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I regard calomel as by far the most useful drug I have ever used.

If calomel does not act when it should, give an injection of glycerine or soap and water.

When first called to any fever, give from three to ten grains of calomel and follow with saline.

Ten grains of calomel every morning for three days in typhoid, is a good beginning, particularly if it is desirable to make the bill light.

Always make it a rule when you prescribe calomel either to give it in large doses once a day, or in small doses for a few hours only.

Do not prescribe say one grain of calomel every hour until the bowels move, for twenty grains may be given in this way, and salivation result.

Small doses of calomel frequently repeated, say one-tenth grain every half hour until ten doses are given, usually succeed in promoting activity of the bowels.

When called to an infant with 105° F. to 106° F. temperature, in your prognosis

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Standard Emmenagogue of the Medical Profession.

Can be obtained through the trade or direct from us.

Always RELIABLE. $1.00 per box of 24 Capsules.


Advertised Only to the profession. Literature on request.




If you appreciate the medicinal worth of plants and
herbs, you will recognize at once the value of a
product of the May-pop or Passion Flower. It
contains the properties which appeal to the nervous
system, sustain the impoverished ganglia, and
soothe and invigorate deranged nerves. DANIEL'S
indicated where a natural food-stimulant is needed.

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Any physician sufficiently interested to pay express charges will
receive a six-ounce sample bottle free.

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Dr. Leech has done good service in calling attention to the fact that the drugs useful in bronchitis are generally given in inadequate doses. In the treatment of acute bronchitis there is no better combination of drugs than that of acetate of ammonium, spiritus etheris nitrosi and ipecacuanha or antimony. Liquor ammonii acetatis is generally prescribed in drachm doses to be given every four hours, it should be given in doses of three drachms and increase to six drachm doses, if the skin does not act freely. Since marked relief to the breathing often accompanies the sweating, sweet spirits of nitre should be given in two-drachm doses and repeated at short intervals. This author considers antimony in one-twentieth of a grain dose is of most service in moist bronchitis with oppressed breathing and that in the dry form with tight cough, ipecac should be given. If the carbonate of ammonium is used it should be dissolved in water, and the dose, at least five grains, should be given in milk and repeated every hour or two.-Jour. Med. and Science.

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M. Sig. Given once or twice daily, will usually, when used in diminishing numbers, enable the bowels to regain their normal tone.

Alkaline diuretics are always included. The acetate of potash combined with sweet spirit of nitre has long been a favorite adjunct to the treatment of eczema, but effervescing lithium and potassium carbonates are preferred. This preparation is preferable to any other alkali.

In plethoric cases attended by constipation, instead of using the tablets already mentioned, saline laxatives are preferred. Epsom salts and cream of tartar answer a very good purpose. After the acute stage is past one should add to each dose

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Witthauer has employed olive oil in cases of billiary colic with brilliant success. He gives it first by the mouth in one-ounce doses, to which a few drops of oil of peppermint have been added. When in the course of time the patients find themselves unable to continue, he employs it in the form of an enema, about four hundred to five hundred Cc. being injected at first every day, and later at longer intervals. He reports three cases in which large numbers of stones were successfully and permanently removed by this method, without resort to operation.


For the distressing annoyance caused by the itching and tingling of chilblains, Chaffee applies tincture of iodin directly to the affected parts for two or three nights, which gives quick and complete relief.

Ulceration and Leucorrhea.

Dr. W. F. Morrison, Bryan, Ohio, cites a case of ulcerated os and leucorrhea of ten years' standing, which nothing appeared to benefit. He treated her with S. H. Kennedy's Extract of Pinus Canadensis and succeeded in completely restoring her to health.

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These Preparations are carried In Stock by all
Leading Druggists.




A delicate appearance, with long, fringed eyelashes and brilliant eyes often serves to point out the tubercular diathesis. To the eye of the practiced observer such a face will immediately call attention to the form or build of the person. If, in addition, such a subject is lean, stoopshouldered, and walks or sits bent over, especially if it is a young person, with such a face and figure, Sulphur comes to mind.

If, again, such a subject has a dirty or filthy appearance of the skin, is prone to eruptions, hates bathing, and feels generally worse after it, we may look further and will often find that the lips, eyelids, and meatus are unnaturally red. Observing still further it will be noticed that such a subject will look around for a chair; he never wants to stand up long. He must sit or lie down. He never stands still, but is continually changing on his feet from one to the other, or walks around. It tires him so to stand. Such is the face, figure and general appearance of the Sulphur subject, and being led by it to inquire we find that all his ailments, past, pres

ent, and prospective, will correspond to, or greatly resemble, the pathogenesis of this remedy. It is a psoric constitution and Sulphur is the "king of anti-psoric remedies."-Medical Advance.

Epsom Salts.

It is claimed that epsom salts is an antifat, if used a teaspoonful three times a day, and if the whole body is bathed morning and evening with a solution of one to ten parts water.

The application of epsom salts will be found valuable in the removal of scars, cicatrices and blemishes. It must be applied several times a day and for several weeks. In cases of small tumors, give small doses of calcium sulphide internally and apply freely a solution of one to ten parts water.-Sanative Medicine.

Abnormalities of the Heart.

Dr. B. P. Howard, Owensboro, Ky., has prescribed Cactina Pillets with much satisfaction in abnormalities of the heart, and has seldom been disappointed in its action.






Given with Antipyretics TO PREVENT Cardiac Depression. Specially indicated for the cardiac nervousness caused by the use of alcohol, coffee, tea or tobacco.

Each Pillet represents one one-hundredth of a grain of Cactinathe active proximate principle of Cactus Mexicana.

DOSE.-One Pillet every hour, or less often, as indicated.



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