Imágenes de páginas

472. His feeling on the subject; and to what might not his conclusion lead!

479. The longest of the cubs about 100 feet.

504. The walrus defend one another.

505. Best defence is to throw sand in their eyes; probably the best against any


Their skin more durable in its natural state than when tanned.

506. Musket balls hurt them little, indeed their skulls flatten them. Pease-shot fired into their eyes are most effective; thus blinded they are easily despatched.

519. A wounded bear has been seen to apply snow with his paws to the wound, as if conscious of the styptical effects of cold.

520. Bear's liver poisonous, the only part of any quadruped which is known to be so.

526. Bear who captured a boat in battle, to his own destruction, poor fellow; because then he sat on the stern till another party arrived and shot him.

Like the bull, any thing thrown down before him makes him stop to examine it. 539. Shark regardless of wounds, as if insensible of pain.

Its head bites dangerously, even when severed from the body.

They never attack the whale-fishers.

Vol. 2.

P. 3. COURAGE of first attacking the whale.

12. S. Arnould makes a whale let himself be killed.

13. Whales tongues tithed.

18. First importation of whalebone, 1594, when the Grace, of Bristol, brought home 7 or 800 whale-fins, which they found in the Bay of St. George, where two Biscayan fishermen had been wrecked.

19. Greenland whale-fishery soon proved the most lucrative and the most important branch of national commerce which had ever been offered to the industry of man.

48. Some condemned criminals, who were to have remained one year at Spitzbergen,

and then be pardoned and receive a sum of money, chose to return and be hanged. They were, however, pardoned.

53. The Dutch once had a village there, and the cost helped to ruin the company.

57. Importance of this trade as a nursery for seamen; and where the cargo has no first cost.

129. The elder Scoresby, in twentyeight voyages, brought home 498 whales, producing above £150,000, all fished for, under his own direction, out of the sea.

159. Gain to Holland in 107 years above twenty millions sterling.

355. Whale-boats used to carry oil for smoothing the waves.

435. Whalebone retains any shape that may be given it when heated.


P. 26. SPITZBERGEN, in sunshine and full-moon, light colour.

47. Excitement and enjoyment of perilous navigation.

61. Religious tendency of a whaler's life. 84. Resemblance in the ice to works of art.

85. The most common form is the table. 134. Whales made for man, and perishing by their simplicity.

135. Depth to which they descend.
190. Ships seen in the air.

203. Greenlanders lay a dog's head by the grave of a child, that, as a dog can find its way any where, it may show the child the way to the land of souls.

215. Fine meadow land.
216. Bees there.

And heat as in the West Indies, 287.
297. Mosquitoes.

292. Harpoon decayed in a whale.
Value of three fish in one day, £2,100.
343. Land free from fog banks.
Rapid vegetation.

Land warmer than the sea.

356. One hundred and fifty millions of sea-animalcules would have abundant room in a tumbler of water.


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106. Each second or third year, the seed was exchanged from one manor to another. 107. When any abbots and lords travelled through this lord's manors, his farm houses were their inns, and his granaries their hostries.

130. Wool was become the king's (Edward III.) sole commodity, for the better support of his great wars.

132. In the two fairs at Newport, Lord

Berkeley was guided in the choice of the days by his own name, and his sons.

140. A vineyard at Berkeley: Edward III. 141. Enormous price of lampreys in that age.

142. Funeral feasts,-geese fattened for them.

in kind, all turned into money, upon these 145. About 1620, service and rents paid


in his dispute with the Talbots, beat their 152. James Lord Berkeley, (Henry V.)

messengers, and made one of them eat a subpæna with which he served him, wax parchment and all.

This is a horrid story of the spirit in which the disputes between noble families The great Talbot's wife must have been a perfect she-devil. 153-4.

were carried on.

156. William Marquess Berkeley, Edward IV. "kept close to his castle, as a subterfuge from debts, outlawed statutes, and the like. Corruption of porters was the chief means of getting possession of the castle, and the object was to secure the lord, that he might be compelled to sign over his estates."

177. Smyth is of opinion that the family would not flourish out of Gloucestershire; and advises them not to spend their days

in London, in the court, which none of their forefathers did, except the marquess, who wasted all.

188. There cannot be a more characteristic example of sporting high life than in this Lord Berkeley and his wife, of the Norfolk family. 197-8. And of the lady's stateliness. 205-8-12.

The anecdotes of Dr. Jenner at the end of this volume contain some admirable specimens of style! 221, 227; upon gardening.


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Topographie Physique et Medicale de Strasbourg, par J. P. GRAFFENAUEr. 1816.

P. 11. METAL stoves inconvenient, because they are liable to be overheated, and they soon cool, and occasion an unpleasant smell. Headaches and colds are occasioned by them. Earthern stoves, which the wealthier classes use, have none of these inconveniences; their fault is, that they are long in heating. Coals have been tried in stoves, because of the high price of wood, but the experiment was not liked, though during the first year (1811) the consumption of wood was diminished about 20,000 stéres.

12. Police concerning privies. They may only be emptied during the night, and certain means of rendering the clearance safe must be taken. The contents are in the greatest request for manure,—and immediately laid on.

15. Many infants killed by taking them to be baptized, "le lendemain de leur naissance." The cold and damp of the church producing convulsions.

17. Sepulture in the churches or churchyards forbidden in 1791, the first exception having been when the Bishop was buried in the Cathedral, 1813.

33. Tobacco seed brought from England, 1620, by Robert Koenigsmann, a merchant. The place in which he cultivated it is still called Engellandischer Hof. In 1697 more than 5000 persons were employed at Strasburg in the preparation of tobacco or snuff.

37. Onions. Strasbourg seed famous, while the gardener's company retained their privileges, and sold none without their seal upon the packet. Since that custom was taken away, it has lost its character; and the measure which used to sell for from forty to sixty francs, is now worth from twenty-four to thirty. This whole branch of commerce used to be possessed by Strasbourg and Bamberg.

43. Seven months of winter. 62. No tumults there during the revolution.

63. A tolerant and beneficent, and hospitable people

64. Alsacian German still the language of two-thirds of the citizens, though French has greatly extended itself there, and even in the country during and since the revolution.

Children learning the two languages at the same time, are long in learning to speak.

65. The cold bath frequently fatal to new-born infants.

67. "On n'a que trop d'examples que des nourrices mercenaires ont transmis aux enfans leurs vices avec le lait."

72. Prostitutes have their carte de sureté, which must be inspected every two months, and renewed yearly. They themselves also are inspected by an officer of health monthly. This seems to have been introduced in 1815.

73. Formerly they had sixty privileged houses, and had separate quarters of the city assigned them. It is said here that some were lodged in the tower of the cathedral, and of other churches. These were

26. A branch from the Rhine into the called Münster-Schwalben. Ill; it is called le Rhin-tortu.

30. A school of natation; none may bathe anywhere but in the authorized baths, which are in the river; and none without drawers, and no women are admitted.

85. In great houses, one meal per day,― which is eat at four or five; but this one meal is after having taken a fork-breakfast at ten or eleven.

In citizens' houses, dinner at twelve or

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108. Population increased greatly since deeper than other bodies, ten feet, and the revolution.

115. Most monstrous births are female.

Most births in March and April; fewest

in June and November.

116. Number of marriages greatly affected by war.

117. Births about three and one-third to each marriage.

118. Jews degenerated by premature marriages.

Deaths for the last ten years exceeded births.

with quick lime on the corpse.


220. Vaccination (1814) enjoined by the law within three months of birth. Not yet entirely enforced.

228. Sœurs de la Charité, and Infirmières,— one to twelve patients.

230. Pensionaries received in the hospitals,—a most wise and salutary practice.

290. First school of midwifery at Strasbourg; where also the first treatises thereon were published.

297. Zeal in young physicians, and the 120. One child in three dies in the first desire of keeping pace with the progress of year, and more males than females. science,-"leur tiennent lieu d'expérience,"

123. Number of still-born children in- he says!

creased as bastardy increases.

298. "Il faut, en général, populariser la

125. Hasty interments-forbidden, 1812. | médecine le moins qu'il est possible." 126-9.

131. Infants recovery from apparent death.

301. Barber-surgeons.

Sage-femmes. 302-3. Their regulations. 305. 303. They ought not to prescribe 140. Rheumatic catarrh the prevalent remedies, and "surtout des remèdes hédisease. roïques, tels que l'opium."

149. A man swallowed a piece of copper money, and voided it after twelve days. Did it contribute to his recovery?

152. Mild purgatives best in erysipelas. 155-61. Small pox and vaccination. 174. Nervous diseases common, and produced by political troubles,-and suicides not unfrequent.

176. Mad dog; cautery the old religious application.

177. Epilepsy caused by fear, and cured by Valerian, orange leaves, and steel.

183. Itch sometimes fatal. A fragrant remedy for it.

185. Goitres endemic, and mostly among Cretins. 186.


190. Siphylis when it first appeared there.

[blocks in formation]

Flints in some places lie so thick as effectually to cover the ground, and it is curious to observe how vegetation flourishes through such beds of stones. The general opinion is, that if the farmers were to put themselves to the trouble and expence of picking them off the land, the soil would be most materially injured. Some indeed who have tried this experiment are thoroughly convinced of the loss thereby sustained, the land having never since produced such fine crops of corn as before.

This land is admirable for the turnip husbandry.

8. Hanbrook.

136. Dwarf hop desiderated. 140. Parsnips the most nutritious food, carrots the next.

145. Chicory cultivated to advantage. 164. Sussex oak the best.

167. Alder the most profitable for underwood, then ash. Chesnut the most durable for hop-poles, then ash.

168. Ash for hoops.

Alder for gunpowder charcoal.

174. Trees, when worth 40s., never pay interest if they are allowed to stand. 197. Paring and burning-pro and con. 203. Chalk burnt for lime. Extent of the practice. Sixteen sloops employed in

9. The weald, and its shaws. 62. 164. carrying it from the pits at Beachy head 181. 469.

11. Sussex marble-much in Canterbury cathedral: it is there called Petworth marble.

20. Tile facing very common all over the county; it effectually checks the fury of the storms, and preserves the inside of the house air-tight and dry.

Stacking corn on circular stone piers. 21. Foundation for barn floors.

22. The poor.

to the Bexhill, Hastings, and Rye kilns.

205. A change in manure from chalk to stone lime, or contrariwise, beneficial. 209. 209. Query, whether limestone might not better be used when simply pulverized than burnt ?

219. Rags and sheep clippings good for hop-grounds, as keeping the ground moist in dry seasons.

221. Charloc often kills lambs.

222. Three weeks' irrigation in Decem

28. Low rents do not always generate ber entirely kills the moss. exertion and activity.

A correspondent observes in a note, "I am glad to find this idea in the minds of so many of the reporters!"

69. Turn your fallows to crops that shall feed cattle; do not depend so much upon hay; mow less and feed more; and do this upon an enlarged scale, and never fear but you will grow corn if you can keep cattle and sheep. 97. Potato yeast.

228. A splendid passage about breeding cattle!

229. Red cattle, the Sussex breed. Prejudices in favour of that colour.

230. Doubts whether white be a sign of degeneracy.

231. Descent of a thorough-bred Sus

sex ox.

253. "The Sussex cows keep themselves almost beef while they give milk." What

105. Double crops of tares instead of they give is little, but very rich. fallows.

109. Choice of turnips for seed,
119. Best mode of preserving potatoes.
128. Buckwheat eaten when in blossom,
produces a dangerous sort of drunkenness
both on sheep and swine. 337.
Pigs weaned on lettuces.

131. Hops-a gambling crop. 132.
Here they might be better cultivated on

254. The fine-fleshed cattle give the best milk.

258. Water thought injurious in churn


274. Bakewell's notice of crossing. 299. In proportion to the fineness of the wool is the disposition to thrive, and the quality of the mutton.

305. Till lately ten guineas was the highest price that was heard of in Sussex

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