Imágenes de páginas
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1. Well, well, well! I've found Baby Ben at last.

2. Don't scream-that will frighten him.

3. There he is, asleep and dreaming. 4. Jack likes to have him theredon't you, Jack?

5. Good dog! Good Jack!

6. Call Jack away. He will not let me wake the baby.

7. Go and play with Puss, Jack. There she is, on the wall.

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1. There, there, Pussy! Don't be frightened any more.

2. It is all right now. The bad dog is not here. He cannot get you. 3. You shall stay here with me. Curl up and go to sleep, Pussy.

4. There, now, you shall have a nice little nap in my lap.

5. When you wake up, you shall have something to eat.

6. Fred is scolding that bad, bad Jack. He will not let him run after you any more.

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