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The medical officer of health is also the administering authority for the inspection of workshops, factories, bakeshops and dairies. Plans for alterations on the construction of new buildings for any of the above-mentioned purposes must be approved by the medical officer of health. The regulation of offensive trades and of slaughter-houses, of the housing of the working classes and of the corporation lodging house, is also within the jurisdiction of the health officer.

An extended note is made of the unsuccessfull fight of the town council before a committee of the House of Lords, in 1911, to secure powers to take from the River Avon an entirely new water supply for the city. Extensive works for the drainage improvement of the city are still under way. The installation of a refuse incinerator is urged.

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department. v. 2, no. 1-3. 1912, January-March.

Vital statistics, sanitation and child hygiene.

NEW ORLEANS, La. Statement of mortality for the month of JanuaryMarch, 1912.

NEW YORK CITY. Communicable news. Issued periodically for the information of employees of the division of communicable diseases, department of health, N. Y. C. v. 2, no. 1-9. 1912, January 1-April 1.

No. 7 gives the returns of the second census of tuberculous children in New York City, taken February 23, 1912. An outline of the consolidation of all extra-departmental agencies in the clinic districts of Manhattan, the Bronx and Brooklyn to effect an anti-tuberculosis campaign, is given in no. 9.

-Monthly bulletin of the health department. v. 2, no. 1-3. 1912, January-March.

No. 1 contains the text of the new milk regulations of the health department; no. 3 an account of the history (1796-1912) of the health department.

-Weekly report of the health department. New Series, v. 1, no. 1-15. 1912, January-April 13.

Vital statistics only.

PORTLAND, Me. Report of deaths and contagious diseases (monthly). Issued by the health board. 1912, JanuaryFebruary.

ROME, Italy. Bollettino demograficometeorico. Anno 41, 1911, weeks ending December 23, 30.

Vital statistics.

ST. PAUL. Minn. Monthly bulletin of the health department. v. 1, no. 1-3. 1912, January-March.

SALT Lake CITY. Statement of vital statistics (monthly). Published by the health board. 1912, January.

In addition to vital statistics includes report of sanitary inspector, veterinary and dairy and food inspector.

SAN ANTONIO, Texas. Vital statistics (monthly). Published by the health department. 1912, January-February.

Chiefly vital statistics and sanitary inspection.

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FRANKFURT a/M. Bericht über die Verwaltung der Stadtbibliothek. Jahrg. 1910-11. 10 p. 4°.

HOUSTON, Texas. Annual report of Houston Lyceum and Carnegie Library for the year ending February 28, 1911. n.p., n.d. (In: Report of city officials 1911. p. 189–192.)

JOHANNESBURG, Transvaal. Record of the public library, 1911. 24 p. 8°.

NEW BEDFORD, Mass. Sixtieth annual report of the trustees of the free public library for the year 1911. 52 p., 1 pl. 8°.

NEWARK, N. J. The free public library of Newark, 1910. Twenty-second annual report. (In: Reports of city officers 1910. p. 267-295).

John C. Dana, librarian. The Newark Museum Association and the Science Museum have quarters in the library building.

NEWTON, Mass. Free library. Annual report of the trustees for the year ending December 31, 1911. 20 p. 8°.

SOMERVILLE, Mass. Music scores and literature in the public library of Somerville. November, 1911. 73 p. 12o.

TROY, N. Y. Seventy-seventh annual report of the public library, 1911. 16 p. 8°.

WALTHAM, Mass. Annual report of directors and librarian of the public library for the year ending January 31, 1912. 11 p. 8°.

Public Works

See also above "Administration in General" (Houston, Munich, San Francisco).

BUFFALO, N. Y. Eighteenth annual report of the department of public works for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1910. 1224 p., 11.

The report proper is preceded by a map of the population of the city by wards, 1910; chart of the civic government of Buffalo, 1910; and a chart of the organization of the department of public works.

The report proper comprises the 18th annual report of the bureau of engineering (p. 57-693), the 18th annual report of the bureau of water (p. 695-1023). the 18th annual report of the bureau of building 'p. 1024-1101), the 18th annual report of the bureau of streets (p. 1103-1224).

On p.101,et seq.,is a statement of the department's method of reporting special franchise taxes which is followed by a tabular classified statement of special franchise assessments each year from 1907-1908 to 1909-1910. A map of the proposed site (290 acres) of the J. N. Adam Memorial Hospital follows p. 134. This hospital is the municipal tuberculosis hospital. The report of the bureau of water includes (p. 700,et seq.) a brief historical description of the Buffalo waterworks. Following p. 1001 is a tabular statement of water mains laid from 1868 to 1910, compris ing at present a total of 548 miles. The report of the building bureau includes a tabular statement of the estimated valuation of the real estate of the school department, and of the expenditures for police and fire department buildings each year 1892 to 1909-1910. The report of the bureau of streets com

prises reports on the collection of refuse, etc., and the second annual report of the Refuse Utilization Plant.

SEATTLE, Washington. The city of Seattle. Forms for local improvement procedure under chapter 98 of the laws of Washington for 1911 and ordinance no. 27732. 30 p. fo.

Refuse Disposal

See also above "Administration in General" (Boston, Brussels, Buffalo); also below "Street Cleaning" (Stockholm).

See also under "Charters and Ordinances."

NEW YORK CITY. Rules and regulations for the transportation of refuse material from the city of New York adopted at a meeting of the board of health on April 9, 1912. (In: City Record April 16, 1912. p. 3187-3188.)

OHIO. Report of a study of the collection and disposal of city wastes in Ohio. 1910. Supplement to the 25th annual report of the state board of health. 1911. 290 p., 8 pls., illus. 8°.

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KANSAS CITY, Mo. Fortieth annual report of the board of directors of the school district of Kansas City, for the year ending June 30, 1911. 361 p. illus. 8°.

Sewage Disposal

PITTSBURGH, Penna. Report upon sewage disposal to N. S. Sprague, Superintendent of bureau of construction. January 30, 1912. By Allen Hazen. 71 p., 3 plans.

Social Evil

See above "Administration in General" (Brussels), and Police (London).


BERLIN, Germany. Monatsberichte des statistischen Amts. Jahrg. 39, no. 10-12. 1911, October-December. p. 151 -200. Jahrg. 40, no. 1-2. 1912, January -February. p. 1-32.

Contents uniformly divided into three rubrics, viz., Weather, vital statistics and statistical reports of the various city departments. The arrangement of the latter is fairly uniform and comprises the following: building construction, fires, realty transactions, water supply for household purposes, street cleaning, sewerage, electric supply works, transportation facilities, public baths, abattoir, quarantine, municipal savings bank, invalid and old age insurance, the homeless, poor, orphans, beggars, hospitals, reformatories, care of the insane, labor conditions. A 2-page supplement of the February number comprises a tabulation of the vital statistics of Berlin for 1911 with a recapitulation for the four preceeding years.

DUISBURG, Germany. Statistische Monatsberichte. Jahrg, 4, no. 11-12. 1911, November-December. p. 233-281

Vital statistics, poor, municipal employment bureau, sick insurance, rail and bridge traffic, abattoirs, prices of comestibles, municipal savings banks, etc., gas, water and electricity, building construction, and, in each number, a comparative résumé at the end.

FLORENCE, Italy. Bollettino statistico mensile. 1912. no. 1-2. January -February.

Vital statistics, police, baths, fires, tramways. FRANKFURT a./M. Beiträge zur Statistik der Stadt. N. F. Heft 8. Tabel

larische Übersichten betreffend den Zivilstand der Stadt in den Jahren 1901-1910. clxi, clxxviii p. 4°.

HALLE a. S., Germany. Statistische Monatsberichte der Stadt Halle a. S. Herausgegeben vom statistischen Amt. Jahrg. 6. 1912. no. 1-2. JanuaryFebruary.

Vital statistics, building construction, wholesale and retail prices, invalid and old age insurance, labor bureau, poor, libraries, legal aid bureau, bureau of child hygiene, milk depot, industrial and commercial courts, food inspection, municipal abattoir, gas, electricity and water supply, savings bank, street railways and schools.

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al 1910 per i compartimenti del Regno e le più impor185 p. tanti città italiane ed estere."

This table shows statistics for the 19 largest Italian cities and 40 of the largest non-Italian cities. "Ufficio dell'abitazione. Relazione. Relazioni statistica." Anno 3. 1910. 13 p.

"Fondo di previdenza del personale dipendente dalla Società Generale Edison di Elettricita addeti al servizio delle tramvie cittadine. 11 p. "Refezione scolastica. Anno 1909-1910. 8 p. "Statistica del servizio estinzione incendi. Anno 1910." xi p.

Moscow, Russia. Bulletin statistique mensuel de la ville de Moscou. 1911. December. no. 12.

Vital statistics, price of comestibles, stock market and abattoirs, municipal tramways, labor bureaus, fires.

MÜNICH, Germany. Statistischer Monatsbericht der Stadt. 1912, January-February.

Vital statistics, building construction, baths, prices of food stuffs, police, municipal savings bank, municipal labor bureau, etc.

-Wochenberichte des statistischen Amtes. 1912, no. 9-14. Week beginning February 25-March 31.

Chiefly vital statistics and prices of foodstuffs.

OMAHA, Neb. Municipal statistics. Published monthly by city comptroller. no. 1-11. June 1911-April, 1912. Chiefly financial and tax statistics.

Street Cleaning

See also above "Administration in General" (Berlin, Brussels, Magdeburg, San Francisco).

STOCKHOLM, Sweden. Stockholms renhållningsväsen från äldsta tider till våra dagar. Med 113 illustrationer. Af Karl Tingsten. 1911. vii, 168 p.4°.

Street Railways

See also above "Statistics" (Florence, Halle a. S., Johannesburg, Königsberg i. Pr., Milan, Moscow).

DORTMUND, Germany. Städtische Strassenbahn, Dortmund. Bericht vom 1. April 1910 bis 31. März, 1911. 4 p. f°.

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AUBURN, N. Y. Report (18th) of the water board for the year ending December 31, 1911. 23 p. 8°.

During the year the city built a hypochlorite disinfecting plant for the treatment of the potable water supply. A list of cities using the hypochlorite treatment is given. Comment is also made on the increased use of the filtration method of treating municipal water supply. In 1890 less than 200,000 persons in the United States were being supplied with filtered water; in 1900 the number had increased to 1,868,000 and in 1904 to 3,160,000. In 1911 over 22 per cent of the city population of the United States were being supplied with filtered water. The average daily consumption of water in Auburn in 1911 was 6,307,748 gallons, or a per capita rate of 180 gallons. The total water service revenue to the city for the year was $104,015. William J. Henry is president of the board.

BURLINGTON, Vt. Forty-fourth sic, i.e., 45th annual report of the water department. December 31, 1911. 18 p.


CHICAGO, Ill The water works system of the city of Chicago. Report of Dabney H. Maury to the Chicago commission on city expenditures. Published by the Chicago Bureau of Public Efficiency. December, 1911. 50 p., foldg. tables. 8°.

When the commission on city expenditures ("Merriam Commission") was dissolved in April, 1911, four of the twenty-one reports made by the commission to the city council, remained unprinted. The Chicago Efficiency Bureau has undertaken to print these four reports, Maury's Report on the water works' system being the first so printed.

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LONDON, Canada. Thirty-third annual report of the board of water commissioners for the year ending November 30, 1911. 69 p. 8°.

The year marked the advent of hydro-electric power in London. On p. 52 is a table showing the surplus revenue of London waterworks for each of the past twenty-eight years, viz., from 1884 to 1911. The report includes the first annual report of the electrical department which had been in operation but nine months. The ornamental street lighting equipment has been overhauled and numerous cuts show the various types of cluster lights in use.

Schenectady, N. Y. Twenty-sixth annual report of the bureau of water to November 1, 1911. 43 p.

George Haltzmann, superintendent. Includes, p. 29-43, the rules and regulations of the department. NOTE: The population of the cities, etc., included in the preceding list is as follows: Aachen, 150,008; Aberdeen, 163.084; Auburn, 54,668; Battersea, 167,793; Berlin, 2,064,153; Besancon, 56,367; Bordeaux, 251,917; Boston, 670,585; Bremen, 246,827; Brookline, 27,792; Brünn, 108,944; Brussels, 665,806; Buf

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