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THE numerous and gratifying testimonies in favour of THE CHRISTIAN KEEPSAKE AND MISSIONARY ANNUAL, which the Proprietors have received since the publication of the volume for 1837, have stimulated them to use every exertion to secure for the present volume a measure of public approval equal to that so generously awarded to its predecessors; and they cherish the pleasing expectation that their efforts have not been made in vain.

In the nature of the literary portion of this work, and in the style and character of the embellishments, the Editor has continued his endeavours to render it interesting, instructive, and permanently valuable. To the admirers of rare intellectual endowments, consecrated to the highest objects of benevolence and piety, it is believed the portraits of the amiable and highly gifted Author of " Mammon," and of the lamented

Mrs. Fletcher, late Miss Jewsbury, will be peculiarly acceptable; nor will the view of the scene and monument of the labours of the indefatigable Neff, and the instructive notice given by his honoured biographer, be less so to every one who is able to appreciate the moral heroism of that truly apostolic man; while all who are accustomed to observe the great movements of human society, and to mark the epochs in the history of nations, will regard with deep interest the representation of the African Witnesses before the Senators of our land, and the record of the honourable conduct of our Government towards the nations to which they belonged.

Having been able thus to enrich the present volume with subjects of deep interest and lasting worth, the Proprietors have much satisfaction in presenting to the Public THE CHRISTIAN KEEPSAKE for 1838.

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