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of searge for my lady Wotton's mourning, 4.For a mason, for mending and blacking the seeling in my lorde's chamber, 3s.-To my lorde Fairfax servants, for a safe conduct to London, 10s.-For 4 stone of tow, to putt into the coffin, and between the coffin and the charriot, to keep it from shaking, 10s.-To. Mr. Horseman, for escuchons, 51. 17s.To the poor at my lord's gate when the body went from the house, 37.-Dr. Vadguer for coming 6 dayes to his lordship in his sickness, 51.-Disbursed in the journeye between York and Skipton, for all my lord's servants, horse-meat and man's meat, and others, and poore of every parish, wth rewards to ye souldyers by the way, of foot and horse, wch guarded the corpse, the sum of 281. 2s.-To the souldyers and gunners of the garrison, at enterring my lord, 107.*”

This interment of lord Henry took place on the 31st of December, amidst the tumult and conflict of contending hosts; for the castle of Skipton was then in full siege by the parliamentary forces.

It may justly be affirmed of this nobleman, that though not remarkable for political knowledge, or military genius, he was nevertheless possessed of • Hist. of Craven, p. 279.

considerable talents; he was attached to poetry * and elegant literature, and, as the countess of Pembroke has recorded, was well skilled in architecture and mathematics. He was also expert in all the athletic exercises, was an excellent horseman, huntsman, &c. and so pleasing and accomplished a courtier, that he was a great favourite both with king James and king Charles.

He left an only daughter, lady Elizabeth, who married Richard viscount Dungarvon, eldest brother of that great and amiable philosopher Robert Boyle, and, subsequently, second earl of Cork. In the correspondence of the Cliffords is preserved a letter addressed to this earl of Cork from his sister, Katharine viscountess Ranelagh, the constant and beloved companion for many years of her illustrious brother Robert, who usually resided in her house, and whose grief for her loss was such that he did not survive her above a week. It is a letter which, from the value of the admonitions which it contains, and the devotional fervour which it breathes, is worthy of all praise, and affords us

* “He turned into rhyme," remarks Whitaker, “Solomon's Song, &c. &c. which were remaining at Londesborough long after his decease." Hist. of Craven, p. 278.

a most delightful view of the head and heart of her who shared the confidence and cheered the days of the first of christian philosophers.

"For the Earle of Corke.


"I can send you noe intelligence from hence but that which your own sence and experience must keepe you from receiving as news, which is, that quiet is a more pleasing enjoyment for the very present than a hurry, and is much more tending to everlasting rest than a toss in crouds of company can be; and therefore I have now for a while gott the advantage ground of you, for whom I have so real and intyre an affection to be able to looke upon you in the noyse and confusion of London and the court, which are certainly as great hindrances to the converse that our soules are capable of with God, and without which they are uncapable of beinge happye, as such throngs are forbiding to the freedome of discourse where friends doe acquaint one another with those thoughts of their harts which they reserve as secrets from the rest of the



world; and, upon that accoumpt, these things are to be avoyded as the great interrupters of our happyness, of which there is much more to be tasted in this world, in spight of all its emptynes and uncertainties, than can be imagined by those who allow not themselves leasure to entertaine their owne thoughts upon these objects for which a power of thinking was given us by that God, who is seene, and heard, and knowne by us onely by the exercising of our thoughts upon and with him, who wil not leave us alone, if we separate ourselves from other companyes, to wayte upon him without distraction, nor be with us without giveing us cause to say that no company nor noe friendship can be compared to his.

"This is, indeed, to entertaine you at a too uncourtly rate; but I as hartely wish you may be a great lord in the court of heaven as I little care to have you have any imployment in earthly courts; and therefore my stile is suteable to my designe, though not to the fashion, which wil certainly never be fit for a Christian to conforme too; let us countenance an owneing of God in al our conversation, and make it as shameful in visits to talke of vanety

as its now esteemed to speake of religion : and till the fashion be thus reformed, I wish I may keepe out of it.

"Yours, K. R.*"

It will be productive of no little interest and amusement, if, at this period of my detail, when the last male heir of the Cliffords closed his days, I venture upon placing before my readers some particulars of the household economy and modes of living of himself and his ancestors. But as the subject would occupy too much space for the present paper, I shall reserve it for a number preceding that which will be devoted to a consideration of the munificent heiress of the family, Anne, countess of Pembroke and Montgomery.

* Whitaker's Craven, p. 303.

[To be continued.]

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