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RECENT DISCOVERY OF PIT-DWELLINGS URING the late summer, while engaged in excavating a Roman building at Finkley, near Andover, a deep trench, 100 feet in length, was found, dilating at the opposite ends into large subterranean pits, which, from the primitive character of the articles met with in them, such as flint and bone implements, spindle-whorls of chalk, and a rude form of pottery, appeared to belong to an earlier period than the Roman. One of the labourers engaged in the explorations became quite an expert in the recognition of these rude objects; and he having lately been employed in digging a yard at a new railway station, situated on a hill, about half a mile distant from St. Mary Bourne, immediately overlooking the Upper Test Valley, found the subsoil so abundant in calcined stones, broken pottery, and other evidences of early occupation, that he called my attention to the circumstance, which led to the discovery of a group of pit-dwellings or hut-circles; and it is likely, from their mode of arrangement, that they form a portion of an extensive settlement or vicus. Some knowledge of nine of these has been obtained, although, from their situation, two only have been completely investigated, and five others partially.

gold coin, which bears on its obverse and reverse degraded representations of more perfect figures. The coin, in short, is a slightly more perfect copy of the lowermost of the three coins depicted at p. 84 of "The Celt, the Roman, and the Saxon," 1st. ed.; which figure is there stated as being a rude copy of a gold stater of Philip of Macedon. Pit 7 was fully explored. It was 42 ft. in length from the extremity of the pit to the mouth of the passage, which opened eastward; its widest diameter 13 ft. 6 in., and depth 5 ft. at the pit's centre. Here the fire-place had stood, as in No. 1, and around it we found bones similar to those discovered in Pit 1, with the addition of some teeth of a small species of horse, and bones of the hare or rabbit. The bones were, in most cases, broken, and some of them had been wrought for use as implements. Two flint arrow-heads were found in the alley, and the centre of the circle further contained flint-flakes, scrapers, cores, and arrow-heads, a fragment of a rude grain-rubber, and a flint muller showing use on one side. Here also occurred a whetstone, made from a piece of sandstone such as I have observed occurring in the drift of the Reading beds; and evidently from the same drift a lump of native ironstone, containing a large percentage of iron, which had been picked up by some occupant of the pit and used as a hammer. As throwing some small light on their domestic economy, a chalk spindle-whorl was found, and with it a small disc of pottery, bored at the centre, the direction of the hole showing that it had been suspended by a string, perhaps round its owner's neck. The whole of the fictile ware found here was of a rude hand-made type, and some of the "crocks" were scored with irregular zigzag lines, made apparently with a

At nine feet south of Pit 7 a circular hole in the chalk was cleared out. It was found to be 5 ft. in diameter and 3 ft. in depth. It contained a quantity of bones of animals similar to those already enumerated, with snail shells that had been exposed to fire; and beneath the bones a number of charred fints, with charcoal and ashes. It was evident that strong fire had been employed here, as the chalk was in places burnt through and discoloured to the depth of several inches, which led to the inference, coupled with its contiguity to Pit 7, that it was a cooking-hole. It is not unusual for uncivilised people, as the negroes, to have their cooking places outside their dwellings (see "Flint Chips," by E. T. Stevens, p. 59).

The pits occupy the space of about a quarter of an acre, and have all entrance shafts, sloping gradually downwards from their inlets, and widening as they approach the pits. They may, with their contents, be described seriatim. No. I is oval or pear-shaped, having its entrance southwards. Its length is 22 feet from the end of the pit to the mouth of the alley; greatest diameter 12 feet; depth at the centre of the pit 5 feet. This was the only circle that contained flints, of which twelve cart-pointed stick. loads were removed from it; and as some of the stones were arranged in courses, without mortar, around its circumference and on each side of the alley, I have thought that the superstructure must have been of flint, and had fallen in. The relics found were chiefly at the centre, where the fire-place had evidently been; the smoke most likely escaping through the centre of the roof. They consisted of about a bushel of calcined flints, bones of a small species of Bos, probably longifrons, Cervus elephus, Capra, Sus, and Canis, besides broken vessels, chiefly of a very rude, hand-made kind, although a few pieces found about the pits bore wheel-marks. The bones had mostly been split open in order to obtain their marrow. They had further been exposed to fire, and bear impressions made by teeth and knives; and some of the smaller long bones had evidently been used as marrow-spoons, while other small splinters of bone had the appearance of having served the purpose of awls or needles. In this circle also part of a rude sandstone hand grain-rubber was found, besides some flint-flakes, a scraper, and some cores; and, in addition, the outer lip of a large cowry, which had been carefully cut from the shell, and had been used as a rasp, the crenulations in the lip being considerably worn down. It had further been employed as a polisher apparently, the enamel being worn away in places.

Pits 2 and 3 were only partially explored, as they extended beneath the station yard. One of them, however, was partly filled with calcined flints; and in it were found a piece of a grain-rubber and pottery and bones similar to those just described.

Pits 4 and 5 had only portions of their passages opened, as the pits extended beneath the Station Road. In these we found a few flint-flakes, and some calcined stones.

Pit 6 contained no remains, as it was evidently the passage only of a pit partly formed, and had not been occupied.

In digging a well in the station garden similar relics were thrown out, and it is evident that the shaft of the well passed through one of these pits; and, as additional evidence of British occupation, in clearing away the soil around the circles, one of the labourers picked up a Gaulish

At another part of the same yard, about 10 ft. of wellbuilt wall was removed. It was doubtless Roman, as near it a better kind of pottery was found, including a piece of Samian, besides two roof-nails and a bronze buckle.

The quantity of calcined stones everywhere present was the most striking feature in the remains. Some of them, I observed, were faced on one side, and a few had facets at right angles, and these, it occurred to me, might have been used in constructing ovens or fire-places. A large number, however, were perfectly circular, and had bright, clean surfaces; these might have been employed for the purpose of stone-boiling.

With traces of Roman occupation we have here these rude remains which show residence by an earlier people, who, doubtless, lived on after the advent of the Romans. I have, as yet, observed no entrenchments in the field; but there is no doubt that similar circles occupy a large space of the upper slope of the valley. The flint implements stamp the remains as Neolithic; and those found in the pits differ in no respect from the wrought flints occupying the subsoil of the yard, as well as occasionally Occurring on the surface of the adjoining fields. The settlement is favourably situated to have enabled the occupants to obtain water from the river Test; and along the same side of the valley, within the space of two miles, I have discovered more than one working site, in which I have obtained a large and varied collection of tools and weapons both chipped and polished.

These huts must have been covered, some, perhaps, with stones, others with a wooden or wattle superstructure, covered with clay or sods of turf; and their poor inhabitants evidently cultivated, to a small extent, some of the cereals, had an early knowledge of weaving, and lived domesticated with oxen, goats, and swine. The red-deer were most likely obtained by hunting in the dense forest that then occupied the deep clay lands of North Hampshire, as an extension of the ancient forests of Harewood, and Chute, and Finkley. Further, these shallow pits might have been the summer residences of a people whose winter habitations were at Finkley.


stellar photography to the more prominent objects in the southern heavens. The ingenious researches and inventions of Mr. Rutherford in New York have resulted in the development of methods by which the relative positions of clusters of stars may be permanently recorded by photographing them upon glass, and the numerical values subsequently determined by means of a measurement of the photographic impressions, with a degree of precision far greater than that of the ordinary methods. this process possesses the signal and peculiar advantage, that the representations thus obtained of the stars' places at a given moment may be preserved, and the measurements repeated at any subsequent time. The process has not yet been introduced into European observatories, but it has been thoroughly


INAUGURATION OF THE OBSERVATORY AT tested in America, and valuable researches have already



N interesting account of the inauguration of the Argentine Observatory at Cordoba in October last appears in the Standard of Buenos Ayres. The chief feature of the ceremonial was a very able address by Prof. Gould, the Director, from which we make the following extracts, as bearing specially on the work of the observatory :

"In the year 1751 a French astronomer, the Abbé de la Caille, visited the Cape of Good Hope for the purpose of determining the positions of the principal southern stars. With a little telescope of comparatively insignificant dimensions, he succeeded in obtaining the materials for so complete a catalogue-as far as the limit of brightness which his telescope permitted-and in determining the positions of those stars so well, that this catalogue of about 9,8co stars constitutes to-day the chief reliance of astronomers for their knowledge of a large portion of the southern sky. Since that time a permanent observatory has been established by the British Government at the same place, and a large number of valuable observations have been made by various eminent men. Other observatories in the southern hemisphere have been founded at Paramatta, Santiago de Chile, and Melbourne, all of which have contributed essentially to our knowledge of the southern sky; as also has the observatory at Madras, which, although north of the equator, commands a view of the greater portion of the southern heavens. Yet how much remains to be done in this direction will be very evident when I state that, while the number of stars in the northern hemisphere whose positions and magnitudes have been determined cannot fall short of about 330,000, the number in the southern hemisphere whose observed places have been published does not probably exceed 50,000. But this is not all. The greater portion of those which have been observed lie in that part of the sky which is clearly visible in Europe; and if we consider the regions beyond 30°, there are scarcely 13,000 southern stars whose places and magnitudes have been determined and made available for scientific use, while the corresponding portion of the northern sky contains something like 164,000 such stars. | "The first undertaking now proposed for the Argentine Observatory is to do something towards filling this hiatus by determining the places of the principal stars situated between the tropics, where the observations of northern astronomers begin to become less numerous, and the polar circle, where Gilliss' observations commence. work is best performed by dividing the sky into narrow zones or belts, and subjecting each zone to a special scrutiny for the purpose of measuring the positions of all stars of a sufficient brightness within its limits. If no unforeseen impediment presents itself, these observations should be completed within two years from their com



"There is another most important investigation especially desirable in the present condition of our knowledge: this is the application of the newly-discovered methods of

been made by this photographic method.

"During the greater part of the year we have had neither instruments nor building, and during the short time these have been available we have experienced an unexpected and most serious obstacle in the clouds of impalpable dust, which, rising from all sides, penetrate to the inmost crevices of every part of the instruments. This difficulty will, I think, be obviated to a great extent when vegetable growth shall have covered the soil; and to this end the Minister has given directions for providing as good a supply of water (as may be possible, while the building and instruments have been provided with special and unusual protections against the evil. The position of the city of Cordoba renders this trouble inevitable, inasmuch as water for irrigation is only to be found in the valley, whilst an observatory must necessarily be placed upon high land. With the arrival of the rainy season I trust that a carpet of vegetation may remove this source of anxiety.

"A considerable time would, under any circumstances, have been requisite for computing the numerical table, and making the various other calculations needful for bringing the instruments into active service. The additional interval has been employed in an undertaking of a totally different sort, which may, I trust, be found in the end to possess as much scientific importance as the work originally intended. During this period of enforced delay we have succeeded in making a full catalogue of all those stars of the southern heavens which are visible to the naked eye, determining for each one the precise degree of its brightness. When, after the moon has set to-night, you raise your vision to the starry sky, and, as you look more intently, perceive one faint star after another reveal itself to your sight, you will yet succeed in discerning no star whose place and magnitude has not been recorded within the past year by some one or more of the observers in this institution

"Sidera cuncta notans tacito labentia cœlo.'

"The progress of the work so far has not failed to afford its due share of discoveries. It has given us the knowledge of a considerable number of stars which possess the singular character that their brightness is not always the same, but undergoes systematic variations. Some have been seen to rise to considerable brilliancy, and then fade away until telescopes of some power are needed for rendering them visible. Others still are now found to possess a brilliancy decidedly greater or decidedly less than that which has been assigned to them by more than one astronomer in times past. Such stars must be carefully watched, and the fact of any regular and periodic fluctuation in the amount of their light either established or disproved. Of such cases there are already many on our records, thanks to the assiduity and zeal of the assistant astronomers, no one of whom has failed to make manifest the existence of several. One of those most remarkable for the rapidity of its changes is a little star in the constellation "Musea," which is invisible to the unaided

sight during one half its period, and visible during the other half; while the observations of Mr. Rock show that it goes through all its changes within the short interval of 21 hours. Another in the constellation of the "Southern Triangle," which has been regularly observed by Mr. Davis, exhibits regular fluctuations of light, comprised within a period of about 3 days, similarly alternating between visibility and invisibility. These two exhibit the most rapid changes of any of the stars which we have hitherto observed; but there are others not less interesting, observed not only by the two gentlemen mentioned, but also by Messrs. Thorne and Hathaway, who are likewise pursuing these investigations with much success."


THE retirement of Prof. Huxley from the London School Board throws a great responsibility upon the men of Science in London in general, and on Marylebone in particular. We are of opinion that of all the good work which Prof. Huxley has done, none will have a more lasting national importance than that which has resulted in the introduction of Science among the subjects to be taught in the London schools—and, therefore, in all the School-Board-schools throughout the country, for the force of public opinion will, in the long run, insist that the London model shall be everywhere followed. It is because we fear that this important advance may be arrested, unless steps are taken still to have the claims of Science represented on the Board, that we draw attention to the subject, which, in our opinion, is of sufficient importance to occupy the attention of the Royal Society, and the other scientific bodies, if their aid is necessary. Doubtless membership of the School Board involves sacrifice; but it is to be hoped that the clerical squabbles which have so interfered with the desired progress here, as it did, ineffectually, in other countries, are now as nearly over as they ever will be; and if this be so, then, instead of the 170 sittings given by some members last year, a much smaller number will suffice.

WE have reason to know that many weak people have been alarmed, and many still weaker people made positively ill, by an announcement which has appeared in almost all the newspapers, to the effect that Prof. Plantamour, of Geneva, has discovered a comet of immense size, which is to "collide," as our American friends would say, with our planet on the 12th of August next. We fear that there is no foundation whatever for the rumour. In the present state of science nothing could be more acceptable than the appearance of a good large comet, and the nearer it comes to us the better, for the spectroscope has a long account to settle with the whole genus, which up to this present time has fairly eluded our grasp. But it is not too much to suppose that the laymen in these matters might imagine that discovery would be too dearly bought by the ruin of our planet. Doubtless, if such ruin were possible, or indeed probable-but let us discuss this point. Kepler, who was wont to say that there are as many comets in the sky as fishes in the ocean, has had his opinion endorsed in later times by Arago, who has estimated the number of these bodies which traverse the solar system as 17,500,000. But what follows from this? Surely that comets are very harmless bodies or the planetary system, the earth included, would have suffered from them long before this, even if we do not admit that the earth is as old as geologists would make it. But this is not all. It is well known that some among their number which have withal put on a very portentous appearance are merely the celestial equivalents of our terrestrial "wind-bags "--brought down to their proper level they would have shrunk into very small dimensions indeed. But there is more comfort still. The comet of 1770 positively got so near to Jupiter that it got entangled among his moons, the diameter of the smallest of which is only some 2,000

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miles; but the moons pursued their courses as if nothing had happened, while the comet was so discomfited by the encounter that it returned by another road-i.e. astronomically speaking, its orbit was entirely changed. While, last of all, in our cor


respondence this week, will be found one fact the more in favour of the idea that, in 1861, we actually did pass through a comet. We have a suggestion for those weak people who are still alarmed by these celestial portents, and steadily refuse to acquaint themselves with the most elementary work on Astronomy, which would convince them how groundless their fears In India, during the last Eclipse, the priests reaped magnificent harvests from the offerings of the faithful. In England, possibly, it would be considered incorrect to make such offerings to the priest; but let them still be made to the Royal Astronomical Society. In this way the English Philistine would approach nearer the standard of his less-civilised brother; Science would be benefited, and, doubtless, the omen would be averted -at all events they always have been.

THE Anniversary Meeting of the Royal Astronomical Society was held on Friday last, when the president's address was read. The medal this year has been awarded to Prof. Schiaparelli for his brilliant demonstration of the identity which exists in the elements of the orbits of certain comets and known systems of meteors. Among the obituary notices for the year were those of Sir John Herschel, Prof. De Morgan, and Mr. Babbage.

THE Council of the Geological Society have awarded the Wollaston Medal for the present year to Prof. J. D. Dana, of Yale College, Connecticut, and the balance of the proceeds of the Wollaston Fund to Mr. James Croll, of Edinburgh.

THE Hopkins Prize, which was founded in memory of the late Mr. Hopkins, and is adjudged to the author of the best original memoir, invention, or discovery in connection with Mathematico-physical or Mathematico-experimental Science that may have been published during the three years immediately preceding (who is or has been a member of the University of Cambridge) has been awarded to Prof. J. Clerk Maxwell, F. R. S. The adjudicators were Profs. Stokes, Tait, and Clifton. The fund is vested in the Cambridge Philosophical Society.

WE learn that, in addition to the scholarships for Natural Science at Cambridge, of which a list was given in our number for February 1, King's College offers an exhibition of the value of about 80l. per annum. The examination will commence on April 9, will include Physics, Chemistry, and Physiology, with one Classical and one Mathematical paper, and will be open to all candidates under twenty, and to undergraduates of the college in their first and second year. Names must be sent in, before March 10, to the Rev. A. A. Leigh, tutor of the college, from whom further information may be obtained.

PROF. GEORGE ROLLESTON has been elected a Fellow of Merton College, under the ordinance of 1854, which founded the Linacre Professorship of Physiology, and endowed it out of the revenues of this college. Prof. Rolleston graduated in 1850, and was afterwards elected Fellow of Pembroke College. In 1860 he was appointed to the Linacre Professorship of Physiology.

THE Industrial Museum at Edinburgh has lost, by the death of J. Boyd Davies, its zoological director or manager. No one knows what the authorities are going to do, but it is to be hoped they will select a good man, not a talker but a worker. The monetary value of the post is 2007. to 250l. per annum. The Lectureship

on Zoology at the High School is also vacant.

AT a meeting of the Royal Geographical Society held on Monday evening last, the president, Sir H. C. Rawlinson, stated that, three days before, the expedition, consisting of Lieut. Dawson, R.N., Lieut. Henn, R.N., and Mr. Oswald Livingstone, the son of Dr. Livingstone, set sail in the first steamer despatched

from the Thames to Zanzibar direct. The three gentlemen engaged in it had been given every assurance that their undertaking would be assisted at home in every possible way. The subscriptions to the fund for its maintenance amounted to 5,000/., of which upwards of 2,000l. was received from London alone; Edinburgh had contributed 350/.; and the little town of Hamil ton, the native place of Dr. Livingstone, 200/.; while the corporation of the City of London had subscribed one hundred guineas, and the leading commercial firms of the City had come forward in an equally liberal manner. The Admiralty has refused to allow Lieut. Dawson his full pay while engaged on the expedition.

THE important article which we are able to give this week, on the Position of the Centre of Gravity in Insects," by M. Felix Plateau, is an abstract of a long memoir by that author, to be found in the " Bibliothèque Universelle, Archives des Sciences Physiques et Naturelles," vol. xliii., for 1872.

THE Naval and Military Gazette asserts that the Challenger, screw corvette, will be commissioned early in the summer for a voyage of exploration and research. Some scientific gentlemen will be accommodated on board the vessel, and it is probable that Captain George S. Nares, now serving in the surveying vessel Shearwater, in the Red Sea, will be placed in command. The actual places which will be visited have not yet been determined, but it is anticipated that the groups of islands in the Pacific will have special attention bestowed upon them. This movement on the part of the Admiralty is in encouraging contrast to the fact that Arctic voyages have been abandoned to other nations, and to the late refusal of the Lords of the Treasury to grant any assistance whatever to the Livingstone search expedition.

THE following is the list of officers and council of the Royal Microscopical Society elected on the 7th of February :-President Mr. W. K. Parker, F. R.S. Vice-Presidents-Dr. W. B. Carpenter, F. R.S., Dr. J. E. Gray, F.R.S., Sir John Lubbock, Bart., M.P., F.R.S., Mr. John Millar. Treasurer-Mr. John W. Stephenson. Secretaries-Mr. Henry J. Slack, Mr. Jabez Hogg. Council-Dr. Robert Braithwaite, Mr. John Berney, Mr. Charles Brooke, F. R.S., Mr. T. W. Burr, Dr. W. J. Gray, Dr. Henry Lawson, Mr. Henry Lee, Mr. S. J. M'Intire, Mr. Henry Perigal, Dr. G. W. Royston-Pigott, Mr. Charles Stewart, Mr. T. C. White.

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THE International Scientific Series, to be published by Henry S. King and Co., is an indication of a movement of great importance. The series will be published simultaneously in New York by Messrs. D. Appleton and Co., in Paris by M. Germer Baillière, and in Leipzig by Messrs. Brockhaus. The first volume, by Prof. Tyndall, F. R.S., on The Forms of Water, in Clouds, Rain, Rivers, Ice, and Glaciers," is now in the press, and will be published in March next. Among others already arranged for are Prof. T. H. Huxley, F. R. S., on Bodily Motion and Consciousness; Dr. W. B. Carpenter, F. R. S., on the Principles of Mental Physiology; Sir John Lubbock, Bart., F. R. S., on the Antiquity of Man; Prof. Rudolph Virchow, on Morbid Physiological Action; Prof. Alexander Bain, on Relations of Mind and Body; Prof. Balfour Stewart, F. R.S., on the Conservation of Energy; Mr. Walter Bagehot, on Physics and Politics; Dr. H. Charlton Bastian, F.R.S., on the Brain as an Organ of Mind; Mr. Herbert Spencer, on the Study of Sociology; Prof. William Odling, F.R.S., on the New Chemistry; Prof. W. Thiselt on Dyer, on Form and Habit in Flowering Plants; Dr. Edward Smith, F. R. S., on Food and Diets; Prof. W. Clifford, on the First Principles of the Exact Sciences explained to the non-mathematical; Mr. J. N Lockyer, F. R.S., on Spectrum Analysis; Dr. W. Lauder Lindsay, on Mind in the Lower Animals; Dr. J. B. Pettigrew, F.R.S., on Animal Locomotion;

Prof. A. C. Ramsay, F. R.S, on Earth Sculpture; Dr. Henry Maudsley, on Responsibility in Disease; Prof. W. Stanley Jevons, on the Logic of Statistics; Prof. Michael Foster, on Protoplasm and the Cell Theory; Rev. M. J. Berkeley, on Fungi: their nature, influences, and uses; Prof. Claude Bernard, on Physical and Metaphysical Phenomena of Life; Prof. A. Quetelet, on Social Physics; Prof. H. Sainte-Claire Deville, Introduction to General Chemistry; Prof. Wurtz, on Atoms and the Atomic Theory; Prof. Quatrefages, on the Negro Races; Prof. Lucaze-Duthiers, on Zoology since Cuvier; Prof. Berthelot, on Chemical Synthesis.

THE death of Dr. Harvey, Professor of Botany in the University of Dublin, arrested the progress of the Flora Capensis shortly after the publication of the third volume had brought the work half-way towards its completion. It is hoped that if the Cape Legislature will accede to Dr. Hooker's request for a renewal of the grant towards the expenses of printing, the remaining volumes may be at once taken in hand. The general supervision will be undertaken by Prof. Thiselton Dyer, who will probably receive assistance in monographing different families from Profs. Lawson and Perceval Wright, Drs. Sonder, Trimen, Masters, and MacNab, and from Messrs. Carruthers, A. W. Bennett, Hiern, Britten, and Baker.

DR. MILLER COUGHTREY is engaged on a long paper on the long- handled combs, Roman, Swiss, bone cave, Mexican, and other forms. It is now in proof for the Proceedings of the Antiquarian Society of Scotland.

WE note the appearance of the first number of a new monthly magazine, "The Earth: a popular magazine on Geology," whose object is "to collate and bring together facts and discoveries bearing on advanced and truthful views of Geology, and to oppose false and current opinions on the subject." Among the fallacies to be exposed are :-"That there has been an evolution of one creature into another," "that vegetable life either preceded or succeeded animal life on the globe," "that granite is a rock of fusion," &c.; and among the truths to be advocated are:-"That the configuration of the earth is a result of the agency of the winds and tides, of volcanic action, and of fluviatile and glacial action," "that there has been no evolution of species," and "that basalt is a crystallisation from solutions."

WE are glad to see that the labours of the English Strasburg Library Committee, consisting of Mr. Hepworth Dixon, Lord Houghton, Prof. Huxley, Lord Lytton, the Duke of Manchester, Sir J. G. Tollemache Sinclair, Bart. M. P., and Mr. Trübner, secretary, are being crowned with success. From the list we have just received of books already presented, we see that almost every department of Government has presented its publications. This remark also applies to the following scientific societies :— The University of Oxford, the Trustees of the British Museum, the Astronomer Royal, the Royal Geographical Society, the Royal Society of Edinburgh, the Botanical Society of Edinburgh, the Early English Text Society, the Historic Society of Lancashire and Cheshire, the Meteorological Society, the Radcliffe Observatory, Oxford, the Royal United Service Institution, the Philosophical Society of Glasgow, the Royal Institution of Great Britain, and Owens College, Manchester. In this list we may remark that some of the most important of our societies are still conspicuous by their absence.

THE problem, "What to do with our juvenile criminals," appears to have been solved by the Government of the State of New York in a most satisfactory manner. We have before us, and hope to be able to return to it again, a pamphlet issued by the "Department of Public Charities and Correction," bearing the title, inexplicable to English bumbledon, of "Cruise of School-ship Mercury in Tropical Atlantic Ocean." It is, in fact, an account of a cruise undertaken in the interests of science,

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