Adventures in Phenomenology: Gaston BachelardEileen Rizo-Patron, Edward S. Casey, Jason M. Wirth SUNY Press, 2017 M07 31 - 338 páginas Repositions Bachelard as a critical and integral part of contemporary continental philosophy. Like Schelling before him and Deleuze and Guattari after him, Gaston Bachelard made major philosophical contributions to the advancement of science and the arts. In addition to being a mathematician and epistemologist whose influential work in the philosophy of science is still being absorbed, Bachelard was also one of the most innovative thinkers on poetic creativity and its ethical implications. His approaches to literature and the arts by way of elemental reverie awakened long-buried modes of thinking that have inspired literary critics, depth psychologists, poets, and artists alike. Bachelard s extraordinary body of work, unduly neglected by the English-language reception of continental philosophy in recent decades, exhibits a capacity to speak to the full complexity and wider reaches of human thinking. The essays in this volume analyze Bachelard as a phenomenological thinker and situate his thought within the Western tradition. Considering his work alongside that of Schelling, Husserl, Bergson, Buber, Heidegger, Merleau-Ponty, Gadamer, Deleuze, and Nancy, this collection highlights some of Bachelard s most provocative proposals on questions of ontology, hermeneutics, ethics, environmental politics, spirituality, and the possibilities they offer for productive transformations of self and world. |
Introduction Bachelards Living Philosophical Legacy | 1 |
Adventures in Time | 17 |
Adventures in Methodology | 81 |
Adventures in Language | 141 |
Adventures in Alterity | 211 |
Appendix A Preface to Bubers I and Thou | 271 |
Appendix B Testimony on Gaston Bachelard | 277 |
281 | |
Contributors | 285 |
291 | |
297 | |
Otras ediciones - Ver todas
Adventures in Phenomenology: Gaston Bachelard Eileen Rizo-Patron,Edward S. Casey,Jason M. Wirth Vista previa limitada - 2017 |
Adventures in Phenomenology: Gaston Bachelard Eileen Rizo-Patron,Edward S. Casey,Jason M. Wirth Sin vista previa disponible - 2018 |
Términos y frases comunes
Air and Dreams anima animus Bachelardian become Bergson Bergsonian Buber chapter cited complex concept consciousness creative critical culture depth Derrida différance dynamic Earth and Reveries Edward K Eileen Rizo-Patron élan vital elemental encounter epistemological epistemological rupture essay ethical experience force French Gaston Bachelard Georges Canguilhem Heidegger Heidegger's Henry Corbin hermeneutics human Husserl idea imaginary intuition land Lautréamont literary image living logocentrism logosphere Martin Buber Martin Heidegger material imagination matter meditation Merleau-Ponty metaphysics modified notion noumenon object ontology painting Paris perception person phenomenology philosophy of science poem poet poetic image poetic instant poetic reverie Poetics of Reverie Poetics of Space poetry possibility psyche Psychoanalysis Psychoanalysis of Fire rational reading reality resonance reverberations Reveries of Repose rhythm sense soul speak substance temporal term things thinking thought tion trans transcendent translation truth vertical Water and Dreams words writes Λόγος