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Recent Controversy on Materialism.

Review same principle, we may counsel the religious sceptic, with so much evidence for Christianity, to doubt ere he irrevocably makes up his mind against the truth of revelation. For this evidence, we affirm, constitutes a barrier of proof which, we confess, we cannot discover any means of surmounting by those who have studied its nature. We know we shall be answered, that ours is a spare faith, and that so long as Christians are not agreed as to what is Christianity, assent must be withheld from it. But would not this argument equally apply against the study of physiology itself, where we observe doctors so materially disagree? And, in the quaint language of old Richard Baxter," All arguments be not weak which some men dare deny. Is not the high way right except every man hit it? A drunken man may go beside it, and a wise man that is not used to it may miss it, or by credulity may be turned by others out of his way; and yet the way may be right and plain too, for all that. Will you think nothing certain in philosophy, because philosophers are of so many minds? Or will you renounce all physicians because they ordinarily disagree? Or if a Londoner have a journey into the countrey, which his life lyeth on, will he not go his journey because the clocks disagree? Or will he not set on till all the clocks in London strike at once? Or will he never give any credit to a clock till then ?"

But should there be those who, from ignorance of these accumulated evidences, or who, knowing them, are untrue to their understandings, deny the super-human origin of Christianity, and publicly disseminate their scepticism, we shall ever contend, that the immutable principles of religious freedom are as much their right, and may be as safely extended to their opinions, as to those of any Protestant Dissenters. Nay, many zealous Christian have contended that they ought to be encouraged to produce their objections, certain that TRUTH must emerge with renewed power and glory from the contest. PRIESTIANITY indeed may suffer, and the "alliance between Church and State" be endangered, but true Christianity will receive no wound from the assaults of


the sceptic. Those political Christians who regard churches in the light of barracks, may reasonably feel alarmed for legitimacy. What, however, can the cause of civil and religious liberty gain by the recent persecution of Deists, but prejudice against the doctrines of Christ in the hands of such followers? What effect can be wrought on the contemptible objects of such anti-christian zeal, but by this odious proscription to congregate unbelievers together, where they are sure to mistake the repetition of their objections for increased number and strength? This "illiterate policy" never yet attained its end, and never will: and that such barbarism should be varnished with the colouring of religion, "what is it," says the admirable Robinson, in his Remarks on Deism, "but the voice of Jacob and the hands of Esau?"

We here again repeat, that our opinions are not those of the Materialist, since we cannot reconcile many of the phenomena of life and sensation to that hypothesis. All that we feel sure of is, and in this it appears all agree, that GoD imparted to us the "breath of life." The Pentateuch, whatever may be its authority, does not inform us how; nor, in our judgment, will men of science ever make such an addition to revelation. But Materialism having been the opinion of many eminent and Christian philosophers, we have often, on the possibi lity of its truth, examined its relation and consistency with the Christian doctrine of a future state. In those sequestered moments when the mind wanders beyond the grave, the reflections in these pages have arisen; and candour obliges us to concede an equally pious and rational hope of futurity to the Materialist as his prejudiced opponents arrogate to themselves; nor can we conceive how the mere belief of either party can affect their practice.

We have studiously avoided all reference to our title in the promises of the gospel. We have a humble trust that HE who gave us the blessing of this life, will continue his goodness in its renewal after death; knowing that he which raised up the Lord Jesus, shall raise us up also by Jesus, and shall present us with you." Would

that Christians could be brought to believe that we are candidates for, not judges of, heaven.

In the eloquent language of an anonymous review of the controversy with Dr. Priestley on Matter and Spirit" Then farewell the obscure speculation of metaphysics. They embar rass me no more. The mere philosopher may indulge them if he pleaseth; and if he can gain any amusement or any satisfaction from them, I envy him not. He purchaseth it at a rate too dear for me; and placeth his hopes on what I should regard as the most insecure foundation. But do not think me the enemy of science because I consider it as ill applied in the inves tigation of a subject so much beyond its reach. Let it operate in its own sphere, and, by a patient research into those natural objects which fall more immediately under the scrutiny of the senses, enlarge the boundaries of human knowledge. I hail her progress, and wish I could add a laurel to her brow. But let her not presume to trespass on the hallowed enclosures of heaven's own immediate messenger. Her feeble taper may light the curious philosophic eye through nature's walks. But it is the full, unclounded sun of the everlasting gospel that can alone, with safety, guide the doubting mind of man through the paths of religion to the world of immortality. The dove sent from the ark of reason and philosophy, wanders over a boundless expanse, a dreary waste of unfathomable waters. Fatigued with its fruitless excursions, it returns, but brings no olive branch to ME. Thanks be to the immortal Redeemer of the world, I receive this pledge of peace from a higher region. I press it to my trembling heart; and methinks it gains fresh verdure while I bedew it with the mingled tears of gratitude and penitence."

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last Number we signified our inten tion of inserting in our work the whole of Mr. Hall's Letter from the Leicester Chronicle; but as it has been since published in the form of a pamphlet, as above, we deem it an act of fairness to the publisher, to content ourselves with this notice of it, in the shape of a review.

The "Apology" appeared nearly thirty years ago, and excited, as it deserved, considerable attention. Since that period, Mr. Hall has, until now, abstained from polities in his writings; or rather has manifested a leaning to a very different system from that which first engaged his affections and drew out his eloquence. It was for a long time supposed that he privately disavowed and would have been glad to recall the productions of his youthful enthusiasm on behalf of freedom. If the rumour were correct, he has undergone a re-conversion and returned to his first love. On this subject, Mr. Hall is entitled to speak for himself: ·

"It certainly is very unusual for a writer to suppress his own publications, unless he has recanted the principles they contain. To persevere in doing so, natu rally exposes him to the suspicion either that he has renounced his former opinions, or that he is afraid to avow them; but neither of these situations is mine. I have changed no principle, and I feel no fear. Why then should I act in such liable to either of these imputations? a manner as must render me perpetually For a considerable time, indeed, after loud and repeated importunities, I de clined a compliance with the wishes expressed for republication, from a sincere reluctance to engage in political controversy. By one party, in the mean while, claimed as a convert, and by the other it was my fortune to be so unequivocally that I was convinced by experience there so assailed with reproaches as an apostate, the misrepresentations of both, but to was no other way of putting an end to republish the original pamphlet. Had I never written it, the same motives which made me reluctant to reprint, might probably have prevented my writing its but since there is not a principle in it which I can conscientiously retract, and my silence has occasioned numerous misand manly part was doubtless to republish representations and mistakes, the fair it. An ingenuous mind is not less ashamed of receiving praises it is conscious it has not deserved, than indignant at reproaches

Irespondents on the Wrapper of the wot

Review-Hall's Apology for the Freedom of the Press.

The "Christian Guardian," a minor theological journal, in the hands of the soi-disant "Evangelical" Churchmen, took occasion from the re-publication of the "Apology," to task the author, as if he had been guilty of apostacy. This class of men have been for some years accustomed to pay excessive homage to Mr. Hall's talents, and their present chagrin is equal to their former admiration. Their "Review" of the new edition of his pamphlet manifests the affectation of dislike of politics that is invariably expressed by the religionists that would bend the Bible and yoke the conscience to those very politics that foster corruption and tend to slavery. Mr. Hall exposes very plainly this hypocrisy :

"But a minister of the gospel, it seems, is on no occasion to meddle with party politics. How exactly this maxim was adhered to at the commencement of the late war, when military banners were consecrated, and the people every where summoned to arms

By pulpit drum ecclesiastic,

Beat with fist instead of a stick,'

must be fresh in the recollection of my readers. The men who in the garb of clergymen bustle at electioneering meetings, forsooth, are not really such, but merely assume the disguise of that holy order, since it would be uncandid to suppose they can so universally lose sight of what is befitting ministers of the gospel. The venerable bench of Bishops who sit in the House of Lords, either attend in silent pomp, without taking any part in the deliberations, or they violate the character of ministers of the gospel. We must have been grossly imposed upon by the public prints which informed us of the clergy of a whole archdeaconry or diocese, meeting to petition Parliament against the Catholic Claims, since they could never with one consent depart so far from the decorum of ministers of the gospel.

"The plain state of the case is, not that the writer is offended at my meddling with politics, but that I have meddied on the wrong side. Had the same mediocrity of talent been exerted in eulogizing the measures of ministry, his greetings would have been as loud as his invective is bitter. But it was exerted to expose public abuses, to urge the necessity of Reform, and lay open the tergiversation of the Heaven-born Minister and Sunday Duellist, who, after devoting the


day of rest to deeds of blood, has, by a strange fatality, obtained a sort of political beatification. Hinc illæ lachrymæ.”

-P. 5.

The original edition of the "Apology" contained some passages of severe crimination against Bishop Horsley, and of glowing eulogy on Drs. Price and Priestley: these, it would appear from our correspondent Homo, (pp. 168, 169,) are somewhat altered in the present edition: enough, however, remains to excite the disapprobation of "Evangelical" Churchmen, and accordingly the "Christian Guardian" vents its pity or its rage at this desecration of a saint, and apotheosis of sinners. Mr. Hall's reply is, upon the whole, worthy of himself: we qualify our opinion, because we wonder that with his acute discernment he

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should applaud or even admit the general correctness" of Horsley's "speculative theology:"

"Another head of accusation is, that I have censured the character of Bishop Horsley, whose character, the Reviewer tells us, is far removed beyond my attack, while I have eulogized Dr. Price and Dr. Priestley, Socinians.' To this it is sufficient to reply that Dr. Price was not a Socinian, but an Arian; he wrote professedly in confutation of Socinianism; and though I disapprove of his religious principles, I feel no hesitation in affirming, in spite of the frantic and unprincipled abuse of Burke, that a more ardent and enlightened friend of his country never lived, than that venerable patriarch of freedom. Such were the sentiments of the worshipful Corporation of London, who, in token of their esteem, presented him with the freedom of the City in a golden box; such was the judgment of Mr. Pitt, who long professed himself his admirer, and condescended to seek his advice on questions of finance. Priestley, it is acknowledged, was a Socinian; but it was not under that character that he was eulogized. It was as the friend of liberty, the victim of intolerance, and the author of some of the most brilliant philosophical discoveries of modern times, for which he was celebrated throughout Europe, and his name enrolled as a member of the most illustrious institutions; so that my eulogy was but a mere feeble echo of the applause which resounded from every civilized portion of the globe. And are we suddenly fallen back into the darkness and ignorance of the middle ages, during which the spell of a stupid and unfeeling


"In relation to the question of ecclesiastical establishments, since I am challenged to produce any passage from Scripture which sanctions my opposition to them, I beg leave to refer him to our Lord's declaration: Every plant which my heavenly Father has not planted shall be rooted up.' That national churches, or exclusive establishments of religion by the civil magistrate, are one of these plants, will not be denied, since nothing of that kind, it is universally allowed, existed during the three first and purest ages of Christianity, and not being authorized by the great Head of the Church, it must, if we believe him, be rooted up. I have used the term great Head of the Church, by way of distinction from that little Head which the Church of England has invented, and on which, whether it be a beauty or a deformity in the body of Christ, the Scriptures are certainly as silent, as on Universal Suffrage and Annual Parliaments." 9.

uniformity bound the nations in iron slum-
bers, that it has become a crime to praise
a man for talents which the whole world
admired, and for virtues which his ene-
mies confessed, merely because his reli-
gious creed was erroneous? If any thing
could sink orthodoxy into contempt, it
would be its association with such gothic
barbarity of sentiment, such reptile mean-
ness. What renders the wretched bigotry
of the Reviewer the more conspicuous is,
that the eulogy in question was written
almost immediately after the Birmingham
Riots, that disgraceful ebullition of po-
pular phrensy, during which a ferocious
mob tracked his steps like bloodhounds,
demolished his house, destroyed his li-
brary and apparatus, and, advancing from
thence to the destruction of private and
public buildings, filled the whole town
and vicinity with terror and dismay. What
sort of a Christian Guardian the Reviewer
would have proved on that occasion, may
be easily inferred from his passing over
these atrocities in silence, while he dis--P.
charges his malice on their unoffending

The maxim, De mortuis nil nisi bonum, admits of exceptions; and as I am vilified for censuring Bishop Horsley, whose cha racter, it is affirmed, is far removed beyond my attack,' while I praised Priestley, the Socinian, justice compels me to remark (what the Reviewer probably knows well enough) that in the virtues of private life, Dr. Priestley was as much superior to his antagonist, as he was inferior in the correctness of his speculative theology."-Pp. 5-7.

The "Evangelical" conductors of the "Christian Guardian" are masters of the art of controversy, and have brought in the names of Hone and Carlile to embitter their accusations. Mr. Hall is justly indignant at this artifice. Does he not, however, display some portion of the willing prejudice that he condemns, when he attributes blasphemy to the publications of Mr. Hone? He himself, truly defines blasphemy, "the speaking contumeliously of God," and we are persuaded that the writer last named, would feel as much horror as Mr. Hall or any "Christian Guardian" at such an outrage upon public feeling as well as upon piety.

Let Mr. Hall expect no more compliments from clergymen and bishops and ministers of state; the following passage fixes him for life an unaccommodating, untameable Noncorformist:

We have seen, in the second of our extracts, that Mr. Hall regards the memory of Mr. Pitt with no peculiar veneration; he concludes the Letter with some very bold animadversions the character of the celebrated upon minister:

"Having already trespassed on the patience of my readers, I shall close with one remark on the eulogium pronounced by the Reviewer on the character of the late Mr. Pitt. He appears to be extremely shocked with the freedom and severity of my strictures on his conduct, as implying a forgetfulness of his singular disinterestedness and his 'perfect devotion to his country.' As this has become that celebrated minister, it is necessary a favourite topic with the admirers of to remind them, that there are other vices besides the love of money, and other virtues besides that of dying poor. It may be easily admitted, that the ambition which grasps at the direction of an empire, and the pitiful passion for accumulation, were not the inmates of the same bosom. In minds of a superior order, ambition, like Aaron's rod, is quite sufficient to swallow up the whole fry of petty propensities.-Far be it from me to wish to withhold an atom of the praise justly due to him. That he devoted much time and a considerable portion of talent to the affairs of his country, is undeniable. The evils which he has brought upon us were not the production of an ordinary mind, nor the work of a day, nor done in sport; but what I con

New Publications.

tend for is, that, to say nothing of his unparalleled apostacy, his devotion to his country, and, what was worse, its devotion to him, have been the source of more calamity to this nation, than any other event that has befallen it, and that the memory of Pitt will be identified in the recollection of posterity with accumulated taxes, augmented debt, extended pauperism, a debasement and prostration of the public mind, and a system of policy not only hostile to the cause of liberty at home, but prompt and eager to detect and tread out every spark of liberty in Europe; in a word, with all those images of terror and destruction which the name imports. The enthusiasm with which his character is regarded by a numerous class of his countrymen will be ascribed by a distant age, to that mysterious infatuation which, in the inscrutable counsels


of Heaven, is the usual, the destined precursor of the fall of states."-Pp. 13, 14.

Our notice of this publication is, we are aware, disproportionate to its size, but we agree with the religious public in general, that Mr. Hall is no common writer, and we cannot repress our satisfaction at seeing him once more take the foremast rank amongst the friends and advocates of ecclesiastical and political reform. We hope that this is not his last contribution to the same good cause, but that he will actively co-operate with those that are stemming the tide of corruption, which has set in so strongly under the influence of a puling sentimalism, and of a selfish and worldly profession of sanctity.


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