Imágenes de páginas

being almost entirely engrossed, on the one hand, by the cutting of timber in the interior, its transportation to the mills at the falls of the rivers, the saw

and Androscoggin, which run nearly south, in directions nearly parallel and equidistant; while, as they approach the sea, a number of smaller streams flow in short courses between them, subdivi-ing and exportation of it to the different ding the coast into many capes and pe- ports of the Union and the West Indies; ninsulas, whose number is still further and, on the other hand, by the fisheries increased by bays and coves which set along the coast. The increase of popup into the land every few miles, and ulation, however, with the rapid disapfringe the southern outline of the state pearance of the forests in the immediate along its whole extent of 221 miles, from vicinity of streams, together with the Kittery point to Quoddy head. The diffusion of just views of the importance northern part of the map presents count- and methods of agriculture, have proless small streams pouring into the main duced great and extensive improvetrunks of the rivers above-mentioned, of ments; and the benefits resulting to which they are the tributaries; while the state are already incalculably great. still above them, flowing with a long Manufactures have also been introduced sweep, from north to east and southeast, to a considerable extent, while the minthe St. John's, the principal stream of eral resources have begun to be develthe state, encircles the whole, marking oped, as iron, slate, marble, and espeout the present northern boundary, cially limestone, which is celebrated for till it crosses the eastern boundary, and its excellent quality. Literary instituflows on through the neighboring Brit-tions have been multiplied and well supish province of New Brunswick. ported, and the common-school system The valley of the Saco embraces 650 has been placed on a liberal foundation. square miles, that of the Androscoggin Trade is much favored by the nature 3,300, the Kennebec 5,280, and the of the coast and the character of some Penobscot 8,200. The smaller streams of the principal rivers; and already great in the south part of the state, before al-improvements have been made by the luded to, are the Piscataqua, Sheepscot, construction of roads, railroads, and caDamariscotta, Muscongus, Union, Nar-nals, and the establishment of steamboat ragaugus, and Machias. The region lines. The principal ports and places of between the Penobscot and the Kennebec, a distance of fifty miles, is remarkably well supplied with streams and inlets, so that almost every town has a navigable channel of its own.

The soil along the Atlantic border, extending from ten to twenty miles back from the coast, is generally poor, although varying from sand to gravel, clay and loam, producing small crops of ,rass, Indian corn, rye, &c. The next belt of land, from fifty to one hundred miles wide, is of better quality, and yields, in addition to these articles, wheat, oats, flax, and hemp, as well as most of the northern plants. The tract between the Kennebec and Penobscot is remarkably favorable to grazing, and, when well cultivated, yields forty bushels of corn, and from twenty to forty bushels of wheat, to the acre. Agriculture was greatly neglected for many years, the attention of the inhabitants

trade are Portland, Hallowell, Bangor, Calais, Brunswick, and Belfast; and Saco, Machias, and Eastport, have also excellent harbors. The exports are chiefly timber, lumber, dried fish, salt pork and beef, lime, and pot and pearl ashes.

The business of cutting, transporting, and manufacturing timber, includes many laborious operations, and occupies a considerable part of the population. Trees are felled in the winter, drawn by oxen to the nearest water-course, and left upon the ice, marked with the axe in such a manner that they may be recognised by the agents of the owner, stationed on the lower parts of the main river. In the spring, at the melting of the deep snows, the floods carry down the timber with the broken ice; and, after a long voyage, every log is drifted to the falls of the great stream on whose branches it has grown. Here numerous

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down; and great care..

pose of each stick according to c rection of the owner, whose name is known from the mark. The millers, with their circular saws and other machines, saw whole rafts of logs into millions of planks, boards, shingles, staves, headings, &c.; and vessels, lying at the foot of the falls, readily receive their cargoes of lumber from the doors of the mills, slid down upon their decks and into their holds; and, hoisting sail, steer away for many a distant harbor.

of riy..

an unsucces.
covery of a norɩ.
with him five American stages, wnom
he had taken on board in the Penobscot
river. Sir Fernando Gorges felt so much
interest in these men from a new world,
that, to use his own language, he "seized
upon" them, and had three of them in
his own family for three years; and
"this accident must be acknowledged as
the means, under God, of putting on foot
and giving life to all our plantations."
He obtained much information from the
Indians, and became, from that time,
deeply interested in schemes for the set-
tlement of the New World, and an active
member of the Plymouth company.

The first settlement was attempted by Englishmen, on the Kennebec, at the early date of 1609, the same year as that of Jamestown. King James having, by request, granted a patent, in 1606, dividing the coast into North and South Vir

HISTORY.-The Jesuits in Lower Canada early began their intercourse with the Indian tribes in Maine, and soon established a mission on the Penobscot, which, according to custom, became a centre of intrigue and of military operations against the New England settlements. It was at length cut off by an expedition from Massachusetts, by which, in a sudden attack, the Jesuit chief, Ralle, was killed. The remnants of the Penobscot tribe are, to this day, chiefly Roman catholics. Previously to the landing in Massachusetts bay, a col-ginia, this part of Maine was embraced ony was commenced on the coast of Maine, by Gorges and Mason, under a grant from the council of Plymouth, England, to whom the territory had been granted by King James I., in 1606. The first settlements made, at Damariscotta and a few other points on the coast, were soon abandoned; and few traces are to be found of any of them. Few motives were offered to colonists, to counterbalance the inhospitable nature of the country, the severity of the climate, and the exposure to interference from the Indians and French.

Two or three miles from the road that leads between Linniken's bay and Damariscotta river, where was formerly an Indian burying-place, the remains

in the former, which extended from the 38th to the 45th degree of north latitude. While Gosnold, with Captain Smith for his agent, commenced planting a colony at Jamestown, Captains George Popham and Raleigh Gilbert led another to the mouth of the Kennebec. They landed near the island of Monheagan, a few leagues east of that river, and soon after entered the stream, and stopped at an island near its eastern shore, now forming a part of Georgetown. As ChiefJustice Popham had procured an accurate survey of the river the year before, it is probable that this place was chosen in England, before the sailing of the expedition.

But the history of this colony is short

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a tribe of Indians since extinct. According to


ede-dition current in the neighborhood, ti e the pain- upper parts of this stream were formerly ath of a brother the residence of the Rockmego Indians, Cry for Captain Gilbert who inhabited a fine and fertile plain eturn to England. The remaining through which the river winds. The onists, becoming disheartened, aban- situation was remote, and they had never doned their enterprise; and, the place engaged in any hostilities with the whites, ng deserted, the Plymouth company but devoted themselves to hunting and d not repeat the experiment. fishing. The ground still contains many remains of their weapons, utensils, &c. They were, however, at length persuaded to engage in a hostile incursion against Brunswick, at that time an exposed frontier settlement; and the whole tribe embarked in their canoes to accomplish the enterprise. The stream flows gently on for a great distance, until it approaches very near to the falls; and this was the spot appointed for the night encampment. Night set in before their arrival; and they sent two men forward to make fires upon the banks a little above the cataract. For some unknown reason, the fires were kindled below the falls; and the Indians, being thus deceived concerning their situation, did not bring up their canoes to the shore in season, and were carried over the rocks, and the tribe all destroyed together.

Gorges, one of the most intelligent and devoted friends of America among the members of the Plymouth colony, endeavored in vain to induce them to send out a second colony. Unwilling, however, to see the object wholly abandoned, he engaged in private enterprises for trading with the natives and fishing; and, in 1616, sent out a party, under the command of Richard Vines, to explore this part of the coast. They penetrated into the country, and were kindly treated; but they found the people suffering from the smallpox, and the hostile attacks of the Tarrantines, a nation east of the Penobscot. They met with the Indians who had been in England, and received special marks of favor from them. On the approach of winter, which they had agreed to spend in the country, they chose a spot on the western side of Saco river, at its mouth. Some of them took up a hundred acres of land on lease from Vines, one of which was for a thousand years, at the annual rent of two shillings and one capon, after the payment of a previous compensation. The lease, partly in Latin, was executed in 1638. A considerable trade was carried on here for some years, the colonists employing themselves both in agriculture and in fishing, besides trading con

It was along the valley of the Kennebec that the expedition, formed in the winter of 1775-'6, for the capture of Quebec, proceeded. The hardships they endured were very severe, as the country at that time was wholly destitute of inhabitants through almost the whole route, after leaving the seacoast, until approaching the valley of the St. Lawrence. The plan had been formed and adopted while the American army was

LOWER WELLES.-There is a little harbor here, defended by a sandbar, with a narrow entrance under a rock; but it is almost dry at low water.

WELLES.-The sea often breaks beautifully on the beach, in front of the tavern. Porpoise point is just distinguishable in the northeast, and the view of the sea is fine and refreshing.

engaged in the siege of Boston, and The Nubble is a rocky point, four and General Montgomery was placed at the a half miles from York, and Cape Nedhead of it. Benedict Arnold was among dock lies beyond. While travelling the most active of the officers. After along this dreary country, the road passnumerous delays, caused by the difficules the site of an old fort or blockhouse, ties of navigation and transportation, built before Philip's war. The Agacold and hunger, they arrived at the menticus hills form a range some disFrench settlements; but being unable tance west. to proceed with desirable rapidity, or to cross the St. Lawrence immediately after reaching its shore, the inhabitants had time to make preparations; and, instead of taking the city by surprise, and at onc ading comfortable quarters, they were able only to encamp on the heights of Abraham, after scaling the precipitous shore at Wolfe's cove, with an army between them and the walls. This un- Three miles beyond is Breakneck hill, fortunate expedition failed, after losing over which falls a small stream, from the their commander, who was killed in an height of thirty feet, about forty yards unsuccessful attempt to gain the lower from the path. The old fort was half a town by a night attack, and Arnold, with mile beyond, or a quarter of a mile from a large division of the forces, who were the church. This little fortress was once made prisoners in an assault on the up-attacked by five hundred Indians, who per town. at first supposed, as was the fact, that The first newspaper in Maine was the men were absent from home. The printed on January 1, 1785. It was called the "Falmouth Gazette and Weekly Advertiser," and published at Falmouth (now Portland), by Benjamin Titcomb and Thomas B. Wait, on a demy sheet. Its name was changed to the "Cumberland Gazette," in 1786. The second was commenced in the same town, in 1790, called the "Maine Gazette," by Benjamin Titcomb, and continued till 1796; at which time there were but three newspapers in Maine, one of them at Hallowell, and one at Augusta. In 1810, there were eight newspapers, and, in 1850, fifty-six.

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The first daily paper was begun at Portland, October 13, 1829, and called the Daily Courier;" and the second, the "Daily Evening Advertiser," in 1831.

YORK. There are some pleasant fields about this little place, but its size is insignificant, when compared with the anticipations formed of its destiny at the time of its first settlement; for the ground was laid out for streets, and the divisions of the land still retain much of the regular form given it by the first surveyors. Population, about 3,500.

place was, however, very bravely and successfully defended by five women, dressed in their husband's clothes.

PORTLAND. The situation of this place is remarkably fine, occupying the ridge and side of a high point of land, with a handsome though shallow bay on one side, and the harbor on the other. The anchorage is protected on every side by land, the water is deep, and the communication with the sea direct and convenient. Congress street runs along the ridge of the hill, and contains a number of very elegant private houses. There is also the town-hall, with the market below, and a beautiful church, with granite columns. The steps are fine blocks of granite, six by nine feet, brought from the quarry at Brunswick, twenty-two miles distant.

From the observatory, south and southwest, are seen several distant eminences: among others, the Agamenticus hills; northwest are seen, in clear weather, the lofty ridges and peaks of the White hills in New Hampshire, which are discovered at sea often before the nearer land appears in sight.

Cape Elizabeth is the highland on the

south side of the harbor; and the islands, | fifty-four miles northeast from Portland, which nearly close the entrance, are called Bangs's and House islands. Fort Preble stands on the former, and Fort Scammel on the latter. Due east is Seguin lighthouse, which is visible, in clear weather, thirty-two miles distant, at the mouth of the Kennebec. Nearer, and in the same quarter, lie numerous islands of various forms.

and is a place of much business, and one of the principal in the state. The Kennebec is navigable in vessels of one hundred and fifty tons, and an extensive and productive tract of country is dependent on it. Granite of excellent quality abounds in the vicinity, which is quarried on a considerable scale.

BRUNSWICK. This town is situated The intrenchments on the hill, west on the left bank of the Androscoggin rivof the observatory, belong to Fort Sum- er, at the Pejepscot falls, which here ner, and part of them were made during make an extensive water-power. It conthe Revolutionary war. Under the bluff, tains about six thousand inhabitants, ten on the water's edge, is Fort Burroughs. churches, two academies, cotton and woolPortland (the former name was Fal-len factories, and is the seat of mouth) was burnt in the Revolutionary Bowdoin College. The two larger war by Captain Mowatt, in the British buildings represented in the engraving, sloop-of-war Canceau, on the 18th of are occupied by the students. The threeOctober, 1775, on the refusal of the story building contains the mineralogical inhabitants to deliver up their arms. cabinet, gallery of paintings, medical cabiAbout one hundred and thirty houses, net, the library, and lecture rooms. The three quarters of all the place contained, northerly of the two central buildings, were consumed, some being set on fire besides rooms for the students, has reciwith brands, after a cannonade and bom- tation-rooms, and two spacious apartbardment of nine hours. The old church ments for the libraries of two societies. is among the buildings saved, and has This edifice was erected in place of the the mark of a cannon-shot in it. A small one destroyed by fire in 1836. The part of the hotel belonged to one of the three-story building is called Massachu houses not destroyed. There are many setts hall, the large building on the south, fine stores and dwelling-houses in the Maine hall, the other, North college. middle of the town, and the shore is lined with shipping. Pop. 28,000.

AUGUSTA. This town, the capital of Kennebec county, is fifty-six miles northeast from Portland, and two miles north of Hallowell. It stands on both sides of the Kennebec, forty-seven miles from its mouth, and has a bridge across that river, connecting its two parts. It is a place of some trade, being at the head of sloop-navigation. The situation is pleasant, on the top and sides of an elevation. Population, 9,000.

The statehouse has a front of one hundred and fifty feet, toward the east, with two wings, of thirty-three and fifty-four feet, on a plan somewhat resembling that at Boston; and its position, on Capitol hill, is commanding. It is built of granite, and has eight granite columns, twenty-one feet high, each weighing ten tons. The top of the dome is one hundred and fourteen feet from the ground.

HALLOWELL is a considerable town,


It was after several petitions had been presented to the government of Massachusetts, that, in 1731, a bill was introduced for the establishment of a college in the district of Maine, which was to be called Bowdoin college, after the distinguished governor of that name. was not built, however, until 1734, during which time Brunswick was chosen as the seat of the college. This act also appointed a board of trustees, which was to consist of thirteen members, and a board of overseers, of forty-five members, who were to regulate the institution. At the same time a grant was made to it of five townships of wild land in the interior of Maine. Immediately after its establishment, Governor Bowdoin's son, honorable James Bowdoin, made to it a donation of a thousand acres of land, and upward of eleven hundred pounds in money. Now the business of the boards was the erection of a suitable building. Accordingly, a meeting

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