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Messrs. Smith, Hinton, Clark, Hurt, Eubank, Terry, Eastham, Tanner, and Dickenson. Meets on call of chairman.


Messrs. Lawson, Bland, Wortham, Beazley, Wood, and Spitler.


Messrs. Eubank, Gayle, and Wortham.


Messrs. Finney, Spitler, and Clark.


Messrs. Johnson, Finney, and Lawson.


Messrs. Tanner, Terry, and Newberry.


Messrs. Sinclair, Hairston, and Ward.


Messrs. Lawson, Greever, and Bland.


Messrs. Nunn, Elliott, and Dickenson.


Messrs. Herndon, Allan, and Duffield.


Messrs. Bland and Tanner.


1. No member shall absent himself from the service of the Senate unless he is sick or unable to attend.

2. When any member is about to speak in debate, or deliver any matter to the Senate, he shall rise from his seat, and without advancing, with due respect, address "Mr. PRESIDENT," confining himself strictly to the point in debate, and avoiding all disrespectful language.

3. No member shall speak more than twice on the same subject, without leave of the Senate; nor more than once, until every member choosing to speak shall have spoken.

4. A question being once determined, must stand as the judgment of the Senate, and cannot, during the same session, be drawn again into debate. No motion to suspend the rule for the purpose of reconsidering a bill which has been lost for want of a constitutional majority, shall be entertained, unless it be made by a senator voting with the minority: provided however, that when any question is decided in the negative simply for the want of a majority of the whole Senate, any senator who was absent from the city of Richmond, or detained from his seat by sickness at the time of the vote sought to be reconsidered, may move its reconsideration.

5. While the President is reporting or putting any question, or the clerk is reporting a bill or calling the roll, or a senator is addressing the Chair, strict order shall be observed.

6. Every senator present, when any question is put or vote taken, shall vote or be counted as voting on one side or the other; but no senator shall vote on a question in the event of which he is immediately or personally interested.

7. Every question shall be first put in the affirmative, and then in the negative, and the President shall declare whether the yeas or nays have it; which declaration shall stand as the judgment of the Senate, unless a senator call for a division, in which event the President shall divide the Senate.

8. A motion for a second reading, and a motion for committing the bill, may be submitted at the same time; but the question upon these motions shall be put separately, if required by any senator.

9. Any senator may call for a division of the question, which shall be divided if it comprehend propositions so distinct in substance that one being taken away, a substantive proposition shall remain for the decision of the Senate; and a motion to strike out being lost, shall preclude neither amendment, nor a motion to insert, nor a motion to strike out and insert.

10. The clerk of the Senate shall not suffer any records or papers to be taken from the table or out of his custody by any person except a chairman of a committee; but he may deliver any bill or papers, directed to be printed, to the printer of the Senate, or to any senator, on taking his receipt for the same. 11. A majority of senators shall be necessary to proceed to business; five may adjourn, and nine may order a call of the Senate, send for absentees, and make any order for their censure or discharge. On a call of the Senate the doors shall not be closed against any senator until his name shall have been once enrolled.

12. When the Senate adjourns each day every senator shall keep his seat until the President leaves his seat.

13. The Journal of the Senate shall be daily drawn up by the clerk, and after being examined by the President, shall be read the succeeding day; it shall be printed under the supervision of the clerk, and delivered to the senators without delay.

14. If any question be put upon a bill or resolution, the President shall state the same without argument.

15. No question shall be debated until it has been propounded by the President, and then the mover shall have a right to explain his views in preference to any senator.

16. When the President is putting a question, any senator who has not spoken before to the matter, may speak to the question before the negative is put.

17. During any debate, any senator, though he has spoken to the matter, may rise and speak to the orders of the Senate, if they be transgressed, in case the President do not; but if the President stand up at any time he is first to be heard, and while he is up senators must keep their seats.

18. When a bill or resolution of the House of Delegates is passed or rejected by the Senate, it shall remain under the control of the Senate for the space of two days, and the fact of the passage or rejection, with the bill or resolution, shall then be communicated to the House of Delegates, unless otherwise ordered.

19. All bills or other business originating in the Senate shall be dispatched in the order in which they are introduced, and all bills and resolutions sent from the House of Delegates shall be dispatched in the order in which they are sent, unless in either case the Senate direct otherwise.

20. All bills originating in the Senate shall be read on three separate days, and in case they be of a general nature, they shall be printed after their first reading.

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