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young lady and her lover remained alone. The count took particular pains to point out for Mr. Melville's notice every thing that was curious or beautiful, and having detained him half an hour in shewing him things he had no desire to see, re-conducted him to the house, when the two Englishmen took their leave, on which occasion the count saw them to the very door with studious politeness; but by a glance which Charles caught of signora Mori's countenance, he plainly saw she was relieved by their departure.

On his return home, the whole party were much interested by the account he gave of his visit that morning, more especially as sir Philip's ardent disposition would render a disappointment more terrible to him than to one of less enthusiastic feeling. Charles's description of the family of count Mori was highly coloured, and he spoke so warmly of Biancha's beauty, that Mary playfully accused him of having lost his heart to her.



“ Nay


Nay indeed, Mary," he replied; " but you seem so interested in sir Philip Mason, that I shall begin to be jealous. For my part, you know I had no heart to lose. Will you make the same confession ?"


Mary shook her head, with a smile.

Well," said she, "I shall make you give me a very strict account of all your proceedings next time you go with sir Philip."

Charles declared that he had no intention of ever going again; but this resolution was overruled by the rest, who all desired that he should bring them tidings of the progress of sir Philip's suit.

A few days after, 'the baronet called, to ask Mr. Melville if he would ride out with him?

Charles turned to Mary's eyes for commands; and reading there her wish that he should go, he agreed to accompany him, very well sure that their destination would be the house of count Mori, which in effect it was. As they approached, they beheld signora Mori at no great distance


in the grounds, very busily engaged in reading a letter, which she speedily folded up, and placed in her bosom as they drew What were its contents, of course, could not even be guessed at; but she was in very high spirits, and giving way to every thought of a most poetical imagination, she kept up the conversation for more than an hour, with a wit and brilliance that Charles had not fancied that she possessed, while sir Philip gazed upon her with mingled feelings of tenderness and admiration.

In addition to the family of the count, there was present an old gentleman of the name of Varoni, one of that class of men who, without having encountered any great disappointment to account for their sullenness, or any great ingratitude to warrant their misanthropy, please themselves by depreciating the happiness of others, and attribute to the unworthiness of the world 'the effects of a discontented spirit. With him Miss Mori kept up a

kind of light skirmish of wit very amusingly, and almost solely with him, for Charles was not at all in a conversible humour, and sir Philip was too much occupied in his attention to her, to join much in the conversation. Charles was decidedly dull, and the young lady looking at him with a smile, remarked, that the signor was melancholy.

"And who can look at the baseness of the world, and not be melancholy?” demanded Varoni.

"You have seen the worst of the sheet of human life," replied she; "take " take my advice-turn the page, and look at the other side; but not with green spectacles," she added, "for that makes every thing look dull. For my part, I think the signor is in love."

"Can nothing but love melancholy?" asked Varoni.

make a man

"If so, find

out what I am in love with; for I have been trying for fifty years, and can find nothing on earth worth loving. You mean


to say-'Poor creature!" added he, observing that she gave him a droll look of pity; "but I would rather far be as I am, and see the world in all its natural and acquired deformity, than live the constant and wretched dupe of imagination and sensibility as they call it."

"That is the question," said signora Mori, "whether the world is so much in fault, or our own expectations from it erroneous."


Well," answered Varoni, "were fairy endowments still in fashion, and I had the misfortune to have a son, if any of these airy beings were to promise that he should be gifted with qualities according to my desire, I would say If this world is all I am to think of, give him just sufficient mind to take care of his own interest, and to enjoy the common objects of taste; but give him neither feeling, liberality, nor affection; but if the pains of this world are to prepare him for the happiness of the next, give him all three, he will then be


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