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areas of stratified rocks be located and mapped, for it is within them, and especially along their contact with the intrusive batholith, that the prospector should look for minerals of economic value. Within the region examined about fifty areas of such rocks were located.

Though only one fossil specimen had hitherto been found within the whole of this area, we were fortunate enough to discover five localities that contained among them at least four species. About thirty-five prospects were visited during the course of the summer. South Valdez island was the only locality where mining operations were being carried on in the district at the time of visitation. From Kelly point to Quathiasca cove this island is underlaid by volcanic rocks. These represent a portion of one of the roof remnants of the batholith. Once floating on the plastic magma, during the adjustment upon cooling down, small faults formed in these volcanics. Heated waters and vapours passing up the fault and joint-planes deposited copper minerals along these cracks, and where the adjacent rock was very porous, because of its amygdaloidal character, it became impregnated, chiefly with chalcocite, and with less quantities of bornite and native copper. This accounts for the stringers of chalcocite along a zone of shearing in the Ajax claim, situated on the north of Deepwater bay (at an altitude of 950 feet above sea-level and about one mile from the shore), and for the irregular vein on the Ingersoll, situated about two miles from Copper Cliff. On the Ingersoll a very irregular vein of chalcocite with a gangue of calcite and quartz may be traced for 350 feet with a maximum width of fifteen inches, the country rock being unevenly impregnated for a width of thirty-four feet. The Copper Cliff, Commodore and Steep Island mining properties are situated on highly amygdaloidal beds through which are disseminated, over wide areas, chalcocite, a little native copper, and, on the Commodore, some bornite.

From Open bay, on the east of South Valdez island, to within a mile and a half of Granite bay, on the west side, there extends a series of limestones and interbedded greenstones having a maximum width of a little over a mile. In this area, which deserves the most careful prospecting, a number of claims have been located. On the Lucky Jim, along a contact between the limestone and a greenstone layer, chalcopyrite, pyrrhotite, pyrite and some magnetite have been deposited. On the Geiler, a shaft twenty feet deep, sunk on a similar contact, displays a very good showing of chalcopyrite. A speck of free gold was noticed in a specimen taken from the Geiler. This area is, of course, not yet sufficiently examined to properly determine its possibilities, for at no point has it been opened up to a greater depth than twenty-five feet.

On the north of Rodonda island the Elsie claim is staked on a deposit of magnetite that occurs at a contact between the granite and a patch of marble. At an altitude of 500 feet, one open cut has exposed fifty-four feet of magnetite, with a width of thirty-five feet, and at two other points smaller amounts have been uncovered. This property should be tested in depth, for the ore is high-grade, and shipping facilities, although the ascent from the water is steep, could be quite easily arranged.

The Shoal Bay area, which is now deserted, is associated with contact phenomena between the granite and stratified series.

On Mars island, to the south-west of Baker island, small quantities of bornite and galena were found in a limited area of argillites and limestones. On one of the joint planes of a quartzite layer flecks of leaf gold were seen.

On the north-west of Village island, in another area of argillites, a small amount of chalcopyrite and bornite was noticed.

Granite, suitable for building stone, may be found at a number of different localities with excellent opportunity for immediate shipment by water. At Squirrel cove, Walsh cove,

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towards the head of Pendrell sound, and at Kwatsi bay, the granite affords such commercial possibilities. The area of orbicular diorite above mentioned would furnish a unique and very beautiful ornamental stone.

In certain depressions on South Valdez island, Maurelle island and especially Reade island, the finer grained glacial clays should make excellent material for the manufacture of bricks.



REPORT OF JAMES MCGREGOR, INSPECTOR, WEST KOOTENAY AND BOUNDARY DISTRICTS. I have the honour to submit my annual report for the year 1907, with respect to the condition of the metalliferous mines in my district.


During the year the principal shipping mines in this district have added greatly to their already large mining plants, and have also extended the mine workings to a considerable extent by continuous development. During my inspections I have always found the mines in a safe condition and the Act complied with.


In this district there has been a great amount of development done, but as yet the number of shipping mines has not increased to any extent. Those mines which come under the Inspection Act I have found in a safe condition, the powder-houses also being well protected and the bunk-houses in a creditable condition.


There has been some improvement in this district during the year, an increase in the number of mines operating under lease, also an increased activity in developing other mines and prospects. In every case, upon inspection, the mines which come under the Act I found in a safe condition.


In this district the number of shipping mines remains about the same as in previous years, with an increased number of mines being developed. Upon my different rounds of inspection I found the mines being operated in accordance with the Act.


The many mines in this district have accomplished much during the year, by increasing the facilities for handling larger outputs; also, to further increase the same, they have extended the workings considerably. Upon inspection, I found them in good condition and the Act being observed.


In this district the number of shipping mines has not increased during the year, but a great amount of prospecting and developing has been carried on. Upon inspection of the different mines coming under the Act, I found them carefully managed with regard to safety.


The principal work in connection with mining in this district, carried on during the year, consisted principally of prospecting and developing.


The number of shipping mines in this district remains about the same as last year. A number of properties have been developed continuously and a great amount of prospecting has been carried on. I have always found, upon inspection, a desire displayed by the different managements to comply with the Act.

Appended is a list of accidents which have occurred in or about the mines within my district during the year 1907.

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