Imágenes de páginas

Nor satisfied till he is "tout esperruquancluzelubelouzerirelu- morrambouzevezan


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"Your Cupid looks as dreadfully as death." THE SIGNORA EMILIA says, "Estimo io

morcrocassebizassenezassegrigue- | adunque, che chi ha da esser amato, debba

amare, et esser amabile."-Il Cortigiano,

liguoscopapopoudrille," with so many such
morderegrippipiotabirofreluchamburelu - p. 269.
cecoquelurintimpanemens," till he shall be
from head to foot completely "trepigne-
- Ibid. p.



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Ibid. p. 272-3.-How love comes from the heart to the eyes, and so into other eyes, and to the heart again.

Parnaso Ital. vol. 6, p. 268.-A SONNET of Cariteo's, which is perhaps the original of Desportes, p. 49.

"HER tears, her smiles, her every look's a


"UPON this passage I shall remark, or rather call in a learned and very able divine to remark for me, that when men speak or write, they must do it so as to be understood, unless they will do it to no purpose: and therefore they must take such words as are to be had, and are intelligible to those for whose benefit they write; and they must be contented too with such grammatical construction, as well as with such words, as shall be found expedient to the ends for which they write.' Sometimes it He shot himself into my breast at last." may be necessary for them to frame new words, 'to express the propriety of a foreign idiom;' and in all respects they must accomodate themselves to their subject, and to the capacities of those for whom they undertake to discourse upon it." - JENKIN'S Reasonableness of Christianity, vol. 2, p. 46.

Her voice is like a syren's of the land,
And bloody hearts lie panting in her hand."
DRYDEN, Granada. act iii. sc. i.

THE various sophy's-cosmosophy, kerdosophy.

I WILL not say that any one has been knighted, to whom an honest man would be more likely to say Sirrah than Sir; but I will say that men have been raised to the peerage, and advanced in it, who were disqualified for it in every possible way, except by their possessions.

JESTS in sadness. - LYDGATE, Shakespeare, vol. 8, p. 246, N.


To some of the poets a verse which Dryden puts into the mouth of Cortes may be applied,

"LOVE shot, and shot so fast

Almanzor, act iii. sc. 1.

"As in some weather-glass my love I hold, Which falls or rises with the heat or cold." Lyndaraxa, act iv. sc. ii.

"I CAN preserve enough for me and you; And love, and be unfortunate for two." Benzayda, act v. sc. i.

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"E DALL' amore all' ira Lungo il cammin non è."

Ibid. p. 200, Antigono.

MOLIERE, tom. 3, p. 466, Le Misantrope. -Lovers find beauty in their mistresses, be they what they may.

"O ANYTHING, of nothing first create! O heavy lightness! serious vanity! Mis-shapen chaos of well-seeming forms, Feather of lead, bright smoke, cold fire, sick health,

Still waking sleep, that is not what it is." Romeo and Juliet, act i. sc. i.

"MRS. CARTER was for half an hour one

evening entirely in love with a Dutchman; and the next morning she took a dose of algebra fasting, which she says entirely cured her."-Memoirs, vol. 1, p. 36-7.

"QUE nos sages Gaulois sçavoient bien ta coustume,

Lors que pour dire aymer, ils prononçoient amer? Amers sont bien tes fruits, et pleines d'amertume

Sont toutes les douceurs qu'on a pour bien aimer."

Two kinds. Animal magnetism and moral magnetism.

"ESPINHADAS de amor, nao ja feridas." FER. RUCE Lово, tom. 3, p. 14.

The Dead.

SPEAKING of the cemeteries at Hamburgh, which are all without the city, MR. DOWNES says, "It is in such situations, remote from the bustle of a city, and shaded with trees, that a communion may be conceived to exist between departed spirits and those whom affection or devotion may have led to visit their retreats; that the cemetery becomes a sanctuary, wherein the living, as well as the dead, are screened from the world and its jarring intercourses." -Letters from the Continent, vol. 2, p. 295.

On the tombstones here is inscribed the word Ruhe-Statt or Ruhe Platz.

David van der BECKE's material theory of ghosts much like Gaffarils.-Sprengel, vol. 5, p. 113.

THERE is a contemporary poem upon some of the Gunpowder traitors, in which their heads and their ghosts hold a converAstrée, pt. iv. 1. 9, p. 916. sation.-Restituta, vol. 3, p. 331.

MARRIAGE of Isidro de Madrid and Maria de la Cabeza.

"Fueron a vistas los dos,

y fue aquello suficiente, que cada qual se contente; Porque lo que está de Dios se executa facilmente."

LOPE DE VEGA, tom. 11, p. 32.

SIR KENELM DIGBY, in his Private Memoirs, makes a lover say, “I will go to the other world to preach to damned souls that their pains are but imaginary ones, in respect of them that live in the hell of love." -P. 38.

"WHEN the corpse of Eloisa was deposited in Abelard's tomb, the dead Abelard raised his arms, opened them, and clasped his beloved in death."-Curiosities of Literature, vol. 1, p. 213.

I SEE no "wilful bad taste" in the device for the text Pulvis et umbra sumus, which represented a shadow walking between two ranges of urns, in a vault, the floor of which was covered with dust.—Ibid. vol. 2, p. 82.

AFTER giving a good guess at the milky way, MANILIUS asks,

"An fortes animæ, dignataque nomina Colo Corporibus resoluta suis, terræque remissa

Huc migrant ex orbe, suumque habitantia


Æthereos vivunt annos, mundoque fruuntur." Lib. 1, v. 756.

THE Monthly Review, August 1754, vol. 11, p. 152, praises a pamphlet called "the Scripture Account of a Future State considered." The author thinks the two most

probable conjectures are," that the region of departed spirits is either in some or other of the neighbouring stars, or else in the interior parts of this earth."

"HE offers some conjectures in regard to our entrance into the next state, which he imagines may be analogous to our entrance upon the present. As we are introduced into the present by the ministration of others, so he thinks we may be introduced into the next by ministering spirits, and that the soul may require some time before its organs are ripe for action on that new theatre; during which time the rational powers may continue suspended, as they are here in sleep; and we may remain under the nurture of guardian angels, or kindred spirits, during this stage of inaction, similar to the stage of our infancy."-Ibid. p. 152.

"THE Japanese say that the Takamanofarra, i.e. the high and subcelestial fields, are just beneath the thirty-three heavens of their gods, and there the souls of the good are admitted without delay."—KÆMPFER, vol. 1, p. 213.

"RICHARD JAGO (the poet, I suppose) published a sermon which he preached at Harbury, Warwickshire, on occasion of a conversation said to have past between one of the inhabitants and an apparition in the churchyard of that place.' It was no part of his design either to confirm or dispute the fact of the conversation! which was confidently asserted to have happened on the night of Thursday, May 1."-Monthly Review, vol. 12, p. 516.

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Popish Superstition and Barbarity. From

the Dublin Warder, July 1835. "DREADFUL affray.-Two men killed and several wounded.

"The following is from an eye-witness of what he relates: we give it in his own words :

"The Roman Catholic burial-place, Glassnevin, near this city, was the battleground where the savage rencontre took place. The Irish Papists are paganly superstitious; and their habits, manners, and customs differ from the rest of mankind. A very barbarous custom, prevailing very generally among the Milesian Irish, is often made the pretext for fighting at funerals. These believe in a fatality which (they say) is out of the power of prayer or their priests to averti. e. when two funerals at the same time approach one common graveyard for interment, the last corpse entering is doomed to draw water from a distant well in a bucket full of holes, in order to irrigate the souls placed in purgatory by Romish superstition.

"On Sunday last, about sun-down, two funerals approached the entrance-gate of this celebrated cemetery-where, as if by magic impulse, both parties made a sudden rush to gain the gate entrance-the coffinbearers came in contact, and the coffins were upset in an instant on the road. Both parties soon attacked each other, armed with bludgeons, stones, whips, &c.; two priests who attended were much beatenthe dead bodies beaten out of the coffins ; and it was not before one party was completely beaten away that the fight ended. The defeated party was from the neighbourhood of Cole's Lane. The butchers, clieve-boys, and the butchers' assistants were, however, determined on revenge; and on Monday last these people got information that a funeral (attended by the persons who beat them the evening before) would soon arrive. As soon as it did appear, it was immediately attacked, the coffin and corpse demolished in an instant-two men, named

Williams and Mulcahy, from the egg-market, were killed, and eight sorely beaten. The speedy arrival of the police prevented further mischief. On Tuesday the coalporters came there to assist their friends, the butchers; but, not meeting any of their opponents, they dispersed at ten o'clock."

PRIDE and ingratitude of an Icelandic ghost.-Monthly Review, vol. 53, p. 593. The story is from Islands Landnamabok.1


AMERICAN Indians. They have modes of speech and phrases peculiar to each age and sex.-Phil. Trans. Abr. vol. 13, p. 409.

"I HAVE as ill an opinion," says BLOUNT, "of the French tongue as of the people, since the very language itself is a cheat, being written one way, and pronounced another."-Note to Philost. p. 76.

DRYDEN, vol. 4, p. 303. Limberham's Lingua Franca is almost pure Pinkertonian.

“It is said that recent discoveries have led to the conclusion that the Bramins had in days of yore eighteen languages, each appropriated exclusively to one line of subjects, of which we have hitherto learned only one, that devoted more particularly to mythology or religion."-MOORE's Oriental Fragments, p. 435.

ELPHINSTON on Interjections.-Monthly Review, vol. 14, p. 324.

SHAW, in his Gaelic Dictionary, says, the Gaelic is the language of Japhet, spoken before the Deluge; and probably the speech

For account of which see the Sagabibliothek, vol. i. p. 225, of the late PETER ERASMUS MULLER-a name (like that of RASK) to which I owe so much of my northern lore, and whose kindness I can never forget -J. W. W.

of Paradise.-Monthly Review, vol. 63, p.


"ROWLAND JONES says Babel was so called from ba-bi-el, i. e. beings calling like bas or sheep. It is likely that this language (the Celtic) as it thus defines the prediluvian as well as the postdiluvian names, and gives the etymology of language as preferable to any other, must have existed before the confusion of languages; and if all the world spake in one language, this must be it."— Ibid. p. 513-4.

MRS. MONTAGU thought, that in another life we shall not use an inadequate interpreter of our thoughts, as language is.

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Thought," she says, "is of the soul, language belongs to body; we shall leave it in the grave with our other rags of mortality." -Letters, vol. 4, p. 358.

"LUCKILY, the lawyers will not part with any synonymous words; and will consequently preserve the redundancies of our language."-H. WALPOLE, vol. 4, p. 140.

GRANT on the Gaelic Interjections.Monthly Review, vol. 77, p. 20.

POLYNESIAN pronouns.—WILLIAMS' Missionary Enterprizes, p. 527.

"NOT only every shire hath a several language, but every family, giving marks for things according to their fancy."-DUCHESS OF NEWCASTLE. One of the Epistles prefixed to her Poems and Fancies.

CANADA. "Les Sauvages n'ont point en leur langue, ni bien en leurs mœurs, ce mot de peché;-j'estois donc en peine de les faire concevoir un desplaisir d'avoir offencé Dieu."-Relation. 1634. P. 29,


"THE invention of periwigs," says CH. BLOUNT, "is of so great use, and saves men so much trouble, that it can never be laid

aside. It helps to disguise the thief; to make an ill face tolerable; the tolerable handsome; to ease the lazy of trouble; and to make men their vassals-if women would but wear them."-Note to Philost. p. 27.

A MAN who, having but one peruke, made it pass for two. It was "naturally a kind of flowing bob; but by the occasional addition of two tails, it sometimes passed as a major."-Connoisseur, vol. 1, p. 132. (A.D.


DISPUTE between the Perruquiers and the Coëffeurs de Dames de Paris. A. D. 1769.-BACHAUMONT, vol. 4, pp. 211-16.

HAIRDRESSERS Ccompared with statuaries and painters.-Monthly Review, vol. 72, p.


TERTULLIAN “ speaking of such as had curled and embroidered hair, bids them consider whether they must go to heaven with such hair or no. And whereas they adorned themselves with winkles made of other women's hair, he asks them whether it may not be the hair of a damned person, or no. If it may be, he further demandeth, how it may beseem them to wear it which profess themselves to be the sons and daughters of God." -PERKINS, vol. 1, p. 250.


He touched also upon their value-"pour la substantifique qualité de la complexion elementaire, qui est intronifiquée en la terrestrité de leur nature quidditative, pour extraneiser les halots et les turbines dessus nos vignes."-RABELAIS, vol. i. p. 171.

CENALIS, (Bishop of Avranches afterwards), reckons bells among the signs of the true church, the Protestants in France not being allowed them, they fired a gun for a signal, upon which he says-" Les cloches sonnent, les mousquets tonnent; les cloches

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