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blame himself for the repinings he could

not restrain.



Now I can say, as I con

template Nature's bold and frowning face-" Knit not your brows at me, I've done the world no wrong."

The Wheel of Fortune.

The Relief.

It was not without a good deal of reluctance that lord Burton left London, upon an anonymous invitation to proceed all the way to Newcastle, for a purpose that he was not made acquainted with: the letter in itself was strange, but the silence which the baron maintained appeared to lord Burton still more extraordinary. Several times before their departure, Frederic resolved to question his friend on the sub


ject, but as often desisted, for fear of pressing upon some painful point. It had been lord Burton's delight through life to bestow happiness wherever it was in his power, and on the same principle he shrunk from giving any pain where he could avoid it, and having once promised to go, he left the rest to explain itself.

However, after having consented to do a disagreeable thing, we generally find a little degree of irritation remaining on the mind, and would fain have something go wrong to justify us in being out of humour; and though lord Burton endeavoured to overcome any sensation of the kind, perhaps in his life he never felt more inclined to be splenetic than when the carriage rolled him away from London, where he left so many inquiries unmade, and so many doubts to be satisfied.

Nothing however occurred on the road, either to divert his attention, or afford him any subject of complaint. In short, the journey was as dull as it well could be:


the baron was grave, silent, and apparent ly uncomfortable; and Frederic was in no respect able to offer him any relief by gaiety or conversation.

Lord Burton thought the journey would never be done; but at length they arrived at Newcastle, and having dined, he became anxious concerning their further proceedings; and though he had nothing to guide him, he concluded that the baron would know what to do; but, to his surprise, he found that his companion was as much in the dark as himself.

They were not however allowed to remain long in suspense; for it was scarcely dark when they were informed that some one desired to see lord Burton, who immediately directed that the stranger should be admitted. Frederic and the baron each expected to behold some one that they knew; but they were mistaken-the person who came in was a stranger to both; he was a plain sailor-like man, seemingly the master or mate of some coasting ves


sel; and lord Burton having told him his name-" Well, please you, my lord," said he, "I have come to shew you the way, and the other gentleman too, whose name I do not mind.”

Frederic naturally asked where he intended to conduct them?


Why to my own house, to be sure, my lord," replied the sailor.

young man is lying there.".

"The poor

"What poor young man?" asked Frederic. "I do not know of whom you speak."


"Why the poor young man that was wrecked," answered the other; "I can't think of his name; but my wife can tell you. He is at our house lodging."

This seemed all very singular; but finding that he could get no further information, lord Burton thought it best to follow the sailor, who led them to a small but neat house, not very far from the river. As they walked on, Frederic could perceive that the baron was much agitated,


and leaned upon him for support. At the door of the house he paused a moment, while their guide passed by them, and leading the way up stairs, desired them to follow.

It was a principle with lord Burton, that whatever is to be encountered, is best encountered at once, and he accordingly proceeded up the stairs to the door of a room on the first floor, which their guide threw open, announcing that lord Burton

was come.

On entering the apartment, by the dim light which was kept in it, Frederic could see the figure of a sick man, stretched upon a low bed, by the side of which sat a woman, who, though now faded, seemed not long before to have been one of the loveliest.

As soon as the baron's eye fell upon her, the colour varied in his cheek; but at the same time he raised himself to his full haughty height, while she for a moment hid her face in the covering of the bed.


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