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frequently asks; and in a manner that at once evinces both his ignorance and scepticism.

The following day being Sabbath, we endeavoured to assemble the natives for divine service, but were not able until afternoon, inasmuch as the Chief had called together his council, to confer upon the object of our visit. To them no distinction of days was known; Sunday and week-day were all the same. About 3 P. M.

we were informed that they were all at liberty, and that the Chief's dwelling was at our service. Its form was that of a bee-hive; and its dimensions about thirteen or fourteen feet every way. Herein we were surrounded by as many naked blacks as could possibly crowd in; and having neither light nor air, excepting what was admitted through the loop-hole door-way, our situation was far from being the most enviable. Chairs and stools are here out of the question, so that all were obliged to make the floor their seat. To us who were unaccustomed to it, this position was, of course, any thing but comfortable; and, seeing a large pumpkin lying near him, one of our company more corpulent than the rest gladly availed himself of the elevation which it afforded. This, however, was regarded as a great breach of good manners; and had well nigh disturbed the decorum of the meeting: "For," exclaimed one, we eat the ipuzi, and not sit upon it." It was not until Mr. had vacated

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his forbidden seat, and again taken a humbler station, that their consternation subsided. The service was commenced by singing a hymn in Kaffer; which exercise was novel to the whole of this swarthy group; some whispered, others laughed, and a third class endeavoured to join us in the best manner they were able.

At the conclusion of the sermon we availed ourselves of the opportunity, while the captains and council were present, to ask S'Lhambi whether he had come to any decision relative to our proposals. For some time he

evaded the question, but afterwards told us that he had done this merely to see what we should say; and then said, "The thing is determined: you can choose your own place; the land is before you." Here, however, he intimated a fear, that we were only mocking him, and that as soon as we left we should forget all that had passed. Being possitively assured of the contrary, he very significantly leaned forward upon his staff, and, with his eyes half closed, expressed himself as follows: "I see indeed strange things to-day. I am old and unable to defend myself. The Missionary is come to be my great Captain. My eye shall he be, and my ear [medium of intelligence] also. To-day does it appear that I have friends. I have always been an earthworm; but I shall now creep out; we have hitherto been wolves and wild dogs in dark places hid, but to-day are we called men, and see the light. Never have we been safe; but the Umfundis shall be our bush."

When the old man had concluded his speech, to every sentence of which all listened in breathless silence, one of his chief counsellors arose, and harangued the company with more than ordinary eloquence. He congratulated the tribe of S’Lhambi on the day that now dawned upon its children; and concluded by earnestly calling upon the Chief to make every arrangement for the protection of the Missionary, so that no harm might befall either him or his family. "Your name," said he, "is great, but your character is bad, amongst the nations; now is the time for redeeming it." This pointed address to the old ruler was received in perfect good humour, and without single remark.

For our accommodation was set apart a shattered hut, in which it was impossible to stand upright; and which every heavy blast threatened to carry completely away. Herein we slept, with our interpreters and guides, &c., on each side of us nor were they all; for as the en


trance was entirely open, there being no door, we sometimes found, on awaking, that a company of half-starved dogs had quietly crept in, and taken lodgings in the midst of us. 66 'That you may not perish of hunger near my dwelling," said the Chief, "here is an old cow for you to eat." This, with the economy of civilized life, would, of course, have constituted ample provision for many days; but the moment the poor animal's doom was sealed a multitude of mouths, human, canine, and vulturine, seemed instinctively to open and prepare for devouring her. It not unfrequently happens that every bone is picked, and every edible morsel consumed, in the course of five or six hours after the beast is killed. Even while the slaughter is going on, each helper considers himself entitled to the privilege of cutting off "tid bits;" which, while quivering with life, he throws upon the fire, and devours without much ceremony. When the whole has been eviscerated and dissected, all around expect a portion; and hosts of dogs, which accompany their owners to the feast, pick and steal on every side. It often, therefore, affords relief to hear that there is no more inyama, for as long as any remains hanging, it constitutes a source of perpetual annoyance.

Our next business was to see Dushani, S'Lhambi's eldest son; upon whom the government of the tribe was expected to devolve, at the demise of the latter. To his place of residence, therefore, which was several hours' ride distant, we immediately repaired. Contrary to our expectation we found him at home, and prepared cheerfully to receive us. But," said he, I must have a little tobacco, so that I may smoke while we talk." The whole of our design and proceedings were then laid before him, and every one present listened with the profoundest attention.


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We had every reason to believe that he was fully acquainted with all that had passed between us and his father; he nevertheless affected as much strangeness to

the whole affair as if he was only now hearing of it for the first time. Seldom does any thing new transpire in the land without the knowledge of the principal Chiefs, as scores of persons are daily running about in every direction, for the purpose of bringing them information. T They notwithstanding almost invariably feign total ignorance of all matters of moment, until brought before them officially. When informed of the nature of our errand, and of the results of our interview with his father, Dushani very laconically observed, Yea, yea; it is all very good. I am glad to see you; but can say nothing until the word [message or intelligence] arrives from S'Lhambi." We were, therefore, obliged to submit to still further detention.

Early the following morning I was awakened by the vociferous shouts of one of the heralds, who was proclaiming, with stentorian voice, the praises of his Chief, ascribing to him all the great deeds of the age, together with the majesty of the mightiest. The love of fame is a ruling passion, and the Caffrarian rulers are exceedingly fond of flattery; hence, we generally find numbers of this class of menials about them.

In the afternoon we strolled over the plain to a neighbouring hamlet to see the amaquati, or circumcised. Circumcision is universally practised, both amongst the Amaxosa and Bootschuana tribes; and seems to be the only mark remaining of any thing like a religious insti- ' tution. Barrow informs us that the time for performing this operation is generally about the age of eight or nine years; but I have never seen an instance wherein it has taken place under twelve or fourteen.

According to custom, we found the boys above alluded to, placed without the pale of society, being accounted unclean. Temporary huts were erected for them, at some distance from the village, with whose inhabitants they were not allowed to hold any intercourse whatever.

Here they employed themselves daily, in all kinds of warlike and gymnastic exercises. Sham fights were amongst their principal amusements; and in these, shields, with wooden spears, were used. An aged native was appointed as their tutor and attendant; upon whom custom peremptorily enjoined certain restrictions, regarding female intercourse, while he continued to sustain this office. A number of milch cows were set apart for their use exclusively; and being, during this their term of novitiate, under little or no restraint, they frequently sallied forth into the neighbouring gardens, playing the most mischievous tricks.

They were all fine, active, and interesting lads; one of whom was Dushani's son. Their bodies, from head to foot, were daubed over with white clay; which gave them a singular and very unnatural appearance. On their heads they wore caps made of the palmeet leaf, and from their waists was suspended a kind of petticoat composed of the same material, and in length and shape not much unlike the Scotch kilt. Each seemed to vie with the other in agility and expertness, while the utmost harmony prevailed amongst the whole. Whatever may have been the origin of this rite amongst the aborigines of Southern Africa, it appears to be regarded at present in no other light than as a custom of their ancestors; and one by which the boy is initiated into a state of manhood.

At length, the young Chief received the official dispatch from his father, informing him of all that had been done, and of what was left for him to do. This was forthwith laid before his council, who at once advised him to attend to its instructions without delay; consequently, he and his brother determined on going with us to two or three places that had been recommended as eligible sites for the station. Having to pass several small villages on our way, we had repeated opportunities of observing the servile respect which the lower orders

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