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WASHINGTON'S ADMINISTRATION, CONTINUED.-Changes in his Cabinet.-Education in the Country.

1. Two years before the close of Washington's administration, there were some modifications of his cabinet. General Hamilton had resigned the office of secretary of the treasury, and had been succeeded by Oliver Wolcott, of Connecticut. General Knox had also been succeeded, in the war department, by Timothy Pickering, of Massachusetts.

2. No considerable change had taken place in the morals and religion of the community, during the administration of Washington, notwithstanding his own manifestations of regard for good things. The country was still flooded with vice and infidelity. The writings of Paine and Godwin were circulated in great numbers—sometimes gratuitously.

3. Trade and commerce, however, flourished during this period, beyond any former example. In 1797, the exports of the United States amounted to nearly fifty-seven millions of dollars, and the imports to seventy-five millions of dollars. Great progress was made in agriculture, and also in manufactures. The population of the United States had risen to about five millions.

4. The national credit, moreover, had become established; an ample revenue had been provided; a considerable part of the national debt had been paid; and such measures had been put in operation as bade fair to extinguish the debt in a reasonable time. Treaties had been made with most of the Indian tribes, and we were at peace with most foreign nations.

5. A prodigious impulse had been given, during this period, to the cause of education. Among the literary institutions which had their origin during the short period of Washington's administration, were Williams, Union, Greenville and Bowdoin Colleges, and the University of Vermont. The Historical Society of Massachusetts had its origin, also, during the same period.

6. It was in the year 1795 that the remarkable school fund of Connecticut was formed. The Connecticut reserve lands-now a part of

CHAP. CXLVI.-1. What changes had been made in Washington's cabinet? 2. What of morals and religion during Washington's administration? 8. Describe the increase of trade and commerce. What other progress was made? What of the population of the United States? 4. In what other respects had the country improved? 5. What of education at this period? Colleges?



north-western Ohio-were sold for one million two hundred thousand dollars, and devoted to this purpose. The fund now amounts to over two millions of dollars. In 1796, an act for establishing schools throughout the state was passed in Pennsylvania. At the present time, nearly every state in the Union gives encouragement to common school education, and high-schools, academies and colleges, in the Union, are al most beyond enumeration.

7. No man ever had such unbounded influence in the United States as Washington-perhaps it is not too much to say, no man ever will have. Several other chief magistrates have indeed been extremely popular and influential, especially when they had been distinguished in military life. Yet even these had not the hearts of the whole nation at their disposal, like Washington.

8. Had he been as ambitious as Napoleon, or even as Bolivar or Francia, he might have been dictator for life, as well as they. Such a course was even proposed to him, in 1782, when it was believed that the country was not yet ready for any thing but a qualified monarchy; but he turned from it with disdain. As the leader of a republic, in a time which "tried men's souls," no one ever exceeded him in judgment or patriotism.

6. What of the school fund of Connecticut? 7. What of schools, academies and colleges at the present time? What can you say of Washington as chief magistrate? 8. What station might he have held? What was his character?

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JOHN ADAMS'S ADMINISTRATION, FROM MARCH 4TH, 1797, TO MARCH 4TH, 1801.-Prospects of a War with France.

1. THE time for electing a chief magistrate was again approaching, and Washington having signified his determination to retire to private life, it became necessary to bring into the field a new candidate. The most popular individual was John Adams, of Massachusetts, and, on opening and counting the votes, in February, 1797, he was found to be elected. Thomas Jefferson was at the same time chosen vice-president.

2. Although Washington retired from the presidency, and Adams succeeded him, with the prospects of the country, on the whole, en couraging, yet there was one drawback to the public felicity. This was the perplexing character of our relations, as a government, wit!. France.

3. For a long time before this, France had been committing dep

CHAP. CXLVII.-1. Who became president in 1797? Who vice-president? 2. Wat drawback was there to the public happiness?



redations on our West India commerce. In the hope of being able to adjust, in an amicable way, the existing difficulty, Washington, just before his retirement from office, had recalled Mr. Monroe, our minister at Paris, and appointed General Charles Cotesworth Pinckney in his stead.

4. The French republic refused to receive a new minister till after the "redress of grievances" of which they complained. On learning the fact, President Adams, in June, 1797, convened Congress, and in his address or message, though he spoke of preserving peace if possible, yet, as a last resort, he alluded to war.

5. The result was, that three envoys extraordinary to France were appointed, to attempt a settlement of the existing difficulties. They were General Pinckney, Elbridge Gerry, and John Marshall. Their mission finally proved an entire failure; and the spring of 1798 opened with every prospect of war.

6. Indeed, in a practical point of view, war was already begun. The treaty existing between the two countries had, in July, 1797, been declared by the United States as no longer binding on their part. The French cruisers were continually making depredations upon our com.merce, and every opportunity was taken to insult the United States government.

7. In these circumstances, the first step taken by Congress was to increase the regular army. Twelve regiments of infantry, one of artillery, and one of cavalry, were ordered to be added to the existing establishment; and the president was authorized to appoint such officers as might be necessary to render the army efficient.

8. For commander-in-chief, all eyes were once more turned toward Washington; and notwithstanding his love of retirement and of domestic and agricultural life, he consented once more to comply with the wishes of his country. But, by the merciful appointment of Divine Providence, the danger of war suddenly disappeared.

9. The French government having expressed a willingness to settle the difficulties which existed, on reasonable terms, President Adams appointed Oliver Ellsworth, William R. Davies, and William Vans Murray, envoys extraordinary to meet the commissioners of the French. They sailed for France in the summer of 1799.

10. On their arrival in France, they found a change in the government. All power was now in the hands of Napoleon, who had not

3. What had been done by France? What new minister had Washington sent to Paris? 4. What did the French refuse to do? What did Adams say in his message to Congress? 5. What envoys were sent to France? 6. What of the treaty of 1797 ? What of the French cruisers? 7. What steps were taken to increase the regular army? 8. Who was looked to as commander-in-chief of the American army? 9. Who sailed for France in 1700?

been concerned in the transactions about which so much difficulty existed. A treaty of peace was made, Sept. 30th, 1800; and the army of the United States was, by direction of Congress, soon after disbanded.

11. Before the treaty was made, however, the commander-in-chief of the newly-raised American army was no more! General Washington expired suddenly, at his seat at Mount Vernon, in Virginia, December 14th, 1799, in the sixty-eighth year of his age; and left a whole nation to mourn his loss.


ADAMS'S ADMINISTRATION, CONTINUED.-The Public Health. Smallpox.-Yellow Fever.-Cholera.

1. THE introduction of the kine-pox, or, as it was at that time called, the cow-por-or, in more fashionable language still, vaccination-into the United States, in the year 1800, is an event which deserves to be remembered in our history. The individual to whom the country is indebted for this act of benevolence was Dr. Benjamin Waterhouse, of Cambridge, Massachusetts.

2. Smallpox was first known in Europe about the time of the discovery of America by Columbus; and, as might have been expected on its introduction into a country, was exceedingly fatal. From Europe it was soon scattered among the inhabitants of the Western World, where it was also very fatal, especially among the Indians, owing, in part, no doubt, to their wretched mode of treating it.

3. As early in the settlement of Massachusetts as the year 1631, this terrible destroyer appeared among the natives at Saugus, and swept away whole towns and villages. The colonists assisted, it is said, in burying entire families of the Indians at once. In one of their wigwams a living infant was found at the breast of its deceased mother, every other Indian of the place being dead.

4. Again, in 1633 and 1634, the disease raged in the same fearful manner. Holmes, in his "American Annals," says, that "thirty of Johu Sagamore's people were buried by Mr. Maverick, of Wineseme, in one day.' In 1692, it raged greatly in New Hampshire among the

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10. What treaty was made by Napoleon? 11. When and where did Washington die? CHAP. CXLVIII.-1. When was the cow-pox first introduced into the United States, and by whom? 2. When was the smallpox first known in Europe? Where was it very fatal? 8. Describe its first appearance in Massachusetts. 4. When did it again rage? What does Holmes say in his Annals? Where did it prevail in 1692?

In 1700?

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