Imágenes de páginas
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XIV. Clearness of conceptions in the understanding
essential to purity in the will: duty of commu
nicating knowledge.

XV. Right use of metaphysic reasoning: principles
founded in reason the sole root of prudence: dis-
tinctive powers of the human mind.

XVI. Supremacy of the reason: power given by acting
on principle: falsehood and unworthiness of

modern principles in taste, morals, and religion.

[blocks in formation]

V. Do. continued: the reason and the understanding

distinguished: their mutual and necessary rela
tion: eduction of the conscience.


I. System of Hobbes: fear and the force of custom:


II. Do. continued: spirit of law: use of the phrase,
"original contract."

III. System of expedience and prudence-adopted:
system of the pure reason: motives for exposing

its falsehood.

IV. Statement of the system: Rousseau's "Social Con

tract," and Paine's "Rights of Man:" French

physiocratic philosophers: Cartwright: confu-

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II. Spirit of anecdote-mongering condemned: extract
from R. North's Life of Lord Keeper Guilford.

III. Fable of Irus (Bonaparte) and Toxaris: Christ

mas within, and out of doors in North Germany.

extract from Mr. Wordsworth's MS. poem.
IV. Rabbinical Tales.



pp. 347-375.

Dignity and
necessity of
speculative phi-
losophy, and a
history of its

Essays I-III.
pp. 376-407.

Principles of
the Science of

Essays IV-XI.
pp. 408-472.


ESSAYS I-XI. pp. 347-472.

Letter from Mathetes (Professor Wilson and Mr.
A. Blair): internal and external difficulties to a
mind endeavoring to establish itself on sure
principles, moral and intellectual: answered by
The Friend (Mr. Wordsworth): advice and


I. Relation of morality and religion: pamphlets of
the age of Charles I.: extract: sanity of true
genius: distinction between genius, talent, sense,
and cleverness: relative character of the national
mind of Germany, England, and France.
II. Self-interest and conscience: ethics not founded on
utility: honor: universal assent a presumption
of truth: ground of belief in miracles: true
Christian enthusiasm: mysteries of faith not to
be explained by mere human analogies: Taylor's

III. Greek sophists: their character and principles:
separation of ethics from religion: the author's
convictions of the nature and results of the his-
tory of the last century and a half.

IV. Method, in the will and in the understanding:
illustrated from Shakspeare: founded on obser-
vation of relations of things: want and excess of
generalization: necessity of a mental initiative:
definition of method.

V. Two kinds of relations in which objects of mind
may be considered: 1. Law: synthetic and
analytic process: Plato's view.

VI. 2. Theory: method in the fine arts intermediate:
poetry and music: mental initiative in botany:
history and estimate of the science: in chemistry.
VII. Intention of Plato's writings: zoology and John
Hunter: theory can not supply the principle of
method: nor hypothesis: necessity of an idea:
contrast between the state of science as to elec-
tricity and magnetism: law of polarity.
VIII. True character of Plato: Aristotle: unpleasant
side of Bacon's character: Hooke: Kepler: Tycho
Brahe: reconcilement of the Platonic and Bacon-
ian methods.

IX. Investigation of the Baconian method: shown to
be essentially one with the Platonic, but in a dif
ferent direction: method the guiding light in
education and cultivation.

Notices of the

life and charac-
ter of Sir Alex-
ander Ball, and
of the circum-
stances of the
English occupa-
tion of Malta.
Essays II-VI.
pp. 479-522.

X. Existence of a self-organizing purpose in nature

and man: illustrated: operation of this idea in

the history of mankind: patriarchal state: cor-

rupted into a polytheism: early Greeks: their

idolatry checked by the physical theology of the

mysteries: portion which they represented of the

education of man: their discoveries in the region

of the pure intellect and success in the arts of

imagination contrasted with their crude essays

in the investigation of physical laws and phænom-

ena: Romans: Hebrews the mid-point of a line,

towards which the Greeks as the ideal, and the
Romans as the material, pole were approximat-

ing,-Christianity the synthesis.

XI. Trade and Literature essential to a nation: conse-
quences of the commercial spirit preponderating:
difference of ultimate aims in men and nations:
evidence of objective reality in man himself:
nature and man, union and difference: mere
being in its essence: the idea, whence origina-
ted: revelation: God: the material world made
for man: universal laws for the whole tempered
by particular laws for the individual in nature
and man: causation: invisible nexus: ground of
union: difference between the reason and the
understanding: what they can respectively
achieve: method of the will: religious faith.

II. Impression left by Sir A. B. on the author: state

of Malta: corruption.

III. Personal memoir of Sir A. B.: anecdotes of him.

IV. Ball and Nelson: Nelson's reliance on him: Ball
at the battle of the Nile: explosion of the ship
L'Orient: anecdote.

V. Ball's habits of mind: conduct during the siege of
Valetta behavior of English to foreigners:
Ball's decisive conduct with the court of Naples:
unjust and unwise treatment of the Maltese by
the British government.

VI. Ball's popularity in Malta: jealousy of him in the
government: discussion of the importance of
Malta to this country.

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