Imágenes de páginas
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Half-softened by a halo's pearly gloom; Down to the crisp imperious steel, so


To cut its one confided thought clean out Of all the world. But marble !-neath

my tools

More pliable than jelly-as it were Some clear primordial creature dug from depths

In the earth's heart, where itself breeds itself,

And whence all baser substance may be worked;

Refine it off to air, you may.—condense it

Down to the diamond :-is not metal there,

When o'er the sudden speck my chisel trips?

-Not flesh, as flake off flake I scale, approach,

Lay bare those bluish veins of blood asleep!

Lurks flame in no strange windings where, surprised

By the swift implement sent home at

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I am a painter who cannot paint ;
In my life, a devil rather than saint;
In my brain, as poor a creature too:
No end to all I cannot do!

Yet do one thing at least I can-
Love a man or hate a man
Supremely: thus my love began.
Through the Valley of Love I went,
In the lovingest spot to abide.

And just on the verge where I pitched my tent,

I found Hate dwelling beside.

(Let the Bridegroom ask what the painter meant,

Of his Bride, of the peerless Bride !)
And further, I traversed Hate's grove,
In the hatefullest nook to dwell;
But lo, where I flung myself prone,
couched Love

Where the shadow threefold fell.
(The meaning-those black bride's-eyes


Not a painter's lip should tell!)

"And here," said he, "Jules probably will ask,

You have black eyes, Love,―you are, sure enough, [deed My peerless bride,-then do you tell in

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So, I grew wise in Love and Hate,
From simple that I was of late.
Once, when I loved, I would enlace
Breast, eyelids, hands, feet, form and

Of her I loved, in one embrace

As if by mere love I could love immensely!

Once, when I hated, I would plunge
My sword, and wipe with the first lunge
My foe's whole life out like a sponge-
As if by mere hate I could hate intensely!
But now I am wiser, know better the

How passion seeks aid from its opposite passion:

And if I see cause to love more, hate


Than ever man loved, ever hated before—
And seek in the Valley of Love

The nest, or the nook in Hate's Grove
Where my soul may surely reach
The essence, naught less, of each,
The Hate of all Hates, the Love

Of all Loves, in the Valley or Grove,—
I find them the very warders
Each of the other's borders.

When I love most, Love is disguised
In Hate; and when Hate is surprised
In Love, then I hate most: ask

How Love smiles through Hate's iron

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Consider. and the money was but meant For two years' travel, which is over now. All chance or hope or care or need of it. This-and what comes from selling these. my casts

And books and medals, except . . . let them go

Together, so the produce keeps you safe Out of Natalia's clutches! If by chance (For all's chance here) I should survive the gang

At Venice, root out all fifteen of them. We might meet somewhere, since the world is wide.

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Pined for the grace of her so far above His power of doing good to, "Kate the Queen

She never could be wronged, be poor," he sighed, "Need him to help her!"

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Look at the woman here with the new soul,

Like my own Psyche,-fresh upon her lips

Alit. the visionary butterfly,

Waiting my word to enter and make bright,

Or flutter off and leave all blank as first. This body had no soul before, but slept Or stirred, was beauteous or ungainly, free

From taint or foul with stain, as outward things

Fastened their image on its passiveness: Now it will wake, feel, live-or die again! Shall to produce form out of unshaped stuff

Be Art--and further, to evoke a soul From form be nothing? This new soul is mine !

Now, to kill Lutwyche, what would that do?-save

A wretched dauber, men will hoot to death

Without me, from their hooting. Oh, to hear

God's voice plain as I heard it first, before

They broke in with their laughter! I heard them

Henceforth, not God.

To Ancona-Greece-some isle! I wanted silence only; there is clay Everywhere. One may do whate'er one likes

In Art: the only thing is, to make sure That one does like it-which takes pains to know.

Scatter all this, my Phene-this mad dream!

Who, what is Lutwyche, what Natalia's friends, [my own, What the whole world except our love

Own Phene? But I told you, did I not, Ere night we travel for your land--some isle

With the sea's silence on it? Stand aside-
I do but break these paltry models up
To begin Art afresh. Meet Lutwyche,
And save him from my statue meeting
Some unsuspected isle in the far seas!
Like a god going through his world,
there stands

One mountain for a moment in the dusk,
Whole brotherhoods of cedars on its


And you are ever by me while I gaze -Are in my arms as now-as now-as now!

Some unsuspected isle in the far seas! Some unsuspected isle in far-off seas!

Talk by the way, while PIPPA is passing from Orcana to the Turret. Two or three of the Austrian Police loitering with BLUPHOCKS, an English vagabond, just in view of the Turret.


Bluphocks. So, that is your Pippa, the little girl who passed us singing? Well, your Bishop's Intendant's money shall be honestly earned :-now, don't make me that sour face because I bring the Bishop's name into the business; we know he can have nothing to do with such horrors: we know that he is a saint and all that a bishop should be, who is a great man beside. were but every worm a maggot, Every fly a grig, Every bough a Christmas fagot, Every tune a jig! In fact, I have abjured all religions; but the last I inclined to was the Armenian: for I have travelled, do you see, and at Koenigsberg, Prussia Improper (so styled because there's a sort of bleak hungry sun there), you might remark, over a venerable house-porch, a certain Chaldee inscription; and brief as it is, a mere glance at it used absolutely to change the mood of every bearded passenger. In they turned, one and all; the young and lightsome, with no irreverent pause, the aged and decrepit, with a sensible alacrity: 'twas the Grand Rabbi's abode, in short. Struck with curiosity, I lost no time in learning Syriac-(these are vowels, you dogs -follow my stick's end in the mud-Celarent, Darii, Ferio!) and one morning presented myself, spelling-book in hand, a, b, c,-I picked it out letter by letter, and what was the purport of this miraculous posy? Some cherished legend of the past, you'll say-"How Moses hocuspocussed Egypt's land with fly and locust," or "How to Jonah sounded harshish, Get thee up and go to Tarshish,"--or "How the angel meeting Balaam, Straight his ass returned a salaam.” In no wise! “ShackabrackBoach--somebody or other-Isaach, Re

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PASAR and Ex-chan-ger of— So talk to me of the reNSDOR I have renounced all Sisdep Beveridge -mean to Te and De-as sine tireck dog-sage Hellward bound in With food for both and upper, Lupine-seed and pen, AD never an obolus. mat than as to you, or this Intendante this Bishop through his Inpressess a burning pocket-full of Pony the Stygian Ferry! There is the girl, then; qeani des “ve them the moment you have to us Signor Luigi and his to the nest. I have been noticng a house yonder, this long while: not a ver prelesed since morning!

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Old Luca Gaddi's, that owns the s here: he dozes by the hour, wakes uk sures deeply, says he should like to be Preice. Vocternich, and then dozes again, ater having bidden young Sebald, the foreigner, set his wife to playing draughts. ever wolest such a household, they mean

Only, cannot you tell me sometang of this little Pippa, I must have to do One could make something of that Pippa that is, short for Felippato Pune consults HertripBelievest thou King Agrippa? Something might be done with that name.

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Put into rhyme that your head and a se muskmelon would not be dear at hat a zwenziger! Leave this fooling, and ookout; the afternoon's over or nearly

Where in this passport of Signor Lugar does our Principal instruct you to waced PR so narrowly? There? What's mere beide a simple signature? (That Migdish Dol's busy watching.)

Flourish all round- "Put all pesubie postacles in his way;" oblong dot - Detaiì hìm till further advices Teach you,' scratch at bottom-"Send him Maxi cu 20Cence of some informality in the at spart on right hand side (which De ce here) "Arrest him at once." 15 & a where ore, I don't concern myself, nstructions amount to this: if Tag leaves home to-night for well and good, the passport deCHAWTYx for our pese is really for his aa sasex they have misinformed the Office, so news well, but let him stay over cre has been the pretence we xx6 De 4xVws of his corresponding SOLEN PUNce with the Carbonari www.wearest him at once, to-morexkaron and presently Spielberg. xxx dikes the signal, sure enough! "the turret with his

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ghost of a voice



Whose body is caught and kept by . . . what are those?

Mere withered wallflowers, waving overhead?

They seem an elvish group with thin bleached hair

That lean out of their topmost fortresslook

And listen, mountain men, to what we say,

Hand under chin of each grave earthy face.

Up and show faces all of you !—“ All of you!"

That's the king dwarf with the scarlet comb; old Franz,

Come down and meet your fate? Hark· Meet your fate!"

Mother. Let him not meet it, my
Luigi-do not

Go to his City! Putting crime aside,
Half of these ills of Italy are feigned:
Your Pellicos and writers for effect,
Write for effect.

Luigi. Hush!

Say A writes, and B. Mother. These A's and B's write for effect. I say.

Then, evil is in its nature loud, while


Is silent; you hear each petty injury,
None of his virtues; he is old beside,
Quiet and kind, and densely stupid.

Do A and B kill not him themselves?
They teach
Others to kill him-me-and, if Ï fail,
Others to succeed; now, if A tried and

I could not teach that: mine's the lesser task.

Mother, they visit night by night . .
-You, Luigi?
Ah, will you let me tell you what you


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