Imágenes de páginas

Third Revised and Enlarged German Edition. Edited by Geo. E. de Schweinitz, Professor of Ophthalmology, Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia. With 152 colored lithographic illustrations and 85 pages of text. Philadelphia and London: W. B. Saunders & Co., 1901. Price, $3.00.

The great value of Prof. Haab's Atlas of Ophthalmoscopy and Ophthalmoscopic Diagnosis has been fully established and entirely justifies an English translation of his latest edition.

ATLAS AND EPITOME OF LABOR AND OPERATIVE OBSTETRICS. By Dr. O. Shaeffer, of Heidelberg. From the Fifth Revised German Edition. Edited by J. Clifton Edgar, M. D., Professor of Obstetrics and Clinical Midwifery, Cornell University Medical School. With 14 lithographic plates, in colors, and 139 other illustrations. Philadelphia and London: W. B. Saunders & Co., 1901. Cloth, $2.00.

There is no branch of medicine or surgery that is so difficult to demonstrate as that of midwifery; hence any positive aid, such as this Atlas furnishes, is to be hailed with satisfaction. The author has added to the multitude of obstetric subjects already shown by illustration, many accurate representations of manipulations and conditions never before clearly shown. As a guide in the perusal of text-books and as a volume of ready reference, this book will prove invaluable.

THE ESTIVO-AUTUMNAL (REMITTENT) MALARIAL FEVERS. By Charles F. Craig, M. D. (Yale), Acting Assistant Surgeon U. S. Army. Illustrated by two colored Plates and twenty-one Clinical Charts. New York: William Wood & Co. Price, $2.50.

This book describes fevers as yet too little understood by the mass of the medical profession. On the subject of Mosquitoes as a means of spreading these fevers, the suggestion of placing fish in ponds to destroy the larvæ and thus abolish their breeding places, is suggested as a better means than kerosene. It will do you good to read it.

CLAUDE HARTLAND: THE STORY OF A LIFE. For the consideration of the Medical Fraternity. St. Louis: Lewis S. Matthews & Co. Price, $1.00.

This is an interesting history of a sexual pervert. It is truthfully and cleanly written for the benefit of science, and will prove of great value to the profession.

DISEASES OF THE INTESTINES. By Dr. I. Boas, Specialist for Gastro-Intestinal Diseases in Berlin. Authorized translation from the First German Edition, with Special Additions by Seymour Basch, M. D., of New York City. Fortyseven illustrations. New York: D. Appleton & Co., Publishers. Price, cloth. $5.00; sheep, $6.00.

The general practitioner has at last the means of studying intestinal diseases in a thorough and concise manner through the efforts of one who is thoroughly able and reliable. The work grew so popular in Germany that our Dr. Basch grew enthusiastic over its translation for the benefit of the English readers. Get a copy.

A GUIDE TO THE CLINICAL EXAMINATION OF THE BLOOD, FOR DIAGNOSTIC PURPOSES. By Richard C. Cabot, M. D., with colored plates and engravings. Fourth revised edition. William New York: Wood & Co., Publishers. Price, $3.25. This popular work contains 515 pages, and is illustrated by ten full-page plates in black and colors, and by forty-eight engravings in the text. Its acknowledgment as a superior work is attested by the call for the fourth edition. Have you purchased a copy?

THE OFFICE TREATMENT OF RECTAL DISEASE EXPLAINED AND SIMPLIFIED. Being an Exposition of the Treatment of all those Diseases, both Medical and Surgical, of the Rectum, Anus, and Sigmoid Flexure, the cure of which may be accomplished without surgical anasthesia. Illustrated. By Rufus D. Mason, M. D., Omaha, Neb., Professor of Rectal and Pelvic Surgery in the John A. Creighton Medical College, Surgeon to the St. Joseph Hospital, member of the Am. Med. Assn., of the Medical Society of the Missouri Valley, of the Nebraska State Medical Society, of the Omaha Medical Society, of the American Proctologic Society, etc. Omaha: Published by the author. Price, $1.50.

Every physician should have a copy of this work, as it is specially written for office practice.

SUGGESTION AND CSTEOPATHY. By W. I. Gordon, M. D., D. O., President of the Progressive Osteopathic and Suggestive Therapeutic Society of the State of Ohio; Physician to Court Ivanhoe, Foresters of America, Cleveland, O.; Late President of the Columbia Co. Med. Soc. of New York; ex-Member of the New York State Medical Society, etc. Cleveland, O.: The Progressive Osteopa hic and Suggestive Therapeutic Publishing Co. Price $1.50.

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New Buildings of College. Unsurpassed clinical and laboratory advantages. Attendance: 1895-96 235 1898-'99 514 1896-'97 308 1899-'00 579 1897-'98 406 1900-'01 675 Persons interested in medical education are invited to investigate this school. Address: DR. FRANK B. EARLE, Secretary, Congress and Honore Sts., CHICAGO.


Best abdominal support ever invented after operation. We will see to it that both you and your patient are benefited. Comfortable to wear and weighs less than 20 ounces.


PHILO BURT MFG. CO., 17 Third Street, Jamestown, N. Y.


1114 to 1120 W. Baltimore St., Baltimore, Md.




An abundance of Clinical and Anatomical material with well equipped laboratories
(now being enlarged), enables us to give young men every advantage in
obtaining a thorough and practical medical education.

The expenses of tuition for each year is from

[blocks in formation]

101 N. Fulton Ave.
Professor of Diseases of the Eye, and
Dean of the Faculty.

JOSEPH H. BRANHAM, M. D., 2200 Eutaw Place.
Professor of Principles and Practice of
Surgery and Abdominal Surgery.

FRED CARUTHERS, M. D., 2229 E. Baltimore St.
Professor of Anatomy and Clinical Surgery,

[ocr errors]

$40 to $65.

WM. S. SMITH, M. D..
412 Cathedral St
Professor of Diseases of Women.

C. URBAN SMITH, A. B., Ph. G., M. D.,
1605 Madison Ave.
Professor of Principles and Practice of Medi-
cine and Diseases of the Stomach.

1840 S. Charles St.
Professor of Operative and Clinical Surgery.
ERNEST E. QUANDT, Ph. G., 124 S. Howard St.
Professor of Chemistry and Toxicology.


2105 N. Charles St. Professor of Materia Medica, Therapeutics and Clinical Medicine.

1820 N. Char es St. Professor of Physiology and Rectal Surgery. W. WAYLAND FRAMES, Ph. G., M. D., "The Severn," Mount Vernon Place and Cathedral St. Professor of Diseases of the Ear, Nose and Throat. For further information, apply to J. WM. FUNCK, M. D., Dean, 101 N. Fulton Avenue.


201-204 Herald Bldg. Professor of Medical Jurisprudence.



Business Chances.


Notices will be placed under this head on receipt of five cents a word each insertion. Money must accompany the notice.

For Sale.-A rare chance for energetic physician, especially surgery, in western Iowa. 1,500 inhabitants, prosperous business men and farmers. Business of $310 to $700 per month. Established fourteen years. Cheap, if sold at once. Good reasons for selling. Address, L., care of MEDICAL BRIEF.

An All-Year Round health and summer resort, Howell Mt., Napa County, Cal., altitude 2,000 feet, air pure and dry. Ideal place for a sanitarium. Will net twenty-five per cent on investment. Party going to England. Box 49, St Helena, Cal.

$800 buys half interest in good practice out of limits of Chicago. Don't write unless you have the money and mean business. JAMES GRAHAM, care of Truax, Greene & Co., 46 Wabash Avenue, Chicago, Ill.

For Sale at Once.-A $3,000 dwelling and office, and a $3,000 practice in a live town, country densely populated, fine roads. Price, $2,500. Address quick, Box 231, Argos, Ind.

County Site, 500 population. Large adjoining territory. Three physicians. I want to sell the only drug store. About $1,200. DRUGGIST, Monroeville, Ala.

Sanatorium, beautifully situated near New York for sale, or will accept associate with money. Going south. Address, MEDICAL BRIEF, New York.

$5,000 practice in Illinois city of 25,000 to buyer of office outfit. Chance of lifetime. Reason, ill health Address, A. F., care MEDICAL BRIEF.

For Sale.-Property and practice in an Illinois town. Address, DOCTOR, MEDICAL BRIEF.

Amblyopia Due to Excessive Tea Drinking.

An article by E. W. Henry, in the Ophthalmic Review, shows that strong tea may produce subnormal acuteness of vision. The patient was a man of fiftyseven, who did not use tobacco, who drank very little, but who used freely excessively strong tea. He complained of dazzling and mistiness of the eyes, and his vision was reduced nearly one-third. Under treatment and stoppage of the tea, vision improved in three months to normal, the dazzling disappeared, and he had no further trouble.

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This Pump is the first perfect instrument of the kind. It is highly endorsed by every physician who has tested it. It has an automatic valve, allowing the patient to produce any degree of tension that may be desired, thus allowing the milk to flow freely, without any pain.

It is especially adapted to cases of inverted nipple.






London Office: W. Kuhlenthal, 36 Basinghall St., London, Eng.

LANDMARKS IN GYNECOLOGY. By Byron Robinson, B. S., M. D., Chicago. Second Edition, Revised and Enlarged, with over 100 illustrations. Chicago: E. H. Colegrove, Publisher. Price, $2.50.

The author of this work needs no introduction to our readers, as our pages for years have shown his brilliant and scientific thoughts in writings on various subjects that pertain to his special line. His works should find a ready sale to our thousands of readers, all of whom regard him very highly, and, in fact, this work should be in every physician's library. CRAZES, CREDULITIES AND CHRISTIAN SCIENCE. By Charles M. Oughton, M. D., Chicago. Chicago: E. H. Colegrove, Publisher. Price, $1.00.

In this age of fads in medicine and the collateral sciences it would be well for all physicians to read just such a work. The subject is so charmingly written that it will fill many a pleasant hour.

PRACTICAL DIETETICS. Food Value of Meat. Flesh Food Not Essential to Mental or Physical Vigor. By W. R. C. Latson, M. D., Editor of Health Culture, New York. The Health Culture Co., Publishers. Price, cloth 50 cents; paper, 25 cents.


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Their active antiseptic and germicide properties especially commend them in Leucorrhoea, Vaginitis, Prolapsus Uteri, Pelvic Cellulitis and all Uterine Versions and Flexions, due to Congestion, Inflammation, etc

Price, per Gross, $4.00; per 1⁄2 Gross, $2.00; per 4 Gross, $1.00, by Mail Postpaid. For either Aesculus Cones or Coca-Glycerite Suppositories, Address,


PROGRESSIVE MEDICINE, VOL. II., JUNE, 1901. A Quarterly Digest of Advances, Discoveries and Improvements in the Medical and Surgical Sciences. Edited by Hobart Amory Hare, M. D., Professor of Therapeutics and Materia Medica in Jefferson Medical College of Philadelphia. Octavo, handsomely bound in cloth, 460 pages, with 81 engravings and one fullpage plate. Lea Brothers & Co.: Philadelphia and New York. Issued Quarterly. Price, $10.00 per year.

The second volume of the 1901 series of Progressive Medicine well maintains the standard of practicality and interest which has marked this excellent publication from its beginning.

THE MIND AND ITS MACHINERY. By V. P. English, M. D. Vol. I.: The Scientific Basis for Reading Character. A New and Simplified Description of the Temperaments. Explaining How to Estimate the Powers, Talents, Tendencies, and Capabilities of Man and all other .Animals. A description of Body and Mind; Their Mutual Inter-Relations, and the influence of each upon the other, together with New and Original Philosophy regarding the operation of a part of the Bodily Organs. Cleveland, 0.: Ohio State Publishing Co. Price, $1.00.








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