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IF there be any duty which our Lord Jesus Christ seems to have considered as more indispensably necessary towards the formation of a true Christian it is that of prayer. He has taken every opportunity of impressing on our minds the absolute need in which we stand of the divine assistance, both to persist in the paths of righteousness and to fly from the allurements of a fascinating but dangerous life; and he has directed us to the only means of obtaining that assistance in constant and habitual appeals to the throne of Grace. Prayer is certainly the foundation stone of the superstructure of a religious life, for a man can neither arrive at true piety nor persevere in its ways when attained, unless with sincere and continued fervency, and with the most unaffected anxiety, he implore Almighty God to grant him his perpetual grace, to guard and restrain him from all those derelictions of heart to which we are, by nature, but too prone. I should think it an insult to the understanding of a Christian to dwell on the necessity of prayer, and before we can harangue an infidel on its efficacy, we must convince him, not only that the Being to whom we

address ourselves really exists, but that he condescends to hear and to answer our humble supplications. As these objects are foreign to my present purpose, I shall take my leave of the necessity of prayer, as acknowledged by all to whom this paper is addressed, and shall be content to expatiate on the strong inducements which we have to lift up our souls to our Maker in the language of supplication and of praise. To depict the happiness which results to the man of true piety from the exercise of this duty, and, lastly, to warn mankind, lest their fervency should carry them into the extreme of fanaticism, and their prayers, instead of being silent and unassuming expressions of gratitude to their Maker, and humble entreaties for his favoring grace, should degenerate into clamorous vociferations and insolent gesticulations, utterly repugnant to the true spirit of prayer and to the language of a creature addressing his Creator.

There is such an exalted delight to a regenerate being in the act of prayer, and he anticipates with so much pleasure, amid the toils of business, and the crowds of the world, the moment when he shall be able to pour out his soul without interruption into the bosom of his Maker, that I am persuaded, that the degree of desire or repugnance which a man feels to the performance of this amiable duty is an infallible criterion of his acceptance with God. Let the unhappy child of dissipationlet the impure voluptuary boast of his short hours of exquisite enjoyment; even in the degree of bliss they are infinitely inferior to the delight of which the righteous man participates in his private devotions, while in their opposite consequences they lead to a no less wide extreme. than heaven and hell, a state of positive happiness and a state of positive misery. If there were no other in

ducement to prayer than the very gratification it imparts to the soul, it would deserve to be regarded as the most important object of a Christian; for nowhere else could he purchase so much calmness, so much resignation, and so much of that peace and repose of spirit, in which consists the chief happiness of this otherwise dark and stormy being. But to prayer, besides the inducement of momentary gratification, the very self-love implanted in our bosoms would lead us to resort, as the chief good, for our Lord hath said, " Ask, and it shall be given to thee; knock, and it shall be opened ;" and not a supplication made in the true spirit of faith and humility but shall be answered; not a request which is urged with unfeigned submission and lowliness of spirit but shall be granted, if it be consistent with our happiness either temporal or eternal. Of this happiness, however, the Lord God is the only judge; but this we do know, that whether our requests be granted or whether they be refused, all is working together for our ultimate benefit.

When I say, that such of our requests and solicitations as are urged in the true spirit of meekness, humility, and submission, will indubitably be answered, I would wish to draw a line between supplications so urged, and those violent and vehement declamations, which, under the name of prayers, are sometimes heard to proceed from the lips of men professing to worship God in the spirit of meekness and truth. Surely I need not impress on any reasonable mind, how directly contrary these inflamed and bombastic harangues are to every precept of Christianity, and every idea of the deference due from a poor worm, like man, to the Omnipotent and all great God. Can we hesitate a moment, as to which is more acceptable in his sight-the diffident, the lowly, the re

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