Imágenes de páginas

cae mas cerca del coraçon, alcansa un calor | Ajuntaõse nas praças infinitos
mas vivo, mas fuerte, y mas eficaz, que los
otros; de manera, que saca un pollo de mas
vigor, actividad, generosidad, y fortaleza
que sus hermanos; y que con un ardor mas
animado, con un aliento mas robusto, una
perspicacia mas viva, et ligereza mas ele-
vada, se levanta mas alto que todos, y mira
al sol con mas atrevimiento, sin que el la
deslumbre ni ciegne.”—Dedic. to Pineda's
Spanish Dictionary.

Caes, e outros animaes, dando bramidos."
Successo do Segundo Cerco de Dia,

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"DEPOIS que no confuso laberinto
De amor, hum alma achou entrada aberta.
Cerra-se-lhe a sahida.”


"AVEC son visage sans couleur et sans forme, ses yeux enfoncez, ses joues pendantes, et sa peau seche et ridée; il luy restoit si peu de traicts de la vie, qu'il sembloit qu'elle ne demeurast au monde que pour y faire voir seulement l'image de la mort... toute courbée et chancelante, comme celle qui estoit lasse de porter le faix de tant d'années, et a qui l'espasse de trois pas seulement qu'elle avoit a faire, tenoient lieu d'une fort longue carriere, et d'un exercice fort penible."-ENDYMION DE GOMBAULD.

"Er combien me faisoit il gouster encore de plus douces faveurs, si la bouche qui les recevoit les ose dire? puisque mesme elle estoit teniie si close et si pressée, que cela luy sembloit recommander le silence." -Ibid.

"OHAMEDRYADES! que de Cerfs et de Corbeaux dont la vie est si longue, ont eu loisir de vivre et de mourir, depuis vostre naissance."-Ibid.

"A SETE companheiros que morreram
No combate, dao logo sepultura.
Nam se ouvem nas obsequias tristes cantos
Que a sancta Igreja ordena para os mortos,
Nem officios se rezam com funesto

E tristissimo som: mas com trombetas
E com mil alegrias encomendam
As almas destes sete Cavalleiros,
A aquelle que na cruz morreo por ellas."
Cerco de Diu.

"MORREO Mestre Joao, varam prudente, De ousado coraçam, de vivo spirito,

E muito exprimentado em Cururgia."


"Y QUANDO igualmente amados Comen assi dos casados,

La Embidia, a quien todo pesa, Bien puede estar a su mesa Contandoles los bocados."

Isidro, LOPE de Vega.

SOLOMON's temple.

"Templo, que llegue a partir
competencias con el Sol,
quando desde su Zenit
en que madrugò Tapaçio,
para acostarse Rubi

no sepa à quien debe el dia
resplendezer, y luzir,

viendo que de cada Almena

es cada Estrella Pensil."

THE Devil in hermit shape when he persuades Garin to commit murder. "Puesta la barba sobre el pecho estava, En el baculo el cuerpo reclinado, Ya los ojos abria, ya enarcava

Ambas las cejas, el color mudado."


"Nos eccos da propria consciencia
Se ha de escutar a voz das profecias."
Joanneida, por Joze CORREA DE MEL-

"QUIN et vinclorum depressas pondere Cœlo Attollunt cum voce manus."


EMBARKATION of the Christian prisoners.

"HILARES circum dant cornua cantus, Dant litui, plausere acies, gemuere carinæ

CALDERON, El Arbol del Mejor Fruto. Sub pedibus, plausumque ferunt ad littora

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Llevando al Parche el pifaro el contralto, Dizen, alarma! alarma! assalto! assalto!" Los Amantes de Teruel. JUAN YAGUE DE SALAS.

VIRIATUS to the Lusitanians. "A princeza das Aves nos insina

Como ha de ser a guerra executada : Nam vedes como dece repentina

Sobre a caça, que pasce descuydada ? E que nao para nunca em tal rapina Senao que pello ar arrebatada

A vem comer sobre hum penhasco duro, Que inda que bruta, julga-o por seguro." Viriato Tragico. BRAS GARCIA MAS


"YACIA la Serpiente, y se abreviabo En mil vueltas con rueda portentosa, La cabeza en el vientre reclinaba,

Y lecho de si misma en si reposa." Alphonso. Franc. Botello de Moraes y Vasconcelos.

"NONDUM amabam, et amare amabam, -querebam quid amarem, amans amare." -St. Augustine's Confessions. Quaintly said, but true.

"GRIEF had tongue-tied her speech, Her words were sighs and tears, — dumb eloquence,

Heard only by the sobs and not the sense."

Thealma and Clearchus, a pastoral historie, by JOHN CHALKHILL, an acquaintant and friend of Edmund Spencer. Published by Izaąc Walton.

"THE proud waves beat With more impetuousness upon high lands Than on the flat and less resisting sands." CHALKHILL.

"AND ever and anon he well might hear A sound of music steal in at his ear, As the wind gave it being."--Ibid.

"DEATH'S not such a thing As can fright Memnon! He and I have met

Up to the knees in blood and honoured sweat,

Where his scythe mowed down legions; he and I

Are well acquainted! 'tis no news to die.” Ibid.

"No quiero detenerme mas en esto, pues que no es mi intencion dar pesadumbre

y asi pienso pasar por todo presta huyendo de importunos la costumbre." Araucana, p. 1.

"Con subita presteza el mar cortando
atraveso por medio de la armada,
de blanca espuma el rastro levantando,
qual luciente cometa arrebatada,
quando veloz rompiendo el ayre espeso
le suele asi dexar gran rato impreso.”
Ibid. p. 24.

"VOLVIO el Indio diciendo a nuestra gente. Yo no paso adelante, ni es posible

seguir este camino comenzado, que el hecho es grande y el temor terrible que me detiene el paso acobardado, imaginando aquel aspecto horrible

del gran Caupolican contra mi agrado quando venga a saber que solo he sido el soldado traydor que le ha vendido." Ibid. p. 33.

"I SAW the mourner mount her funeral pyre,

Kiss the cold corpse, and triumph in the fire,

One farewell tear to parting life she shed, Sunk on his breast, and bowed her dying


So, were the sun extinguished in his sphere, The widowed moon would perish on his bier."

The Bramin, by Paul Positive, a newspaper poem. MONTGOMERY.

"LET not the godly men affliction fear, God wrestle may with some, but none orethrowes,

Who gives the burthen, gives the strength

to bear."

LORD STERLINE. Doomsday. First Houre.

it is a bastard, but the child must be kept. If thou mistrust thy understanding, promise not; it is better to maintain a bastard, than to murder a child."-QUARLES. Enchiridion. "SEARCH into thyself before thou accept the ceremony of honour. If thou art a pa"THAT pompous bird which still in triumph lace, honour, like the sunbeams will make

"WE furnish feathers for the wings of Death."-Ibid. Second Houre.


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'TALIA dicta dabat; cum diceret, illa tenebat

"A PROMISE is the child of the understanding and the will; the understanding Ora intenta Deæ, totamque medullitus hau

begets it, the will brings it forth; he that performs it delivers the mother, he that breaks it murders the child. If it be begotten in the absence of the understanding


The copy of the COLUMBUS, Carmen Epicum, &c., now before me, was Southey's. It was printed at Rome 1715. J. W. W.


Sponsa gravis veluti, bibulo si lumine sæpe | Sic torpet, non virus abest, cum vipera flo-
Majorum vultus depictos atria circum
Viderit, ex ipsâ picturâ pingere matris
Nescio quid discunt oculi, natosque figu

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Strata super dormit, nocituraque vulners differt

Donec sopitas injuria provocet iras."

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THIS said Bruciad is not a good poem. e. g. "Renowned beast, (forgive poetic flight)

"GESTIIT Androphagus viso hospite, deque Not less than man deserves poetic right."


Fronte supercilium paulum secedere jussit,
Admisitque brevi mansurum tempore risum.

"AGAINST the king to prove his matchless


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