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the navigation of that noble stream by steamboats, coasting and foreign vessels, adds another very important branch to the extensive commerce of the state.

The Susquehannah, though flowing through regions abounding in various products, is naturally so much broken by the irregularity of the surface, that it was navigable only for boats, and at great risk; and, at the same time, the more important agricultural portion of the state, west of the mountains, offered strong inducements to the opening of a channel of communication between it and the commercial capital. The example of New York encouraged the undertaking; and Pennsylvania embarked more extensively than any other state in the construction of canals. Immense labors were performed. Railroads were in some places connected with them. But the first results proved unfavorable, and a general depression for a time succeeded, so great that the legislature at length resorted to a temporary suspension of payment; but arrears are now paid, and prospects improving.

THE HISTORY of the settlement of Pennsylvania, and the early years of its colonial existence, have ever been regarded with peculiar interest, on account of the professions and character of the people, and especially their founder. The earliest European colony was planted in this state by Swedes, in 1627, or 1628, and conquered by the Dutch, from New York, in 1655. But the English having taken possession, in 1681, William Penn obtained a grant of land on the Delaware, landed at New Castle, and entered upon the government of about 3,000 inhabitants-Swedes, English, Dutch, and Finlanders.

A place called by the Indians Coaquanock, was chosen for the site of a city, and named Philadelphia, a name corresponding with the pacific principles of the society of Friends, of which Penn was so distinguished a member. By his mild, just, and humane treatment of the Indians, he set an example worthy of imitation, and gave the poor savages, so often misunderstood, abused, and misrepresented, opportunities to display some of the virtues of which they have too

often been declared to be destitute. A characteristic anecdote is told, by tradition, of the sagacity and Christian liberality of William Penn, which forcibly illustrates the truth, that the way which is right is usually that which is most profitable in the end. The Indians once came to him with a complaint that they had been under some misapprehension in the terms of a bargain they had made with the white men, who had purchased of them a large tract of land. The colonists at the same time represented that the bargain, though hard for the Indians, was a fair one, and that they were ready to fight for it. Penn, however, in consistency with the principles of the gospel, which he professed, inquired of the Indians how much more they considered the land worth than they were to receive; and, on being informed, made such an addition of the articles used in trade as fully satisfied them, though really of trifling value, and thus not only prevented immediate bloodshed, and other evils attendant on war, but confirmed the grateful wildmen in their pacific spirit and friendly attachment to the colonists, most favorable to the permanency of a good understanding and free trade for the future.

The relations between Pennsylvania and Connecticut were disturbed for a number of years, after the settlement of a colony from the latter in the valley of Wyoming, which was claimed under the patent of King Charles, as it lay in her territory, as marked out by the two parallels extending to the South sea. The encroachments of the French in the west, on the Ohio river, threatened Pennsylvania, as well as Virginia; but, until the Revolutionary war, her inland position, and the obstacles presented by her mountains, contributed to secure her from most of the trials through which many of the other colonies had to pass, in the early stages of their history. Having no internal enemies, in consequence of the just and pacific policy pursued by Penn, she had little to disturb the peaceful lives of her inhabitants, until the Revolutionary war involved her in a full share of the public sufferings and losses. Her capital, after

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serving as the seat of government, sub- | were established in Philadelphia in her sequently to the capture of New York, was threatened by the enemy, in 1778. A strong expedition having been sent from New York to the Delaware, succeeded in maintaining itself in Pennsylvania for a time: after several battles, Washington retreating to Valley Forge. The enemy were, however, ere long, compelled to retreat, and evacuate the country on the west of the bay and river.

The "whiskey rebellion," which broke out in a part of the state, soon after the restoration of peace, kept the country for a time in a state of alarm; but, after its suppression, Pennsylvania soon began to share with other members of the Union, in the career of prosperity which has so greatly distinguished our country, and has been one of the most remarkable of the states for the extent and success of its manufactures. Her iron-mines and manufactories, with her coal-mines, are the grand sources of her wealth, although her commerce is considerable.

COAL-MINES. Among the natural productions of the state of Pennsylvania, those of the coal-mines take the most important place. On both sides of the Alleganies lie extensive and apparently inexhaustible beds of excellent coal, many of which are on the immediate banks, or near to the sources of streams, which have been rendered navigable where the aid of art and science have been required; and the immense and increasing supplies, annually transported, subserve the convenience and comfort of millions of people, not in this territory alone, but in half the states of the Union. Numerous steamboats and railroad-cars, as well as manufactories of different kinds, borrow their motive-power from these mines; while almost entire towns and cities derive from them their vast supplies of fuel.

The coals of Pennsylvania are of two kinds; and it is remarkable that, while that on the eastern side of the Alleganies is authracite, that on the west is bituminous. The latter has rendered Pittsburgh the Birmingham of America. LITERARY INSTITUTIONS, &c.-Literary publications and scientific institutions

colonial days, chiefly by the labors and example of Dr. Franklin, who for a long time exercised a great influence on the country, and whose fame is universal. Massachusetts, however, lays a claim to a considerable share of the honor of his character and life, as he was a native of Boston, and there received his apprenticeship in the art which had so strong an influence in directing his practical course in life.

Printing was introduced into the bounds of the present state of Pennsylvania, in 1687, when the first sheet, an almanac, was published by William Bradford. The first newspaper issued, was "The American Weekly Mercury," a half-sheet of "post-paper," by Andrew Bradford, dated Dec. 22, 1719. There was at that time only one other in the colonies, viz., at Boston. The second was commenced in 1728, and passed, in a few months, into the hands of Benjamin Franklin. It existed more than a century. Several others were published in the middle and latter part of the last century; and the first German paper appeared at Germantown, in 1739. There were not fewer than six magazines before the Revolution. "The American Daily Advertiser" was the first daily paper in America, and commenced its daily appearance in 1784." The Pittsburgh Gazette," the first newspaper in the western part of the state, began about 1786. "An imperfect list of the periodical journals" published in the state, between the close of the Revolutionary war and 1828, given in the American Almanac for 1835, names thirty-six. The number has since greatly increased, in every department.

STATE-GOVERNMENT.-The governor is chosen by the people for three years, but cannot hold the office over six years in nine. He must be thirty years of age, and have resided in the state for seven years. The senate consists of thirtythree members, elected by the people for three years, one third being chosen annually. A member must be twentyfive years of age, and have resided four years in the state, and the last year in the district in which he is chosen. The

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All judicial officers are elected by the people at the regular state election. The judges of the supreme court hold their offices for fifteen years; those of the court of common pleas hold theirs for ten years; and the associate judges of the court of common pleas hold theirs for five years. The secretary of state is appointed by the governor, and holds office during his pleasure. The treasurer is elected annually by the jointballot of both houses of the legislature. The legislature meets annually at Harrisburgh on the first Tuesday in January. The Merchants' Magazine, just quoted, well describes Pennsylvania in the following figurative language:

house of representatives consists of one | abilities of the machinery employed in hundred members, elected annually by mining and transporting, that the prosthe people. A member must be twenty-pects of the business are almost too great one years of age, have resided in the to be mentioned. Professor Bakewell state three years next preceding his remarks, that the proximity of coalelection, and the last year in the district mines and beds of iron ore afford strong. for which he is chosen. evidence of the provision made by the Almighty for the benefit of man. Pennsylvania, says the Merchants' Magazine, is the only state which has direct access, by water, at once to the ocean, the lakes, and the Mississippi: we perceive that her position justifies high anticipations of her future wealth and prosperity. The real estate of Pennsylvania, according to the same work, was estimated, in 1846, on the best data, at one thousand four hundred millions of dollars, and the personal property at seven hundred millions; making an aggregate of two thousand one hundred millions, or more than three times that of New York. Such an estimate must surprise almost every one; but, to sustain it, the writer gives the following statements: "Each of the three vast beds of anthracite coal, in this state, are about five miles in breadth, and sixty-five in length, with an area of 325 square miles, or 208,000 acres; that is, in all, 975 square miles, or 624,000 acres. If the supply of coal from anthracite mines, for 1847, is esti mated at 2,800,000 tons, at four dollars per ton, which is the average price at tide-water, we have an amount of eleven millions two hundred thousand dollars. Most of the mines are owned by citizens; and the balance of trade with other cities is constantly in favor of Philadelphia."

"She is, indeed, the keystone state. While one arm rests on the Atlantic, she lays the other on the Ohio, and her hand plays with the waters of the lake. Within her hills is stowed the fuel of ages; and iron, the world's civilizer, to bind the continent, and insure the stability of this great government; Erie, her outlet on the lake, Pittsburgh, the head of the eastern branch of the mighty valley, and Philadelphia, not only the beautiful city of the plain, but destined to be the leading city of the north, a city worthy so great a state. In her present competition, her rivals are cast. The mass of productions of the forest, agriculture, and the mines, are derived from Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, and the ascending trade of the Mississippi valley."

The coal-mines of England, it has been remarked by the president of the British Statistical society, have yielded more profits than were ever derived from the gold-mines of Peru; but, without the aid of steam, they would have been comparatively worthless. The products of the Pennsylvania coal-mines are already so great that it would be difficult to estimate them; and such are the annual increase of the demand, and the

It is amusing to record some of the anecdotes related of the coal-trade in its early days. Mr. Charles Miner, of Wilkesbarre, and Mr. Cist, sent off the first ark-load of coal from Mauch Chunk, on the 9th of August, 1814. The boat soon ran against a rock, which broke a hole in it. The men prevented the leak from sinking it, by taking off their coats and stuffing them into the hole. When at length the cargo reached Philadel phia, the expenses amounted to fourteen dollars a ton. The owners then found it necessary to call at houses, blacksmith-shops, &c., and urge the people

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