Imágenes de páginas
[blocks in formation]

Amendments to

Pennsylvania, 133

Constitution of

America for Americans, 150
American Civic Association, 3, 7,
41, 66, 124

American Municipal Budgets, 260
American Municipal Situation,
Clinton Rogers Woodruff, 10, 87
American Political Science Asso-
ciation, 382

American Systems, 149

Analysis of Misgovernment, 284
Analytical Statements Essential, 266
Antagonism of Standards, 38
Appeal of the Party Label, 294
Appointments to and Promotions in

the Police Force, Arthur H.
Woods, 53
Appropriations, 277

Associated Harvard Clubs' Report
on School Administration, A.
Julius Freiberg, 354

Atlanta, 87, 134

Auditors 477

Australia, 307

Autocratic Government, 213

[blocks in formation]

Boss, 78, 80, 84

Boston, 87, 96, 147, 206, 257, 301,
466, 467


Boston Finance Commission, 179,


Boston Finance Commission, Har-
vey N. Shepard, 71, 205
Boston Finance Commission, Re-
port of, 184, 292
Boston Franchises, 73

Boston's Referenda, Vote for One
Hundred Years, Dr. Edward M.
Hartwell, 64, 334

Boston's Telephone Situation, 446
Bradford, Ernest S., 23, 72, 217
Brookline, 218, 305

Brooklyn, 399

Brooks, Robert C., 19, 63, 439, 468
Bryce, Hon. James, 191

Budget of the District of Columbia,
Alonzo Tweedale, 68, 273
Budgetary Form, Change in, 280
Budget Committee, 475
Budgets, Resolutions re, 69
Budgets-Responsive-Needed, 261
Buffalo, 87, 219

Building Code, Essential Principles
of a, Lawrence Veiller, 63, 196
Building Codes, New York's, 201
Bureau of Municipal Research,
New York City, 179

Burnham, George, Jr., 20, 44, 50, 475
Burns, Allen T., 452

Burton, Hon. Theodore E., 404

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

City Plan Report, 429

City Planning, 124, 448

Civic Interest, 122

Civic Interest of Women, 124
Civic Revivals, 430, 431
Civic Spirit, Development of, John
Ihlder, II, 424

Civics in Elementary Schools, 31
Civics Instruction in, in Elementary
and High Schools, James J.
Sheppard, 24, 366

Civics, Requirements of a Course
in, 33

Civics Teaching, a Next Step To-
ward Better, Michael M. Davis,
Jr., 380

Clean Streets, 194
Clearness Requisite, 197

Cleveland Chamber of Commerce,
405, 408

Cleveland Railway Company, 410
Cleveland Street Railways, 66, 114,

[blocks in formation]

to Date, Dr. Ernest S. Bradford,
72, 217

Commission Government, Success
of, 225

Committee on the Co-ordination
of Instruction in Municipal Gov-
ernment, William Bennett Munro,
17, 476

Committees, 49, 474

Community Life, Efficiency in, 32
Community, What is Meant by, 32
Completeness, a Requisite, 262
Complex Governments Cause
Apathy, 163

Complications of Municipal Gov-
ernment, 179

Comptrollers and Accounting Offi-
cers, National Association of, 273
Concrete Methods Needed, 381
Consents and Franchises, 232
Constitution, Amendment of, 401
Constitution of Pennsylvania, 133

Constitutional Provisions, 247, 249
Constructive Work, 462
Control, Legislative, 207

Control of Police, Augustus Ray-
mond Hatton, 62, 157
Co-operation, Public, 421

Co-ordination of Instruction in
Municipal Government in Ameri-
can Colleges and Unversities, 438
Corporate Influence, 444
Councilmanic Negotiations, 407
Criticisms of the Initiative, 311
Crowded High School Courses, 28
Crusades Against Graft, A. Leo.
Weil, 24, 417

Dana, Richard Henry, 53, 63, 88,

Davis, Dwight F., 460
Davis, Jesse B., 25, 29
Davis, Michael M., Jr., 24, 380
DeForest, Robert W., 63
Dehoney, Carl, 23, 477

Delinquencies, Responsibility for,

Deming, Horace E., 5, 6, 21, 46, 73,
217, 469, 472, 476, 479
Democracy, 465

Democracy, Municipal Research-
A New Instrument of - Rufus
E. Miles, 71, 284

Deneen, Hon. Charles S., 106, 219
Departments, Independent, 206

[blocks in formation]

Effectiveness, 319

Efficiency in Community Life, 32
Election Machinery at Fault, 143
Elections, Separation of, 293
Elections, Work Between, 458
Elective Municipal Officers, Initia-
tive in Choice of, Charles J.
Bonaparte, 77

Elective Party Leader, 86
Electoral Reform, 476

Elementary and High Schools, Mu-
nicipal Civics, James J. Sheppard,
31, 366, 476
Elementary Courses, 369
Elementary Stages of Reform, 461
Elimination of National Party
Designations from Municipal
Ballots, Robert Treat Paine, Jr.,
64, 291

Eliot, Dr. Charles W., 43, 66, 96,
147, 186, 228, 354, 461, 471, 472
Emotional Patriotism, 152
Enforcement of Laws, 176
England, Municipal Government in,

[blocks in formation]

Executive Committee, 49, 475
Executive Officers and Their Func-
tions, 361

Executive Powers, 210
Expenditures, Municipal Budgets
and Le Grand Powers, 68, 258
Expert Service, Politics and, 181,

Experts-Independence of, 191

Fairlie, Prof. John A., 60, 473, 479
Favoritism, 172, 198

Federal System, 357

Federation of Women's Clubs, 471
Fesler, Mayo, 22, 452, 453
Finances, 241, 270

Finance Commission, Boston, 71, 89,
179, 205

Fisher, Irving, 436

Fisher, Walter L., 1, 441, 449, 462
Fitzgerald, Hon. Thos. 193
Flack, Dr. H. E., 477
Florida, 96

Foreign-born Voters in Maryland,


Foreign Efficiency, 80

Foreigners as Independent Voters,
52, 143

Forest City Railway Company, 403,
Forms of Commission, 100, 220
Fort, Hon. Franklin N., 106
Foulke, Hon. William Dudley, 57,
64, 71, 469

Franchise Regulation, III
Franchises, 244, 442

Franchises, Consents and, 232

Franchises, Interest on, 116

Freiberg, A. Julius, 16, 23, 61, 354
Fresno, Cal., 295

Functional Activity, 267

Galveston, 95, 96, 97, 100, 135, 217,
219, 220, 257

Garfield, Hon. James R., 44
Gaynor, Hon. W. J., 108

General Public Municipal Health
Problems and the, M. N. Baker,
IO, 433

Germ of the Initiative, 340
Gerry, Elbridge, 338
Gibboney, D. Clarence, 132
Glasgow, 213
Godkin, E. L., 100
Goff, F. H., 404

Good Citizens the End, 26
Goodwin, Elliott H., 54, 473
Government, Autocratic, 213

[blocks in formation]

Grand Junction, Colo., 99, 303
Grand Rapids, 241, 295, 428

Grand Rapids Board of Trade, 428
Greater New York, 130

Greater New York Charter, 90
Greater New York, Rapid Transit
Policy, Dr. Milo R. Maltbie, 65,

Grinstead, Mayor, 134
Group Fellowship, 155
Idea, 288
Guthrie, Hon. George W., 133

of Municipal Research

Hally, P. J. M., 247
Harper, Hon. A. C., 327
Harper, Clarence L., 50
Harriman, E. H., 187, 188

Hart, Prof. Albert Bushnell, 228
Hartwell, Dr. Edward M., 64, 334
Hartwell, Frank N., 59

Harvard Clubs' Report on School
Reform, 16, 17, 122, 354
Hatton, Prof. Augustus Raymond,
52, 53, 62, 157, 454, 456, 464, 473,

Haverhill, 308

Hayden, W. S., 66, 403
Haynes, Dr. John R., 328
Health Board View Point, 433
Hearst's Appeal, 145

High School Courses, 370
High Schools, Instruction in, 25
Home Rule Law for Cities in Michi-
gan, Hon. Guy A. Miller, 72, 229
Home Rule, Municipal, 62, 94
Home Rule, Principle of, 159
Home Rule Violated, 212
Houston, 217, 222
Howard, Jerome B., 469
Howland, William B., 11, 50

Hughes, Hon. Charles E., 91, 104,
366, 392

Hygiene, 436

[blocks in formation]

Politics, Hon. Wm. S. Bennet, 41,


Imperative Need of a Job, 152
Improved Surroundings, 9
Improvement of Teachers, 363
Increase in Membership, 46
Indebtedness, Bonded, 231
Independence of Experts Desirable,

Independence of Foreigners, 52, 143
Independent Departments, 206
Indeterminate Grant, The, 393
Indiana, 96

Indianapolis Commercial Club, 31
Influence, Corporate, 444
Ingalls, Melville E., 443

Ingersoll, Charles H., 20, 21, 23, 50
Initiative, 223

Initiative and Referendum, 310, 318
Initiative and Referendum in Ore-
gon, Practical Workings of,
Joseph N. Teal, 64, 110, 309
Initiative and Referendum in Port-
land, 109

Initiative and Referendum, Spread
of the, 110

Initiative, Criticisms of, 311
Initiative, Germ of the, 340

Initiative in the Choice of Elective
Municipal Offices, Charles J.
Bonaparte, 77

Instruction in Civics in Elementary
and High Schools, 24, 366, 476, 479
17, 438, 476, 479

Instruction in High Schools, 25
Instruction in Municipal_Govern-
ment, Committee on the Co-ordin-
ation of, William Bennett Munro,

Instruction Should Begin Early, 368
Intercollegiate Civic League, 122
Interest on Franchises, 116
International Municipal Bureau, 17
Investigation-National Civic Fed-
eration, 443

Iowa, 218, 223, 224, 225, 297, 298

Jerome, William Travers, 131
Johnson, Tom L., 114, 115, 135, 136,

403, 414

Johnson-Goff Settlements, 404
Johnson's Defeat and Its Results,

Johnson, Mayor, and the Referenda,


Justice, Delays of, 420

Kansas, 95, 100, 217, 223, 224, 225,

Kansas City, Kansas, 99
Kansas City, 87, 138, 299
Kidder, Camillus G., 50
King, Hoyt, 64

Know Your City, 139

Labor Markets, Cities as, 149

Landes, H. A., 135

Large Boards of Education, 355
Law Enforcement, City Interest in,
161, 176

Law in Cities, Reasons for Non-
Enforcement of, 161
Laws, Nullification of, 199
Leaders, Enlightened, 437
Legalized Primaries Needed, 84
Legislation by Local Authorities,

Legislative Control, 112, 207

Life and Property, Protection of,

Lighthall, Hon. W. D., 17, 307
Liquor Questions, 125
Local Officers, 160, 168
Local Ordinances, 201

Lorimer, Hon. William, 93, 107
Los Angeles, 87, 108, 109, 140, 326
Los Angeles Good Government
Fund, 140

Los Angeles Municipal League, 108
Los Angeles, Operation of the Re-

call in, Fielding J. Stilson, 64, 109,
Louisville, 60, 134

Lowell, Pres. A. Lawrence, 191

[blocks in formation]

Merit System, 53, 100, 101, 224,
253, 363

Merit System, Police and, 53

Merriam, Prof. Charles E., 122, 137,

Metropolitan Government, 214
Michigan, 87, 94

Michigan, Municipal Home Rule
in, 229

Michigan, Home Rule Law for
Cities in, Hon. Guy A. Miller, 72,

Miles, Rufus E., 71, 284

Milk Supply, Supervision of, 434
Miller, Hon. Guy A., 72, 229
Milwaukee, 87

Minneapolis, 102

Minnesota, 95, 219, 304

Misgovernment, Analysis of, 284
Mississippi, 95, 218

Mobile, 128

Montana, 96, 304

Moore, Mrs. Philip N., 471

Moral Training, Responsibility for,

Municipal Accounting, 157, 476
Municipal Ballots, Elimination of

National Party Designations
from, Robert Treat Paine, Jr.,
64, 291
Municipal Budgets and Expendi-
tures, Hon. Le Grand Powers,
68, 258
Municipal Civics in Elementary and
High Schools, James J. Sheppard,
24, 30, 366

Municipal Contracts-Taking-Out
of Politics, Richard Henry Dana,
63, 179

Municipal Government, Complica-
tions of, 179

Municipal Government, Committee
on the Co-ordination of Instruc-
tion in, William Bennett Munro,
17, 438, 476, 479

Municipal Health Problems and the
General Public, M. N. Baker, 10,
433, 477

Municipal Helplessness, 215
Municipal Home Rule, 62, 94, 229
Municipal Non-Partisanship, 295
Municipal Officials, Difficulties Con-
fronting, 2

Municipal Ownership, 230, 442
Municipal Parties, 308

Municipal Politics, Effect of the
Immigrant on, William S. Ben-
net, 41, 142

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