Imágenes de páginas

straining, boiling, distilling, and so on. The process is not always favourable to the health of such as are engaged in it. How easy to an African lip, a confusion of terms, as bat, bath, botmon, botamo, albotim, balneum, and so on; and how natural to an enthusiast, a confusion of coppers, persecutions, and the miracle of escaping unhurt."-ROBINSON. Hist. of Baptism.

pithy, emitting branches alternately, with a leafy wing running along every angle, like a three-edged sword blade, terminating here and there in a rounded forin. These wings are thick, and curiously veined. When steeped in hot water, in order to expand them, they become covered all over with a white powdery substance."—Trans. of the Linnæan Soc. vol. 3.

Christian Symbols.

"A LILLY on a tomb denotes a virgin or a confessor, and a palm-branch signifies a martyr."-ROBINSON.

Peruvian Bark.

"THERE is a famous tree known in several provinces of South America under the name of quina-quina, and in the province of Maynas, on the banks of the river Marannon, under that of Tatchi. A fragrant resin distills from the trunk by means of an

incision. The seeds, called by the Spaniards Pepitas de quina-quina, have the form of beans, or of flat almonds, and are enclosed in a kind of doubled leaf, between which and the leaf is found a little of the same resin that distills from the tree. Their chief use is to make fumigations, which are reputed cordial and wholesome, but their reputation is much less now than formerly.

"This tree grows plentifully in several provinces of high Peru. The natives make rolls or masses of the resin, which they sell at Potosi and Chucuisaca, where they serve not only to fumigate or perfume with, but also for several other uses in physic, sometimes under the form of a plaster, sometimes under that of a compound oil made from the resin. This substance is supposed to promote perspiration, strengthen the nerves, and to restore the motion of the joints in gouty people, by barely carrying in the hand, and continually handling it.

New England Fasts and Thanksgivings. "THERE is one distinguishing characteristic in the religious character of the New Englanders which we must not omit mentioning; and that is the custom of annually celebrating fasts and thanksgivings. In the spring, the governors of the several New England States, except Rhode Island, issue their proclamations, appointing a day to be religiously observed in fasting, humiliation, and prayer, throughout their respective States, in which the predominating vices, enumerated. In autumn, after harvest, that that particularly call for humiliation, are gladsome era in the husbandman's life, the appointing a day of public thanksgiving, governors again issue their proclamations, enumerating the public blessings received in the course of the foregoing year. ancestors, the first settlers of New England, pious custom originated with their venerable and has been handed down through the successive generations of their posterity. A custom so rational, and so happily calculated to cherish in the minds of the people a sense of their dependence on the Great Benefactor of the world for all their blessings, it is hoped will ever be preserved.”—WINTER


Du Guesclin.


"BERTRAND DU GUESCLIN had been alwayes a most valiant knight, and one highly renowned in all histories. After he had performed many worthy enterprizes ever to his fame and honour, he maried with a beau"The stalk is triangular, furrowed, and tifull lady, named Tiphania, descended of a

noble family. After which mariage, he growing to leave and discontinue his former exercise of armes, as he sate discoursing with his lady, she gently began to blame and reprove him, declaring that, before their mariage, hee followed the warres, wherein he had atchieved the cheifest reputation, and that it neyther suted with the nature nor duty of a true gentleman to lose the least repute of honour wonne before, by over much affecting a new-made choise. As for me, quoth she, who ought to shine by the bright radiance of your fame, I shall account myselfe too low dejected if you give over a course so well begun, and lose your spirits in doating love, wer it to one more worthy than myselfe.

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"These wordes did so neerely touch the knight, that hee began againe to follow armes, wherein he carried himselfe so valiantly, that they did well and worthily attribute it to him, to stand as a stout rampier for France, in the very sharpest times of warre, and evermore made a meere barre of his body, against the hottest invasions of the English. By vertue of his valour, king Charles V. having reconquered most part of those territories, whiche had been insulted on in the reigne of the preceding kings, alwayes helde head against that valiant Edward surnamed the Black Prince, and Prince of Wales, and disappointed all his hopes. It was he that re-established Henry II. king of Castille, in his kingdom, in despight of all the armies and English forces. Hee was also made Constable of France by king Charles V., who helde him in such endeared affection for his valour, that having bestowed great gifts on him in his life time, after his death he did him so much honour, as to let him be buried at S. Denis, at the feete of the same tombe which this king had prepared there for himselfe.”—Treasury of An. and Mo. Times.

Arabian Vipers.

"ELIANUS avoucheth, that those vipers which breed in the provinces of Arabia, al

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"WHEN John was about thirty years of age, in obedience to the heavenly call, he entered on his ministry, by quitting the hill country, and going down by the wilderness to the plains of Jordan, by proclaiming the kingdom of God, the near advent of the Messiah, and the necessity of preparing to receive him by laying aside sin and superstition, and by an exercise of universal justice; and lastly, by identifying the per

son of Jesus as the Messiah. He distributed various rules of righteousness among the different classes that attended his ministry. He said to soldiers, Do violence to no man; he exhorted publicans to avoid exaction; and he taught the people benevolence, Let him that hath two coats impart to him that hath none; and he directed all to Jesus as Master and Lord, in manifesting whom his ministry was to cease. His dress was plain,

his diet abstemious, and his whole deport- | the tetrarch must meet him before an imment grave, serious, and severe.

"It is uncertain by what means John obtained an interview with Herod, but, certain it is, he reproved him for living in adultery with Herodias his brother Philip's wife, and his language was that of a man who well understood civil government, for he considered law as supreme in a state, and told the king, it is not lawful for thee to have thy brother's wife. Herodias was extremely displeased with John for his honest freedom, and determined to destroy him, but though she prevailed on the king to imprison him, yet she could not persuade him to put him to death. Two great obstacles opposed her design. Herod himself was shocked at the thought, for he had observed John, was convinced of his piety and love of justice, he had received pleasure in hearing him, and had done many things which John had advised him to do, and as there is a dignity in innocence, the qualities of the man had struck him with an awe so deep and solemn that, tyrant as he was, he could not think of taking away the life of John. Herod also dreaded the resentment of the public, for he knew the multitude held John as a prophet. Herodias, therefore, waited for a favourable opportunity to surprise the king into the perpetration of a crime, which neither justice nor policy could approve, and such an one she found on the king's birth-day. The story is at large in the gospel. Dreadful is the condition of a country where any one man is above controul, and can do what this absolute king did! whether he felt, or only pretended to feel, great sorrow, the fact was the same, he sent an executioner, and commanded the head of the prophet to be brought, and John was assassinated in the prison.

"The murder did not sit casy on the recollection of Herod, for, soon after, when he heard of the fame of Jesus, his conscience exclaimed, it is John whom I beheaded, he is risen from the dead! Certainly John the Baptist will rise from the dead, and Herod

partial judge, who will reward or punish each according to the deeds done in the body. In the present case, the judge hath declared the character of John. John was

a burning and a shining light. Among them that are born of women, there hath not risen a greater than John the Baptist.

"Jesus speaking of the ill treatment of John, implies that posterity would do his character justice; and true it is the children of wisdom have justified John. But mankind have entertained, according to their various prejudices, very different opinions of that in which his work consisted. The Jews praise his rectitude, and pity his fate, for John was their countryman, and they hated Herod.1 The Arabians celebrate his abstemiousness, and say Providence avenged his death.2 The Catholics have invented a thousand fables, and placed to his account the origin of monachism, and the working of miracles. They have put him

among their gods, consecrated waters, built baptisteries and temples to his honour, assigned him a day in the calendar, called themselves by his name, collected his pretended relics, adorned them with silver and gold and jewellery, and wholly overlooked that which made John the greatest that had been born of women.3 How deplorable is it, that in the seventeenth century, in the enlightened kingdom of France, such a man as Du Fresne, of extensive literature, of amiable manners, an instructor of all Europe in matters of antiquity, should disgrace his pen by publishing a treatise to

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prove that his native city of Amiens was in possession of that precious relic the head of St. John the Baptist, found at Jerusalem, carried to Constantinople, discovered again in the city of Emesa, then transported to Comana, carried again to Constantinople, where the French found it when they took the city, and whence they conveyed it to Amiens, where it is now enshrined in all the odour of saintship."-ROBINSON's Hist. Baptism.

Si l'on trouve que je fais aux siècles dont je parle plus d'honneur qu'ils ne méritent, en leur attribuant des idées si saines et des sentimens si vertueux, on peut chercher dans la vanité des mêmes siècles la source de cet usage: mais il faudra, du moins, avouer que la vanité concouroit alors au bien public, et qu'elle imitoit la vertu."Mémoires sur l'ancienne Chevalerie, par SAINte-Palaye.

Education of Chivalry.

"REMONTONS jusqu à l'enfance de celui que l'on destinoit à devenir Chevalier. Dès qu'il avoit atteint l'âge de sept ans, on le retiroit des mains des femmes, pour le confier aux hommes. Une éducation mâle et robuste le préparoit de bonne heure aux travaux de la guerre, dont la profession étoit la même que celle de la Chevalerie. Au défaut des secours paternels, une infinité de Cours de Princes et de châteaux offroient des écoles toujours ouvertes, où la jeune Noblesse recevoit les premières leçons du métier qu'elle devoit embrasser; et même des hospices où la générosité des Seigneurs fournissoit abondamment à tous ses besoins. Cette ressource étoit la seule, dans ces siècles malheureux, où la puissance et la libéralité des Souverains, également restreintes, n'avoient point encore ouvert une route plus noble et plus utile, pour quiconque vouloit se dévouer à la défense et à la gloire de leur état et de leur couronne. S'attacher à quelque illustre Chevalier n'avoit rien, dans ce temps-là, qui pût avilir, ni dégrader : c'étoit rendre service pour service; et l'on ne connoissoit point les raffinemens d'une délicatesse plus subtile que judicieuse, qui auroit refusé de rendre à celui qui vouloit généreusement tenir lieu de père, les services qu'un père doit attendre de son fils.

"Traité historique du chef de S. Jean Baptiste, avec des preuves et des remarques par Charles du Fresne, Sr. du Cange. Paris, Cramoisy. 1665."

Palace Pomp of the Barons.

“L'ESPÈCE d'indépendance dont avoient joui les hauts Barons, au commencement de la troisième race, et l'état de leurs Maisons, composées des mêmes officiers que celle du Roi, furent pour leurs successeurs comme des titres qui les mettoient en droit d'imiter, par le faste de ce qu'ils appelloient leur Cour, la splendeur et la magnificence qui n'appartenoient qu'à la dignite Royale. D'autres Seigneurs subalternes, par une espèce de contagion trop ordinaire dans tous les siècles, en cherchant de plus en plus à se rapprocher de ceux-ci, s'efforcoient également d'élever l'état de leurs maisons. trouvoit dans un château, dans un monastère, des offices semblables à ceux de la cour d'un Souverain; et comme le Roi commettoit ces offices aux Princes de son sang, les Seigneurs distribuoient aussi de pareilles dignités à leurs parens; qui de leur côté regardoient ces places sous le même point de vûe, et trouvoient, en les acceptant, de quoi satisfaire la vanité dont ils se repaissoient." Ibid.



"LES premières places que l'on donnoit à remplir aux jeunes gens qui sortoient de l'enfance, étoient celles de Pages, Varlets ou Damoiseaux; noms quelquefois communs aux ecuyers. Les fonctions de ces Pages étoient les services ordinaires des domestiques auprès de la personne de leur maître et de leur maîtresse: ils les accompagnoient

à la chasse, dans leurs voyages, dans leurs visites ou promenades, faisoient leurs messages, et même les servoient à table, et leur versoient à boire."-Ibid.

L'Amour de Dieu et des Dames. "LES premières leçons qu'on leur donnoit regardoient principalement l'amour de Dieu et des Dames, c'est à dire, la religion et la galanterie. Si l'on en croit la chronique de Jean de Saintré, c'étoit ordinairement les Dames qui se chargeoient du soin de leur apprendre, en même tems, leur catéchisme et l'art d'aimer. Mais autant la dévotion qu'on leur inspiroit étoit accompagnée de puérilités et de superstitions, autant l'amour des Dames, qu'on leur recommandoit, étoit-il rempli de raffinement et de fanatisme. Il semble qu'on ne pouvoit, dans ces siècles ignorans et grossiers, présenter aux hommes la religion sous une forme assez matérielle pour la mettre à leur portée; ni leur donner, en même temps, une idée de l'amour assez pure, assez métaphysique, pour prévenir les excès dont étoit capable une Nation qui conservoit par-tout le caractère impétueux qu'elle montroit à la


"Pour mettre le jeune novice en état de pratiquer ces bizarres leçons de galanterie, on lui faisoit de bonne heure faire choix de quelqu'une des plus nobles, des plus belles et des plus vertueuses Dames des Cours qu'il fréquentoit; c'étoit elle à qui, comme à l'Etre souverain, il rapportoit tous ses sentimens, toutes ses pensées et toutes ses actions. Cet amour, aussi indulgent que la religion de ce temps-là, se prêtoit et s'accommodoit à d'autres passions moins pures et moins honnêtes."-Ibid.

leur âge, d'imiter tout ce qu'ils voyoient faire aux personnes d'un âge plus avancé, les portoit à lancer comme eux la pierre ou le dard, à défendre un passage que d'autres essayoient de forcer; et faisant de leurs chaperons des casques ou des bucinets, ils se disputoient la prise de quelque place; ils prenoient un avant-goût des différentes espèces de Tournois, et commençoient à se former aux noble exercices des Ecuyers et des Chevaliers."—Ibid.

Ceremony on quitting Pagehood.

"AVANT que de passer de l'état de Page à celui d'Ecuyer, la religion avoit introduit une espèce de cérémonie dont le but étoit d'apprendre aux jeunes gens l'usage qu'ils devoient faire de l'épée, qui pour la première fois leur étoit remise entre les mains. Le jeune Gentilhomme, nouvellement sorti hors de Page, étoit présenté à l'autel par son père et sa mère, qui chacun un cierge à la main alloient à l'offrande. Le Prêtre célébrant prenoit de dessus l'autel une épée et une ceinture, sur laquelle il faisoit plusieurs bénédictions, et l'attachoit au côté du jeune Gentilhomme qui alors commençoit à la porter."-Ibid.

Blackbird and Woodlark

THE blackbird is a solitary bird, fre quenting woods and thickets, chiefly of evergreens, such as pines, firs, &c. especially where there are perennial springs, which afford it both shelter and subsistence. They begin to warble earlier than any other birds, and their most obvious character is timorousness.

The woodlark sings during the night.
R. S.

The Amusements of the Pages. "LES jeux mêmes, qui faisoient partie de l'amusement des élèves contribuoient encore à leur instruction. Le goût naturel à

Ladders blackened.

"Ar the attempt to surprise Geneva 1602, the ladders on which the scalade was

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