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all the hand, considered by chiromancy as the best index to character.

It symbolises the will-the inner or moral sense that we oppose to our inclinations and to the allurements of our instinct and senses. Very young infants keep their hands shut with the fingers above the thumb, but as the mind develops the thumb shuts over the fingers. In the Roman circus, if the thumbs were raised, the prostrate gladiator received his life; if they were reversed, his death was decided.

According to the form, size, and general appearance of the thumb, the weight of the mental and physical strength is measured; and, above all, the degree of will-power and self-control.

The first phalange of the thumb-that which has the nail-represents the will, invention, initiation.

The second is the sign of logic, of perception, judgment, reason.

The mount at the inner base of the thumb (say the chiromants, who have given to it the name of the mount of Venus), the greater or less power of the senses -particularly that of love. Three worlds are represented-spiritual, mental, physical.

If the first phalange of the thumb be longer than the second one, the will power and ideas will be little affected by others, aggressive, executive, self-reliant. If the second phalange is long and well formed, it shows good reasoning powers. If of equal length, well balanced nature, self-control.

People with small thumbs are governed by the heart; are more at ease in an atmosphere of sentiment than in one of thought—are idealists.

People with large thumbs are governed by the head, and breathe more freely in an atmosphere

of thought than of sentiment; they see with the eye of reflection.

Those with very small thumbs lack decision, are swayed by their inclinations, impressionable, sensuous. Those with very large thumbs are overbearing. Their principles are their laws, but they are inclined to despotism. They are true, but they lack grace; are strong, but not pleasing.

It is easier for the great thumbs to outstep the limits of their nature than for the small.

A firm-jointed thumb shows more will and determination than a bendable, supple-jointed kind with large, full nail phalange-it shows obstinacy. Supple joints denote pliant natures. The supple joint on the nail phalange shows adaptability to people; that of the second phalange adaptability to circumstances.

The first is marked by generosity, extravagance-the person is more easily swindled than one with a supple second joint.

The more obtuse the angle made by the thumb, the more independence of will and action is shown. If the thumb lie off from the hand or stand at right angles, the subject is too independent and hard to manage. No two thumbs were ever alike, and the markings do not change from infancy to old age.

Criminals have been identified from impressions that had been taken from the fleshy part of the thumb, when pressed upon paper, smoked or slightly greased. Mark Twain's story of "Pudd'nhead Wilson" turns upon this peculiarity.


The nails are divided into four classes-long, short, broad, and narrow.

Long nails do not indicate physical strength; rather, threatening delicacy of the chest. Bluish at the base show bad circulation. Persons with long nails are more impressionable, gentler in temper, less critical, than short ones, but they are inclined to be visionary and to shirk what is distasteful.

Short Nails. People with short nails are more inclined to suffer from heart trouble. Spots all over them show a weak, nervous system. Those with short nails are critical, analytical, and practical. Nails short from biting show a nervous system somewhat impaired.

Broad nails indicate a rather quarrelsome disposition. Narrow nails show spinal weakness, particularly if curved.

Pink, well-formed nails are an indication of a refined


Long and Fluted. They reveal weak lungs.
Short and Ugly.-Pugnacity.


There are seven planets or stars that are supposed to have an influence on the destiny of man; so also each has its significant position on the hand.

At the root or base of the fingers and thumb are certain elevations called "mounts," each of which corresponds to a planet from which it is supposed to receive favourable or unfavourable influence.

These influences are:

Jupiter.-Noble ambition or foolish pride.
Saturn.-Good or bad fortune.

Apollo or the Sun.-Love of art or of riches. Mercury. Cunning, or activity, industry, promptitude.

Mars. Self-government or cruelty.

Luna, or the Moon.-Imagination or folly.
Venus.-Love or dissipation.

The mount of Jupiter is found under the index finger -that which orders, threatens, points. Jupiter's mount, if prominent, gives fervid religion, noble ambition, love of nature, honour, gaiety. In excess, he gives superstition, love of pomp and power for itself, a desire to shine. If little prominent or depressed, it is the evidence of indolence, irreligion, egotism, want of dignity.

Saturn's mount is found under the middle finger. Saturn is fate. Time is charged to execute the work of the Parcæ. When his mount is large, he gives prudence, wisdom, success. In excess, he gives sadness, asceticism, remorse, morbid feelings. If the mount is low, he gives an insignificant life.

The Sun or Apollo:

The mount of the Sun is found under the third finger. If it is prominent, he gives a taste for arts, genius, success, glory, hope, the grace which charms, riches. In excess, he gives love of gold, celebrity at any cost, pride, haughtiness, levity, boastfulness. If the mount be low or depressed, carelessness of beauty and art is shown, low aims, monotonous life, like a day without the sun.

Mercury's mount is under the little finger. Mercury gives to his favourites science, invention, eloquence, love of labour, activity in thought and action. In excess-pretentious ignorance, untruthfulness, cunning. The absence of this mount shows inaptitude for commerce or science, a useless life.

Mars has two mounts. The first is beneath the mount of Jupiter inside the life-line. This gives active courage, presence of mind in danger. In excess-a quarrelsome, aggressive spirit. The second mount of Mars is found beneath the mount of Mercury. It

denotes moral courage, self-control. When undeveloped, a worrying, childish, apprehensive nature.

Luna's mount is found under that of Mars, which thus terminates the palm of the hand opposite to the root of the thumb.

Luna gives imagination, love of mystery, solitude, silence, harmony in music, poetry, aspirations, meditation, dreams. In excess, she gives caprice, discontent, restlessness, presentiments, superstition. Its absence shows barrenness of thought, mental weakness.

Venus.--The mount of Venus is found at the base of the thumb. If well developed, it indicates sympathy, the love of pleasing; it gives grace, beauty, the desire of being loved, benevolence to all, charity, tenderness, charm. If the mount is depressed, it shows the want of these qualities. Its excess is coquetry, vanity, lightmindedness, inconstancy, debauchery. The most prominent mount is the keynote to the person's char


The Marks.-The following is the interpretation of a famous Roumanian palmist, of the marks on the hand:

On the mount of Jupiter:

(one line) means Success. = (two lines) Disappointment. X (cross) A happy marriage. *(star) Ambitious love.

O (circle) Great success.

(island) Disappointed ambition.

▲ (triangle) Political honour.

(square) Safety.

(spot) Misfortune.

On the mount of Saturn:

/ Happy old age.

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