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cleaned, and fresh flinted, in readiness for the morrow, as it was expected we should be hotly opposed. Our force was very small to attempt a defile so long and so strongly fortified by nature; but the excellent arrangements made by Colonel Bolton would I doubt not have been successful had we been opposed by the whole force of the Kyberees.

At the mouth of the pass are two small hills. On each of these was placed a nine-pounder in order to sweep the sides of the mountains which command the entrance to the pass. The Grenadiers No 1, and the light companies of H.M. 31st Regiment, and three companies of the 6th native infantry formed the advanced guard under the command of the late lamented and talented Major Skinner of H.M. 31st. No. 1; and the light company of the 31st were thrown out as skirmishers along the heights on either side, followed by two companies of the 6th N.I. as supports. The hills were very high, and difficult of ascent; but by the persevering efforts of our gallant fellows they were effectually crowned in

* The Kyber pass is thirty five miles in length.



less time than could have been expected. The Grenadiers and a company of the 6th remained in the pass itself in order to clear the road and force any barricade which might be erected within the gorge.

The horse artillery followed, covered by Nos. 2 and 7 companies of H.M. 31st Regiment under the commanding officer, in person, and were succeeded by the baggage guarded by a part of the irregular horse; the remainder of the force constituted the rear-guard under the command of Colonel Eckford of the 6th N. I.

When we arrived at the entrance of the gorge, day was just breaking, but within the pass itself, from the shadow of the beetling precipices which overhung the narrow road, it was as dark as a wolf's mouth. To our astonishment we were not opposed, and we proceeded steadily and cautiously along the pass. The sepoys on the heights seemed in good spirits, and we could hear their shouts of "Ram, ram, Mahadeo,"* faintly echoed along the winding gorge from the vast heights above us. When broad day appeared we had a

* A salutation to the God Mahadeo.


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