Imágenes de páginas

Intestinal parasites, and the rural school, 91-93.

Introduction, 7-13.

Jacksonville, Fla., medical inspection of schools, 96-97.

Janitors, schoolhouses, hygiene, 32-33, 111.

Kentucky, public schools, oral hygiene, 100.

Kerr, James, School lighting, 45.

Kilham, W. H., The hygienic construction of schoolhouses from an architect's
standpoint, 28-30.

Kime, J. W., School athletics from a medical standpoint, 72–73.

Kindergarten, and defective children, 65.

Kindergarten children, Chicago, malnutrition among, 49.

Kittredge, M. H., Teaching nutrition values through penny lunches, 50–51.

Knopf, S. A., Notes on the health of school children, 19-22.

Lee, Joseph, Some health needs of school children, 16-17.

Letter of transmittal, 5.

Lewis, F. P., Sight saving and brain building, 44-45.

Lighting, school rooms, methods, 34, 45.

London, malnutrition among school children, 49.

Los Angeles, public schools, oral hygiene, 102.

Lunches, school, effect, 48-50; humanitarian grounds for, 11-12.

McChord, C. P., Medical inspection in cities of 100,000 or less, 25.

McCullough, P. B., Control of dental caries in school children, 42-44.

McLaughlin, A. J.. Hygiene in the Philippine schools, 86-87.

MacMillan, D. P., Some important factors preventing normal growth and de-
velopment in school life, 17-19.

Malnutrition, effects, 48.

Manila, school hygiene, 87.

Mann, Horace, and teaching of hygiene, 74.

Massachusetts, medical inspection, 26-28; schoolhouses, hygiene, 29; teaching
hygiene in public schools, 74-75.

Medical inspection of schools, Boston, 94; Buffalo, 94-95; Cincinnati, 95–96;
cities of 100,000 or less, 25; control, 9; Detroit, 96; England and Wales, 15;
importance, 20-21; Jacksonville, 96-97; Massachusetts, 26-28; Mexico, 98;
New York City, 97; Philadelphia, 97-98; psychological clinic, 67-68; Roches-
ter, 24; Scotland, 15; State plans, 10; working plan for securing, 22-24.
Mental efficiency, relation to dental hygiene, 103.

Mental hygiene, school children, 64–70; value, 22.

Mentally defective children, psychological clinics, 108-110.

Mexico, medical inspection of schools, 98.

Mississippi, school health work, 77-79.

Mississippi School Improvement Association, work, 77–78.

Morrill, A. B., A working plan for securing medical inspection, 22-24.
Museums, cooperation in teaching hygiene and sanitation, 79–80.

Myopia, development and cure, 44-45.

National Mouth Hygiene Association, activities, 10-11; objects, 40-41.
Naval Academy, United States, records of specialized athletes, 70–71.
New York, health supervision, 15-16; medical inspection of schools, 10; public
schools, oral hygiene, 100.

New York City, accidents to children, 90; elementary schools, supervision of
athletics, 112-113; hospitals, question of ventilation, 30; malnutrition among
school children, 49; medical inspection of schools, 97; mentally defective chil-
dren, cases examined, 110; school lunches, 51; student control of school sani-
tation and hygiene, 81-84.

Nutrition, school children, 48-59; values, 50-51.

Oakland, Cal., open-air school, 105; playgrounds, 115.

Open-air classes, mental and physical advancement of, 30.

Open-air schools, architecture, 35-38; Chicago, 104-105; Cincinnati, 104-105;
discarded battleships recommended, 39-40; Horace Mann School, New York
City, 103-104; importance, 20; Oakland. Cal., 105; resolutions adopted by
Fourth International Congress on School Hygiene, 39-40.
Ophthalmology. See Vision.

Oral hygiene, importance, 40-41; methods of spreading propaganda, 41-42;
work in cities, 100-103.

Pennsylvania, medical inspection of schools, 10; public schools, oral hygiene, 100.
Pennsylvania, University of, establishment of psychoeducational clinic, 67.
Philadelphia, defective vision among school children, 46; malnutrition among
school children, 49; medical inspection of schools, 10, 97-98; oral hygiene,
102-103; school feeding, 106; school nurse, 99; vitalizing school children, 38.
Philippine Islands, school hygiene, 86-87.

Photometry, advances, 45.

Pittsburgh, University of, psychological clinic, 67, 108-109.

Playgrounds, Cincinnati, 115; Oakland, 115.

Porter, Eugene H.. The State's duty in health supervision, 15-16.

Powell, S. V., School health work in Mississippi, 77–79.

Prostitution, commercialized, 55, 57.

Providence, R. I., open-air school, 36.

Psychoeducational clinics, contribution to school hygiene movement, 67-68.
Psychological clinics, exceptional children, 108-110; importance, 12.

Raub, E. L., Athletics for elementary schoolboys in Boston, 73–74.

Roach, W. W., Vitalizing school children, 38-39.

Rochester, child labor, 114; medical inspection of schools, 24; oral hygiene. 103;
school feeding, 106; school nurse, 99.

Rockefeller Sanitary Commission, work in Southern States. 91.

Rural schools, and intestinal parasites, 91-93; extension of health supervi-
sion, 10.

Ryan, W. C., introduction to report, 7-13.

St. Louis, school feeding, 106.

Sanitary fountains, necessity, 21.

School buildings, construction, cleaning and janitor service, 111; hygiene, 28–35;
1 proper site, 19-20.

School children, Alaska, hygienic conditions, 84-86; control of dental caries,
42-44; diseases affecting efficiency, 20-21; feeding, 47-51; health needs, 16-17;
malnutrition, 48-51; mental hygiene, 64–70; Philadelphia, defective vision,
46; Philippines, instruction in hygiene, 86-87; vitalizing, 38–39.

School feeding. See Feeding, school.

School grounds, open-air schools, 35.

Schoolhouses, hygienic construction, 28-30; ideal site, 33-34; janitors, hygiene,
32-33; lighting, 45. See also Open-air schools; Ventilation.

School lunches. See Lunches, school.

School nurse, Buffalo, 99; importance, 10, 24; Massachusetts, 26; Philadelphia,
99; Rochester, 99.

Scientific exhibit, concrete data of the school hygiene movement, 94–115.
Scotland, medical inspection of schools, 15.

Seerley, H. H., The hygiene of the janitor, 32–33.

Sex hygiene, discussion, 8-9, 51-64; methods of teaching, 22, 63-64, 107–108.
Social evils, preventative measures, 51–59.

Soil, conditions, sites for schoolhouses, 34-35.

South, The, work of Rockefeller Sanitary Commission. 91.

Stokes, C. F., Effects of athletics upon health, 70-72.

Storey, T. A., Protection of student health in the College of the City of New
York, 75-77.

Student control, school sanitation and hygiene, 81-84.

Summer schools, discussion, 17.

Syphilis, and defective children, 21; Wassermann test, 52.

Teeth, care, 40-44. See also Dental clinics; Oral hygiene.
Thompson, W. G., on ventilation and recirculation. 30.
Tierney, R. J., Character and the sex problem, 62–63.

Toilets, open-air schools, 36–37.

Toronto, Canada, public schools, oral hygiene, 103.

Towne, L. M., Problems in the teaching of hygiene, 74-75.

Tuberculosis, battleships as floating hospitals for children, 8; children, effects
of open-air schools, 39-40; prevention, imparting knowledge to children, 21.
Tuke, Hack, On malnutrition among school children, 49.

Van Pelt, J. H., Open-air school architecture, 35-38.

Venereal disease, Buffalo, 108; effects, 51–52.

Ventilation, air-washing experiments, 31-32; hospitals, New York City, 30; low-
temperature classrooms, effect, 38; propaganda for, 8; schoolhouses, 28–31.
Vice, crusade against commercialized, 55.

Vineland Training School, N. J., education of feeble-minded children, 110.

Vision, conservation, 44-46; defective, economic standpoint, 46.

Vital statistics, and the school, 89-90.

Wallin, J. E. W., and dental hygiene, 103; The distinctive contribution of the
psychoeducational clinic to the school hygiene movement, 67-68.
Warner, Francis, on malnutrition among school children, 49.
Wassermann test, applied to defective children, 21; syphilis, 52.
Wessels, L. C., Defective vision from the economic standpoint, 46.

Whipple, G. C., Air washing as a means of obtaining clean air in buildings, 31-32.
Wile, J. S., The nutrition of school children, 48-50.

Windows, open-air schools, 36.

Winslow, C. E. A., Museum cooperation in the teaching of hygiene and sanita-
tion, 79-80.

Women's clubs, aid to hygiene movement, 87-88.

Woolworth Building, New York City, ventilation, 31.


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