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Easter Day.

Instead of the "Venite."

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HRIST our passover is | sacri--ficed | for us therefore | let us keep the feast;

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Not with the old leaven, neither with the leaven of malice and | wickedness || but with the unleavened bread | of• sin-|· cerity and truth.

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CHRIST being raised from the dead | dieth no more death hath no more do--min--ion | over him.

For in that he died, he died unto sin⚫ once | but in that he liveth, he liv--eth un--to | God.

Likewise reckon ye also yourselves to be dead indeed | un--to | sin sin but alive unto God through | Je--sus | Christ • our |


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that | slept.

For since by man • came | death || by man came also the resur--rec--tion | of the dead.

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For as in Adam all | die || even so in Christ shall | all be | made ⚫ a- -live. Glory be to the Father, and to the | Son and to the | Ho--ly | Ghost; As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be world with-|

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out end. | A--|-men.

Office of Institution of Ministers.

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Laudate nomen,

PRAISE the Lord; laud ye the | name of the Lord | praise it, O ye ser--vants of the Lord. Ye that stand in the

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house of the

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Lord in the courts of the house of I our • =


O praise the Lord, for the | Lord is

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The Lord is gracious and merciful || long-suffering | and of great · goodness.

The Lord is loving unto | eve--ry | man and his mercy is o--ver | all his works.

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All thy works praise | thee, O | Lord || and thy saints give | thanks un--to thee.

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The Lord doth | build up Je-|-ru |-rusalem || and gather together the out--casts |



He healeth those that are

broken ·

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in heart and giveth | medicine to [ heal their sickness.

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The Lord's delight is in | them⚫ that fear him and put their

his. = mercy.

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trust in

Praise the Lord, | O Je-|-rusalem || praise thy God O | Zion.

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For he hath made fast the bars of• thy gates and hath | blessed

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children with- |-in thee.

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He maketh peace | in thy | borders and filleth thee with the flour · of | wheat.

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He is our God, even the God of whom [ cometh sal--vation || God is the Lord by whom we es--cape! death. |

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O God, wonderful art thou in thy | ho--ly places | even the God of Israel, he will give strength and power unto his peo--ple. | Blessed be God.

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Glory be to the Father, and to the j Son and to the | Ho--ly | Ghost; As it was in the beginning, is now, and ev--er | shall be || world with- |out end. | A--men.

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Thanksgiving Day.

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RAISE ye the Lord; for it is good to sing praises un--to our | God || for it is pleasant and praise is


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The Lord doth | build up Je--rusalem he gathereth together the out-casts of Israel.


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He healeth those that are | broken⚫in heart and bind--eth | up wounds.

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He covereth the heaven with clouds, and prepareth | rain for the earth || he maketh the grass to grow up-|-on the mountains.

He giveth to the beast his | food |

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