Imágenes de páginas
[blocks in formation]

Page line


7 from bottom, read highways




10 from bottom, insert and after executors
9, read shall and may

2 from bottom, after out read of

559, 11, for into read in

582, note q, line 10 from bottom, for in read on

595, last line, for C. in fee, read E. in tail

604, note w, read 3 Russ.

613, 1, dele and

622, note l, read Beaumont v. Bramley

629, line 11, after of insert and in

669, Stamps on Settlement.-Any deed or instrument, (not being on a bona fide pecuniary consideration,) whereby any desums of money, finite and certain principal sum or (whether charged on, or to be laid out in lands or hereditaments or not, and if charged on hereditaments, whether to be raised at all events or not,) or any shares in Government, Bank of England, East India, or South Sea Stock, shall be, or be agreed to be settled, if such sum, or the value of such stock, or both, shall not L.1,000, L.1 15 0

amount to

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[ocr errors]

0 0

0 0




25 0 0

20,000, or upwards,

Progressive duty, L.1, 5s.

Duplicate, the same as the original.

Exemptions.-Securities operating as settlements, if chargeable with the ad valorem duties on bonds or mortgages.

Appointments under any power in favour of persons specially named as the objects of such power.

Declarations of trusts pursuant to any previous settlement, deed, or will, and instruments for securing any gifts or dispositions made by any previous settlement, deed, or

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