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Mr. Teulon on the Mosaic History of the Creation.

extreme, and have exposed revelation and its advocates to the scoffs of unbelievers. It would be far better to give up the point as untenable. The author, as we have seen, is right in his theology, but erroneous in his philosophy." And that Mr. Belsham is not satisfied with Mr. Frend's able reply to his objections, I perceive by his reply. Without having the least pretence to the learning or acquirements of either of those gentlemen, I hope it will not be considered as presumption on my part to attempt investigating the truth of this opinion of Mr. B.; an opinion which, on my mind, if established, would have very important results as to the truth of a revealed religion.

Moses appears to me to have been raised up by the providence of God, to preserve the knowledge of and reverence to the Universal Creator, that, in the light of the nation of Israel, all nations might see the folly and wickedness of worshiping the creature instead of the Creator. If, therefore, Mr. Belsham could establish the truth of the above proposition concerning the philosophy of Moses, I should think that I had strong grounds for doubting the truth of his theology.

The first objection of Mr. Belsham to the philosophy of Moses appears to be, that Moses believed that light might exist in the absence of the sun; and every smuggler believes this with Moses; for if he has a choice of weather for his deed of darkness, he chooses a night when the moon is absent and the wind blows, the agitation of the aerial fluid in the absence of the solar light or its reflection from the lunar orb, giving as much as he wants to perform his deeds, without being sufficient to make his occupation dangerous. Mr. Frend has well reasoned this point, and it would have been well for the defence of his proposition had Mr. B. replied to him.

But Mr. Belsham has, before he can establish his proposition, first to prove that Moses says any thing about the creation of the light, or the sun, as it respects the order of time in which either was created. I do not wonder at a careless reader supposing that he has, but I do wonder at Mr. Belsham having any such idea. Prejudiced men, cabalists, as Mr. B. calls them, such as Mr. Hutchinson, Mr.


Parkhurst, &c. &c., persons who sup-
pose that when the Deity is, in Gen. i.
1, represented as creating the world,
that he not only formed the world, but
formed it out of nothing,-that they
should so believe is not surprising, but
that Mr. Belsham should so believe is,
at least to me, a matter of great sur-
prise. If Ovid ever read the Book of
Genesis, as every one who reads the
first book of his Metamorphoses will
think he had, he did not so read the
language of Moses, for he says,
«While yet not earth nor sea their place


Nor that cerulean canopy which hangs O'ershadowing all, each undistinguish'd lay,

And one dead form all nature's features bore,

Unshapely, rude, and chaos justly nam'd.”

The word 7, to create, no where signifies to form something out of nothing, but to form that which before existed, into something more perfect and beautiful than it was before. Thus God is said to create man from the dust of the earth; to create the family of Israel into a nation; to create the desolated Jerusalem into a glorious city, the joy of the earth. When, therefore, Moses says, that "in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth," he does not say more than that in bringing into being the present order of terrestial nature, "in the first place, or at first," for it may justly be rendered either way, "God formed the earth and its atmosphere."

The second verse proves this to be no forced construction of the passage, and that Moses from the beginning to the end of this chapter, was only describing the creation of the earth, and of the celestial orrery of which it forms a part. He says, "The earth was chaotic and hollow, and stagnation on the face of the deep," or, in the language of Ovid,

Together struggling laid, each element Confusion strange begat. Sol had not


Whirl'd thro' the blue expanse his burning car;

Nor Luna lighted yet her burning lamp, Nor fed with waning light her borrow'd rays."

I have a better opinion of Mr. Belsham's candour than to suppose that, for the sake of supporting an opinion

hastily given, he would impute ideas to Moses which, from his writings, do not appear to have entered his mind, and which no part of his after-language will give support to, without straining it from its plain and obvious meaning.

Mr. Belsham will, doubtless, rest his proposition chiefly on the 3rd verse- "Let there be light, and there was light," compared with the 14th verse. But I need not tell Mr. Belsham that the word 71, in this place, does not necessarily mean light; that the same word was applied to the city of Ur, or rather Aur, of the Chaldees, because there they worshiped the Deity under the emblem of fire; that the Prophet Isaiah, xxvii. 11, xxxi. 9, and in other places, uses it for fire, and that here it might be, and, to do Moses philosophical justice, ought to be, so rendered; and by so rendering it, the systems of the Neptunists and Vulcanists of Geology would gain a grand step from sacred history towards the true knowledge of the structure of this globe, by shewing, from the writings of Moses, that the present organic structure of this earth was the produce of the united action of fire and water.

But, says Mr. Belsham, when Moses "adds, that God made a firmament in the midst of the waters, and thus divided the waters under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament, it is plain enough to a reader who has no hypothesis to support, that, in the author's idea, the firmament possesses solidity sufficient to sustain the weight of half the waters." And "this firmament" here spoken of, Mr. B. says, whether the word be used in Hebrew, Greek, Latin or English, signifies "the celestial hemisphere." And on this, I think, Mr. B. seems chiefly to rest his own hypothesis. As each of the other three languages are descending generations from the parent Hebrew in which Moses wrote, the examination of this language alone will be sufficient, I should think, to determine this subject.

Moses introduces the subject he was writing upon by stating what it was-the earth and its atmosphere. He then proceeds to inform his readers of the state in which the earth was, and then of the means by which

God first reduced it by volcanic fire out of confusion into order. He then very properly proceeds to shew how the stagnated atmosphere was set in motion, and the effect which it produced. And here, I think, lies Mr. Belsham's next great error.

Moses does expressly say, that the earth was not only a chaos on its surface, but that it was also hollow, and that in the midst of this chaos, he says, "Let there be a firmament." Mr. B. says, that in all these languages its meaning is the celestial hemisphere. Taylor, in his Concordance, observes on this word yp, that it is applied to beating upon, stamping upon, spreading dirt abroad. "To beat a mass of metal into a broad piece with a hammer; hence it is applied to God's spreading out or extending far and wide the surface of the earth when he created it." The word used by Moses, 'p, is not a substantive, and, therefore, is not a thing but a cause, an expansion; a cause which, acting upon the airs, will produce the effect intended, to set the dark, stagnated, damp vapours in motion, and, pressing from the midst of the waters to the internal shell of the earth, compress and harden it, and separate the internal waters from those which were external.

I know that Mr. Belsham, if he is not convinced by me, will call this cabalistic, and a mystery of a Hebrew root. As no argument is contained in outlandish names, they will carry no more weight with me, nor indeed so much, as Calvinistic, Methodistic, &c. I shall require something more; I shall require to know why Moses leaves his first subject to introduce one quite distinct from it? Why he ceases to treat on the earth and its atmosphere, to introduce the sun, moon and stars, and not only the atmospheres in which they revolve, but the vast immensity of what Mr. Belsham calls "celestial hemisphere"?

Mr. Belsham, indeed, intends further to support his proposition by Moses's account of the deluge, and it is but fair he should, if it will aid his assertion, saying, "that in the idea of Moses, the firmament possessed solidity sufficient to sustain the weight of half the waters: which interpretation is confirmed by the account which the same writer gives of the immense

Mr. Teulon on the History of the Mosaic Creation.

full of rain which produced the deluge. Gen. vii. 11, 12: "The windows," or, as it is in the margin, the flood-gates "of heaven were opened, and the rain fell upon the earth forty days and forty nights."

I will not say, that, solely owing to having a system to support, for I do not believe that Mr. Belsham is any ways interested in supporting a system, but that having made up his mind to a system, Mr. B. certainly does take the varied expression of the causes of Moses, as though they were but one cause, and that one was the collection of water which rested on the "celestial hemisphere." But the language of Moses states not one single cause, but two distinct causes. 1. "The fountains of the great deep were broken up." 2. "The windows of heaven were opened." And, 3. An effect which followed those causes -"And the rain was upon the earth forty days and forty nights." The first word, yn, invariably signifies fountains, springs, or wells, (Ps. lxxxvii. 7, Isa. xli. 18, 2 Chron. xxxii. 4, Prov. v. 16, &c. &c.,) and not floodgates. The next important word in this consideration is, here rendered deep," the fountains of the great deep were broken up." If Mr. B. is as candid as I suppose him to be, he must confess that this great deep can have nothing to do with the celestial hemisphere. In Gen. xlix. 25, this word evidently must mean the vast abyss beneath the surface of the earth, and it becomes a candid opponent to shew why, as used by the same author, it should not so signify here; and if it so does, it destroys the whole evidence on which Mr. B.'s hypothesis rests.

The next cause of the deluge, Moses says, was, 'pwn na, "And the windows of heaven were opened." The word n here used, appears to be the word from which the Arab nations derive their title from their habit of plunder, and lying, like beasts of prey, in holes and dens, ready to dart upon the unwary passengers. The locust, from the same cause, is called by the same name. And for the same reason, holes, dens, caves, and such places as have vast internal recesses communicating with the bowels of the earth, are so called. The other word, ow, in this place

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and in Gen. i. 1. and in a vast many other places, signifies the airs or heavens, and the place should be rendered, the caverns of the airs were opened, i. e. these caverns being unstopped, and the atmosphere forced in, the waters within the earth were driven out through the springs or fountains of the vast internal abyss, and caused the deluge. And thus owing to this additional quantity of water upon the earth, there was an increase of vapour, which descended for forty days and nights in incessant rain.

But in all this account we do not find any thing about a firmament, or of the firmament being a solid arch, capable of containing a sufficiency of waters to drown the globe. This is not the hypothesis of Moses: it may be the supposition of a man who has only read the Bible in the English language, but it is to me surprising that it should be the faith of a Hebrew scholar and a Christian.

Mr. Belsham, also, seems to consider the philosophy of Moses to determine the sun and moon to be fixed, as lamps, in the solid firmament, and that Moses regarded the stars as ornamental spangles in the firmament. It is evident, from this conception of Mr. Bealshm's, that he considers Moses as supposing that the sun, moon and stars were the creative work of the fourth day. But I would here again observe, that Moses was not writing upon the creation of the whole system, of which the sun is the centre, nor was he writing on the formation of any thing out of nothing. But he was writing upon the reducing the chaotic mass of earth and water into this our beautiful globe, with its surrounding atmosphere. To have here introduced the creation of the sun, moon and stars, would have been foreign to his subject. No where in the whole of the Scriptures is the word no, here used by Moses, put for the body of the sun. Whenever this is spoken of, it is under the name pn, the burner; and where its effects are mentioned, it is under the name wow, solar light. Mr. Belsham should, therefore, have shewn why Moses should here have used this word, to have supported his idea of the opinion of Moses on this subject. If Mr. B. will again examine the 14th,

15th and 16th verses, he will find, on his supposition, that the 16th verse is unnecessary tautology. I would thus render these three verses: "Be light" (Psa. lxxiv. 16, Prov.xv. 30) "through the expanse of the airs, to make distinct the day from the night, that these may be signs, and seasons, and days, and years, and be the instruments of light in the expanse of the airs. For God had made two illuminators; the greater illuminator to rule the day, and the besser illuminator to rule the night, with the stars."

Aad by so rendering them the whole order of creation to me appears perfectly natural and strictly philosophieal. The first period of creation is calling fire and light into action, raising volcanoes from the bed of the ocean, and, by their action on the air, setting the atmosphere in motion, and bursting through the denseness of chaos, making the first gloomy appearance of day and night.

The next great action of the Deity, in his progress of forming chaos into an inhabitable globe, was to set in motion, says Moses, the expansive powers of the airs within the hollow, chaotic globe, and this, says Moses, by hardening the crust of the globe, parated the internal waters from the external.

The third stage of creation was the bursting of this crust of the solid earth in various parts, and collecting into the basin of the sea and in the hollow of the earth, the waters which before covered the whole earth, rendering the upper lands visible. This was followed by the creation of vegetable matter.

In this state of the creation the earth must have been covered with immense forests, lakes and marshes, covered with grass and dense vapours wholly unfit for the existence of birds, beasts and man. To fit them for such existence appears to have been, in the philosophy of Moses, the fourth stage of the creation, by causing the solar rays to penetrate the dense vapours, strike the earth, and pierce its recesses, giving motion to all the powers of nature.

Had Mr. Belsham only attacked the periods of time Moses allots to this work of creation, I would not have disputed it with him: I would have agreed,

that whatever Omnipotence could do was not the question, but what Omnipotence had done; that a day was with the Deity as a thousand years, and a thousand years but as a day; that all nature bore the evident marks of the progressive work of creation, and that the periods of Moses are evidently to be taken as successive actions of time, and not as six actual days.

But when Mr. Belsham attacks the philosophy of Moses, and imputes to him gross ignorance of the works of creation, he must excuse me for requiring evidence to support his assertions, and his attempt to destroy that respect which some of the wisest and best of men have had for the philosophical as well as the theological writings of Moses. Mr. Belsham has not proved that Moses supposes the firmament to be solid; he has only shewn that he himself draws such a conclusion from, I think, very inconclusive premises. Nor does Mr. Belsham's produced evidence prove that Moses thought that either sun or moon were fixed in the solid firmament, or, indeed, that Moses considered the firmament to be a solid arch, or even solid. These, and all these, are his own conclusions formed from equally distant premises; for how can expansion, an active and ever-moving principle, have any thing to do with a solid arch or with solidity? And, however unphilosophical Mr. Belsham may think it is to suppose that light may exist in the absence of the sun, I believe that there are very few students of nature but will determine, that light and fire are both wholly distinct from the sun; and that the sun itself, with all its glorious effulgence, is but the means of giving motion to light and fire, by calling all their energies into action. But though it does, and is the grand instrument the Creator has appointed for this purpose, it is not the sole instrument; every thing which blazes, from the dim taper to the conflagration of a burning mountain, produces in its degree, according to its flame, the same effect. Therefore, though the efforts of learned men may be, as Mr. B. says they have been," preposterous in the extreme" in attempting to reconcile the Mosaical cosmogony to philosophical

On Turtullian's celebrated Maxim.

truth, I am, notwithstanding, still willing to add my unlearned attempts, and to meet the laugh, and will promise Mr. Belsham not to be indignant, though I might be sorry, should he unite in it.



April 2, 1822. NE of your correspondents (p. tion" of "the pious father," credo quia impossibile est. This ground for belief, especially in a Trinity, I find to have been a favourite resource of the pious and learned Sir Thomas Browne, his "firm footing" and his "solid rock," as appears in Religio Medici, Sect ix.

He begins by remarking: "As for those wingy mysteries in divinity and airy subtleties in religion which have unhinged the brains of better heads, they never stretched the pia mater of mine." Nor, indeed, was there any danger of such an accident, for he immediately complains that " there be not impossibilities enough in religion for an active faith," adding, "I love to lose myself in a mystery, to pursue my reason to an altitudo! Tis my solitary recreation to pose my apprehension with those involved ænigmas and riddles of the Trinity.” And now, lest while pursuing such rather hazardous recreations he might forget "to keep the road in divinity," and to "follow the great wheel of the church, as he had resolved," (Sect. vi.,) he proceeds to "answer all the objections of Satan and rebellious reason with that odd resolution, learned of Tertullian, it is true, because it is impossible.'

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As the Deity, according to Trinitarians, (excepting a comparatively few learned Eclectics,) could be born, it was quite consistent that he should be subject to the other great law of humanity. Thus orthodox Christians, both the learned and the unlearned, have not scrupled, or rather have been eager to represent the salvation of the world, as depending on that moment, "When God, the mighty maker, died For man, the creature's sin."


Dr. Young, in his Night Thoughts, adoringly celebrates the crucifixion as "extended Deity for human weal;" while, as lately as 1806, in the concluding couplet of an epitaph, more pious than poetical, a departed Christian is made to console his mourning survivors with this representation of his celestial occupations :

"Electing love I loud proclaim,

And worship God, on Calvary slain." the churchyard in Horsleydown, may These lines any person, who passes read, as I have often done, on a gravestone in memory of "Mr. James Smith."



R. L. C.

Pontale, April 4, 1822. ANY of your readers are, I dare say, well acquainted with that Mr. Anthony A. Wood," published at curious autobiography, "The Life of Oxford in 1772. I have met with two or three passages which bring us, as it were, behind the scenes, and assist For instance, those who cannot satisfy to settle questions of some importance. the Church of England be Calvinistic themselves whether the doctrine of or Arminian, or, as my Lord of Winchester, via Lincoln, contends, between both, may receive some assistance in their inquiry from the following record, which also contains a most extraordinary reading of John iii. 16:

"An. Dom. 1673, Jan. Richards, Chaplain of All Souls, preached at St. Marie's, God so loved the world that he gave himself up, &c. Dr. Barlow, ViceChancellour, [Bishop of Lincoln in 1675,] called him in question for it, because he insisted much on the Arminian points." (P. 249.)

The following paragraph will serve to exhibit the pleasant manner in which that nursing father of the Church of England, Charles II., her


most religious king," amused himself with his supremacy; on the death of Archbishop Sheldon :

"1677, Nov. 26. Divers would be asking the King, who should be Arch

I will add an example from each bishop, who to put off and stop their denomination.

mouths, he would tell them, Tom Bai

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