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No. 2

We left our little ones at home,
And whither went, we did not know,
We for Religion's sake did roam

And lost our lives in doing so.

We wandered in a perfect way,

With many wicked in full view,
We lived for man, we died for God,
Yet of religion nothing knew.

No. 3

God fashioned Adam out of dust,
But in His wisdom made me first;
A living creature I became,
And Adam gave to me a name.

Then from his presence I withdrew,

Nor more of Adam ever knew,

But God, whose purpose none can see,

Next put a living soul in me.

But soon that soul He did reclaim,

Though changed in this, not changed in name.

I have no legs, no arms, no soul,

I wander now from pole to pole.

I labour hard both night and day,
To fallen men much light display.
To heaven I shall never go,
Nor to the grave, nor hell below.

No. 4

My name declares my date to be
The morning of a Christian year;
Though motherless, as all agree,
I am a mother, it is clear;

And, not to puzzle you too much,
'Twas I gave Holland to the Dutch.
No. 5

The highest gift of God to man,
When all His wondrous works we scan,
That which we always lose with sorrow,
And sometimes are compelled to borrow.
The lover's gift, the poet's song.

What art makes short and nature long,
And made the mighty Samson strong.


No. 1. Salt. The book, "Looking Backward," by Bellamy.

No. 2. The milch kine are supposed to tell of their experience in being compelled by the Philistines to leave their calves, and drag the cart bearing the Ark of the Covenant out of the land, where its presence had brought trouble upon the enemies of the Lord-wherever it was kept. Driven out, they wandered into the land of God's people, where the cart furnished the wood, and the kine a burnt offering, as a sacrifice of thanksgiving for the safe return of the Ark. I. Sam. 6, 10-14.

No. 3. The Whale that swallowed Jonah.

No. 4. Adam, a dam (mother), a dam (dyke).
No. 5. Hair.


The following games of questions may be played in two ways:

First, the questions may be written upon slips of paper and thrown into a receptacle, from which they are withdrawn by the players in succession. After a few moments for reflection, the first player gives the answer

to the question that has fallen to his lot. If correct, according to the list of answers kept by the leader, he or she pins the bit of paper on coat-lapel or bodice. If unable to answer, or if the answer be wrong, it must be passed on, until some one is found who can give the right reply. The one who has the most "decorations" wins the game, and-bristling with paper slips-the victory is very apparent.

Another way is for two leaders to be chosen, who divide the company between them. Each leader in turn puts a question to the followers of his opponent, and at every failure to answer correctly the delinquent is lost to the side of his original allegiance and must join the enemy.

In order to divide the questions, one leader might choose those marked by the even numbers and the other those marked by the uneven.

At the close of the game, curiosity is often felt and expressed about some question or answer, which leads to "looking it up" in the Bible, which helps to familiarise the players with the book.


I. Which were written first, the epistles or the gospels? 2. Who wrote the book of Acts?

3. Which was the first book of the New Testament written?

4. Which was written first-John's Gospel, or the Revelation?

5. Where was Tarshish?

6. What were "the Isles"?

7. What does the "God of Sabaoth" mean?

8. What was the Talmud?

9. What were the Targums?

10. What were "the Urim and the Thummim "?

11. What is called the "Royal law" in the New Testament?

12. How did St. Peter die?

13. Which of the Apostles was first martyred? 14. How did St. Paul die?

15. What is the difference between a disciple and an Apostle?

16. Is regret the same as remorse? and is remorse repentance?

17. Where were the disciples first called Christians? 18. What does the oil typify in the parable of the Virgins?

19. Why were miracles performed by Moses and our Lord?

20. In Oriental languages, how is truth taught and thought communicated?

21. What in symbolic language does the No. 7 stand for?

22. What is the symbolism of "eyes"?

23. What is the symbolic meaning of "horns"?

24. What was the first religious or national observance that marked the Jews as a people?

25. What is the meaning of "Mammon”?

26. What is the meaning of the word "mercy"?

27. What is the meaning of "grace"?

28. What did the "seed" typify in the parable of the


29. What is the difference between a prophesy and a prediction?

30. When was the Bible divided into verses? 31. Who first translated the Bible into Latin? 32. What is meant by a "canon" of Scripture?

33. What things were kept in the Ark of the Covenant?

34. What language did our Lord speak?

35. What interval of time elapsed between the chronicles of the Old and New Testaments-represented by the blank pages in our Bibles?

36. Who wrote the Epistle to the Hebrews?

37. What was the last epistle that St. Paul ever wrote? 38. What was the leviathan mentioned in the book of Job?

39. Who was the Pharaoh of the Oppression?

40. Who was the Pharaoh of the Exodus?

41. How much was a mite?

42. What was the measure of a cubit?

43. How far was a "Sabbath day's journey"?

44. How is Jewish time computed by modern reckoning? What time, for instance, is the "third hour," the "sixth hour "?

45. How much was a talent?

46. How is Ahasuerus, of the Book of Esther, known in profane history?

47. Who was Gallio, who "cared for none of these things"? Acts xviii, 17.


1. Paul wrote his epistles twenty-five years before any of the gospels were written.

2. St. Luke.

3. The Epistle to the Thessalonians.

4. The Revelation was written many years before St. John wrote his Gospel.

5. Called Tartessus by the Romans-on the coast of Spain, the extreme western limit of the world known

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