Aside.) He looks older than thirty-three. (Aloud.) If you are not the man I think2 you, pray what is your name ?

Charles. Charles.

Mud. As I anticipated.

[blocks in formation]

Charles is only your Christian name, I presume.

Charles. I was never called by any other.

Mud. Put down that, clerk - that's very remarkable. Have you any settled habitation?"

Charles. I have not had, for nearly sixteen years. Mud. Put down, not settled habitation. The fellow is a perfect vagabond, be he whom he may!

1) angewiesen. 2) für den ich Sie halte. 3) festen Wohnsis.

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But, hark ye, friend, I have a luminous idea: you said,
I remember, just now, that you had a father.
Now, Y
Sir, upon your allegiance, if you ever had a father;
what was that father's name?

Charles. Charles.

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Mud. What, Charles, and only Charles? Sirrah! sirrah! this is contempt of court! You don't pretend to tell me that both of you were always called plain Charles?


Charles. Not exactly: he was sometimes, for dis-. tinction's sake, called Charles XI. of Sweden.

Mud. (Starting.) Eh! how?

Charles. Consequently, I am Charles XII.
All. The king!

(All kneel but Muddlewerk, wko makes only one step
to the door, and rushes out, the clerk sneaks after.)

Charles. (Laughing.) Hey-day! what's become of my learned representative? - Rise, my good friends: your king has more occasion for you to stand by him. than to kneel before him. Well, my obstinate creditor!


Brock. (Kneeling, and trying to smother a laugh.) I beg your majesty's pardon, but I must laugh, if I'm to be hanged for it.

Charles. Laugh

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laugh, my honest friend; you have our free consent. (Cannon heard without.) But, hark! these cannon announce the landing of the enemy.

Enter Gustavus de Mervelt, and First and Second Officer, hastily.

Now, Sir, the Danes?

Gust. Prince Anhalt is in Stresow, Sir.

Charles. 'Tis well we will attack him to-night. To horse and away!


All. Long live the king!

(Exeunt Charles, Gustavus, and First and Second Officer.) Ulr. (Embracing her father.) Father, you are yet safe let us fly!

1) Obrigkeit. 2) Sie werden mir doch nicht sagen wollen. Unterscheidung. 4) He da! 5) ersticken. 6) zu Pferd.

3) zur

Van. (Snatching a sword from above the chimney-piece.) Yes, I will hence, but it shall be to the battle! — I will seek an honourable death in the ranks of my country, and wipe out the foul stain of treason in the blood of her enemies!

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Brock. (Doing the same.) Bravo! And Adam Brock will fight by your side! Don't hold me, Eudy. In such a cause as this, I've a great mind to put you into a pair of breeches, and make you fight, too. I go Charles XII. for ever! you, my friend! with the Danes!


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End of Act 1.

1) vom Kamin herunter. 2) Nieder!

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Down2 (Exeunt.)

Vocabulary. Wörterbuch.


Severe schwer. defeat Niederlage f. review Heerschau f. jokingly scherzhaft. cut Schnitt m. Hieb m.

cheek Wange f. alehouse Wirthshaus n. scratch Schramme f. reckoning Zeche f.

Candid aufrichtig.

surgeon Wundarzt m.


confession Bekenntniß n. fray Streit m. brains Gehirn sing. n.


Describe beschreiben irr. v. to content sich begnügen r. v. edifice Gebäude n. bard Sänger m. cheap billig, wohlfeil.

reply erwiedern.


design Absicht f.

Curiosity Neugier f. ashamed beschämt. march Marsch m. expedition Feldzug m. intreat bitten irr. v. keep bewahren r. v. a secret ein Geheimniß



Talent Talent n. divide theilen r v. equally gleichmäßig. bear tragen irr. v. nor noch. the offer das Anerbieten. accept an nehmen.


Boatsman Schiffer m. ford Furt f. rather ein wenig. agitated bewegt, unruhig.

hire miethen reg. v. passage Ueberfahrt f.


The rabbit das Kaninchen. lock Schloß n. simplicity Einfalt f.


Pope der Papst. alchymist Goldmacher m. dedicate widmen reg. v. pretend behaupten reg. v. magnificent prächtig. present Geschenk n.

der Beutel.


method Methode f. empty leer. purse

Excessive übertrieben. approach sich nähern reg. refl. v. mayor Bürgermeister. numerous zahlreich. cavalcade Reiter= schaar f. return Rückkehr f. to pass gehen, passiren. brook Bach m. attempt versuchen reg. v. prevent hindern reg. v. bow sich verbeugen reg. refl. v. humbly demüthig. presumption Anmaßung f. unworthy unwürdig. steed Hengst ̄m. stillen.


Famous berühmt. besiege belagern reg. v. folg m. wall Mauer f. stratagem Kriegslist f. waffnet. admit ein'lassen irr. v. gift Geschenk n. die Mitte. belly Bauch m. to burn verbrennen.



success Er: armed be the middle


Watchman Nachtwächter m. robbed beraubt. to fall upon her'fallen über (acc). lonely einfam. immediately sogleich. repair sich begeben irr. refl. v. to complain of sich beklagen über irr. refl. v. whether ob. to have on an'haben. waistcoat die Weste f. wear tragen irr. v. rejoin crwiedern assure versichern. to belong to gehören zu. company Compagnie f. shirt Hemd n.

reg. v.


Inhabitant Einwohner m. to fight fämpfen r. v. carry on führen reg. v. the Carthaginians die Karthager. various ver schieden, wechselnd. success Erfolg m. conquer besiegen reg. v. destroy zerstören reg. v.


Have mercy Erbarmen haben. trembling zitternd. sick frank. beast Thier n. thorn Dorn m. really wirklich. conscientiously gewissenhaft. compelled bewogen. misery Elend n. supplicating bittend. donkey Esel m.


Grecian griechisch. usual gebräuchlich. battalion Batallion n. communicate mittheilen. command Befehl m. standard Fahne f. OTTO, Translations into German.


trumpet Trompete f. confusion Verwirrung f. din Getümmel K signal Signal n. or Zeichen n. purpose 3wed m. relate erzählen. shout rufen irr. v. powerful gewaltig. fiten irr. v.


possess be=

Bible association Bibelgesellschaft f. severely hart, streng. reprove tadeln reg. v. drawer Schublade f. properly covered sorgfältig mit Papier überzogen. protect schüßen r, v. binding Einband m. well Ei! to exclaim ausrufen irr. v.


A printer ein Buchdrucker m. occasion Veranlassung f to stop einkehren r. v. inn Wirthshaus n. the landlord der Wirth. inquisitive curiosity Naseweisheit f. countrymen pl. LandsLeute. torment quälen r. v. disposition Anlage f. pave pfla= stern r. v. bahnen v. r. to summon herbeirufen irr. v. solemly feierlich. account Bericht m. further particulars weitere Einzelheiten.



Dean der Dekan m. late selig or verstorben. to put up einkehren r. v. uncleaned ungeputzt. to mount aufsteigen irr. v. ride off fortreiten irr. v. pull out herausziehen irr. v. stören r. v. blockhead Dummkopf m. to fast fasten r. v. to pray beten r. v.


Reproof Zurechtweisung f. Norway Norwegen. powerful mächtig. sovereign Herrscher, König m. to fail verfehlen r. v. grandeur Größe f. sea-shore Meeres- Ufer n. courtier Höfling m. flatterer Schmeichler m. tide Fluth f. ocean das Weltmeer. to feign sich stellen refl. r. v. submission Unterwerfung f. billows Wellen pl. creature Geschöpf n. universe das Weltall n. impotent unmächtig. impotent unmächtig. the being das Wesen. to level eben machen. nod Wink m. towering hoch. pile Haufen m. pride der Stolz. ambition der Ehrgeiz.


To invite einladen. a banquet ein Festmahl n. to assign an weisen irr. v. punctilious fleinlich). observe beobachten r. v. repast die Mahlzeit. occur vor'kommen irr. v. with sein. shallow feicht. present anwesend. impatient of unwillig über (Acc.). jealous of cifersüchtig über (Acc.). abruptly plöglich. the Indies Indien. capable fähig (gen.). enterprise Unternehmung f. immediate unmittelbar. whereupon worauf. to rest ruben. authority Auterität f. historian Geschicht-Schreiber m.

condemn verdammen r. v. trivial gemein, trivial.

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