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QUESTION :-Young lady, aged nineteen, comes to me to be relieved of a mortifying propensity to pass water whenever excited. If she laughs heartily, for instance, urine passes from her involuntarily. Often at the height of enjoyment, she is dismayed by feeling a warm gush of urine. What can be done for her? Have tried belladonna and rhus aromat. without much benefit. Mich.

H. E., M. D. ANSWER:-We are confident that following treatment will relieve this case. Give a teaspoonful of Neurilla before meals, and teaspoonful of Sanmetto after meals. Cold douche with friction to sacrum.ED.


QUESTION:-Advise treatment in case of chronic eczema affecting the body and limbs. Mich. D. L., M. D. ANSWER:-Give ten grains phosphate of soda with a drachm of Lithiated Hy

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Atonic Condition of the Lower

Dr. H. M. Winn, New Albany, Ind., has used Chionia very extensively in certain conditions of hepatic torpor and atonic condition of the lower bowels, and finds its action all that could be desired.



1-128 grain Strychnine to teaspoonful.

The pharmaceutical skill displayed in making this favorite compound more stable and agreeable deserves the approbation of the profession.

Syrupus Roborans as a Tonic During Convalescence has no Equal.

As a nerve stimulant and restorative in wasting and debilitating diseases, as a constructive agent in Insomnia, Pneumonia, Tuberculosis, Bronchial Asthma, Marasmus, Strumous Diseases and General Debility, this compound has no superior. Owing to the solubility of the salts, addition can be made of Fowler's Solution, Syrup Iod. Iron, Iod. Potass., etc., giving the advantages of those remedies without interfering with the stability of the preparations. SYRUPUS ROBORANS is a perfect solution, and will keep in any climate.

DR. W. O. ROBERTS says: "In cases convalescing from 'La Grippe' Syrupus Roborans has no equal." MESSRS. ARTHUR PETER & CO., Louisville, Ky. GENTLEMEN: The excellence of your preparations-"SYRUPUS ROBORANS" and "PEPTIC ES. SENCE COMP."-cannot be questioned. I use both in my practice, and have always been pleased with the effect of each. Respectfully,

J. M. MATHEWS, A. M., M. D.,

Prof. of Surg. and Diseases of Rectum, Hosp. Coll. of Med.; ex-Pres. Am. Med. Ass'n and Miss. Valley Med. Ass'n; Pres. Ky. State Board of Health.



Please note that Essence and Elixir Pepsin contain only Pepsin, while in Peter's Peptic Essence Comp. we have all the digestive ferments. These are preserved in solution with C. P. Glycerine in a mannor retaining their full therapeutic_value, which is exerted in and beyond the stomach.

It is a Stomachic Tonic, and relieves Indigestion, Flatulency, and has the remarkable property of arresting vomiting during pregnancy. It is a remedy of great value in Gastralgia, Enteralgia, Cholera Infantum, and intestinal derangements. especially those of an inflammatory character. For nursing mothers and teething children it has no superior. Besides mere digestive properties, Pepsin and Pancreatine have powerful soothing and sedative effects, and are, therefore, indicated in all gastric and intestinal derangements, and especially in inflammatory conditions. It is perfectly miscible with any appropriate medium. In certain cases the addition of Tr. Nux Vomica gives much satisfaction. Please write for Peter's Peptic Essence Comp. and you will not be disap pointed. These preparations are held strictly in the hands of the medical profession, never having been advertised as popular remedies, nor put up with wrappers and circulars expatiating on the use of the Hypophosphites or Digestives, thus educating the public in the use of these valuable compounds. Samples Sent upon Application. Express Charges at Your Expense.

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ARTHUR PETER & CO., Louisville, Kentucky.

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"Glyco-Thymoline (Kress) is well adapted for the treatment of catarrhal con-
ditions of the mucous membranes. I have frequently employed it with benefit in
nasal, buccal and bronchial affections. Direct focal medication is of much advan-
tage in these cases. In some instances we may safely depend on topical measures
alone; in those where internal treatment is also necessary, Glyco-Thymoline
(Kress) proves an excellent adjuvant."

MEDICAL BULLETIN, Phila., Pa., March, 1899.

A full-size bottle of Glyco-Thymoline (Kress) will be sent to any physician who will pay express charges.
K & O Douche to physicians, 15 cts.; $1.50 per doz. Retail 25 cts. Remit stamps.
KRESS & OWEN COMPANY, Chemists, 221 Fulton Street, New York



Dr. Deimel Underwear



"I wish to say to my friends that I have been wearing the Dr. Deimel Underwear for the last four years constantly, and it has been not only a comfort every day since I bought it, but it has been the means of preventing me from taking cold, as I was constantly doing when I wore flannel or woolen underwear." IRA D. SANKEY.




And this is only one testimonial
of thousands. Dr. Deimel's Lin-
en-Mesh Underwear is growing
in popularity every day because

it has merit. Physicians all over

the country wear and recommend it.

Free booklet and samples of the cloth sent by addressing

The Deimel Linen-Mesh System Co.


SAN FRANCISCO, CAL., 111 Montgomery Street.
WASHINGTON, D. C., 728 15th Street, N. W.

MONTREAL, CANADA, 2202 St. Catherine Street.
LONDON, E. C., ENG., 10-12 Bread Street.

The well-known manufacturers of Surgical Dressings and Supplies, J. Ellwood Lee Co., Conshohocken, Pa., have the exclusive manufacture and sale of Surgical Dressings, Supporters and Suspensories made of Dr. Delmel Linen-mesh.


Stamp Out Anarchy.

The martyrdom of our well-beloved President, William McKinley, by the assassin, Czolgosz, will not bear its legitimate fruit unless we realize the full significance of the sacrifice, and rising out of our sorrow, vent our outraged feelings in practical measures which will effectually prevent the repetition of such a tragedy.

The untimely death of this good and true man, whose life was in all ways exemplary, who more than fulfilled the highest expectations in office, who was universally respected and loved, shows what terrible consequences are involved in the agitation of wicked and lawless ideas. America has shown a tolerance and a forbearance which border on rashness and folly in her treatment of men who conduct themselves as aliens and enemies, while eating her bread, living under the protection of her institutions and profiting by opportunities made possible by the very conditions they aim to subvert.

Notwithstanding that we know the French Revolution was set in operation by the writings and speeches of a horde of socialists and anarchists, we go about our business and pay no attention to the fact that a society of anarchists meets around the corner every week, that our neighbor over the way takes a socialistic newspaper which advocates confiscation of property, derides and condemns prominent men, officials in the discharge of public duty, etc., attributing to them the most unworthy motives, heaping them with ridicule and suspicion, in order to influence its readers by arousing base passions.

Things have reached a point where the Republic, with its free principles of government, its Anglo-Saxon constitution, ideals and customs, exists above a crater, in which seethes and boils a fury, born of bile and blood in ferment, and continually fed by the conceptions and harangues of warped and undeveloped minds.

Few realize that the lower strata of society are honey-combed by small corrosive streams of opinion kept alive by (Continued on page 1546.)



Indicated in the Treatment

of the Following Diseases:

Pruritus Ani, Pruritus Vulvæ, Chronic Eczema, Palmar Eczema, Tetter,
Fissured Tissue, Hemorrhoids, Herpes, Psoriasis, Erysipelas, Pustular Acne,
Tinea, Boils, Carbuncles, Felons, Fissure in Ano, Ulcers, Burns, Scalds,
Irritation from Poison Oak, and in many other diseases and conditions where
the skin or tissue is involved.

Zarcol is a detergent antiseptic and germicidal. One of the most
important features of Zarcol in surgical work is that i will prevent the
formation of cicatricial tissues in all wounds and will usually leave the parts
united with normal tissue, hence its value in lacerations of the cervix and
perineum. Large areas of inflammation on the body and its members have
been reduced in twelve hours in a truly marvelous manner by the use
of Zarcol.

Samples of Zarcol and literature will be sent to any physician, without charge, upon receipt of request.



A Vitalizing Tonic to the Reproductive System.




A Scientific Blending of True Santal and Saw Palmetto in a Pleasant Aromatic Vehicle.


Prostatic Troubles of Old Men-Pre-Senility,

Difficult Micturition-Urethral Inflammation,
Ovarian Pains-Irritable Bladder.


DOSE:-One teaspoonful four times a day.




or premature old age, is a too early decline of the virile and physical powers, manifested by a commencing decadence of the reproductive glands-such as a wasting or atrophy of either the Prostate, Testes, Mammæ or Ovaries— caused by masturbation, sexual excesses or sedentary habits. Is the indicated remedy, as it is unexcelled as a vitalizing tonic to the withered glands of the reproductive system, promoting their normal secretory activity. Its continued and regular use for some weeks produces results which are satisfactory to both physician and patient.



Is a true TONIC, not a stimulant, to the reproductive organs and mucous surfaces, hence its use for a sufficient period re

stores their normal functions.


See Pages 1542, 1543 and 1544.

Retention of Urine and Irritability of

the Urinary Tract.

I will say that on July 20th I was attacked with cholera morbus, which continued for sixty hours. I was greatly prostrated, and found then that I had retention of urine. I had never had any trouble of the kind before, and I was obliged, after that, to use a catheter three times a day, for several weeks. I took Sanmetto and strychnine three times a day continuously for three or four weeks, when I became able to urinate naturally, whenever I had a desire, but could not evacuate the bladder completely, there being from two to three ounces of residual urine, which I drew off once a day, and injected a solution of boracic acid, about twelve ounces, and passed as much of that as I could naturally, leaving the residue to be passed with the urine, after. I am still taking Sanmetto, and am improving in every respect. The result is better than I dared to hope, considering my former experience with other remedies in such cases, never knowing but one to recover as well as I have done. I have been pleased with the use of Sanmetto in cases of irritability of the bladder and urinary passages. I shall continue to use it in my own case, to the exclusion, for the present, of all other means and remedies.


Prattsburg, N. Y.

Soothing and Sedative Effect Upon the Urethra and Bladder, Rendering Valuable Service in Surgical Operations.

It is with pleasure that I attest the merits of Sanmetto, and I think my experience with the drug justifies all the good things I can say of it. I have used it very extensively, and especially do find it valuable in allaying inflammation in the prostatic urethra, before surgical operations, and in keeping the urine bland and non-irritating after the operation is complete. It always has a soothing and sedative effect upon the kidneys, bladder and urethra. I shall continue its use in all forms of genito-urinary irritation. THOMAS P. GRAHAM, M. D.

Chicago, Ill.


On January 23d, 1899, I was called to prescribe for John L., aged sixteen years, for incontinence of urine. I found patient pale, countenance cadaverous, with mental and physical debility, from uric acid absorption. He was compelled to sleep on straw, and change often, on account of the odor. He had been so from birth. Life was a constant unhappiness to himself and parents. I prescribed Sanmetto. One-half bottle cured him, and he improved greatly in health, both mental and physical. I have practiced medicine for fifty years. I find Sanmetto a remedy par excellent. It excels all others for weakness of the urinary and procreative or gans of patients of all ages.


Edenville, Mich.

Chronic Inflammations of the GenitoUrinary Tract.

I have prescribed Sanmetto very extensively during the last eight years, and look upon it as par excellent in all forms of chronic inflammations of the genito-urinary tract. The soothing effects upon the highly inflamed membranous tissue of the urethra and bladder, is marked. I find its use in allaying the excessive tenesmus and agonizing desire to micturate, in these chronic cases of prostatitis, of great value. I shall continue its use in all cases where it is indicated, and can highly recommend it to my brother practitioners. DANIEL W. Eiss, M. D.

Chicago, Ill.

Pre-Senility and Enuresis.

I have prescribed Sanmetto for a number of years and I think well of it. In old and debilitated cases of weakness of the genito-urinary organs it acts like a charm, strengthening and invigorating the parts to their normal condition of health. I have also prescribed Sanmetto for incontinence of urine in young subjects, and it has generally produced good results. It should be continued until its tonic and healing effects are well marked, and the organs and ducts strengthened.


Frankfort, N. Y.

In Writing to Advertisers, Mention Medical Brief.

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