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With all the world, and make thee not be- s'attache à donner des relations fidèles et

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véritables, plus on court risque de ne composer que des libelles diffamatoires."

BAYLE, vol. 4, p. 181.

"IL y a sans doute une grande opposition entre l'histoire et la satire; mais peu de choses suffiraient pour métamorphoser l'une en l'autre."-Ibid.

PEN War. "Je ne crois pas qu'on doive exiger d'un historien tout le sang froid avec quoi il faut que les juges prononcent une sentence de condamnation contre les voleurs et les homicides. Quelques réflexions un peu animées ne lui siéent pas mal."—Ibid.

"IL est utile de faire voir aux lecteurs, par des exemples sensibles, jusqu'où pent aller la hardiesse de mentir publiquement, quand une fois on a l'impudence de faire imprimer tous les contes qui courent les rues."-Ibid. p. 218.

"IL n'y a point de mensonge, pour si absurde qu'il soit, qui ne passe de livre en livre, et de siècle en siècle. Mentez hardiment, imprimez toutes sortes d'extrava

gances, peut-on dire au plus misérable lardoniste de l'Europe, vous trouverez assez de gens qui copieront vos contes; et si l'on vous rebute dans un certain temps, il naîtra des conjunctures où l'on aura intérêt de vous faire resusciter."-Ibid. p. 399.

"AVARISSIMA honoris humana mens, facilius regnum et opes quam gloriam partitur."-En. Sylvius, Hist. Boh.

“AFIN qu'un raillerie soit bonne, il faut que celui qu'on raille mérite d'être raillé." Ibid. vol. 5, p. 243.

“ PLUS je lis, plus je me persuade qu'il n'est pas aussi difficile de trouver des écrivains qui aient de belles et de bonnes pensées, que d'en trouver qui les expriment sans s'embarrasser dans quelque mauvais raisonnement. Un bon logicien est plus rare qu'on ne pense."-Ibid. p. 501.

A FLINT is easily broken upon a pillow. BP. REYNOLDS, vol. 4, p. 300.

"A DISTEMPERED constitution of mind, as of body, is wont to weaken the retentive faculty, and to force an evacuation of bad humours."-BARROW, vol. 1, p. 285.

"THE reporter in such cases must not think to defend himself by pretending that he spake nothing false; for such propositions, however true in logic, may justly be deemed lies in morality, being uttered with a malicious and deceitful (that is, with a calumnious) mind; being apt to impress false conceits, and to produce hurtful effects concerning our neighbours. There are slanderous truths as well as slanderous falsehoods: when truth is uttered with a deceitful heart, and to a base end, it becomes a lie.”1—Ibid. p. 387.

1 ARCHBISHOP LEIGHTON says, "Even sin may be sinfully reproved; and how thinkest thou that sin shall redress sin, and restore the sinner?" See on 1 Pet. iv. 8. Vol. ii. p. 339. J. W. W.

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Επεται δ ̓ ἐν ἑκάστῳ μέτρον. νοῆ

σαι δὲ καιρὸς ἄριστος.

Ol. 13, v. 67. THE graces.-Ol. 14, v. 4.

"MANY times the use of new phrases and expressions (a curiosity too much affected in this age) doth make way for the introducing of new doctrines."-REYNOLDS, vol. 5, p. 176.

True in politics as in religion.

"WE ourselves by our sins, have loosened the joints of religion and government, and done that with our own hands, which our enemies, by all their machinations, did in vain attempt."-Ibid. p. 225.

"PERSONAL chastisements may be for trial and exercise of faith and patience: But general and public judgments are ever in wrath and displeasure."—Ibid. P. 274.

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“BUT well in you I find

No man doth speak aright who speaks in


Who only sees the ill, is worse than blind." SYDNEY, p. 403.

“WHY should such plants as you are, Tenderly bred, and brought up in all fal


Desire the stubborn wars?

Pilgrimage, vol. 7, p. 40.

"THEY are things ignorant,

And therefore apted to that superstition." Ibid. p. 43.

"WHAT a world is this,

When young men dare determine what those are,

Age and the best experience ne'er could aim at!

Marc. They were thick-eyed then, Sir; now the Print's larger, And they may read their fortunes without spectacles." Ibid. p. 43.

(Double Marriage, p. 139,) says, of the THE tyrant in BEAUMONT and FLETCHER people,

"Let 'em rise, let 'em rise; give me the bridle here,

And see if they can crack my girths! Ah Villio,

Under the sun there's nothing so voluptuous As riding of this monster, till he founders."

"THOSE men have broken credits, Loose and dismember'd faiths, That splinter 'em with vows."

BEAUMONT and FLETCHER, Maid in the Mill, p. 214.

A LIE, that will stretch well. "It must be faced, you know; there will be a yard of dissimulation at least, city measure, and cut upon an untruth or two; lined with fables, that must be, cold weather's coming; if it had a galoon of hypocrisy, 'twould do

"An archer is to be known by his aim, not by his arrow. But your aim is so ill,

well, and hooked together with a couple of conceits." Bustopha the miller's son, in the Maid in that if you knew how far wide from the mark the Mill, p. 257.

"I GRANT you we are all knaves, and will be your knaves; but oh! while you live, take heed of being a proud knave!—BEAUMONT and FLETCHER, Martial Maid, p.415. "How men, in high place and authority, Are, in their lives and estimations, wrong'd By their subordinate ministers! yet such They cannot but employ, wrong'd justice finding

Scarce one true servant in ten officers."
Ibid. p. 455.
"THE higher thy calling is, the better
ought thy conscience to be. And as far it
beseemeth a gentleman to be from pride as
he is from poverty; and as near to gentle-
ness in condition, as he is in blood."

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your shaft sticketh, you would hereafter rather break your bow than bend it.”—Ibid.

"BE your cloth never so bad, it will take some colour; and your cause never so false, it will bear some shew of probability.”—Ibid.

"NOT willing to have the grass mown, whereof he meant to make his hay."-Ibid.

HAIR has its steel shade first, because it becomes silvered.

A PRECIOUS Science that must be, in which it would require two years' study for a man like G. T. to settle his opinion upon some of its fundamental principles !

"THE one's wealth

Shall weigh up t'other's wisdom in the scale
Of their light judgment."

Gorr's Raging Turk, p. 62.

THE Court of chancery becoming a court of Nequity. We want that word.

"I HAVE seen young faces traced by care; cheeks that ought to have been bright, already faded by want: some poor little ones, to whom Christmas day was not a feast day."

MISS EMRA, Scenes in our Parish, p. 27.

"To tell a practical lie is a great sin, but yet transient; but to set up a theorical untruth, is to warrant every lie that lies from its root to the top of every branch it hath."

Cobbler of Aggawan, p. 6.

"WISE are those men who will be persuaded rather to live within the pale of truth, where they may be quiet, than in the pur

"SUCH a malady in the marrow, will never lieus.”—Ibid. p. 7. out of the bones."-Ibid.

"THAT state that will give liberty of con

Not being able to find the passage, I leave science in matters of religion, must give liberty of conscience and conversation in their

it as it stands.-J. W. W.

moral laws; or else the fiddle will be out of tune, and some of the strings crack.”Ibid. p. 8.

We live in expectance "of that happy night that the king shall cause his chronicles to be read, wherein he shall find the faithfulness of Mordecai, the treason of his eunuchs, and then let Haman look to himself." -STRAFFORD, Letters, vol. 1, p. 33.

UNWORTHY prelates. One of this description, "like that candle hid under a bushel, darkens himself, and all that are about him." -WANDESFORD, Ibid. vol. 1, p. 49.

"THE rust of the laws, which hath almost eaten out the very iron, the strength that was in them."-Ibid.

MR. CH. HODSON tells me he has been informed that in agricultural countries the Methodists are attached to the church, in manufacturing ones and large towns, their feeling towards it is hostile. This might be expected.

"If ye will not believe, surely ye shall not be established."-Isaiah, vii. 9.

"A WOUNDED spirit, Dejected, and habitually disposed To seek in degradation of the kind Excuse and solace for her own defects." Excursion, p. 391.

"WISDOM, which works through patience." Ibid.

ENTHUSIASM of missionaries, societies, &c. The tares and the wheat must grow together, for the one cannot be gathered in without rooting up the other also. "Let both," therefore, "grow together until the harvest."


"Sprung from the deep disquiet of man's passion." LORD BROOKE, p. 158.

THE reader may be surprised to learn that the village of Islington, as late as the commencement of the present century, was “in a dark and benighted state,” yea, till the forty-fifth year of George the Third's reign, A. D. 1804, when the Reverend Evan John Jones took upon himself the care of the Islington and Silver Street churches. From that period down to the present, the light of the gospel has been more and more abundantly spread abroad. - Evangelical Magazine, August 1827, p. 327.

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