Imágenes de páginas


- Superintendent Peasley, of Lynn, Mass., recently made the following statement: "Any child of ordinary intelligence who has been to school forty weeks per year for nine years could have learned all that he has acquired from books in less than one-half of his school time, if the best conditions for learning had existed. There is too much dawdling over books and too little education."




Recommends candidates and uses its influence in securing appointments.

is the time to REGISTER. Vacancies occur right along thru the year. Membership
good until close of season of 1906–7. Write for circulars and blank to-day.

Employ an agency to act as your business manager.

-The Spokane, Wash., Chamber of Com-SCHERMERHORN TEACHERS' AGENCY Oldest and Best known in U. 8. Est. 1855

merce has undertaken the task of raising $5000 as a bonus for the Norwegian Lutheran school,

- which is to be located in this city and will be known as Spokane College. The main building will cost $35,000, and will be completed in time to open for the fall term. This building will be followed a little later by three others, to cost about $55,000. The Norwegian Lutherans intend to make this their chief educational institution in the West.


- Prof. J. M. Tyler, of Amherst College, says: "If I had the power I think I would make a law- and enforce it, too that every child born in a city should have at least one grandparent living on a farm in the country and I would have that child stay with that grandparent at least three months in every year of its youth." Farmers complain that the city schools educate the boys away from the farm. Why should the city school educate for the farm? It is built by the city for the city with a curriculum suited to city con

3 East 14th St., New York


The time to be registered with an agency is all the time.

THE ALBERT TEACHERS' AGENCY 378 WABASH AVE. CHICAGO, ILL. Largest permanent clientage of any Western Agency. Many letters about vacancies for September already coming in. Get in line early. We can help you. Address for 21st Year Book, C. J. ALBERT, Manager.

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ditions. It is not expected that the city high PACIFIC

schools should teach the fundamentals with reference to soil fertility, rotation of crops, plant breeding, feeding standards of stock,

dairying, etc. Heretofore our entire school


Engage the help and experience of an agency.


TEACHERS' Operates in Pacific Northwest States. Good openings for Sept. '06. 700 teachers placed in Washington alone. We are on the ground. 8th year. For inforAGENCY mation write B. W. BRINTNALL, Mgr., 538 N. Y. Blk., Seattle, Wash.

Have you ever registered with an agency? It pays.

system has looked toward city life. Not only THURSTON TEACHERS' salaries $500 to $800. CRITIC teachers also in demand. Many more calle

the city graded schools, city high schools, and state universities, but the non-public schools, and even rural schools, have given an educational trend toward the city. The teachers, the text-books, the ideals, emphasized the city professions, while the important every-day affairs of the farm and farm home, by sheer neglect, have been discredited even in rural schools.

We have a stupid way of trying to Americanize the emigrants, the school test of life will not apply in a democratic country, we must make the test broader. Any educational system to be successful among the foreignspeaking people of America must bring out the relation of the past with the humdrum of to-day. It makes my blood boil to see the great chasm widening between the foreignborn children and their parents. The trouble lies with the American people themselves, who refuse to recognize the culture and breadth of view which many foreigners bring to this country with them. When the little Chicago Italian goes to school on Garibaldi's birthday and is anxious to tell about the great statesman whom his parents reverence, the teacher is just as likely to tell him that Garibaldi was not an American, and instead of letting the boy tell his story he is told of George Washington, and that the boy is an American now. What the teacher needs is a historic background, a more cosmopolitan culture; she must meet the children on a common ground. While teaching him English she is perhaps cutting from under his feet his most precious heritage, the love of his parents for the great men and traditions of their country.- Jane Addams.


Why continue to teach at low wages? I have secured positions for hundreds,
each year than we have candidates available.
Enroll early. Free registration until May 25th.
Address ANNA M. THURSTON, Mgr., 378 Wabash Ave., Chicago

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Don't let an "if" stand between you and advancement. Register in season.


Supplies Schools of all Grades with Competent Teachers. Assists Teachers in Obtaining Positions. Send for Special Circular on Free Registration. HARLAN P. FRENCH, Proprietor. 81 CHAPEL STREET, ALBANY, N. Y.

[blocks in formation]

YOU may not know that the present year Primary TEACHERS are scarce and are what we WANT a promotion, write us at once. need fifty teachers at once. If you are prepared A BETTER PLACE awaits you. Write us for information. INTERSTATE TEACHERS' AGENCY, 502-503 Livingston Bldg., ROCHESTER, N. Y


(Continued on Page 253)

TO OUR READERS—If you are at all interested in the announcements of our advertisers and most of them can hope only to get you interested by their necessarily meagre announcement, give them a chance to tell their story in full by writing them; and do it now.

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Just like a potter at his wheel

With clay, and hair, and straw-
The robin shapes his bowl-like nest,
Without a break or flaw.

Child (showing a picture of an oven bird, and, if possible, one
also of a nest)

A baker, sure, this bird should be

Since he an oven makes

Yet, I have never, never heard

He pies or cookies bakes.

Child (showing the picture of a chimney swift)

With patient skill, the chimney swift

A twig-like basket forms,

And glues it in the chimney place,

Safe sheltered from the storms.

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Verses for Little Tots

(Who can't remember much)


(All rights reserved)


O for the wings of a bird!
Away, away to fly

Over the tree tops,
Above the clouds

Close to the clear blue sky!


I'd like to be a flower!

Oh, wouldn't you?
Just the very brightest
That ever grew!


Honey bee, honey bee,
Gay, busy rover,
Gather your sweets

From the bright red clover!


If I were the wind,

I know what I'd do;
I'd rattle the doors

And the windows, too.
I'd whistle and shout,
And laugh and sing,
And then, like a bird,

I'd be off on the wing.


The little stars that wink and blink,
Must sometimes sleepy be, I think.


If pansies could wish,

I really should think
They'd turn into butterflies
As quick as a wink!


Little cherry blossom comes dressed in white,
As dainty and airy as a snowflake light.


I think the apple blossom's dress of pink and white
Quite as fine as any in the orchard bright.


Brain Food and Nerve Tonic

Crosby's Vitalized Phosphites

Is for the prevention as well as the relief of all weaknesses resulting from excessive brain work, nervous strain, and impaired vitality. It supplies to active brain and nerves the needed elements to maintain the normal nerve force and vital energy of the brain. It strengthens the intellect, refreshes the tired nerves, promotes digestion and restful sleep, prevents brain exhaustion and nervous prostration. VITALIZED PHOSPHITES is a concentrated white powder from the phosphoid principle of the ox-brain and wheat germ Formula on each bottle. Prescribed by physicians, used by brain workers everywhere. Descriptive pamphlet free.

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The National Educational Association Convention to be held in San Francisco from July 7 to 14, is likely to be the largest and the most important that has ever been held by that organization.

The School Superintendents who were in session in Louisville, Ky., during the past week, gave assurance to the California dele

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AGATE & MORGAN, Mgrs. Box 842,
Teachers wanted

gation that not less than 20,000 teachers will Colorado-Territorial Teacher's Agency, inidad, Colorado. attend that convention, and that the superin- in Colorado and Territories at $65 to $125 per month. Register now. tendents had the names of the teachers of their The right teacher in the right position brings the highest success for both teacher and school; the services of respective districts who had promised to attend

the California meeting. This information

an agency prove mutually beneficial.

was wired to the press and the California Midland Teachers' Agencies Pendleton, Oregon, Mt. Vernon, Wash., Valley City, N. D.

teachers at once.

The people of California are making preparations to receive and entertain the educators of the country in a manner fitting their position and worthy of California hospitality.

The Californians, anticipating that 20,000 teachers will be their guests in July, are making preparations to entertain a much larger number of visitors who will most likely take advantage of so exceptional an opportunity to visit California.

The transportation companies are increasing their facilities in anticipation to accommodate the largest influx in the history of trans-continental traffic. The exceptionally low rates of fare, superior accommodations, the most complete arrangements for the comfort of passengers, handling of luggage, hotel accommodations, and other incidents which make the trip agreeable, will have a tendency to induce many thousands of Eastern people and residents from all sections of the country to visit California on that occasion. The local committees are preparing a series of events for convention week, which will make a program of exceptional attractions. The visitors will have every opportunity to go through the military reservation, see every place of interest in one of the most important camps of the United States Army; visit the great shipbuilding plant, the cradle of some of the great battleships of our navy; inspect the Government Naval Training Station, the Navy Yard at Vallejo, the Benicia Barracks and Arsenal, the Military prison on Alcatraz Island, the Quarantine Station and the U. S. Marine Hospital on Mare Island, scan the ships from many nations riding at anchor in the bay, take a run outside the Golden Gate, a spin around the lighthouse, the seal rocks and the cliffs. Special features for convention week will be announced in due time.

Offices: Warrensburg, Mo., Kansas City, Kan., Vinita, Ind. Ter., Aberdeen, S. D., Shenandoah, Iowa, Jonesboro, Ark., DuBois, Pa. Two plans for enrollment. Write for booklet and blank.


A Southern and Southwestern Teachers' Agency
Central Office, SHREVEPORT, LA.

three years. The manager is well acquainted in the South and Southwest, and is in position to effectively serve all
Formerly the West Texas School Bureau of Abilene, Texas. This Agency has been in prosperous operation
teachers desiring promotion or change in positions. At least he desires to send circulars and write a personal letter
to just as many teachers as answer this advertisement. Let us tell you what we have done for others-what we can do
for you. Remember about the "early bird," etc.
W. A. BYNUM, Manager.

AN AGENCY is valuable in proportion to its

of vacancies and tells

influence. If it merely hears
that is something but if

you about them THAT it is asked to recommend
a teacher and recommends RECOMMENDS

you that is more. Ours



Make Provision for the Future

6* Preferred Stock 6*


on Alcatraz Old Established, Progressive Publishing Business

It will be an opportunity for all visitors to see the largest convention of teachers ever held in the United States, and to take in the sights of California at a minimum cost.

San Francisco is prepared to receive the largest number of visitors that ever assembled within its gates, and so are the people of the whole state of California and the entire Pacific Coast.


tengill, Lansing, Michigan.

Its title aptly describes this little book. It

An Opportunity Seldom Offered

Better than Any Life Insurance Investment

Payments May be Made Monthly

Every Investigation Welcomed

If you are interested, address

E. S. & J.

is frankly written in lighter vein with the hope 228 Wabash Ave., Chicago

that it may prove suggestive to the teacher in her odd moments. It contains anecdotes, verse, games, useful questions, and other material of a similar nature.


18 E. 17th St., New York



North wall of Canyon from El Tovar

Well Traveled Teachers Make the Best Instructors

The World's Greatest Wonder and How It May be Visited This Summer

HERE are few people for whom travel is more essential than for our school teachers. Change of environment, the meeting with people from other sections of this and foreign countries, the forming of new acquaintances often friendships the interchanging of ideas, the drinking in of new thoughts, is a renewal of mental life and strength that has its reflex action in the physical being as well.

Throughout the school year our teachers have been constantly giving, not only out of their intellectual store-houses, but have taxed their stock of personal magnetism and nervous energy to such an extent that few of them reach the close of the last term untouched by general exhaustion, and most are in actual need of a well-earned complete change of scene. There are few people who so thoroughly and intelligently enjoy travel and sight-seeing, few who get so much from it, and give out the benefit of it afterward so generously and advantageously, as do the members of that worthy body of men and women to whom we intrust the instruction of our sons and daughters.

Our teachers require the broadening, stimulating, and inspiring influence of travel. It is educational. And it has been proven, time and again, that the well traveled teacher is the best instructor. They who have feasted their eyes on historic scenes and the marvelous natural wonders of this great land of ours, are assuredly better able to inspire greater interest in them in the minds of their pupils.

Of the wonders of this wonderland of ours, there stands forth first among them all the Grand Canyon of Arizona. The Grand Canyon of Arizona is one of the few things we see in the course of a life time that satisfies the soul. A visit to it might almost be called a soul-duty that we owe ourselves. It is an experience that will be different from any other that may come to one-it is the going on into

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another world—a world of voiceless beauty and brooding silence wherein will come to each one who enters there a something never known before- and to each one it will be different.

There is but one way to reach this great world's mystery, and that is via the road that follows the historic old Santa Fe trail, fraught with memories as varied as the motley companies that journeyed over it-Spanish grandee, and soldier of fortune, and pious monk-makers of history and builders of the great Southwest of to-day.

The Grand Canyon of northern Arizona is 217 miles long; the average width is 13 miles, and it is more than a mile deep. The mind readily grasps the idea of a mile measured along the surface of the ground, and we are accustomed to the idea of looking up and telling ourselves that the sun is millions of miles away; but to look down into the bowels of the earth-down-down to where, a mile or more below, flows a broad and mighty river, the roaring, thundering Colorado, looking like a mere shimmering, silver ribbon - is something that makes the imagination falter.

No one has been able to put the story of the Canyon's gorgeous coloring into words. One might as well try to set the rainbow's harmony to music. It is a great symphony of tones and tints unmarred by discord. It is the grand Amen of nature's hymn to the Creator.

The terminus of the Grand Canyon Railway, a branch line of the Santa Fe transcontinental line, is but a few steps from El Tovar Hotel, situated at the head of Bright Angel trail. On this, the south side of the Canyon, there are three trails from the rim to the river, of which Bright Angel is the central and perhaps the most popular.

El Tovar is a spacious, modern, hundred-room hotel, three stories high, built to look like a big log cabin. The architect,


however, has combined the best features of a Swiss chalet with those of a Norway villa in a most successful manner. El Tovar is equipped with electric lights and bells, steam neat and baths, rooms single and en suite, and private dining rooms. The hotel is conducted on the American plan, but for those who desire a more economical place to put up at, there is an annex called Bright Angel Camp, conducted on the European plan; the price of a room there is seventy-five cents a day for each person, meals are to be had at the café. Let it be understood that Bright Angel Camp is a substantial building and not a tent house. It is quaintly western, and just the

place where a company of congenial teachers may make themselves at home, while they leisurely drink in the beauty of the wonders that surround them.

One is always sure to meet charming people traveling up and down the trails that, as one writer puts it, "have a thrill for every rod." The sure-footed trail stock is bred to its task, and the guides are well tried and reliable. There are delightful camping parties for those wise enough to spend a night at the river and enjoy the experience of coming up to the top of the earth in the morning. It must be borne in mind that the full effect of the Canyon's majestic splendor cannot be entirely comprehended save by viewing it from points along the river. Then there are the drives along the Canyon and through the pine forest to Grand View, thirteen miles east.

Grand Canyon El Tovar Hotel

of El Tovar, including a visit to Indian villages and pueblos. And, oh, the perfume of those pines, and that wondrous air that, with every breath one takes in, sends new life and impulses coursing through one's veins, banishing heaviness, dispelling cobwebs making the whole world seem big and grand, and life a very splendid thing and altogether worth while! If you have decided to take this trip, you may leave the Atlantic Coast to-day on any fast train, arrive at Chicago the next afternoon, and that same evening take the California Limited, reaching Williams, Arizona, on the Santa Fe line the night of the third day from New York or Boston. Your Pullman is here detached and put onto the waiting branch line train, and the morning after you wake up to find yourself in the presence of the greatest scenic wonder of the world.

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The Augsburg Summer School of Drawing

Will hold its Fifth Annual Session in Chicago During July, 1906

If you desire to teach drawing, or to teach it more effectively, or in a more responsible and remunerative position, begin now to arrange for a two weeks' attendance at the Augsburg Summer School of Drawing at Chicago in 1906.

Direct all inquiries and correspondence to the business manager,

Mr. E. S. SMITH,

228 Wabash Ave., Chicago, Illinois.

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