Imágenes de páginas

The Ordering of the Tile.-The main line from the outlet ap to the silt-basin, should be of 3-inch tiles, of which about 190 feet will be required. The main drain A should be laid with 24-inch tiles to the point marked m, near its upper end, as the lateral entering there carries the water of a spring, which is supposed to fill a 1-inch tile. The length of this drain, from the silt-basin to that point is 575 feet. The main drain C will require 24 inch tiles from the silt-basin to the junction with the lateral, which is marked C 10, above which point there is about 1,700 feet of drain discharging into it, a portion of which, being a stone-and-tile drain at the foot of a rock, may be supposed to receive more water than that which lies under the rest of the land ;-distance 450 feet. The main drain E requires 24-inch tiles from the outlet to the point marked o, a dis tance of 380 feet. This tile will, in addition to its other work, carry as much water from the spring, on the line of its fourth lateral, as would fill a 14-inch pipe.*

The length of the main drains above the points indi cated, and of all the laterals, amounts to about 12,250 feet These all require 1-inch tiles.

Allowing about five per cent. for breakage, the order in round numbers, will be as follows:†

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*If the springs, when running at their greatest volume, be found to require more than 11⁄4-inch tiles, due allowance must be made for the


Owing to the irregularity of the ground, and the necessity for placing some of the drains at narrower intervals, the total length of tile exceeds by nearly 50 per cent. what would be required if it had a uniform slope, and required no collecting drains. It is much greater than will be required in any ordinary case, as a very irregular surface, nas ocen adosted here for purposes of illustration.

Order, also, 25 6-inch sole-tiles, to be used in making small silt-basins.

It should be arranged to have the tiles all on the ground before the work of ditching commences, so that there may be no delay and consequent danger to the stability of the banks of the ditches, while waiting for them to arrive, As has been before stated, it should be especially agreed with the tile-maker, at the time of making the contract, that every tile should be perfect;-of uniform shape, and neither too much nor too little burned.

Staking Out.-Due consideration having been given to such preliminaries as are connected with the mapping of the ground, and the arrangement, on paper, of the drains to be made, the drainer may now return to his field, and, while awaiting the arrival of his tiles, make the necessary preparation for the work to be done. The first step is to fix certain prominent points, which will serve to connect the map with the field, by actual measurements, and this will very easily be done by the aid of the stakes which are still standing at the intersections of the 50-foot lines, which were used in the preliminary levelling.

Commencing at the southwest corner of the field, and measuring toward the east a distance of 34 feet, set a pole to indicate the position of the outlet. Next, mark the center of the silt-basin at the proper point, which will be found by measuring 184 feet up the western boundary, and thence toward the east 96 feet, on a line parallel with the nearest row of 50-foot stakes. Then, in like manner, fix the points C1, C6, C9, C 10, and C 17, and the angles of the other main lines, marking the stakes, when placed, to correspond with the same points on the map. Then stake the angles and the upper ends of the laterals, and mark these stakes to correspond with the map.

It will greatly facilitate this operation, if the plan of the drains which is used in the field, from which the hori

zontal lines should be omitted, have the intersecting 50foot lines drawn upon it, so that the measurements may be made from the nearest points of intersection.*

Having staked these guiding points of the drains, it is advisable to remove all of the 50-foot stakes, as these are of no further use, and would only cause confusion. It will now be easy to set the remaining stakes,-placing one at every 50 feet of the laterals, and at the intersections of all the lines.


A system for marking the stakes is indicated on the map, (in the C series of drains,) which, to avoid the confusion which would result from too much detail on such a small scale, has been carried only ly to the extent necessary for illustration. The stakes of the line Care marked C1, C2, C3, etc. The stakes of the sub-main C7, are marked C7a, C7b, C7c, etc. The stakes of the lateral which enters this drain at Ca, are marked Ca, Ca, Cra, etc. etc. This system, which connects the lettering of each lateral with its own sub-main and main, is perfectly sim ple, and avoids the possibility of confusion. The position of the stakes should all be lettered on the map, at the original drawing, and the same designating marks put on the stakes in the field, as soon as set.

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Grade Stakes, (pegs about 8 or 10 inches long,) should be placed close at the sides of the marked stakes, and driven nearly their full length into the ground. The tops of these stakes furnish fixed points of elevation from which to take the measurements, and to make the compu tations necessary to fix the depth of the drain at each stake. If the measurements were taken from the surface of the ground, a slight change of position in placing the instrument, would often make a difference of some inches in the depth of the drain.

The stakes used may be 18 inches long, and driven one-half of their length into the ground. They should have one side sufficiently smooth to be distinctly marked with red chalk.

Taking the Levels.-For accurate work, it is necessary to ascertain the comparative levels of the tops of all of the grade stakes; or the distance of each one of them below an imaginary horizontal plane. This plane, (in which we use only such lines as are directly above the drains,) may be called the "Datum Line." Its elevation should be such that it will be above the highest part of the land, and, for convenience, it is fixed at the elevation of the levelling instrument when it is so placed as to look over the highest part of the field.

Levelling Instruments are of various kinds. The best for the work in hand, is the common railroad level, which is shown in Fig. 6. This is supported on three legs, which bring it to about the level of the eye. Its essential parts are a telescope, which has two cross-hairs intersecting each other in the line of sight, and which may be turned on its pivot toward any point of the horizon; a bubble glass placed exactly parallel to the line of sight, and firmly secured in its position so as to turn with the telescope; and an apparatus for raising or depressing any side of the instrument by means of set-screws. The instrument is firmly screwed to the tripod, and placed at a point conve nient for looking over a considerable part of the highest land. By the use of the set-screws, the plane in which the instrument revolves is brought to a level, so that in whatever direction the instrument is pointed, the bubble will be in the center of the glass. The line of sight, whichever way it is turned, is now in our imaginary plane. A convenient position for the instrument in the field under con sideration, would be at the point, east of the center, marked K, which is about 3 feet below the level of the highest part of the ground. The telescope should stand about 5 feet above the surface of the ground directly under it.

The Levelling-Rod, (See Fig. 7,) is usually 12 feet long, is divided into feet and hundredths of a foot, and has a

movable target which may be placed at any part of its entire length. This is carried by an attendant, who holds it perpendicularly on the top of the grade-stake, while the operator, looking through the telescope, directs him to move the target up and down until its center is exactly in the line of sight. The attendant then reads the elevation, and the operator records it as the distance below the datum-line of the top of the grade-stake. For convenience, the letterings of the stakes should be systematically entered in a small field book, before the work commences, and this should be accompanied by such a sketch of the plan as will serve as a guide to the location of the lines on the ground.

The following is the form of the field book for the mair drain C, with the levels recorded:

[blocks in formation]

The levelling should be continued in this manner, until the grades of all the points are recorded in the field book.

If, from too great depression of the lower parts of the field, or too great distances for observation, it becomes necessary to take up a new position with the instrument, the new level should be connected, by measurement, with

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