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FOR THE YEARS 1840 AND 1841:








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NO. 1.

he had hired Mr. Gregson to go for him. Mr. Gregson, within a had not been an uninterested spectator of the circumstance, year after he joined the army, was killed in the battle on and remaining but a short time among her guests, she withRhode Island, the 29th of August, 1778. Mr. Amsly had drew to her chamber as soon as etiquette would allow.

ANNALS OF A NEW-ENGLAND FAMILY. felt, from the time he had heard of Mr. Gregson's death, Here, after dismissing her attendants, she mused on the pic

1779.-No. I.

I wish you a happy new year, said Mr. Amsly to his children, as they entered the room in which he sat, on the morning of the first day in the year one thousand seven hundred and seventy-nine. We thank you, father, said the oldest of the children who were present; and we desire and hope, that God may bless you this year and forever. The children had arisen at the proper time, and under the care of their mother, had been dressed and washed and prepared to enter the room, in which the family soon assembled for their morning devo

that it was the price of his own life, and was deeply grieved ture which Henri had presented to her through his minister, for the bereavement and affliction of his widow and children; M. de Frontenac; and, while absorbed in contemplating the and he had been very attentive to their needy and distressed features of him to whom she had resigned all, she was aroused condition. When his mind was turned to the evils and sor- by a light step behind her. Some one was looking over her rows of that one family, and then to the dreadful prospects of shoulder-she felt the warm and glowing breath pass her the whole country, in the bloody scenes of that time, though cheek, and a voice, mild and manly, said: he had found confidence and comfort in God during the devo- 'Will Mary of Medicis pardon Henri of France for so flattions of the morning, yet his mind began to sink with troubles tering a copy of a poor original?' and fears. But the question now arose in his heart, "Lord, Mary turned quickly round, and rising, threw herself at the what wilt thou have me to do?" To this question an answer feet of her monarch-husband. seemed to be soon given by his wife, who said, will you go 'Rise, rise, dearest lady,' exclaimed Henri, and he lifted tions. Mr. Amsly's father next came into the room; then the after breakfast to Mrs. Gregson's? I have some things I wish her gently to her seat. For a time he gazed upon her almost hired man and the hired woman took their places; and last to send her children. And I, said Betty Brown, the hired enraptured. 'You are beautiful,' he said, as he seemed to came Mrs. Amsly. Before she took her seat, she cast her eye on the clock and saw that the time was five minutes be-woman, wish to send something to Mrs. Gregson. The pros- be drinking in her exquisite loveliness; 'beautiful even as fore six. She came last, because her eye, her hand, and her pect of doing something for that needy family, relieved their your painted resemblance, and that seemed more than mortal!' minds; and they finished their breakfast with increased thank- 'Your majesty upholds the reputation of your land for comheart were over every thing in the house; and she had the fulness to God, and renewed purposes of diligence and faith-pliments.' breakfast ready to be placed on the table, as soon as they had fulness in his service. After breakfast, Mr. Amsly gave his 'If truth be flattery,' was the gallant monarch's reply, ‘I waited upon God in their domestic worship. The family were hired man directions about his work for the day; and he felt do indeed flatter. But say, how like you our good city of Ly. seated around a large table, which was well lighted and fur thankful that he had a man with whom he could trust all the ons! Do you not miss the golden sky and the gorgeous scenery nished with a copy of the bible and of Watts' psalins and concerns of his farm. His naine was John Flinn. Mr. Amsly of your own sunny land?' hymns for each person. The family commonly read the resolved to devote the day to visit the widow and the father- Were you not here, sire, perchance it might be so,' replied scriptures, in course. But then, as it was the first morning of less, and to such acts of love and kindness as he could perform the queen; 'but your kingdom is now my kingdom, and your the year, Mr. Amsly asked his father if he would name some for his fellow creatures. The children were sent to school in subjects my subjects, and I will love and cherish them for your portion of the bible to be read at that time. His father replied, good season, with a promise that their father would come home sake.' if you please, read the thirty-ninth psalm. This psalm being by the school-house, and that they should ride home with him read, and the second part of Watts' version of it in common in the sleigh. metre being sung, Mr. Amsly asked his father if he would lead in their prayers; but as his father declined, Mr. Amsly offered to God, in behalf of his family, their praises and prayers. The mercies and trials of the past year, the uncertain events of the coming year, the state of the country, the army and Congress, the British nation, the dangers of the church, the advancement of religion, the final prevalence of the gospel, the happy day when wars should cease, and the great objects and subjects of prayer and praise that would at such a time Lyons, one of the most commercial towns in France, was engage the affections of a wise and faithful christian, raised his filled with the enthusiasm likely to affect a people on the first heart to the throne of grace that morning with peculiar solem- reception of one who presented herself as their queen, and nity and importunity. Nor was he alone in his communion the wife of their beloved Henri Quatre. with heaven: his worthy wife, his aged father, the children journey of Mary de Medicis, since she had left Florence, had 'True,' replied Henri, enthusiastically, as he thought with and their hired assistants, seemed to be of one heart and one presented a scene of gorgeous display, and even more than pride on the long list of valiant hearts that presented themroyal magnificence. This lady, who was held to possess all selves to his imagination; we have brave knights and true — In a few moments the breakfast was ready, the blessing was her family taste for splendor, appeared to emulate the memo- chevaliers sans peur et sans reproche, who will probably lift a asked, and the family were seated in order at the table, except rable voyage of Cleopatra down the Cydnus; for she em-lance for the wife of their monarch. And Sully, too-- you the elder Mr. Amsly, who said he would take his break- barked for Leghorn in a galley exquisitely gilt, and adorned must like my Sully, the most straightforward of ministers, and fast in his room, alone, at a later hour. At the table. James, with costly paintings by Italian and foreign artists. Sixteen the most honest of men. You must like dear de Rosny.' who was about seven years old, looked to his father and said, vessels of the same description accompanied her, and the 'I shall ever like him,' was the tender reply, for he caused may I ask a question? Yes, was the answer; and what whole procession (for such it may be termed) realized the would you ask? James replied-This morning you wished conception of a young and lovely woman travelling to become us a happy new year; I want to ask, if little boys can the head of the most polished court, and the queen of the have a happy year? Before his father answered him, his most admired monarch in Europe. For a week she remained sister, next older than himself, said, in rather a low voice, how at Lyons, in expectation of her sovereign's arrival, keeping the selfish, James! With some degree of displeasure, James said, good Lyonese in a fever of magnificence by her continual I did'nt ask it for myself. For whom did you ask it, my son, display.

mind in these precious duties.

HARTFORD, Jan. 1st, 1840.

Miscellaneous Selections.



'Yet we have some glorious sights, even for an Italian eye,' replied the king. We boast our matchless Louvre, and our busy Paris, with its rich treasure of devoted hearts; and our royal forest of Fontainebleu, where we will teach you to hunt another Diana to bewitch our eyes!'

'Let us hope we have many a happy day before us,' said Mary, entranced with the devotion indicated.

'But,' continued Henri, if our land be less lovely than that of my sweet Florentine, at least our people are not less loving; and the idol of Henri's heart shall be the idol of the heart of Henri's people.'

'And,' replied Mary, 'how gay will be the scene when the chivalry of France strive for the meed of renown, from the The whole of the hands of their Italian queen.'

you to seek so poor a bride as Mary de Medicis.'


Ah, sweetest!' said the enraptured monarch; 'you were born for France; you compliment already with the wit of a French courtier, and the grace of an Italian lady.' 'I have read, sire, that they who love never flatter.' 'At least,' replied the king, 'believe that I love. And now permit me to retire to seek refreshment more substantial even


said his mother. For little Billy Gregson, said James. Yes- On the 9th of December, 1600, at the hour of supper, sur-than that which comes from the lips of so fair a lady: for I terday, in the cold and snow, he had no stockings nor shoes on rounded by her attendants, sate a lady, "beautiful exceeding have ridden hard to-day to see my queen, to whom I look for his feet. He does not go to meeting, nor to school. When I ly;" tall, and exquisitely formed, and of a commanding yet pardon for a short absence. We shall meet again ere long.' asked why he had not any shoes or better clothes, he said his winning presence. She sat with a grace and dignity worthy And thus met for the first time the gallant Henri Quatre and mother told him his father was dead, and she could hardly get her noble descent-need we say that this lady was Mary de the fair Mary de Medicis.- Who could dream the fate in any food to eat; and he said his mother cried every day, be- Medicis, the chief personage in our history, and the principal store for these young and joyous spirits? cause she could not obtain what was needed for her children actress in many a melancholy scene besides. And now, said James, when father this morning wished us to Suddenly, at the end of the spacious room, was heard a busbe happy, I thought of Billy, and wished him to be happy as tle. Mary, who was in hourly expectation of Henri, looked anx- Three years had elapsed-three short years since the well as myself; but I did'nt see how such a poor boy, whose iously around; the murmur increased; at last it shaped into meeting of the bridegroom and his bride: but they have been father was dead, could be happy. Are you happy, Jaines, said words, The King, the king!' was whispered Room for replete with interest. The love which we have seen develhis mother. O, I have my father and inother and brothers and his majesty of France.' Henri, who had only just arrived, bad oped in words of kindness, had departed, and jealousy was sisters, and good clothes and victuals; and I go to school and given orders that he was not to be recognized; but finding established where love once had been, He who had vowed to meeting, and I have every thing. But I feel sorry for Billy; them disobeyed, he quietly disengaged himself from the throng, eternal constancy to Mary had returned to his former interand I aint so happy when I think of him. and had it not been for a sweet confus ion that overspread course with the Marchioness de Verneuil, who, hated by the This talk of James about Billy Gregson, seemed to damp her countenance, it might not have been known that Mary had queen, sought every opportunity to annoy her. the spirits of the whole family, Mr. Amaly could hardly take caught a glimpse of his fine form as it retired, or heard him Thus placed between two fires, the situation of Henri was any more food. His wife had her handkerchief to her eyes, say, with the light and merry tone for which he was remarka- any thing but pleasant. and the older children were in tears. James had revived ble, Faith, gentlemen, I did not think it was so difficult not impress ions of which he little thought. Mr. Amsly had been to be a king.' drafted to go into the army, but as he could not leave home,

The blush which suffused Mary's cheek intimated that she

'My dear Sully,' he exclaimed on one occasion, when distracted with the contending interests, I am half mad—what with the queen on one side, and Henriette on the other, by

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