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IN the following pages, the author has attempted to give the lives of several great men of modern times; MEN OF POWER-those who still live among us by their writings, their fame, their examples, and thus continue to exert an influence upon society. It is desirable that the means of forming just opinions respecting those of whom we often think and speak,with whose minds we hold frequent and sympathetic communion,—should be in our hands, so that we may be fully and fairly apprized of the nature of that influence which is around us, and modifying or moulding our thoughts and feelings.

This, at least, is desirable in respect to the young ; and if those of more mature minds may not stand in need of such aids, those of less experience may be benefited thereby. It is mainly for such that this volume is designed.

In drawing the following portraits of some of the master spirits of mankind, an endeavor has been made


to present not only the chief events of their lives, but glances at the times and circumstances in which they acted numerous characteristic anecdotes are introduced; and in respect to authors, it has been attempted to furnish the means of forming a just estimate of their works, as well in a literary, as a moral point of view. Believing that biography is at once a most attractive and useful kind of reading, the author has sought to avail himself of the full strength of his subject, to attain two objects-the pleasure and profit of his readers.

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THE lives of very few great men present so much to excite our interest, respect, and gratitude, as that of Sir Walter Scott. He was a man of genius, yet such was the kindness of his heart, the simplicity of his manners, and his good common sense, that he always kept himself within the reach of common minds, and within the sympathy of his fellow-men. Great as he was, he was still one of us, and though the events of his life were not of a startling character, there is a continuous thread of occurrences, from his childhood to his grave, that is exceedingly interesting to follow. The early part of his life, containing the events which shaped his genius, are, at once, in the highest degree amusing and instructive. In the brief space allotted to us in this volume, we shall endeavor to give such facts and anecdotes as may put the reader in possession of the means of forming a just estimate of his character.

He was born at Edinburgh, Aug. 15, 1771. When about two years old, his nurse was one night wakened by his screams, and, on examining him, his right leg was found to be in a state of paralysis, and as cold

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