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details shall be determined in the manner directed in Rule XXIV. The examiner or examiners will be instructed by the Commission in general or special regulations as to the standard, scope and methods of examination, the methods of certification and the character of the records and reports to be made.


Schedule E shall include the following positions:



All clerks and other persons of whatever designation rendering services similar to those of clerks in any branch of the State service.

Fourth Grade.

Clerks and like employees receiving an annual compensation of $1,500 or more, but less than $1,800.

Fifth Grade.

Clerks and like employees receiving an annual compensation of $1,800 or more, but less than $2,000.

Sixth Grade.

Clerks and like employees receiving an annual compensation of $2,000 or more, but less than $2,500.

Seventh Grade.

Clerks and like employees receiving an annual compensation of $2,500 or more.


Persons employed in the Onondaga Salt Works.


Second Grade.

Receivers and inspectors of salt or of barrels.

Third Grade.

Chief inspector of salt and chief inspector of barrels.


Persons employed in prisons and reformatories.


Second Grade.

Keepers in prisons or reformatories receiving an annual compensation of $900 or less.

Third Grade.

Keepers of prisons or reformatories receiving an annual compensation greater than $900 except the principal keepers.

Fourth Grade.

Principal keepers.


Second Grade.

Teachers receiving an annual compensation of $500 or more, but less than $1,000.

Third Grade.

Teachers receiving an annual compensation of $1,000 or more.


Persons employed in asylums and other similar institutions and by the Commissioners of Emigration.


Second Grade.

Teachers receiving an annual compensation of $500 or more.


Second Grade.

Supervisors of asylums and wards.


The positions in schedule E shall be filled, when vacant, by the promotion of those in the service in the lower grades of the same subdivision in the department, office or institution in which the vacancy or vacancies may occur. Promotions shall be made, subject to the provisions of these rules, by the officer or officers having the power of appointment. If, in the judgment of such officer or officers, there be none found in the lower grades fit to perform the duties in such vacant positions, in that case, and in no other, the positions may be filled in the same manner as is prescribed by these rules for filling the positions in the lowest grade of the same subdivision and class. Promotions shall be made by successive grades; in case of vacancy in any position in this schedule, it shall be filled by a selection from the next inferior grade, if there be any person in such grade fit for promotion, and if there be no such person, then the promotion shall be made by selection from the next inferior grade, and so on until all the inferior grades are exhausted, and no person therein found fit, when the position shall be filled by appointment as above provided.


Promotion will, in all cases, be based upon the positive merit of the person promoted, and upon his superior qualifications as shown by his previous service. There shall be kept in every department, office and

institution proper comparative records of the efficiency, punctuality, attention and general good conduct of all persons employed therein. No person in the service when these rules take effect can be promoted without passing an examination under the rules, of the same character as would an applicant for appointment to a similar position in the service. Examinations for promotion shall be based upon the actual work of the persons named therefor, as exhibited in the records of the office where they have been employed, and upon the certificate of their immediate official superiors that their efficiency and conduct during their past service has been in all respects satisfactory and entitles them to favorable consideration.


No recommendation of any person for promotion shall be entertained or received unless made in the regular course of duty by his immediate official superiors, and the presentation of any recommendation other than that of such superiors will be considered an unwarrant able interference with the public service, and the person so recommended may be required to show, before being certified for promotion, that such recommendation was not made by his request or connivance.


No temporary appointment or employment shall be made of any one not eligible for permanent appointment or employment, except that in the prisons, reformatories and asylums, temporary substitutes may be appointed, without examination, for not exceeding thirty days, in cases of disability by reason of sickness or otherwise, but such temporary appointment can be made only once; and every temporary appointment under this rule must be reported to the. Commission within five days, with the reason for the same.


No person shall be appointed to any position in the civil service unless he is a citizen of the State and has been a resident thereof for at least one year previous to the date of his application or nomination. But this restriction shall not apply to the following positions in schedule D, to-wit: The first grade of subdivision 4 of class 4; subdivision 3 of class 5; the first grade of subdivision 6 of class 6, and the first grade of subdivision 8, and first grade of subdivision 9 of class 7. Any other exceptions from such restriction made by special regulation of the Commission shall be reported by it to the Legislature with the reasons therefor.


In the selection, nomination or appointment of persons to fill positions in schedules B, C and D, or promotion of persons to positions in schedule E, no regard shall be paid to the partisan political opinions, affiliation or action of any person so selected, nominated, appointed or promoted.


No transfer or promotion shall be made from a position in a subdivision in any schedule to a position in another subdivision in that schedule, or to one in any other schedule except by virtue of the examination and certification prescribed under these rules for admission to such last-named subdivision. Transfer without examination may be made from a position in one department, office or institution to a similar position in another department, office or institution upon the mutual consent of the heads of the respective departments, offices or institutions.


Any application for a position in the civil service, made in contravention of the provisions of the ninth or thirteenth sections of the Civil Service Act, must be rejected.


No question in any examination or proceeding, by or under the Commission or examiners, shall call for the expression or disclosure of any partisan political opinion or affiliation of any person whatever, nor shall any discrimination be made by reason thereof; and the Commission and its examiners shall discountenance all disclosure before either of them, of such partisan opinion or affiliation by or concerning any applicants for examination, or by or concerning any person on any register awaiting appointment or employment.


Every original appointment or employment in the civil service shall be for a probationary term of three months, at the end of which time, if the conduct and capacity of the person appointed or employed shall have been found satisfactory, the probationer shall be absolutely appointed or employed, but otherwise his employment shall cease.

Every officer under whom any probationer shall serve during any part of such probation shall carefully observe the quality and value of the service rendered by such probationer, and shall report in writing, to the proper appointing officer, the facts observed by him, showing the

character and qualifications of such probationer and of the service performed by him; and such reports shall be preserved on file.


Every false statement knowingly made by any person in his application for examination, and every counivance by him at any false statement made in any certificate which may accompany his application, or any willful complicity by him in any fraud to improve his standing upon examination, shall be regarded as good cause for removal or discharge of such person during his probation.


If for any sufficient reason it shall be impracticable to supply the names of persons who have passed a competitive examination in due season for any appointment or employment in any position in schedule B, a provisional appointment may be made of a person who has passed a non-competitive examination under the direction and regulation of the Commission; but the next report shall give the reason for such resort to non-competitive examination.


1. All persons having the power of appointment to or employment in any position in the civil service must give notice in writing to the Commission of the name and place of residence of any person selected for appointment or employment in any position, of the rejection of any such person after probation, and of the transfers, promotions, resignations and removals, discharge or death of all persons serving under them, with the dates thereof.

2. Any officer who appoints, employs or promotes a person to or in a position in the civil service, the compensation for which is paid from the State treasury, or the account for which is subject to audit by the Comptroller, shall officially notify the Comptroller of such appointment, employment or promotion before certifying or rendering any account for the services of such person. Where the payment for the services in any position in the civil service is not payable from the State treasury nor subject to audit by the Comptroller, the notification as above of any appointment, employment or promotion to or in such position, shall be duly made to the fiscal officer empowered by law to pay the account for such services.


Persons who have been honorably discharged from service in the

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