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is your will, this night I will give my hand to Edwin."

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But" exclaimed Flora. "Listen!" said the priest; swer till you have heard. Say what I have told you; but demand that the ceremony shall be performed by one that you shall name. Let that be me, and after that, wonder not at any thing I may do. You know my power; you know my wish to serve you: doubt not that it shall be exerted."

"Father, you shall be obeyed," replied Flora; "though my heart may shake with fear, every word of your bidding shall be done."

"Fear not," replied the priest," I will guide thee right. Lady, thy boat must bear thee back alone. You, my son, be my companion. Fare thee well, Flora, my blessing is upon thee!"

The boat soon left St. Mary's a fading speck behind; and Flora's eye in vain searched for the wizard and his companion


on the shore. Nor was her heart at ease, while every moment brought her nearer the spot that was soon to witness the greatest trial of her fortitude.


He was sitting on a rude fragment of rock, rolled near the entrance of the cavern; his snowy beard fell in reverend waves to his girdle, while his eyes fixed steadfastly on the book, and his hand rested on a skull.

The attendants of lord Hubert paused, while the baron advanced alone towards the seat of the recluse. The coming step called the priest's attention, and he fixed a glance of stern regard upon the person who approached him.


Father," said lord Hubert, "this day is my son to be united to the mistress of his heart; but it is the wish of the lady that you, so famed for your sanctity, should

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should join their hands; and I have come myself to ask if you will undertake the task ?"

This day," replied Cuthbert, steadily regarding the chief, "this day shall the lovely, the innocent Flora be given to the man she loves. But answer me, lord— is thy heart at ease? Is the son that has returned to thee like him thou didst hope to see come back from distant lands ?"

A cloud passed over lord Hubert's brow, and he sighed.-" Do not tempt me to repine, father," he replied; "nor know I to what your question leads.”

"Listen," replied the wizard, rising from his seat

"The nightshade berry on the vine,
The aconite where rose should twine,
The serpent to man's bosom press'd,
The raven in the eagle's nest.

Behold thy castle at this hour,

Root out the weed and raise the flower,
Drive forth the raven from thy nest,
Destroy the serpent in thy breast."

"Still you speak in riddles," answered


the baron; "I understand them not. Strange things, it is true, have happened since my son returned: voices have been heard, and sights have appeared unusual, and full of fear to man's wondering eye. The promise of Edwin the boy, the man has not fulfilled. My brain is full of thoughts, and my bosom full of fears! Flora too, that I love as my own child, shrinks from her engagement with my son and I also doubt that he will make her happy. But speak you, who men say know every thing; tell me, will she be happy with him or not? For if it is as I fear, my voice shall break the tie that binds her; and should her father's wrath, who is too stern and hasty for one so gentle―"

"Fear not for her," replied the priest; "there is a kinder father to shelter and protect her."


Meaning yourself?" demanded lord



No, chieftain, no,” answered the wi

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zard, "meaning our Father which is in heaven. My humble efforts shall go to do his will. Leave her to him. This night shall her fate be decided. But now listen to me; for it is to you I speak, and to your heart. Mark my words, and see that you apply them rightly

"Murder is upon his hand,

On his lip is falsehood's brand,

His smile is but a snare;

His heart was formed in vice's mould;
For peace too fierce, for love too cold :
Is this lord Hubert's heir?

"With envy nursed, e'en from his birth,
His breast to higher fate and worth
Did thoughtful envy bear;

His bitter bosom aye was full

Of plans of fire, and passions dull

Is this lord Hubert's heir?

"The youth from hence that sped away,
Was kind as good, and bright as gay,

And formed of virtues rare ;

In every action, every thought,

By feeling swayed, by mildness wrought –
This was lord Hubert's heir !"

"He is changed indeed," replied the

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