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10. The two armies met on the 19th of September near Still'-wa-ter, twenty-two miles north from Albany. Here a severe battle was fought for four hours, which was only checked by night and darkness. Both armies, however, had suffered so much that they did not choose to renew the battle next morning. They were in sight of each other till October 7, when a second battle was fought, in which Burgoyne was defeated.

10. Describe the battle at Stillwater. What of a second battle?






1. AFTER the second battle of Stillwater, Burgoyne, with his troops,


retreated to Saratoga. His army was exceedingly crippled, having lost, in both engagements, from twelve to fifteen hundred men, and at least one valuable officer, General Frazer. The Americans too had suffered, but not so severely; among others, General Arnold was wounded.


2. The British general had now abandoned his haughty designs of conquest, and thought only of escape. Perceiving his object, General Gates posted several strong detachments of his army in situations to cut off his retreat.

3. Burgoyne's first attempt was to reach Fort George, by way of Fort Edward. Finding his path unexpectedly obstructed, he caused his army to march by night; still he found his retreat intercepted. About this time, moreover, the news came that Fort Edward had fallen into the hands of the Americans.

4. Every door of escape now seemed closed, and every hope fled. Incessant toil and sickness, with much severe fighting, had worn down his army to three thousand five hundred effective men, and even these were almost destitute of provisions; while the American army was daily increasing in numbers and courage. It is said that Burgoyne had two thousand five hundred on the sick list.

CHAP. CVII.-1. What was the loss sustained by the British and American forces? 2. How was Burgoyne's plan of escape disconcerted by General Gates? 2. What attemps did Burgoyne make at escape? 4. State of his army?

5. In these circumstances he called a council of war, at which it was decided to surrender the army to General Gates. The preliminaries were soon settled, and the whole army, amounting to five thousand seven hundred and fifty-two men, with five thousand stand of arms, was given up to the Americans on the 17th of October, 1777.

6. The capture of an entire army was, of course, a matter of much exultation with the American people, as it more than compensated for the reverses at and near Philadelphia. The thanks of Congress were voted to General Gates, and a gold medal was struck and presented to him by the president, in the name of the United States.

7. The surrender of Burgoyne was followed by the reduction of several British posts in the north. Mount Defiance and Mount Hope had even surrendered to General Lincoln as early as September 13, and Mount Independence and Ticonderoga gave up soon afterward. An armed sloop was also taken, and two hundred and ninety prisoners. 8. Although Sir Henry Clinton, with his troops, had not been able to proceed up the Hudson, to meet Burgoyne, yet he had done that which might have encouraged the latter, had it been in time. He had taken several forts on and near the Hudson River above New York, among which were Forts Clinton and Montgomery.



1. BEFORE the war of the Revolution, the colonies had no navy except a few vessels fitted out to cruise for pirates or to transport troops. But as soon as the war was fairly begun, this subject engaged the attention of public men.

2. In October, 1775, Congress ordered one vessel of ten guns and another of fourteen to be equipped as national cruisers, and to be sent to the eastward on a cruise of three months, to intercept supplies designed for the royal troops. On the 30th of the same month, two more vessels, one of thirty-six and the other of twenty guns, were ordered. 3. In October, 1776, the Americans had five frigates of thirty-two guns, five vessels of twenty-eight guns, and three of twenty-four, in

5. Describe the surrender of Burgoyne. 6. What was the effect on the Americans? What of General Gates? 7. What followed these events? 8. What had been done by Clinton ?

CHAP. CVIII.-1. What of the American navy before the Revolution? 2. What did Congress order in October, 1775?



course of building, and several were ready for sea. One twenty-four,

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FLAG OF THE UNITED STATES-THE STARS AND STRIPES. this vessel, Dudley Saltonstall was captain, and

John Paul Jones first-lieutenant. The first ensign ever shown by a regular American man-of-war was hoisted on board the Alfred, by Lieutenant Jones, in December, 1775.

5. What this ensign was is not now known with certainty. It is said, however, to have been a device representing a pine-tree, with a rattlesnake coiled at its root, and about to strike, with the motto, "Don't tread on me." The present national colors were not adopted by Cgress till the year 1777.

6. The first regular cruisers ever got to sea under the new government, were the Hornet of ten guns, and the Wasp of eight. The first battle fought was off the Bermudas, April 6, 1776, between the Alfred and Cabot on the American side, and the British ship Glasgow, of twenty guns. The Americans fought well, but the enemy escaped them.

7. On the 17th of the same month, the Lexington, of sixteen guns, commanded by Captain Barry, fell in with the Edward, an armed tender of the ship Liverpool, and, after a close and spirited action of near an hour, captured her. The Lexington had four men killed and wounded, while the Edward was nearly cut to pieces. These battles gave the people great encouragement.

Her commanders?

3 What increase was there in 1776? 4. What of the Alfred? What of the first flag? 5. What was the device? When was the present national flag adopted? 6. What of the Hornet and Wasp? What was the first naval battle? The result? 7 What of the next engagement?



1. JOHN PAUL JONES, or as he was commonly called, Paul Jones,*


was transferred, in May, 1776, from the Alfred to the command of the Providence, a vessel mounting twelve guns, and having on board seventy men. In this, he made sixteen prizes in little more than three weeks. He was also twice chased by British menof-war, but escaped by stratagem and superior sailing.

2. In 1777, while the British were taking possession of Philadelphia, and Gates was spreading a net for Burgoyne, Paul Jones was in France, endeavoring, through the influ

ence of the American commissioners, Franklin, Deane, and Lee, to get the command of a larger and better vessel than any the Americans had in the service.

3. Unwilling, however, to be long idle, he sailed on a cruise in April, 1778, in the Ranger, of eighteen guns. With this single little vessel he kept the whole coast of Scotland, and part of that of England, for some time in a state of alarm. He even made a descent, in one instance, upon Whitehaven, and surprised and took two forts with thirty pieces of cannon, and set fire to the shipping.

4. In the vicinity of Whitehaven, an act was committed by his men which Jones very much regretted, and did all he could afterward to atone for. The house of the Earl of Selkirk, in whose service Jones's father had been gardener, was robbed of its family plate. It was re

CHAP. CIX.-1. Where was Paul Jones born? When? What ship did he now command? What did he accomplish? 2. What did he do in 1777? 3. What did he do in the Ranger? 4. Describe the attack upon Whitehaven.

*Paul Jones was a native of Scotland, born in 1736 He early settled in America, and devoted himself with ardor to the cause of the country of his adoption.

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